I unironically enjoyed this more than Red. There's a market for more story-oriented casual Pokemon games

I unironically enjoyed this more than Red. There's a market for more story-oriented casual Pokemon games

Attached: pokemon-lets-go-pikachu---button-fin-1542047719936.jpg (1000x1000, 206K)

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Red is pretty fucking ass in this day and age, it's not a hard standard to live up to

It's fun. /vp/ is fucking assblasted for people having fun with it.

>There's a market for more story-oriented casual Pokemon games
This fits SM more than it does LGPE. Let's Go didn't have much in terms of actual story, seeing that it was based on the Kanto games.

did your boyfriend like it too?

I realize this is a very low bar, but I enjoyed this more than the 3DS games just because I had to look at the map and think about where to go, as opposed to being immediately railroaded to the next scene by NPCs

Excessively gay

Flagrantly gay

Ridiculously gay

I also enjoy paying full price for a remake with key features and series improvements removed. Gamefreak have done it again!

Overbearingly gay

Incredibly gay

>casual Pokemon games
Is there such a thing as a non-casual Pokemon game?


Attached: 222222.gif (1200x608, 1.85M)

You can ride pokemon though.

Obnoxiously gay






Can we just go back to comfy 2D?
Sword and Shield look like trash too


What? This game wasn't story orientated at all.