So I was playing Oblivion again today when I came across pic related for the first time. Weird...

So I was playing Oblivion again today when I came across pic related for the first time. Weird, I never knew there were minotaurs in this game, how did I miss them for so long? Has anyone else had this happen to them?

Attached: Oblivion-minotaur.png (1634x1048, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ice cream? I love ice cream!

They only spawn at high level. Probably rare as well. What kind of character are you running?

I never knew about the Land Dreughs until my last play through a clear or so ago

I thought this picture was fake until I looked it up. I have never seen a minotaur in oblivion at all. What the fuck

That's a long d*ck!

There’s also a unicorn in Oblivion

I freaked the fuck out after I first saw one. Jesus, it was fucking weird.

i think its really funny that one of the biggest criticisms that oblivion had was that there wasn't enough enemy variety

and you're telling me that i put like a thousand hours into this game and there were two entire enemy types i never even saw once

is the joke that someone made this exact thread repeatedly 7 years ago

They were in the promo pics on gamespy newfag

Weird, I was just thinking of playing Oblivion for the first time in at least 10 years, but I don't feel like doing the mod dance. Anyway, I remember running into one of these, but it was after probably hundreds of hours and I thought it was just part of one of the mods I'd installed.

Welp, I just learned something new about a game that's really fuckin' old and I thought I already knew everything about it. Why are they so rare?

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Is this a bait thread? I can’t tell anymore.

There are also two different types of minotaur. Ogres, land dreughs, and I think Liches also only spawn past level 20 or so

>is this copy and pasted thread from over 7 years ago bait?
oh the ignorance of newfags

i said that and you believed it lol gullible
the first part actually is true though, i just don't know the exact timespan

They're really rare as far as regular spawns go but if I remember correctly there's a few guarding the unicorn.

My favorite flavor is vanilla!

have you guys never had a high level character in oblivion?

>expecting zoomers to play Oblivion long enough to reach level 20

Does nobody here played the arena?

After you become grand champion all you do is fight these fuckers, they also come with nice 2handed blunt weapons that you can loot and sell.

The minotaur model is pure trash looks like a amateur mod monster

these threads were always furfag bait

Everyone in here exept for me is a bot

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Have you heard of the high elves?

Did you guys never go to the Unicorn Grove in the forest, or what? The unicorn there is guarded by 3 minotaurs

Aren't these guys the descendants of the first emperor?

I played Oblivion Skyrim and Daggerfall but every time I open up morrowind I leave the moment you finish the dialogue with the first 2 characters. How long do I need to force myself to play until it gets good?

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I feel like replaying Oblivion again.
Any essential mods for PC?
no porn mods


FUCK level scaling

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darnified ui is all you need

I would fuck that level scaling if you know what I mean.

Boooooo at least put textured sprinkles on it so it looks pretty. Comeon man

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After you meet Kias I believe. He tells you go adventuring and then the world opens up to you. Fuck that walking speed though. Also, MURDER EVERY CLIFF RACER YOU SEE!

Absolutely based

Je.Sus. Christ

Why do I feel like I've seen this exact thread before?

Oblivion actually does keep track of your progress and give you new things as a reward/punishment. Todd claimed they only started doing this with Skyrim but that was basically not true but it was a bigger thing in Skyrim for sure

The fuck.

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Just do textures and nothing else. Feels good man

You push and push until that moment you break and start a murder rampage killing all that you see.

This leads to making the game feel even more vast and lonely than it already is. But after picking up all the personal items of the important peoples you've met as well as looted their individual homes, you realize you where really in the middle of something, you learn a lot more than just a bunch of backround lore from those peoples belongings.

Then you reload the save and act as if you're there to help. Most people just stealth the shit they think will move them forward, but the truth is its a game about either being good at math while smashings or roaming the world to make the craziest spells you can. Charisma has its purpose but you kind of need to understand the universe first

Thread is copypasta, but I would put money on it that most of Yea Forums never saw a minotaur.

Most people bitched about level scaling when they noticed it got harder around level 5-10 and quit leveling up.

Ok gonna give it one last shot

Oblivion is zoomercore though

You have to encounter them when you do the Hircine quest to get a unicorn pelt. I think I fought them then, and they were also roaming around on my brother's save that I would play sometimes.

"Flyyyin'... flyyin' in the skyyyy.... cliff racer flys... so high.... flyinnn'..."

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Has there ever been a mod that fixed the difficulty of the level scaling? So the game stays at the same difficulty level throughout the game? I think thats what the devs intended, but the game gets harder until every enemy takes forever to kill.

Oblivion is a pretty shit game desu, in fact the only good game to come out using that kit was NV.
Posting the superior Oblivion song

You have to be level 17 to do that quest. So while I get what you're saying most people literally stopped leveling between 5-10.

Yes there are several. OOO is the most popular I think

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>the daedra will not attack us because they know that i am here at the planes of oblivion on sexual business
jesus christ

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Obligatory post

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>tfw you hold off on the MQ until later
I vaguely remember having to repair basically all my shit after each fight with a single level-scaled clanfear all of which were tankier than god

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>I'd rather take damage than not pleasure the flame Atronach

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I wonder if this dude discovered Skyrim VR

why do the same mediocre threads keep getting reposted year after year? what the fuck is the point

I thought it got harder when I played it back then too. It only gets harder for a little while though, once you start getting end game gear and reinforcing it, and carry several enchanted weapons at all times it ends up easier then before.

you encounter them in the quest where you enter that faggot's dream if you're above level 5.
but it's true that many casual players never once 100% completed oblivion, just like many people never 100% morrowind, or even skyrim when you can casually 100% that shitfest in less than 20 hours played

>Skyrim VR with Sex mods
This guy would die in chair from malnutrition with shit and piss all over himself

Had to take breaks from playing to masturbate so many times because of this bitch

>Cliff Racer posting

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You know the user who claimed many people never had a high level character in Oblivion might be just right. Since if you don't build your character correctly you can get royally fucked.

Like this one here man spider daedra were nothing. I was actually happy whenever I met one since i could basically one shot them and no their little minion with paralyze did jackshit.
Now fighting multiple Xivilai who each summoned a clannfear? That was fucking torture. Now imagine fighting them as a mage focused character since they absorbed your spells. Even later when I could stack up weakness to paralyze 100% and one-shot most things they were still a pain in the ass.

Although admittedly the game became a breeze once you get highest control humanoid/creature spell. It's even more hilarious than chameleon god mode since you can control every single creature and humanoid other than scripted ones.

the level scaling is retarded, basically to min/max you had to not do any of the major quest rewards until level 30, which at that point the quest rewards no longer scaled upward, but if you ever completed a quest that rewarded a good item before level 30, it was forever gimped.
also, if you did not do x5, x5, x1 luck, or x5, x5, x5 every level-up, your character was complete shit by level 10.
and in oblivion you had to pick major skills which weren't the skills you used, otherwise you'd level up and fuck yourself with shitty multipliers with how the bonuses were given and didn't carry over properly.
todd is a great game designer.

I'm level 40 something in oblivion and I run around everywhere and I never saw a minotaur.

>or even skyrim when you can casually 100% that shitfest in less than 20 hours played
Honestly Delphine puts me off the MQ every single time, I haven't even touched Dragonborn either

weakness to magic*

because you have but he only reposts it once in awhile, I think it's been a few months since I last saw it

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I don't think there has even been a more obnoxious fucking animal in the Elderscrolls then these motherfuckers

what happens when you breed a minotaur with a centaur?

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But user you do know you can akchually tame him right?

I refused to do this quest. Killing the LAST unicorn feels like a sin you can never come clean from.

The damage sponges later on is stupid.

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>The unicorn can be ridden like a regular horse and used as a free mount. The unicorn is equivalent to a white horse in speed, has a very powerful attack, is resistant to several types of attack, and reflects damage. However, it will attack almost anyone or anything wielding a weapon (including fists) and will not stop attacking until its target is dead. This means that the unicorn will attack monsters, enemies, allies, and even you, in most cases. Accidentally pulling out a weapon at any time, or raising your fists, even to defend the unicorn, will lead to you being attacked. However, the unicorn may not attack you if its disposition is sufficiently high, for example, if you have high fame. The unicorn does not react to destruction or conjuration magic, so it may be a more suitable mount if you focus on these skills (the unicorn will not attack conjured creatures, but it will attack Everscamps

>tfw the unicorn kills you because you waved to him while not being famous enough

cursed image

[skrees intensify]

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>tfw Todd finally dropped this completely retarded anti-fun system in favor of retarded dumbed down perk shit
At this point I'm eager to see what horrors TESVI brings
Maybe FO76's card system?

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Why does it attack scamps tho?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

>Reflect Damage 20%
>Resist Disease 100%
>Resist Magic 50%
>Resist Normal Weapons 100%
>Resist Paralysis 100%
>Resist Poison 100%
Nah fuck that I used it as a horse.

>Oblivion actually has 6 types of enemy, not 5
11/10 best ever

based beggar impaler

Not all scamps, just the ones summoned by the Staff of the Everscamp.

Oblivion has more than 6 enemy types among Daedra alone

You have to be high enough level. Basically any cool shit in Oblivion that isn't pre set requires this. That being said leveling up in Oblivion feels like shit. The stuff you get isn't as good as the best you can find so it feels like you just made the game harder with no relevant tools and you end up selling off all your shit just to make a profit/keep your shit repaired.

And please let me know if there's anything you need, from my chest, from my chest in the reading room...

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Why can't Bethesda make a proper RPG where different subdivisions within the overworld are designed for higher or lower leveled players, rather than just having everything scaled to the player? There's zero sense of progression when you head in any random direction and have the game perfectly balanced for where you're currently at.

Imagine if a game like Skyrim was set up so that the locations in the Whiterun area that you start off near were low-level, and then the more remote areas were filled with high-level enemies and dungeons. You'd actually feel a sense of accomplishment finally being able to make it to Solitude or Markarth or Winterhold. Something along those lines.

I was just thinking about this recently.

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kek and that is only if you also don't count the dremora humanoids, nevermind shit like Ogres, Land Dreughs, wildlife shit like the standard mountain lions, bears,Timber Wolfs, rats etc Dryads, Wisps, Minotaurs, Trolls.
Then you have the whole Goblin family with Goblin skirmisher, berserker, Shaman.
Undeads like liches, many zombie types, multiple wraith type enemies.

AND this is all not counting those Knights of Nine enemies and Shivering Isles expansion creatures which are in fact even more unique compared to the base game.

I would rather have the world unleveled but with new enemies coming out when you get to a high enough level.

Is FCOM any good?

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That's precisely what Bethesda already does in their games, because they have this autistic need for a player to be able to go anywhere right from the very beginning and have the enemies in every location be perfectly in tune with the player. And it's shit and kills any feeling of actual progression in the world.

Well every playthrough would pretty much go the exact same way
Both approaches have their merits, as incompetent and lazy as Bethesda is I'm sure this is a deliberate design decision that appeals to a lot of people
Fortunately we have mods like Requiem

Did the same thing. By the time I got around to the great gate quest at Bruma it was damn near impossible to keep Jauffrey and Baurus alive as well as any other guards and even Martin for that matter.

What happened to goblins anyway? They were everywhere in Oblivion, yet in skyrim they're totally absent. They don't exactly strike me as something unique to cyrodiil

Why did this become a copypasta?

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Fallout 4 and 76 were like this, with each region having a minimum level. If you went to the Glowing Sea or the regions south of Boston, more difficult enemies started showing up. Nothing was ever hard, though, unless you got an unlevelled world mod that made Deathclaw Matriarchs possible to appear at level 1

Holy fuck these monsters scared the shit out of me the first time I encountered them. 30 minutes trying to kill a couple of them in a cave thanks to a mod that allowed high level monsters in some areas.

oblivion is pure ludo

because mildly incendiary OPs are the only way for a thread to stay afloat on Yea Forums especially one about something as old as oblivion

Do they disappear at a certain level?
I think I only saw them once in my first play through

Because it just works.

i mean it isn't, even skyrim isn't for zoomers

>damage sponges
That's every later game enemy in oblivion, especially if on a difficulty higher than normal. It takes nearly a minute to kill one of the big fuckers.

They appear in that shitty mobile game that they just released, too. They were also in Morrowind's Tribunal expansion

wait you actually played fallout 76?

>Well every playthrough would pretty much go the exact same way
Does every playthrough of an WRPG like Fallout 1 or 2 go the exact same way? No, of course not. Obviously it's a hamfisted-yet-purposeful approach taken by Bethesda, but it's a shit idea and always has been. When you can go anywhere and do anything, it feels like you're going nowhere and doing nothing. It's why their games have turned into nothing but walking-simulator sandboxes

Yet I don't want to have the common wolf be 10 levels higher then me at all times just because I went to a new area.

the fuck. why?

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Because then everyone's adventure turns out more or less the same, and if you want to replay it you have to go to all the same places in the same order again

despite all the dogshit in Oblivion, like the level scaling, it's still one of my favourite games

Yeah, for some reason, they elected to only make certain enemies spawn at certain levels.

Happens to me a lot with Elder Scrolls games. Bethesda just has really forgettable enemy design and lackluster enemy AI/mechanics.

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with mods that fix the scaling it's a better game than skyrim

Ah I also missed stuff like Imps, skellies, unique golems you encounter during thieves guild heist, vampires etc anyway there was a lot of variety especially compared to what followed with Skyrim and the draugh galore.

Forgotten. Like many in my list which could've been added. Especially creatures like Ogres which you already encountered frequently near Bruma and the Skyrim border.

Ive seen this thread so many times.
Nice way to start the oblivion thread
Still the most comfy of all skyrims

Could it be?
Is Todd bringing us...
Dare I say it...?


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>That's precisely what Bethesda already does
No Morrowind was the only game that was like that. Oblivion and Skyrim actually areas designated for higher level play. They're just implemented like shit


How do you have fun with Oblivion? The combat is incredibly stale even after installing and trying out so many mods. It just feels like a band-aid solution to something that isn't even there to begin with.

>Be me
>Be 15
>Be footfag
>Oblivion comes out
>Argonians are much different than in Morrowind
>They now have human feet
>Fast forward a few days
>Beat 90% of most quests
>Feel slightly horny
>Find a female argonian merchant in one of the cities
>Kill her so I can manipulate the character model
>Take off all her clothes
>Grab her leg and pull it up so I can see the bottom of her feet
>Take out my dick and start beating it furiously
>Bust the fattest load ever
Man, Oblivion was a good game.

Attached: Argonian.jpg (1024x683, 131K)

He's starting to really show his age I see.

I enjoyed it, too. The game itself wasn't good at all, but I met up with some random right outside the vault and ran around with him for a while. We did some quests, got in some fights, and set up a base in a junkyard. Another player mistook our turrets for NPC turrets and attacked them, which made him eligible for PvP, so we fired missiles at him that we found in some army bunker.

>Does every playthrough of an WRPG like Fallout 1 or 2 go the exact same way?
A lot more than a game that allows you to literally start anywhere on the map.
Love or hate Skyrim's approach but alternate start mod actually lets you roleplay nicely. It's hardly the worst aspect of Skyrim's terrible game mechanics in any event.
Just go play Requiem you shithead, unless it's too hard and restrictive for you maybe?

it's better than skyrim without the mods

No you don't. It's just that certain areas are easier and certain areas are harder. You can still go there and do them early on. And doing so is actually a risk-reward because it's harder to do the difficult areas first, but it also means getting better loot as well early on.

Think of it this way: Dark Souls does not have level scaling, yet you're able to go in a variety of different directions. There might be an easiest path and a hardest path, but you can do things like get through the hardest area early and get really good items early on. It makes the game insanely replayable and different playthroughs can be totally different depending on where you go and what you do.

Paradoxically Bethesda's design philosophy actually REMOVES true choice because everything is the same.

You fuckin' with my kids son?

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For comedy.

Download impregnation mods and genitalia for EVERYTHING.

Too bad out of all the enemies you listed, you only encounter maybe 5 different ones per level range, which is where the "no enemy variety" complaint comes from
Like, with Daedra for instance, you enter an oblivion gate at a low level your encounters are
>scamp, scamp, dremora churl, scamp, dremoa churl, scamp, clannfear
You enter an oblivion gate at a high level your enounters are
>storm atronach, storm atronach, dremora lord, storm atronach, dremora lord, dremora lord, daedroth

>Turn it into a waifu simulator. XD
Go the fuck back to

Why mod oblivion when you can mod skyrim?


but on the opposite end you have Dragon's dogma. Nothing gets stronger. once you reach 150 even Bitterblack 2nd run is easy, but there are still 50 levels left to go. Playing the main game becomes boring,

Skyrim doesn't get boring for this reason until you have a perfect kit, but then you can just turn it to legendary. Game does get boring for other reasons, though.

That's not even one of the waifu simulator mods, I'd say that puts everyone on the general level of your average uncanny valley WRPG chara

Why'd everyone bitch about enemies spawning with random gear? It was pretty cool to see people like bandits picking up and using loot too.

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If I have to kill one more of these fucking things I'm going to throw a fit.

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>Waifu simulator
Nigga, that's Oblivion Character Overhaul. Stop smoking crack.

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Why does skrim get all the good quest/location mods complete with decent voice acting and such, whereas the fallout modscene gets fuck-all? FO3 and FO4 have jack shit in terms of those types of mods. And all NV gets is the New Vegas Bounties series, which actually has pretty shitty voice acting quality, but it's still the best the fallout mod scene has to offer. Meanwhile a lot of the shit in Skyrim feels practically studio-quality.

Why be a bandit if you have full ebony armour. Gear that's worth more than a house.


doomed from the start

fuck those winged bitches

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But as you progress through the game you can still ecnounter more enemies compared to:
Draugr, Giant, Dragon, Draugr, Giant, Dragon, Automatons, Draugr, Giant, Dragon, Draugr, Giant, Dragon, wispmother, Draugr, Giant, Dragon.

I totally agree with you when it comes to level scaling but creature variety in Skyrim was just abysmal. And yes in oblivion I encountered every single enemy as I leveled up I didn't miss a thing and yes at high level I didn't encounter the lower category of creatures anymore which is shitty for sure. But I still had enjoyed fighting against a varying roster of enemies as opposed to: Draugr, Giant, Dragon, Bandit, the end.

because skyrim doesn't have any fun quests

yea, until they run around with deadra, then it's fucking stupid

They never wear full set of anything though.

No wrong mod. Wrong game

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>Skyrim doesn't get boring for this reason
Yeah, instead it gets boring approximately 2 hours in once you realize that literally every dungeon and every quest is the same variation of one of like 3 things: draugr tomb, bandit cave, dwemer ruin. And then this problem gets compounded by the fact that the level scaling keeps everything feeling exactly the same throughout your entire playthrough.

>Skyrim doesn't get boring
Confirmed for having never played Skyrim.

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Jiub made an entire species go extinct he isn't a hero.

It's definitely better than Skyrim, I agree.

>he isn't a hero
You're right. He's a saint.

Should only find ones with Daedra gear until you start finding Daedra but people spawning with glass, Mythril, Elven, Ebony and Orcish wasn't a peoblem.

1) Cliff Races don't deserve life
2) He only massacred the ones on Vvardenfell


hand to hand build, punch face and watch them wince and grab their nose in pain.

add a couple exploitable cheap custom spells. Drain fatigue 100 for 1 sec makes anything ragdoll once its low
same for drain hp, enemy dies if it's below 100
congrats you now have quivering palm

>ywn get a proper elder scrolls game set in a more fantastical location again
>ywn get a game set in black marsh, valenwood, or elswyr
>tfw if they actually did one of these locations, they'd just retcon it to make it another bland medieval setting again like they did with cyrodiil

Being OP as fuck got pretty old fast. Though that might be the only thing this game has going for it.

Nothing wrong with porn in my sweet looking anime games like Oblivion.

>all of this because it'd be too much to handle for normies
>and normies bring in the big money

You can literally beat BBI the moment you get access to it aka after hydra.

When I first played Oblivion I reached a ridiculous level like 50 range and every enemy would either be a Deadra or Minotaur with the best equipment in game.

literally Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning


>copy pasta bait this new and newfag zoomer still fall for it

What the fuck, I never knew these existed.
Oblivion's scaling is fucked, goddamn.

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They're not all dead they're at a manageable level now and not reproducing like some invasive species. Also, what did Cliffracers do that was so beneficial to the ecosystem of Morrowind? They went around attacking everything in stupidly large numbers. This isn't like seal hunting where the animals are non aggressive animals. Also, the only thing they were good for were Racer Plumes.

You did tame the unicorn right? Or did you run up to it with your sword out like a dummy?

Attached: OB-creature-Unicorn.jpg (960x960, 865K)

I want them back.

There was a minotaur in Cyrodiil history, Morihaus, I believe, that was a demigod of sorts and aided the rebellion that freed Cyrodiil from the Ayleids, he was banging Alessia, too.

I can't remember for sure but I think it says somewhere that every minotaur is related to him.

was wondering where you were....

Look how ugly that thing is.

>morrowind doesn't have unleveled enemies
You retarded, son?

Not him but I can't ever kill the unicorn even when I try playing an evil character. It just feels wrong

I think there's a Legends card or something that states it's literal, Cliff Racers are extinct.

Also, I think it's stated somewhere that Cliff Racers pushed dragons out of Morrowind by reproducing so fast and stealing their food.

I've heard others say the same.

cool misquote. I said it does for different reasons besides the scaling.
I mostly agree with you, but people always seem to leave out that low level draugr/bandits still spawn for 30-50% of the mobs. You still get to feel the progression of killing weaklings easier, but you get stronger ones to fight as well.

i mean they heavily marketed the leveling mechanic with 'you aren't forced to grind, you can do everything from the start!' so after you get to a certain point you get distracted with sidequests and secondary skills knowing that you don't need to level up until you get to the mage's guild and try to make spells

one time i went to a coworkers apartment to smoke weed and play games. the only game he had was skyrim and he only had one save file with like 600 hours played and he was showing me all of the insanely overpowered glitched out stuff he had, but from the perspective of 'look how badass my skyrim dude is i bet you've never seen a skyrim dude this badass' and it was the most awkward experience of my life.

even that guy didn't 100% it


Whats so bad about it? I mean, the texture is kind of low res but other then that it looks fine.

Welcome to the adult world. Context doesn't matter. You now think that Skyrim doesn't get boring. You are an faggot.

>elswyr, but all khajiit are the same
I never want them to make it.

A minocent

that was a lot more visually and intellectually interesting than this thread lemme tell ya

Isn't ESO actually including the differentiation between Khajiit?

Based ZOS.

no shit, but at the same time you wont have skills for your vocation.

>Also, I think it's stated somewhere that Cliff Racers pushed dragons out of Morrowind by reproducing so fast and stealing their food.
What food, humans; cows? What do they even eat?

No idea, I just recall that being written/said somewhere.

skyrim doesn't get boring. modding it does

The lit candles that occupy ancient dungeons
Don't think about it too hard man

the patriots were right.

I don't play MMO so haven't followed shit.

ESO kind of leads me to believe there will never be another singleplayer game. Is it any good if you like TES with no mods? the gameplay is the same, right?

fallout 3 is like that dum dum

roleplaying you unimaginative fuck

Best way I'd put it is that if you love the Elder Scrolls universe it's worth your time.

Gameplay is worse than Skyrim, but better than Oblivion.

I'm sure everyone is going to disagree with me but I absolutely fucking hate this mod. Not only is it disgusting waifu faggotry of the highest order but the male characters are still normal looking but with giant balloon heads, making the game look inconsistent and retarded.

There are way better games to do that in you dense fuck

Speaking of Oblivion creatures it's got to have the grossest zombies I've ever seen in anything. The way they look, the way they move, the sounds they make. It's all so disgusting.

Which TES are you talking about? Daggerfall is being completely remade in Unity. It looks great and has mod support.

Attached: bt1HdZ5.png (1920x1080, 2.31M)

Wring if you rush for vampirism in the cave near Anvil there’s a Minotaur outside. He was there at level 1.

Very cool, I'll have to try this out. I got all the old stuff and I only played Daggerfall of all of it.

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Anyone ever see this in Skyrim?

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It's playable from start to finish but the guy is still working on stuff as we speak. He just finished lycanthropy I believe.

Skyrim of Evangelion. No, I don't thin so.

you were asking specifically about ways to make oblivion more fun holy shit u r dum

figuratively imagine the smelle...

me on the right

no but ive seen this

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>Shinny plastic skin
No thanks

>that casting animation when they healed themselves

Attached: 1421693654127.gif (412x304, 2.59M)

Roleplaying in this game just makes me want to do it in a different game. Too janky and not worth the effort to invest in.

They are pretty impressive when you met them for the first time

I didn't come across these guys until my 100% playthrough. Even then, it was only one time and I was very confused and a bit spooked.

Attached: LandDreugh.jpg (550x413, 41K)

>The day has come where you can make Daggerfall look like this

Sometimes I'm happy to be living in this time period.

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Major questlines in Oblivion are the best in the entire series. Skyrim by comparison felt like shit where you can breeze through ever major factions questline in a few hours.

her fist is as big as her whole fucking face lmfao

Too much movement in the trees but otherwise amazing as fuck

mfw you remember skyrim has 6 enemy types only

Minotaurs are goat

Attached: HONK.jpg (1280x1519, 645K)

What is that thing? I don't think I've ever seen one

There is a unicorn ingame too. IIRC it's in the forest southwest of the Imperial City.

Attached: unicorn.png (1634x1048, 3.18M)

>slightly hairy titties
well this is a new feeling

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this thread seems strangely familiar

Magazine ads too. And I remember them being in screenshots on the back of the box too.

2019...Iam forgotten

not to me though, this guy had the weirdest name to go around

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Modded Oblivion is literally the greatest game of all time.

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I'm starting to think they copy pasted half of the thread.

Because enemy scaling in oblivion is actually retarded.
Now this is what we should really be talking about

Vanilla has the leveling system of any game because of the scaling.

Has anyone tried survival mods in this game? I'm thinking about trying it along with some farm animal and food mods. Sounds comfy as fuck to me but I'm not sure.

>I make sure I pleasure anything I have sex with
>especially non-humans!
Why especially?

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Why are Skyrim's cities so small tho?

Attached: enb 2018_05_28 19_15_58_16.jpg (1920x1080, 356K)

That's a lot of mods to make the characters do that

holy hecking based

Consoles is the excuse, but mostly Lamebryo has terrible optimization when it comes to rendering large object-heavy locales.

Same console as oblivion with a shit load more graphics and physics.

No other engine could do it either is the real problem.
Yes shitbryo sucks but every other engine out there would suck just as bad, except it would also take then 1-2 games to get use to the new tools making those transition games especially jank and awful

deja vu grows stronger by the day, the older you get. scary thing desu.

While I don't agree this is a reasonable and respectable opinion


>fuck the unicorn
>kill it
>use his son as your steed instead

best worst asspain i've ever felt from oblivion

oblivion character overhaul
It really helps with the potato head shit

Attached: 44676-2-1387740635.jpg (922x871, 656K)

Shadowmere was way better because portable storage

>lets just take any character this race had right out of them

>potatos are character
retard retard retard

>Sameface Potato head characters
Shit taste user

Oughta try using that one mod that stops all randomized/bracketed enemy spawns and hand places them around the map, that along with oblivionXP and other level scaling removers help make the game better.


They're "literally" more divers with the mod then without it, you fucking idiot.

funky looking but replied to say many of the female dunmer in oblivion have the voice of an angel

>what if we take a the most generic setting and make it even more like generic tolkien shit

Those are the Dark Seducers user. Dunmer's are pic related.

The mod author said that he/she did they're best to modify the faces but there is only so much they can do with the engine and character limitations.

Attached: 44676-3-1387729488.jpg (1270x832, 1.19M)

>make it even more like generic tolkien shit
What the fuck does that even mean? Just don't use it faggot. Clearly this mod is too good for you.

They look like fucking night elves.

Attached: 105928-103553[1].jpg (320x481, 15K)

they aren't rare, you probably bee lined the main quest, call the game garbage with no content and bad quests when you experienced 10% of it

holy shit

They're actually not that dark in the game. Author too the pic with a lighting mod.

>he didn't play an Archer
>shitty arrows do like 2 damage
>jumping 12 feet in the air and strafing

I remember the first time I ran into a Daedroth or Clannfear, whatever it was called. Giant fucking Crocco man in a cave started snarling at me and beating the stuffing out of me. I drank like 100 lbs. of Potion to survive and saved immediately. A second later I died by 3 more who secretly joined in the fight and had to load from a save like 2 hours ago.

I'd love a mod that just takes the Morrowind heads and places them on the Oblivion models. Oblivion fucking butchered the artwork, to the point your idiotic post applies to Oblivion itself.

>there is only so much they can do with the engine
against* the engine
fuck I hate Bethesda

You do realize its because its a 13 year old game made for the 360 first right?
The engine really has little to do with it to do with it otherwise rimjob wouldnt have so many mods to expand functionality

The only time I truly enjoyed Skyrim was when I did a playthrough as a Deathwatch space marine. Bolter pistol used to ragdoll anything you hit with it so it was always fun plinking dragons out of the sky or shoving a giant across the plains as you fill him full of gyrojet high explosives.

Skyrim is right at the tipping point of millennial and early zoomer

>Console and troll niggers talking shit against OCO

You can Modify all of them on the extended construction set.

I WISH someone could continue from where nuska stoped and fix the rest of the mod, people uses the previous version because of it.
Ever since that finnish SJW bitch had a hissy fit and left modding in anger that the community hates special snowflakes like her, plus the fact that she didnt liked people using her assets.

Attached: Mazoga.jpg (1920x1080, 158K)

>skyrim doesn't get boring
That's a fair point. It starts out boring, and stays boring. Guess you can't get to boring if that's where you started out.

>MUM i posted it!

assblasted obsidrone

God that looks like shit, what's the point of having ORCS if you're going to make them look like waifus. They're supposed to look fucked they're a cursed race

I hate oblivions enemy scaling so fucking much.
Would have been a fine game if they removed efficient leveling and that but no leave it to modders since you clearly didnt even test this shit beth

You know that you can make beautiful orcs ingame without mods and some of it are canon you fucking /tgesg/ loreret


I like the name, it follows the DnD rule of if you don't know the name/can't pronounce the name, it's probably gonna fuck you up.

>You know that you can make beautiful orcs ingame without mods
Post one .

I need to know how to make the scale this big right now please

The miner blacksmith from Borgakh's stronghold
The blacksmith chick from Markath

Land Dreughs

>semi aquatic creature in the snowy mountains
Bravo bethesda

>all these tourists who don't know about justin
this board is rotting

Attached: 1546707896225.jpg (419x385, 23K)

>is so old he sees new users come and go
>still hasnt left
>blames the others and not himself

I got u senpai

Attached: enb 2018_06_04 18_51_07_74.jpg (1920x676, 273K)

>this board is rotting

due to Yea Forums's corpse since it's been dead for so long

Isn't it just pronounced CivilEye though?

Fuck Oblivion
Minotaurs are cool as fuck in lore, but Bethesda are fucking dumbasses who chase mediocrity and do something as cowardly as butcher their own game lore just to make everything more 'approachable' for the average fartsniffer who bought an Xbox 360

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He’s literally a Saint.

Lategame oblivion is unplayable, everything is a damage sponge. I need mods to make it bearable.


>he knows the game I like is shit
>better accuse him of liking another shitty company
Sorry kiddo, but you have shit taste. Nothing to be ashamed of. There are plenty of low iq games out there for people of your kind.

Elianora was a huge cunt though. Completely unable to take criticism that made her house mods work like ass. Skyrim is able to use 4 or 6 dynamic light sources at once and any more will make some of them turn off when you dont look at them directly so you get a flickering disco. She blocked anyone who asked about it and threw a fit when someone edited the unnecessary lights out.

The extra privileges she got from Nexus staff were disgusting too. One modder got banned for making a mod that "felt too much like elianoras"

Hyi vittu mä vihaan sitä läskiä.

Those are NOT attractive wtf

I don't mind it. It just means I can recycle old stuff to pretend I'm funny.

Patrician taste user

Oblivion had the best and realistic armor sets in the series
>Chain mail
>Guard uniforms
>Gold plated legion armor

Although it had some of the worse namely glass armour which makes you look like a super hero with down syndrome.

Also in all honestly what is the best mod for balancing the XP and scaling.

They tend to be everywhere on routes when you reach a high level

I think Oblivion is shit but this man is based

>being proud to remember faggots
cant keep enough of them out of my mind desu

Steel Plate armor in Skyrim shots on Oblivion's

>best mod for balancing the XP and scaling.
Probably Oblivion Unleveled for scaling.
For XP I like Oblivion XP. It really changes up how you approach leveling though. Also I really like the XP curve the mod author came up with, it's an inverse tangent function with a simple linearly increasing scalar added to it. Elegant and effective

>farts that could destroy entire cities

imagine the smell

Holy fuck thank you for reminding me about that. I used to love walking around with that everscamp staff just for that reason.

They got included in the dragonborne dlc. Can even be the ruler of one tribe through a few quests. Can recruit them as followers and I believe they just randomly pop up while you're on the island. Miss my lil bros.

I want black marsh so bad but if they stuck with the lore everyone would bitch argonias are OP. Also, more development on the hist would make me harder than a diamond in a snowstorm.

Gotta be a good ambassador for your species