>final boss was just a dream
Final boss was just a dream
Other urls found in this thread:
>you were the final boss's dream
>the real final boss were the friends you made along the way
>entire game was just a dream which you wake up from in the end
I hate this trope, fucking Prey
a hat in time
>final boss is a big guy
>for you
>have like an entire team
>final boss is overpowered and crashes your plane
>final boss sells feed and seed
Fucking retard
It was a simulation, nothing of it was real.
Same thing.
The point was that all of it happened like that in the past, you're just seeing it through the eyes of a simulation.
If any game did this where you'd have to fight all your party members as the final boss, that would be unironically kino.
>final sneed was formerly chuck
>The point was that all of it happened like that in the pas
Only some of it.
You can let the fatty die in the simulation yet he greets you in the end with the crappy twist.
It's a pure simulation to evaluate the alien lifeform's intentions and behaviour.
>companion was just a dream
wanted to post this clip
alright this time
I dropped this during all the college stuff
That's more or less what happens with FFX and the aeons
Eh, you don't really connect with the Aeons throughout the game as you do proper party members. Still not a half bad concept though.
>Entire game is all a dream you never wake up from
>prequel boss was chuck
I've seen this trope done right like two times, at most. Why do people insist on trying to do this shit?
Well pick it back up it's ending soon, it got good again after they left the college
>terry doesn't want to do this
I think this happens in LISA
SMT 4 Apocalypse does this in one of the routes, shame it's one of the two things SMT:A's story does right (the other being Shesha - he's fucking awesome).
While not required by any means and somewhat different concept, I'm pretty sure you can betray and devour all of your companions in IWD2:Mask of the Betrayer and craft some batshit crazy amulet to solo the game with.
Breath of Fire 4.
>boss is basically a god in-universe
>talks down to you throughout the entirety of their pre-fight dialogue
>ends up going down easier than some regular enemies
>"We are one in the same, Mason..."