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>better dead than Al Bhed, right brother?
looks like a stoner that just hit puberty
that's the blackest thing on the front page
still got to shag Ms. Goffik Fanservice
*Literally millions die, an entire city blown to pieces*
>That bullshit last segment where you have to collect glowing orbs with a fixed camera angle for some reason with spikes that randomly spawn and summon monsters that can OHKO you in the first turn and also most of the time they get a pre emptive strike
FFX is kinda trash in the last third, right?
no that was the only part to require you to at least vaguely understand the game
>that can OHKO you in the first turn
what? did you run from like every fight in the game and never crafted gear?
Truly a day to celebrate.
Millions of Al Bhed though, not people. Do you cry over every ant hill lost?
iirc some of them use a KO move, so you'd have to, horror of horrors, use a phoenix down or accessory
The albhed is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an albhed and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Daily reminder that this dude married and impregnated pic related.
There's enemies that spam Bad Breath, another that spams Mega Death, another that does a stone move, and another that uses Meteor when it dies or you try to run.
Explain your thinking.
my brudda
ffx is very easy for most of the game
Most if not all of the Al Bhed that weren't already on board were already dead. The only ones there were the innocent Guado.
Can we talk about the FFX 2.5 novella and the Will audio drama for a bit?
So Tidus reappears thanks to the power of love and fireflies.
But then Tidus dies in the novella and is “beckoned” by Yuna again.
Anyone can beckon anything into existence if they really want it.
And then Yuna cucks Tidus with some random chad and leaves him, then someone beckons Sin again... so the last piece of FFX story ends with Yuna leaving Tidus and Sin returning because some baddie really really wanted Sin to come back. It’s all in the latest Dansg08 video.
So can we discuss how everything good about X’s ending was raped and raped into rape babys?
What the fuck SE, you did the same shit with Tactics in FF XIV.
You should have armor that protects against all the dangerous portions of bad breath, that enemy only spams doom and occasionally death, you should have stone proof as part of your armor and the behemoth damage is reduced by both protect and defend
Or you could just annihilate them all with an aeon
It's basically non canon. Eternal Calm was also heavily changed by the time X-2 was greenlit, if there's a X-3, the Novella will be basically unrecognizable.
doesn't tidus kick a landmine thinking it's a blitzball
>You should have grinded to get all these skills bro
So FFX is easy, but only if you grind items for customising? You're a brainlet.
Well, it was made by Al Bhed though, right? A shame about the Guado but seeing a giant fuck you to Yevon blow up is nothing short of rapturous.
I refuse to acknowledge anything past FFX. Game was good, ending was good, anything else is just fanart
this is my favorite meme and i've been here forever.
>Or you could just annihilate them all with an aeon
>Bad Breath
>Hope you have Ribbon on everyone bro!
>Oh you don't?
>Game Over
>So Tidus reappears thanks to the power of love and fireflies.
>But then Tidus dies in the novella and is “beckoned” by Yuna again.
sort of I dont think it was explained how exactly I think its different from the next thing
>Anyone can beckon anything into existence if they really want it.
The farplane was leaking into the moonflow making long dead things appear, including what was assumed to be sin
>And then Yuna cucks Tidus with some random chad and leaves him
She was lying about seeing someone else
> then someone beckons Sin again
I thought some guado inadvertently summoned seymour who summoned sin
Granted I havent watched it since all this came out so Im probably a bit foggy on the details
Got any more?
>You can totally let the Guado genocide happen in X-2
>designer puts shit loads of belts in her outfit specifically to fuck with the people who had to do the rendering
>they solve this problem by just never showing Lulu from the waist down
always makes me laugh when i think about it
i fucking wish.
Yes and Yuna beckons him but he can’t find out of else he’ll disappear again.
There’s a part in the novella were Yuna finds out you can summon Fayth having sex.
FFX-2 Last Mission was pure kino.
I'll never get tired of wakkaposting
Really? How do you accomplish this?
You can find armors that come with basic shit like stoneproof around djose temple
by zanarkand you should have some half assed decent armor that allows you to have atleast a few characters that can eat a bad breathe, since you know marlboros first appear in the calm lands
Its also not even a 100% chance for confusion or berserk so just having something like silenceproof could theoretically work
Wey aye man