Warriors are shit at PvP edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>three out of 20+ streamers are alliance
>all good players are horde
>only kids go ally

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first for no shoes

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>zero skills in pvp
>can only win with paladin abuse or zering 5 to 1
based ally

Also can't wait to roll a comfy alliance mage and grind my ass off for that wintersaber mount this time around. The best part is I feel like I'm in no rush to do anything as we're always gonna have these classic servers for as long as we have wow.

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Orc vs undead for warlock?

>tfw rolling a moonkin and not giving a fuck
I guess I'm a fucking brainlet

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Can't wait to farm seven billion soul shards to funnel healthstones for pve raiding because pvp is pointless without pve raid gear!!

Wow I'm so hoooome!!!

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>I can’t wait to grind my ass off
WoW players confirmed mentally ill

you will die alliance faggot

Orc if you're a chad
Undead if you're alliance abort babby

Is there any chart or resource which lists all the race/class combinations and professions available in classic?

>no one interested in playing alliance
owned already

Orc it is. I'll save ud for my warrior

And yes, I will be tanking dungeons 1-60 as much as possible.

I want to play Warlock, but I don't want to have half my bags space taken by soulshards.

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Is this only released in the USA? I can't access it yet.

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We all know a faction can't function without streamers and their fanboys right?

it cant sustain a big population
alliance is fucked
pala wont save you

Rogue or mage, bros

Rogue definitely for Vanilla.

You can have all 3 ranks of healthstone on you at the same time, right? And if warlocks have 0/1/2 points in Improved Healthstone, you can have 3 of each kind of healthstone, right?

If so, you can have 9 healthstones worth 7425 healing per player.
That's 360 healthstones worth 297000 raidwide healing from healthstones alone.

What I want to know is if the server will just stay as it is in perpetuity, or will they took it updates like TBC and WLK.
If they do took out updates, where do they draw the line? When does it stop being "classic"?

>Group is a druid, shaman and warrior

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I was always wondering what's happening in this webm.

A paladin kills a rogue.

Did balance druids have decent burst in pvp? They had instant cast starfire plus 100% crit damage just like how ele shamans have, people talked about ele shamans having best burst in vanilla, what about druids? Shouln't be too far behind

Druids are trash, only good for flag carrying and battle res.

Private servers mechanics.

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I've been hearing mixed opinions on how shockadins were in vanilla, were they viable or not? Bursting people with holy shock sounds fun but I can't find any proper videos of it, I'm of course just talking about pvp

You also won’t have any warlocks in your raid with this strategy

Name yourself Guldan, while being a tauren female warrior.


Nuke Dukem

Useless meme.

The paladin did not use a sit macro so it should be comparable with the retail version. The rogue crits him quite a lot.

you are exactly the type of person blizzard is targeting

Reminder to roll on the first pvp server in alphabetical order.

Imagine doing that what streams tell you. Reminder horde is now for normies and alliance for incels.

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Sounds based, pol and r9k faggots can fuck off



Hit the randomizer

horde lose in organized pvp so they are either worse in pvp or at least there is no clear better faction

Everytime the rogue crits the Paladin, the paladin gains a stack of Reckoning, a 100% chance of an extra weapon swing on attack.
The Paladin then turns around and hits him 5 times in a single swing.

Is it true that shamans can heal in PvE and Ele in PvP with the same talent build? That suddenly makes them way more appealing to me since a priest would need to respec to go shadow.

Only if your raid lets you skip mana tide

Best race (alliance) to raid (tank) as a warrior in raids?

Human and Orc are the best min-max for everything melee.

>Roll Warrior, Mage, or Priest to be fun and functional, but compete against the inflated pools
>Roll Shaman or Paladin to be unfun but have a guaranteed raid spot
>Roll Warlock, Hunter, or Druid to have no fun at all and still not desirable in groups
It's all about that Rogue, baby.

>roll paladin
>able to raid, level, and do dungeons while semi AFK watching hot girl on girl action

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>best part is I feel like I'm in no rush
Agreed. Can go at a nice pace and just enjoy it. Not worried about the admin getting tired of hosting and cancelling it, no game breaking bugs, no 10 MC runs with duplicate loot drops. Man I'm so ready.

You think you want it. But you don't want it.

Can't decide on orc or dorf hunter. I plan to play casually on a pve realm (so I dont get camped during my short time online) . Light pvp and raiding to maybe AQ( before you have to activate your autism)

I like the horde races better but alliance cities better. I need help

You misspelled Moonkin

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Why is this?

>Not stacked with utility
>Not extremely desired
What are you smoking?

Good, stay the fuck out of my faction, greenskin faggot. If you don't, you'll get shot and I'll let my bear fucking eat ya'.

this is just a meme, you won't need any soul shards for raids

And? It's just fucking SFK you dumb twat. You could do that with two shamans a priest and two druids. Imagine caring about group setup in SFK.

Human. More weapon skill, more hits, more threat, more DPS.

You can heal just fine in the ele/resto spec, but those specs skip one of the best mana regen abilities in the game, you'll have a hard time getting away with it when people start getting on your ass for mana tide totems.

What did Warlock have again? Lots of CC and DoTs I remember. Didn't they have a portal thing as well? I can't even remember what the different demons did

True, but that utility in combination with their completely raid unfriendly DoT toolkit 'is' what makes them have no fun at all.

>LF2M SFK, need heal and tank
>Group is a druid, shaman and warrior

I'm retarded and didn't type everything

retard shut the fuck up if you won't know shit


Classic is all about speedrunning and rushing to 60. MC should be cleared a week after release at minimum. It's An old game. There is no valid reason to "take it slow" level asap, and then rush the raids. No other reason to play. Speedrunning raids on Pservers atm with the guild. Gotta practice.

Nature's swiftness only works on nature spells, starfire is arcane. Also, Starfire hits for like 75% of the damage of every other primary caster nuke.

Balance/resto is for running away and dotting people to death before they realize they are dying and then you kill them.

Is this the official /Amazon Prime/ game? Which streamer server do I join and who do I use my Prime sub on? I want to play on Alliance btw.

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Man goth girls are so cute and sexy too bad all of them were sexually abused and children and bipolar

Portals, healthstones, soulstones, spellstones, banish.
All useful, but so incredibly tedious to handle that it makes the class awful to actually play, on top of doing literally nothing but spamming Shadowbolt for all eternity while having no aggro management abilities.

I already have my three names picked, hopefully the rest of the names I want to use will survive until launch.

I'm thinking about starting a second account for convenience but I don't want to pay two subs. If there's one thing I'll miss from chinkservers it'll be being able to have like 30 accounts for all my alts and bank alts.

>alliance abort baby

Thing is elemental shamans did Lightning bolt > Chain lightning > Earth shock
Lightning bolt and chain lightning hit at the same time since CL doesn't have travel time, earth shock comes right the next second, after that they can nature swiftness another lightning bolt if you're still alive


That's not Jeuno...

Why? I will be doing more DPS and generating threat but only if I'm using a sword, right? Why not NE for the dodge racial or dwarf, for more base stats where ir matters (str and vit) plus stoneskin

Weapon skill is more valuable than any other racial for tanks and dps because it influences a huge number of hidden variables.

The most beta race/class combo getting FUCKED by the most chad race/class combo.

>Blizzard did this themselves by turning Classic into a streamer only zoomer hypefest

Fuck this company

How are shammies in classic?

Op at least everyone thought they were back then

Weapon skill is crazy important. Reduces your chance to miss, or be dodged or parried. Mobs and characters get a haste bonus after they parry so weapon skill can reduce damage taken. It also reduces the impact of glancing blows, which are unavoidable damage decreases on white attacks.

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Lookin at it, they just seem to have much weaker talents. To get nature’s swiftness for a shaman, you get a lot of really good offensive talents. Druid, it’s a lot of utility. In balance, for Druid, the crit percent only works on moonfire, although critics dmg works on all. You need ten points to get -.5s cast time on anything, shaman needs five to get -1s. You also lose your offensive spells if you shapeshifte, unlike shaman who can just spam shocks totems while using a shield.
It still seems perfectly playable, and you will still delete people, though.

What about on ranged weapons for hunters? Does bow spec/gun spec on trolls and dwarves matter much?

Not as important. Ranged hit cap is lower, you won’t be parried, and I don’t remember if ranged attacks even glancing hit.

Bow spec is worth considering as a horde hunter. There are nearly no good guns at 60 so gun spec is pretty wasted.

>level 20ish dwarf hunter in ashenvale on nostalrius
>get jumped by horde warrior and shaman
>be survival spec
>turn it around on them

I wasn't going to play but I think I might.

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literally no one will play alliance hahahaha

So orc/human has highest base weapon skill of all races and therefore would be ideal for tanking or mdps in most situations?

undead Warrior looks the best tank imo but I'll take orc if there is an actual stat improvement

So, since Blizz are being fags and not giving us RPPVP servers, which do I go with?



Are there RP guilds on PVP servers?

>loses to backpaddling mage
the vanilla experince lmao

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very well rounded

just dont heal for the low level 5 man dungeons during leveling
its just more economical to let priests or druids heal since you need to unlock your spells/totems just to keep up with the other healers

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Ok but when I'm not using swords, I'm pretty much the worst alliance race to be a warrior, correct?

I was in fence between rolling a Dwarf Pally (my original character) or a Night Elf Warrior (Nostalrius main). But I just don't know anymore. How plate healing gear looks in Vanilla? Are they actually armor or ugly dresses?

What is the best holy pally for PVE? Dwarfs or Humans?

Whats stopping me from throwing blessing of sacrifice 24/7 into a pet mage/warrior/warlock and become pseudo immune to CC minus a really dispel/purge happy priest/shaman?

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Once min-maxers jump ship to alliance the shitters will follow them. Horde is only popular because it's better on BFA, but it's worse in vanilla.

5 Bow/Gun skill gives 3% hit.
It's very strong, just keeping in mind that most desirable endgame ranged weapons are bows and crossbows.

Trolls are decidedly best hunters for Horde.
Dwarves you can take or leave just because of how few guns there are, and whether you really want Shadowmeld as a Nelf.

I will although its not my preference. There won't be any world PvP if everyone is Horde. You really want everything to be lame fucking BGs?

how holy pally compare to the other healers? gonna try this spec since ret sucks.

I had the Ouro gun on my dwarf back in the time. I don't know if it's really good but it was pretty rare and I raped everyone with it.


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Alliance is fucked?
Imagine having no one to gank/pvp as an horde player.

or because people have good taste and alliance is the kiddy faction?

Is there a clip?


I resubbed to BFA & got bored as fuck, playing on elysium & having so much fun, i forgot lock pets had fucking spell books & upgrades to buy, it's so much better, the progression feels great

i mean it's just nostalgia right?

the goal of wow is winning and no one playing ally means we win

That's literally one of its primary uses.

The best. So good, that the single class more than makes up for horde racial advantage.
Does anyone know how shamans stack up, enh vs ele, in MC gear? I know ele gets good later, but I wanna know if I can farm sulfuras (already offered) and have fun with it, or should just go straight into ele.

t. horde greykilling ""pvper"


I wanna rock the 30/0/21 spec. Never sure where to spend points in early resto, though.

So what should I be doing in dungeons?
Just smack stuff in melee and keep whatever totems I got up?


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In pvp, obviously.

Asmongold is playing Alliance, Alli won't be short on players because of streamers, more like because people keep believing the bullshit that Ret is bad, it's only mediocre in raids, in PVP & dungeons it's good

>die in pvp
>say it's abuse
Maybe play a better class hordelet

killing your enemies is bad?
this is your brain on alliance lol

>alliance is the kiddy faction

this dude

>There won't be any world PvP if everyone is Horde.
Kek, there are always towns to slaughter. Serious PvP players don’t do world PvP anyway because accidental dishonourable kills are terrible for rank.

>guy hated by his own viewers and one out of the 4 alliance streamers
hahaha ok

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Getting that many soul shards takes like 15 minutes tops

Server 2.... layer 7.... instance 3.... home

shit, almost druid tier

move over you casual WoW shits. This is what a real home sounds like.


IMAGINE playing a soulles game where you have to create a new character for a new class.

IMAGINE playing a soulless game that doesn't have multi-classing.

IMAGINE playing a game that doesn't allow you to change your job whenever you want, that doesn't allow you to play any class in the game with any other class as a subjob to have access to some of the other classes's abilities

Come back to a real home worth coming back to.

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I just hope my second nickname is not picked up during name reserve. I don't worry about first one since it is completely unique.

Druids are trash in vanilla in pve and pvp. As long as you like flag carrying you might like it I guess

I always saw shamans almost exclusively heal levels 30+. Some went enhancement and right clicked paladin style. Not sure about elemental. I played one in tbc.

I'm going to asume you're pretending to be retarded and move on.

if you pick alliance you must have brain damage

friendly reminder to please try your hardest to steal e celebs character names before classic launches for maximum butthurt.

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Fucking streamers I just wanted to play alliance this time.

You have no versatility, but you stack crit and can spam Flash of Light for minutes straight.

if killing low levels was bad they would make them dishonorable kills retard

Can swap one point in warding to fire totem damage, but probably not worth. 2 points in fire nova totem is great, makes it a lot more reliable. 2 points can be taken out of totem mana cost and put in armor. It doesn’t stack with other shamans, or priests, and even solo it’s probably better to have more mana, particularly for fire nova totems.

imagine being a tranny weeb

so alliance is based then? once all the streamers and tourists leave then ally will have the larger population.

over time on private servers it always ends up being in ally's favor anyways, yes pallies are that good

Go EU if you can, most sperg streamers are US and playing on US.

alliance will be owned so hard you cant play them at all for any content
stay in your keep

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All streamers are hated. I wish you retards would stop giving them attention.

>he thinks horde wont RULE eu too

Yeah, I would assume most shammies heal when doing low level group content.
I was under the impression enhancement spec was fine for that so long as you had int gear, even without most of your totems.

EU streamers are playing horde, it's over unless Method go alliance since they were alliance originally

bros ele shamans seem really fun in pvp would i be making a mistake playing one though?

Im going alliance cause wow was my first real mmo at 13 and I want to recreate that experience when life was simpler, even if only for a couple hours. Dont care about streamers or what opinion people have of either faction honestly, just have fun guys. Be the change you want to see in gaming.

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i'm that mage

it is but its not as easy as pala because you go oom easier

everyone is playing horde on eu too

all hybrids are a mistake

>playing on elysium
fuck off

Eitherway i don't care where e-celebs go, i'm playing with friends anyway.

As a shaman,the only lowbie dungeon that's miserable to heal is RFC since your toolkit is garbage that early. You can do just about anything else fine, but you'll have trouble on the mutanus event or fenrus sicne they're so intense. After that point you're about as usable as priests.

You should definitely always try to heal dungeons if the healer spot is open, DPS shamans are scum.

If you are doing DPS though, as enhance you pretty much just auto attack and shock on cooldown. Prioritize mana for keeping whatever totem your group wants active at all times, and don't be afraid to off heal. As elemental, just spam lightning bolt forever until you run out of mana. Only use shocks when they're more mana efficient than lightning bolts and again prioritize mana for keeping totems up. As both specs, don't use flame shock if the mob will die before it runs out.

Ele is great, play what you want.

You mean every sperg streamers and their autistic fan base?
Good riddance.

For alliance scum, you’re alright.

was warlock good in classic
pvp and pve?
was it fun?


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he goes ape shit on his chat because he sucks

Fun? Not really.
Good yes, both PvE and PvP

healing plate doesn't exist outside of the green random stat stuff until you start getting tier gear if memory serves correctly, and don't believe race really made much difference for paladins

seething wow baby. Enjoy your casual simulator.

why would you prefer this classic.wowhead.com/talent-calc/mage over this wotlkdb.com/?talent#o ?

>check email and b.net for today
>no beta

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Neat, whensabout does he lose and go apeshit?


my b

why wasnt it fun?
I played rogue back in the day and making everyone run away in fear looked hilarious

I don't think the 2/3rd wave of invites has been sent yet.
So keep your hopes up.

dooooooood i cannot wait for TBC i wanna play blood elf HOLY pally soooooooo badly and be a good little healslut for my big girthy ORC WARRIOR boyfriend!!!

It might be fun for PvP yes fear was way better back then.
In PvE you just spam shadowbolt in raids.

I'm going as a druid and I'll buff anyone I see on my way

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HAHAHAHA thats fucking great
thanks user

youre talking about belf male right?

Yes warlock is one of the most powerful classes in the game, for both PvP and PvE. Also in my opinion one of the most fun classes to ever play.
But be prepared that playing warlock means conjuring tons of consumable items on a constant basis. Your bags will often be full.

>not playing a chad dwarf because your favorite 110 lb streamer is playing horde.
Orcs are space Mexicans. You have to go back.

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contrarian piece of shit

Meme build but a fun side thing to do with your paladin especially if you main holy anyway

I want to play as a chaos warrior now

Kill yourself, underage.

sorry im not gay or a kid so i cant play alliance

go to /vg/ already you faggots

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confirmed that reckoning procs off mobs hitting you if you stand up while the batch is registering the crit

make me bitch

cant wait for roaming WARBANDS to dab on allies

>You will never get to play Dark Millenium
that one will always hurt

Any teenagers in this thread? I'm curious what got you into WoW and why you're excited bout Classic. Also posting fury warrior sketch

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>since your toolkit is garbage that early
well you only have two healing spells to work with for the majority of your healing in 5 mans
even a shadow priest or feral druid can have more on their tookit as a healer than you will ever have

just leave the healing to the real healer classes user

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Asmongo is really a fag who can't handle the banter. You need to follow his stream for 2 WEEKS before you are allowed to post in his chat. Soda has only 10 minutes lel

>he thinks the faction ran by the elf woman is the straight choice.
I bet you weigh 100 lbs or 320 lbs.

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Hahahaha, this fucking guy is so up his own ass that it's retarded.

New wave of invites, I just got in.
Check your clients.

this is a classic thread retard

>taking a druid healer when they have no reliable rez ability
druids should only be tanking 5 mans

I'm well aware, but this is literally a video game board, every company is targeting some type of crowd to profit off of, you're delusional if you think no vidya company does this


yo dont need rez if nobody dies
and nobody will
because youre a druid who can heal better than shamans

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>incredibly efficient at leveling
>great survivability
>get whispers constantly begging you to heal for dungeons
>universally loved by everyone
>shadow will completely melt your fucking face in PVP
>holy guaranteed spots in any end game raid

Tell me again why you retards aren't playing the Chad Priest in Classic??

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>Blood elf in my Horde photo
Get the fuck out, scum.

I'm trying to convince my LoLfag roommate to play classic with me and hes putting up a lot of resistance.

I'll probably tank/dps hybrid a warrior so we can get in dungeons quickly and hopefully so I can help keep us alive if we get ganked. What would be a good fun class to get him hooked? He says he plays bruiser support so I was thinking a druud so he can run around clawing things and also heal 5 mans

Dumb drud, shutup and innervate me now

>Warlock soulstones themselves
>Warlock soulstones the tank
>Warlock soulstones the druid healer
>Warlock soulstones the shaman (ankh off cooldown)
>Warlock soulstones the pure DPS who asks for it

And where do you think classic is going to get its player base from?

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I am but I'm going human for the spirit and going for the superior to shadow holy smite spec.

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Horde is 70% BE in BFA. And that's BFA warfront gear.

>incredibly efficient at leveling
Nice memes, guaranteed a spot for the worst role in the game. Your sole joy being to MC people off cliffs and into lava


>all Yea Forums faggots and underage assburgers gonna roll horde

Alliance it is.

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>30 minute cooldown

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





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Im so hyped to play with my boy asmon

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dafuq is this spec for? PVE dps?

you see, thats all subjective so no one really gives a shit

>getting a dungeon together for 30 minutes
>alright lets go bros
>my group falls apart because all 4 of them want to play with strimmer
>Lost 30 minutes and a group because of a leeching streamer
>try to get another group
>cant even play with people because all the streamers just group up all the horde players to attack asmongold 24/7
Fuck this shit, I'm going Alliance

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>lvl 20
>be any spec
nigga your 10 points mean nothing

though hunter is pretty based in pvp

Are resto shamans actually bad or are you just being a memester?
I actually want to play a healer at 60 and shaman is the class I'm leaning towards most.

Shaman, or Pally, depending on faction. Druid in vanilla requires you to constantly switch forms, and it requires a certain type of player to enjoy it. If you want to hit things and have support utility, do a faction hybrid. Particularly shaman with wind fury.

Just play on a different server

Way stronger burst DPS than shadow

The best part of all this is that all the big streamers are gonna roll on the same server to play together, so as long as you don't pick that server you're fine.

Slightly weaker priests that are potentially slightly stronger with chain heal. Also totems. Totems are so good that you can potentially have something useless like an enhance just for totems.

I had the +50% parry for 10 seconds talent. Most trees have a big talent 3 or 4 rows in.

allaince was always the kid faction

>differente server
>joins horde
>sodapopin is there
>goes to other Esfand is there in alliance
>tips is in another
>new streamers emerge from all the servers
>asmongodl was right
>every server is going to be a streamer server

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>Just play on a different server

Why do people expect there to be dozens of servers? We're going to get 1-2 MAX.

Stop giving attentionwhores attention, and they go the fuck away.
Stop fuckin talking about it, be the fucking change you want to see.

And why would that be?

Athene and Swifty existed before Twitch.

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What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Stress test when?
Don't tell me that I have to pay a subscription to play a beta.

Why do you need more than 1 Pve and 1 pvp server with layering tech?

Alliance was always for the kids, adults in general, and the no lifers. Horde was for teens that played for the pvp because they got stomped in real games like starcraft and cs.

They weren't live back then unless you mean some 300 people xfire/own3d.tv streams

>standing on a ram
>recking the most beta race/class combo

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Asmongold is the only streamer big enough to actually impact server life and he's gonna play on PVE server in US. Others are just small fries and have no following that big.

they can heal fairly, druids and priests just shine more as healers on earlier stages of the game
i personally dont recommend leveling as a healer because its not economical
youre better off leveling as dps then respec at 60

you get chain heal at 40 and at that point, its really not worth investing for it since youre saving money for your mount
or just put it on a damage spells so you can level faster
your totems will still benefit the group even as dps

it's a really boring class. just play warlock instead of being a cuckold.


I don’t give a flying fuck about streamer drama, but the fact that he’s playing on a pve server makes him alright with me. Fucking retarded underage audience needs to learn to control themselves.

im global elite in cs and a god pvper in wow?
alliance only know how to suck dicks

Because when they take the layering out after the first few weeks they will need servers for people to stay on? Are you retarded?

he is going pve because he's gonna get corpsecamped until bgs come out on pvp realm.

soda is twice the size of asmon

>every single race can be warrior
>tauren is the only one that can be rogue
>human can't be hunter

Attached: 🤔🤔🤔🤔.png (556x527, 151K)

After the first few weeks a single server will suffice, and if it doesn't they'll retain layers?
What's the point of having multiple servers when layers achieve the same thing?

sodapoppin is more popular than asmonbald

those things happened and were magical because nobody knew what they were doing. now if someone attacks you you are dead because people only do that when they are the ones with the upper hand...

Reminder true chads play healer.
Superman himself played an alliance healer.

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thank fuck soda is a variety streamer and will fuck off in a month

well in vanilla you have like 2 buttons to press really no surprise that people would have low enough iq to backpedal

cant wait to destroy the alliance!!

>After the first few weeks a single server will suffice

I knew this was a thinly veiled "classic will be dead in a month" shitpost

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>children, edgelords and streamerfags
>trannies, normalfags and tryhards
which one is worse?

Lmao why the fuck didn't they just make them stack

>human can't be hunter
I was actually thinking about this recently.
It makes sense.

Not that humans can't be hunters, but considering that human players begin in Northshire Abbey. It has reasonable training facilities for scholarly and combat oriented roles, nothing natural or survival oriented. Yeah humans can be hunters, but Northshire humans probably wouldn't be.

soda is a huge wow autist that has actually played since vanilla

Do you not listen to Blizzard's investor calls?
>"Battle for Azeroth saw a 90% dropoff after release, this is within expectations."

It's for class/race diversity.

alliance fucking suck ass

and now he is variety, he is already crying there is nothing to do because he poopsocked everything available in 3 days

both factions have the same amount of retards and shitters dont fall for le faction stereotype meme
just play what you fucking like most

Wel let's judge based on the lore:
>Alliance are the White man's kingdoms
>Horde are smelly violent immigrants
Easy choice.

They are gonna raise the level cap of course.

Normalfags and tryhards are more tolerable. Trannys can be shutdown by spamming 40%.

You can't deal with children because they never listen and think they're always right, and they're the worst players. Edgelords only whine 24/7 and quit constantly, breaking groups in a dungeon. And streamers are fucking garbage players like Tipsout.

For the Alliance.

coping alliance

>Trannys can be shutdown by spamming 40%
That won't work since they are 40% of the players on Alliance
I'm not joking, go on a private server and there are female humans and nelves EVERYWHERE

Pretty much.

It's like, yeah conceptually Gnomes could be Priests, but why would there be any holy anything in Gnomeregan? I mean they need some now because the plague, but that's recent, too recent to roll an experienced one there.

yeah no shit, the beta is capped at lvl 30

Yeah, I definitely don't want to level while speccing resto. The plan is to stick with enhance all the way to cap.
I still kinda resent the idea of taking a 5 man DPS slot as a hybrid class though, even if I can still technically offheal and buff.

>Horde have to abuse a PvP flagging bug to win in PvP


>elite mobs damage is accurate to blizzards original database

PSERVER idiots irredeemably exposed

just smarter players retard

>not playing exclusively with your guild buddies and not giving a fuck about about neither factions

I played Warlock, and basically only Warlock in classic.

Was actually pretty pissed when they made Soul Stones easier, and REALLY pissed when they removed them. I loved it, really. It just made me "feel" like I was capturing these poor sods and using it for foul things.

The Virgin Rogue vs The Chad Paladin

>guild buddies
h-haha y-yeah

>they were all minmaxing their stats and gear because the values were wrong
>ret paladins and feral druids are acceptable in classic but not on private servers

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my friends are not gay so im horde

"classic is le hard" mouthbreathers SEETHING
retail confirmed difficulty chads

Ah yes, now I see the retardation

>ffxiv threads deleted
>3+ wow threads daily


They're already moving goalposts and going "uhh the bosses were fine, it's the other elites!!"

lights hope is shutting down, so "fuck off" to your character

I just want to play something very comfy and probably only have 2 hours every couple of days to play since it's not 2006 anymore and I'm 27 now with a job and shit

I played paladin in vanilla and always hated being a mindless flash of light bot in raids

thinking about mage or warlock now, also horde because I never had a level 60 horde character so it will be a new experience

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>yeah i play alliance and put myself at a disadvantage for no reason

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That's one ghetto test t b h

Alliance has the better aesthetic, better music, and better cities

>he needs to play on easy

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alliance has the advantage in pve

if you have limited time you should play something with a healing spec

>say for years on Yea Forums that vanilla was never hard
>get a gorillian (you)'s of people calling be wrath/cata/mop/wod baby as time went on
>knew they only got their info from broken private servers
>its finally confirmed
>suddenly those faggots are no where to be seen and the MUH VANILLA WAS HARDCORE posting is gone

There is absolutely no way elite damage is correct, you're a dumbass if you disagree.

Skill doesn't make mobs do literally half damage, skill doesn't make you able to pull 2-3 packs with a 2h tank who barely takes damage at level 17 when you barely have abilities

And besides, quite a few of the "skilled" players are literally worse than many people were in Vanilla (Asmongold)

The values are off, or they were nerfed heavily in 1.12

you know theres people who enjoy picking what pleases them more aesthetically or morally rather than being a minmaxing nigger autist on a 15 year old game right

>alliance has the advantage in pve
Windfury says hello.


It also has a much more polite and inclusive community too. As a transgirl myself, I always play Alliance because I'm much more likely to find a good LGBTQIAP+ Guild. Horde players are always edgy, racist, transphobe jerks.

seethe privatenigger SEETHE

the damage is working as intended difficultyfag
vanilla was never hard

I'm going to start a guild that is strictly Rogue and we're going to terrorize and shit on all of you niggers.

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maybe hunter? comfy pet

*gives the raid better buffs than any shaman ever could*
heh, nothing personnel hordie....

Can you make friends in this game?

Glad you agree then :)

so you don't have to waste time getting into groups, if you have friends then play warlock or some shit

nearly every boss being world first by alliance guilds says hello

This is why i didn't want 1.12, it's easy mode Vanilla

I can't wait for them to do TBC 2.4.3 & people wonder why illidan is so fucking easy & down him day 1

Vanilla was never hard, but vanilla didn't have you pull 2 packs at a time with a tank using a 2hander in a 4man group where the healer is a ret paladin throwing a couple holy lights a pull

They're 100% right and you're a private server babby.

Is it that hard to find a group as a dps?

way to prove his point, stay clear of horde it is

>the actual client as it was in 2006 was used to test damages

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pally buffs let all of your DPS pretty much go all out the entire fight which is way better

blessing of salvation and kings say hello

God damn racials are fucking cancer yet so great.

Yes it did pruvateserver baby. Cry more

Wrong, Grand Marshal Arms warrior here, I ate most people alive sans a lucky hunter, frost mage or rogue speccd specifically to counter me

and with a healer, I could kill ALL of you.

I turned Alterac Valley into a graveyard more times that I can count during those 8 hour games.

hahaha pvp is the real gameplay ally FAGGOT

>Alliance tanks effectively generate ~50% more threat (8% sword spec, ~43% from Salv)
>Alliance tanks 8% more
>Alliance dps, 30% less
108/70 = 1.54 times more threat effectively

Someone will defend this

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>gimmick pvp ability thats only good if your guild feeds you legendaries says hello
Yikes, how's being a theorycrafter who never reached level 60?



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>gimmick undead racial that only counters warlocks
>gimmick stun resist that only procs once in a Blue Moon over a minor stun

Seething hordenigger enjoy being corpse camped by my paladin

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What's more likely, that every single person who played in vanillas memory is completely off (including my own) AND that every private server overtuned dungeons so fucking hard that the mobs hit for TWICE as much


Something is fucked on the downported Legion client that's causing SOME mobs (bosses seem fine) to do less damage, as has already been observed in cases such as the stoneskin totem bug?

Keep posting your seething memes, I just want vanilla to actually be vanilla.

Aldor or Scryer?

Attached: aldor.png (641x644, 238K)

wrong game fella

Nice one

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>Female Gnome mage
>Male Dwarf Priest
>Male Orc Warlock
>Male Tauren Warrior
>Female Troll Shaman
These are the Alpha and Omega choices.

I can allow all sexes of undead rogue, human paladin and night-elf hunter. Anything else is simple heresy.


What's more likely, the ACTUALY OLD CLASSIC CLIENT


Your scuffed nostalgia

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they didn't port the legion client over dummy, they took a snapshot client from BC/Wrath

roleplayers are the only ones who keep mmos up when the gameplay is trash
see: every mmo on the market

>why aren't lvl 20 noob leveling elites as hard as TBC heroics elites

no idea what people were expecting from literal 20s beginner dungeons

weak feet alliance
probably get cuts walking on dirt, faggot

>frogs and wojack
yeah home

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>Look it's that weird guy who never invited to any group.

But they haven't tested values against the classic client, all I've seen is a boss test, and as stated bosses seem fine. Trash is the issue.

As I also mentioned, it COULD be correct compared to their 1.12 client because vanilla had a lot of weird blanket nerfs late in its lifecycle, including dungeon nerfs. But that's not true to the majority of its life cycle at all, and in such a case, nerfs should be rolled back.

It's not just my "nostalgia" and memories either, it's literally every single person who played back then who has looekd at the footage. I get that you want classic to bomb though.

No, I don't know why you'd even think that when they've flat out publically stated that classic is a downported Legion. They said it at fucking Blizzcon.

The Nost devs admitted to overtuning mobs to compensate for broken mechanics. Stop getting your memories jumbled up.

>Alliance vs Horde shitflinging

Yep, this'll be good.

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They are porting the legion one because they need to integrate all of the security patches which were added over the years. They have even said this explicitly in an early water-cooler post.

If I went human priest, who would let me be their healslut?

>Playing hunter
>Trying my hardest to play above the rest and not look like the average huntard
>Pet pulls something stupid and wipes the group

Attached: tT411mIu[1].gif (372x262, 1.98M)

human priest (male)?

>using a pet

>when you jump off a cliff without dismissing your pet

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scryer because you can jump off their elevator without dying to get out of that fucking awful retarded city faster

I played vanilla and the damage seems 100% fine to me. When I tried private servers they felt overtuned. Suddenly I couldn't solo some elites that I clearly remembered soloing in vanilla.

Also, all private servers are based on the same mangos shit, so it's not wonder they get everything wrong. You can keep trying to backpedal, but even just 10 hours ago people were complaining about boss damage being off, but when the evidence comes out, it suddenly changes to "uhhh it's just the other elites".

orc racial counters your shit class fag

>zero skills in pvp
PVP in world of warcraft doesnt take skill when macros and addons exist.

>reddit spacing
also people were clearing content with potato computers and shitty internet.
10 fps and 400ms makes so that the content has to be easy. it was difficult at the time because you were fighting agaisnt the software, not the actual game

fuck the alliance
fuck the alliance


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There's a maniac on the loose!

>reddit spacing meme
Nice of you to tell us you've been here for like 3 years max

I remember that if you pulled 2-3 packs in RFK you were fucked sideways. Tips and Esfand did it with a 4man group with no healer except Esfand occasionally throwing a holy light as ret. It seems insanely off. I'm tempted to go dig through old patchnotes to see if it was changed in one of the last patches or something, I didn't level anything in 1.12 because I was already 60.

Going to be funny when there are barely any Tauren again due to the insane amount of time it takes to move around their starting zone. As if that wasnt enough, next is the barrens. Hoof master race

seethe in your mudhuts hordenigger

>have my voidboi out
>dismiss him and get the imp for the stam so my tank shuts up
>summon him
>suddenly running in the 90s starts playing
>he b-lines it through like 3 mob packs breaking the sound barrier going into the other room for NO FUCKING REASON
>imp gets instagibbed and half the instance targets me
>all I hear is the sound of human NPCS's going HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH as I get bitch slapped so hard I turn to paste
>group is mad at me

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seethe in your dilation stations alliancetranny




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They all share a CD.

typical alliance kid video

>It's not just my "nostalgia" and memories either, it's literally every single vocal minority who spent more time sucking their own dicks on private servers than in actual Vanilla having a mental breakdown because retailfags are afk clearing trash mobs in dungeons that were never difficult and IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OUR TURN BROS THEY WERENT SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE HERE ITS TOO HARD FOR THEM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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we own you in pvp noob

We are now a few months away from launch and I still don't know what to play.

I don't even know what faction to pick.

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I can't fucking believe we still don't have beta access.

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there is a EU server according to a US streamer on D-live.

Imagine clicking on and posting in a thread about a game you hate instead of doing literally anything else

Which city is better?

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Only people in shit guilds do this.

10/10 guilds are going to require every player in the guild to have a warlock alt sitting at every raid entrance to soulstone other people in the raid and provide summons, as a warlock you're only going to be there to curse and banish.

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>t.ganked at 60 by a 52.

based troll

>perfectly sized community, everybody knows eachother
>hit max level casually in a couple of days yet doesnt have that soul-draining raidlogging "time to get bis so people will like me" feel
>only a few e-celebs despite seething Yea Forumss bitching jealousy because no-beta-invite
>all these giant WPVP warbands
>casually participating in all the fun without having to sell your soul and play the game like its a second job
>Sonychad's RP-PVP guild constantly blowing asmon/tips/staysafe's entire shitty stream guilds the fuck out and seeing their mental breakdowns as they call all their players terrible idiots
this was the peak classic experience, its never going to be this fun again, and you missed it

>we own you in arathi basin

5 horde for every 1 good pally. We're good

Ironforge is the alliance capital wrath babby

I know this feel man

>huntard would be my first option, but they suck
>mage will be like competing against one trillion other mages
>rogues are the same shit
>warlocks are fine, but fuck soul shards

they both suck asshole

they layout for both is not natural

can anyone stop bobby

There's nothing more rabid than a converted former believer. blizz fucked their fanboys dry for the last 4-5 years and now they get the deserved hate.

fake&possibly gay



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You simply sucked at the game then.

Naked rogue in vanilla doing DM. 270 armor for roughly a 12% damage reduction. The defias watchmen deal 28, 25, 31 and 25 damage with shoot. Unmitigated damage is 31.

Druid in beta. +1400 armor for 42% DR. Takes 16-19 damage from watchmen, or an average of 31 unmitigated.

You can repeat this for any mob as long as there's vanilla content. But for some reason, the people who keep screaming that mobs deal too little damage have not found a single valid example. All they can do is say "BUT I REMEMBER IT BEING LIKE THAT" or using private server databases as proof lmao.

They both are shit. Ironforge is where its at.

bfahah, ok, midget.

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>see warrnigger leveling, camp his ass on rogue for entire day

so you're saying me wanting to go lock over mage is probably not a good idea?

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Thanks for reminding me I have zero IF shots, though. You runts aren't all that bad.

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Which classes in vanilla had the most burst?

>I can main tank in dps gear and take less damage then I'm used to in full mitigation gear
wew lad

shaman and mage

You're not alone friend.

I've got it down between Paladin and Warrior, but then the occasional thought creeps into my mind and I think "but what about this other class..."

Anyways, post your thoughts to help you decide

+ strong roleplay
+ human racials are perfect for it
+ can heal, tank and dps (outside of raids)
+ basically unkillable
+ free summonable mount
- becomes a support class in 40man content

+ strong sense of progression
+ play with a healer to be unstoppable
+ takes better advantage of professions
+ tank everything
+ Quel'serrar
- human warrior is generic as shit

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Classic raiding is going to be even more of a fucking joke than on private servers, buff everything in vanilla to compensate for better players and hardware

everywhere just look at the beta streams

and everybody who disagrees with your nostalgia hates the game and wants it to die? thats full blown sith


Also classic has 16 debuff slots now. Locks are the best class maybe.

Ironforge was original hub due to auction house mostly. SW became main hub later cause they placed a new auction house and portals into sw.

awwww shit well i guess i know what i'm doing for the next 3 months

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Also, here's some plebbitor debunking the same shit with SFK stuff.

If you think the damage is too low, then find one single proof. ONE. How is it that you people can't find a single, valid proof of this shit even though there are thousands of you? Perhaps it's time to admit that you remembered wrong.

Raid wise they had imp health buff, soulstone, healthstones, curse of elements and shadows, summons, and competitive DPS.

I can totally see them adding better features of the retail like M+ or new visuals after everyone cleared Naxx.

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Fury Warrior tanking was literally the template for DK Tanks. A Fury Warrior dual wielding with two crusaders and bloodthirst spamming was a MASSIVE amount of healing and threat. It owuld of been viable raid tanking if crushing blow and crits didn't exist.

>he is subbed


what about paladins and druids

>wearing full rogue leather for massive dodge and crit damn son I'm a machine
>dual wielding 1.3 speed daggers for the fastest stabby stabby
>palachad keeps judgement of light on while auto attacking, fuckin legend
>keep myself alive forever with passive heals while tanking 9 red elites
people don't want this?

you got the stress test invite, not beta access.

reckoning is a meme spec and druids aren't that bursty

No, everyone has their place in a raid, thats the thing about raids, you work as a community to be the best you can be in order to kill the boss.

This has always been true, which is why class imbalance only got worse, not better when hybrids were made competitive with pure DPS classes for their only role, and class stacking has never been worse. in high end raiding on live as it has been these past few expansions.

Warlocks will still be the king of aids, and has plenty of meme builds, they're not good 1v1 PVP, and their DPS in raids is hindered by the fact that most raid mobs randomly have shadow resistance, like core hounds in MC for example.

But you're still an aids monkey, and if played right you can troll other players harder then any other class.

How about we all go into Shadowniggers thread and call them niggers instead?

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Can attest, it worked very well sometimes.

Just not at the end of the dungeon.

Not a bad option for a dedicated off tank though. Can swap to DPS in a pinch.


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Was he right?

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Warlocks are dogshit to play in raiding unless you're the token SM/Ruin imp-bot, which at least makes trash fun.
Debuff limit being 16 doesn't mean shit, the only Warlock that will be casting Corruption on the boss is the imp-bot.

By 1.12, everything but AQ40 & Naxx was easy, lots of little nerfs that added up

Stratholme was probably nerfed the hardest since release, by 1.12 it was a breeze

>stress test
>2 days,
>open for 2 hours each day
>level 5 cap
yeah have fun


>stress test
bro you got cucked

Meh, never really been a fan of the night elf aesthetic.

fucking activblizhit

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even - dwarf
odd - orc


Fury tanking was always a thing in vanilla.

People learned early on that deep prot was trash and there was a sweet spot for mitigation where you can survive any attack while still generating good rage, and that sweet spot could be obtained with pre-raid BIS without any points in prot, because of this everyone goes deep fury for extra rage generation, and go a few points in prot for improved shield block to maintain uncritable/crushable, last stand, and 10 defense to save item slots for more DPS, which leads to more threat generation.

After a certain point, roughly T1-T2 you should be simply spamming the fuck out of heroic strike every chance you get with the standard tanking spec, you wont be able to get enough rage with deep prot to even effectively use your 31 point talent anyway.

wait am i retarded? why does it say beta and stress test?

This is what Horde players actually believe.

I had an alt named Downsyndrome for the longest time

the comments in general stick with me to this day


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I fucking hope every normie follows the streamers. Imagine Barrens being overrun by whiny Twitch kiddies while Alliance becomes based and cozy. It would be an easy choice for me then.

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Depends on your guild. I raided with 30/0/21 and cleared everything besides C'Thun, Twin Emps and Naxx(did do spider wing but nothing else).

My guild wasn't hardcore progression by any means so we had a few of these builds. If you are raiding on a hardcore progression you won't be allowed without heavy investment in resto.

Yes, but you can't criticize WoW for looking like Lord of the Rings considering that was a big reason it was successful at the time: LOTR was the biggest thing in the world back then, and created this widespread high fantasy craze so everyone loved stuff like elves and dwarves.

But really, what is Warcraft? Until the Warcraft 2 expansion introduced Outland, it was pretty generic fantasy just like he describes the Eastern Kingdoms. Warcraft 3 was the first game to heavily expand on the setting of the games and it only came out a year before WoW. So while you can say Kalimdor is Warcraft-esque in retrospect after the setting has been built up so much over the last 15 years, that certainly wasn't the case at the time.

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You are retarded. I remember voidwalkers tanking trash, because they were easy. Only bosses hit hard

How many hours does this take? 200?
How much does it cost? 90g?

>literally says beta and stress test

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It's just a 0.25% increase to hit and crit. Unless you're a huge min/max faggot just roll whatever race you think looks best.

>My first game was warcraft 3 the post
Figures the faggot enjoys the niggerlands.

lold hard

you are ok with losing? typical alliance beta

>only been subbed since Legion

There's no way I'm getting in, right?

Losing what?

Right about Kalimdor feeling more open and frontier-y. And that's not just from the lack of quests. The Horde are a faction built around "manifest destiny", and their zones have a strong feel of "taming the wilderness".
The Alliance races are more romantic. They've got a greater focus on "reclaiming what was lost", so their zones feel more familiar. The zones are mostly former alliance territories that have been conquered or abandoned. This "glory of a bygone era" is the same theme of nostalgia that LotR oozes.

just play on lights hope, beta is capped at 30 anyways

Yes that's the name of the stress test you retarded frogfag

just like me

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yeah which is the name of the stress test client. the real lvl 30 beta is a seperate client. it's okay the news just broke recently so not many people know about it yet.

Is this only available to subs still?

Do addons still work? Dumb question

I've got it down between Warlock and Shaman for me.
All I really want is to bring good utility and support to the group and look cool doing it. I also really prefer playing a caster in PvP.

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>human paladin
>most beta class/race
Dwarves are awesome too, but really?

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>tfw you don't even get the stress test invite
>even though it's unlikely that too many people subscribed to the Classic beta, and stress tests require a lot of people, so you're one of the few who didn't get anything

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There's no way they would actually go through with not having them. Right?
Even worse if they have two so you have a Horde Server and an Ally server and it's basically PVE

>Was he(you) right?
partially about kalimdor being "warcraft" but that doesnt mean its good
in kalimdor only the barrens, mulgore, tanaris/salt flats and MAYBE silithus were something special
all the forest zones were pretty fucking shitty
everything winterspring does dun morogh does better
blackrock mountain, STV, the plaguelands, dark portal, and khara are much more essential warcraft than what kalimdor has to offer
and even if you want to spin arathi, hillsbrad, loch modan, duskwood, and elwynn as "generic fantasy" they're still better designed zones with more effort placed in them than most of kalimdor

Your reading comprehension is outstanding

>barely any of the top streamer fag warriors use demoralizing shout while tanking
The fuck is wrong with them, hell half of them use battle shout for aggro buildup.

been confused about that too. it was absolutely essential opening rotation for TBC, wrath maybe even cata. it may be because they're rage starved.

rogue or mage for endgame?

if I get invited do I immediately get the option to play in my client or do I have to "accept" it from the email?

>battle shout for aggro buildup.

What's wrong with this? It's the best way to gain threat on a pack of mobs instantly when pulling, isn't it?

Simple, in classic you don't need to reduce mobs damage at all since its a joke to begin with, and threat is a flat non issue.

The former

I'm saying people barely use it as a tank, it's one of the best abilities you can use for building threat.

neat I'll just check the client then



fuck you stupid asshole go suck stream dick YOU NIGGER

>rollin orc warrior
>friend with whom im gonna level want to roll ud priest
>two other buddies roll warlock and rogue/hunter

What's the best if i want to play a 2 handed sword? Arms, 2h fury, ret pala or other thing?


melee hunter

your honor, your bgs, your women


Attached: Screenshot (17).png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

>stress test
bro you just got filtered out from getting a real beta invite

delete this


Apparently that's true because demoralizing shout would just reduce the amount of rage you get from enemy hits.


Keep telling yourself that user, two hours of classic is more than you'll ever play until August

Ashenvale was great for both factions

No twink race to pick for it.

Jesus christ, trash warrior.

alliance LUL

Lookup glancing blows and how parry works.

It's filled with bugs that people keep reporting, enjoy the shitty version of the game while I save myself for the perfect launch version haha


>filled with bugs
Fuck off back to Light's Hope

literally private server disinfo lmfao begone

Let’s keep Quest Helper Addons out of the Classic Addon API. I think we can all agree mindlessly spamming your map looking for quest locations just like in BFA goes against the Classic feel.

Questing addons were absolutely terrible, unreliable and glitchy throughout the game up until WOTLK where they drastically improved. You want to spend 10 mins reading Wowhead/Thottbot for clues and hints for every single quest; knock yourself out! You’ll come to realize reading the quest text is faster anyhow.

Attached: quest-hepler.jpg (588x321, 79K)

shockadins were great in TBC only

Troll, Nelf or Dorf Hunter lads? I can't decide

Attached: 1549157053112.png (544x546, 368K)

ok retard

Soda is a huge faggot. I don't get why you guys have such a raging erection for him.

Preach bois

Attached: A98BFD5F-8BED-4CA6-A60F-2A9E7877B102.png (224x314, 61K)

Imagine if addons were banned. KEK

Attached: 11.png (1920x1080, 2.47M)

> Preach

they really should be

Sodapoppins guild
everyone spam this shit with nigger