Nintendo's Official List of Best Nintendo Games

Thoughts on this Yea Forums?

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>Elite Beat Agents over Super Mario 64 and Metroid Prime

> Majora's Mask as the lowest rated 3D Zelda
Utterly based

>11. Skyward Sword
Entire list discarded

This was Nintendo Power

>no DKC2

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>no Banjo-Kazooie
Fake. They can't forget the most important 3D platformer of all time. Fuck off back to your discord cult, Stevecuck.


>ocarina of time as best zelda
>world as best 2d mario
>2 as best mega man
This is just the normalfag opinion list, it has no value.

>RE4 in the top 10


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Was just about to bring this up

Were they not legally allowed to include Rare's properties or something? I doubt it, because Conker IS on the list, but that game also never got a rerelease, while both Banjo Games and Perfect Dark did, so I don't know

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>Zelda 1 at 12
>Zelda 2 at 58
fuck off

Seething Banjo fag, it didn't even make their earlier list of best N64 games

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>mega man 2

No, Nintendo just doesn't give a shit about Banjo

Is this someone's personal list? Or is this based on the best selling games or something? This is the most generic list I've seen.

It's as NPC a list as you could get
>Hey dude what nintendo games are your favorite?
>wow that's really uninteresting

It's based on what Nintendo of America considers the Best Nintendo games

This is what Nintendo themselves thinks, cope more you contrarian hipster

Nintendo Power, not Nintendo of America, big differnece

Wheres the source?

Nintendo Power is owned by Nintendo & made up of other Nintendo employees

Honestly I would rather be a contrarian than a boring as fuck drone. And why should I care about which games the company wants to shill the most? If anything, that should be the least trustworthy opinion. You never ask someone who is selling you something for a suggestion.

Just cope more

Not an argument

Is this seriously what rosterfags are resorting to now, grabbing random twitter posts and old articles just to prove that "HAHA your character is dum and MY character is obviously going to be included because of these 7 reasons I just pulled out of my ass" Its annoying and pathetic.

>inb4 "your just a salty ____cuck lol"

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>Resident Evil 4

Seething Banjo cucks

I didn't mention banjo you fucking aspie
I hate collectathon shit and I hate the n64

Why should I give a damn about which games they're trying to sell to me the most?

Cry more

>Phantasy Star Online 0
? The fuck

That game as a piece of shit

>no ouendan
ouendan shits on EBA

Why would Nintendo even do a top 10 games? Is this to rill up people against each others? Picking favorites? That's showing ingratitude to the devs.

>Resident Evil 4 over Resident Evil 1
Yeah fuck you too

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>both Sin and Punishments
No issues here


Its progress bigot

>number one is Ocarina of Time

they'd get bomb threats if it was anything else

Please don't tell me this faggot actually trimmed his arm of flesh to make it more feminine. Please for the love of fuck don't tell me.
Y'all are fucking disgusting.

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>No Battle Network
Shit list
I'd also mention something about Starforce but I have yet to play those games.

Don't worry they got Ninja Gaiden DS lmao

Shit list. Nintendo is so fucking retarded

it's for a fake vagina, yes, using fucking armskin to make a fagina in a fleshwound above your asshole

Dragon Quest 9 was up there tho so someone had the right idea I suppose.

>13. Elite Beat Agents
yup these niggers know

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>any marioshit being in the top 200
ha no

>DKC almost at the end of the list
Oh but they sure love the sucess of that game, but couldn't put it in the top 20 even.

Now I know Miyamoto did this list himself

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you know that quote was fabricated by british journalists right?

>good paper mario in the top 20
Maybe there is still hope

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Seething Banjoke

What the fuck lol

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i don't see a problem