Metroid bread

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Other urls found in this thread:銀河戰士_Wiki


>prime trilogy or new retro IP next month
we can't lose! except for when we do

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What's his endgame?

I like that Adeleine's power is a skill that really any human could have, drawing realistically. But in her world it is a magic power since she draws so realistically her drawings become real, and she is alien there for being so human.

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Just how many eldritch horrors capable of taking over the galaxy exist in the Metroid world? It's a wonder everyone isn't already turned into goo.

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I miss this threads, they were such a good time.

It's counterbalanced by there also being a ton of benevolent ancient alien civilizations to seal all of the eldritch horrors away


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In all honestly, only Two, the Phazon (Dead) and Gorea (Dead), maybe the Ings, but they were a subproduct of the Phazon and are also dead, with the Metroids (Dead? nah, they always come back) and the X (this one is dead though) being the xenomorph and the Thing respectively. The Chozo may be close to ancient gods with how high their technology is, but still not Eldritch.

The Kirby universe in the other hand is only in piece because it has a baby Eldritch horror devouring all the other Eldritch horrors.

There is a reason we call this ones the Rogue Chozo.

I know the Switch may no live to see Prime 4, but any hopes for Metroid 5 in the near future?

I refuse to believe in the Prime Trilogy
I refuse to let myself be hurt again

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>I know the Switch may no live to see Prime 4, but any hopes for Metroid 5 in the near future?
Switch will definitely live to see Prime 4 unless it suddenly turns into a Wii U-tier flop, and Metroid 5 is all but confirmed by the very image you're responding to. I'm cautiously optimistic about the future of this series.

The "no Spirit" theory was a little delusional but i like this ship

This is a smashfag free zone user
It was only ever cute pictures, and Metroid and Kirbs have had history long before

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I like genki doofus Samus

Have faith, user. If they were willing to cancel two years of work and hand Prime 4 over to Retro to ensure that it ends up being good, I'm sure they would be willing to port Prime Trilogy to the Switch in the mean time.


So, how is Sylux supposed to work in the next Metroid Prime? An enemy that stalks you the whole game?

Probably like Dark Samus in Metroid Prime 2.

I'm mostly interested in how he's going to use that Metroid. Raise it as his personal attack animal?

Clone it and "take over DA GALAXY" like many other retards have tried and failed to do before.

Is Sylux just JC Denton in space?

My personal theory is that he wants to use metroids in a terror attack against the Federation.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>has a weird relationship with the government and wants to destroy them

>tfw playing metroid prime 3 for the first time.
Just killed Rundas lads. press f

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I just want trilogy to come out, please nintendo, I bought a switch for this alone, I can wait for prime 4 untill the heat death of the universe but by god just give me trilogy on a handheld.

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why is this so entertaining?

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If Ridley were to finally get a VA, who should do it?

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He was too good for this galaxy

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gilbert gottfried

It's my favorite crossover shipping and I wish there was more fan art of it.

Is Gandrayda underrated?

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How can there be a metroid prime 4 when the metroid prime is dead?

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Damn, I remember her. She was pretty cool and so were the other hunters. Makes me sad that they didn't get enough screentime before becoming bosses. I love the idea of fighting with/against other hunters which is probably why I loved Prime Hunters so much. I really hope Prime 4 has some kind of multiplayer.

>buying metroid prime trilogy for the third time in a row
We're almost hitting OOT levels or rereleases

How could there be a Metroid Prime Hunters if the Metroid Prime didnt appear in it?

Metroid Prime 4 is a working title.

They should give it a new subtitle rather than Prime, but Prime is the name of the subseries too. Like Prime Hunters and Prime Federation Force didn't have the Metroid Prime either.

>I really hope Prime 4 has some kind of multiplayer.
I want Metroid mutiplayer, too. Metroid honestly has all the right stuff to make for a really good multiplayer FPS

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Honestly, I'd prefer if Metroid Prime had the whole Phazon arc end completely and the "Prime" series is more just a name used to describe the FPS spin-off games.

She's kind of weird. Human-like aliens really stick out in the Metroid universe when almost literally every other species we see ranges from just being humanoid without really resembling humans otherwise to having completely unearthly anatomy.

Bro you do realize the metroid prime is dark samus right
also dark samus is still totally alive

Better than RE4 at least

"Prime" is just a convenient shorthand at this point. As soon as you see that subtitle you know exactly what sort of game you're getting (unless it's Prime Pinball).

Gandrayda isn't technically human-like

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Not to mention the series already had really good multiplayer as well

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I still don't think they'd bring Dark Samus back, though. At least not so "soon".

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>spamming bombs with Sylux cause they have an instakill mechanic
Good times

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Bro metroid prime 3 was like 12 years ago. I think it's been more than long enough for Dark Samus to not overstay her welcome

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Dread will be shit if it doesn't continue to control scheme of F and ZM
and it better use the D-Pad to move, what the fuck where SR and AM2R thinking?

I mean as far as continuity goes. Not how long its been since the audience has had a game related to Phazon n shit.

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Personally I don't want Dark Samus just cause I think the Phazon arc ended well and doesn't need to be brought up again.

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even if we somehow yet again don't get prime trilogy at E3,
this lil guy is definitely showing

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Cool but place your bets if Ridley will make it into either Metroid 5 or Prime 4

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who owns the hand behind samus?


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is sylux human?

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I'll do you one better and bet the next arc will have him be the central focus.

Ridley has only gotten more and more popular but he's only ever been regulated as a second in command akin to a character like Wolf.

Just like how Wolf finally got the role of the true boss with that Ubisoft spin-off I can honestly see Prime deciding to use it's spin-off potential to do more with Ridley.

It's weird how Ridley is only ever second in command, but also the most recurring boss in the series.

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As far as I recall his suit was stolen from the galactic federation, which is composed entirely of humans

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>galactic FEDERATION
>humans only

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It makes sense with his character.
Ridley doesn't give a shit about master plans and playing 4D chess, he just wants to kill Samus and watch the world burn.

That said he's become too big of a character for them to just hold him as that and even if it's not in the next Prime games or even anytime soon, a game that puts all the spotlight on Ridley is something someone in Nintendo or close to Nintendo will dip their toes in sooner or later.

Maybe they could pull another DKC2 thematically. Where Ridley and the space pirates really get their shit together.

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Have you seen or heard of anyone other than humans in the federation?
Maybe in the old instruction books

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No, but how can they be a federation if they presumably only include a single species from a single homeworld?

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I can't help it bros, I really can't: I really, really like the way Samus's suit looks in Smash Ultimate. At this point it's my third favorite rendition of the Varia Suit, below ZM's and Prime 2/3's. All of the animations for it are on point and the lighting on most stages compliments it very well

I've been attempting to convince myself since September that it's not real and failing miserably. I know by the time e3 rolls around I'll be right back to having my hopes up only for them to get squandered once again.

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When should we expect Metroid 5?

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I would guess next year at the latest.

I don't like the perfectly round pauldrons

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Jim Carrey

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>other m suit with no shoulderfins
I hate it

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I really wished the lights on Samus's suit worked the way they do in this art, where it looks like they just happen to be the inner workings of the suit subtly bursting at the seams with power. Nowadays it's like the suit intentionally has glow up lights built into it for seemingly no reason

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that's pretty optimistic
I really hope MercurySteam aren't involved

Galactic Empire doesnt sound as good

I have a feeling Ridley's going to have some connection to the Chozo, and seeing as they're probably the main antagonists in 5 I think it's likely we'll see him in some form.

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Again I can't help it, I'm finding myself gravitating towards its minimalist aesthetic
Not like it's my favorite suit but it's grown on me a lot more than I thought it would

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>I'm finding myself gravitating towards its minimalist aesthetic
Yeah. I don't like minimalism with the power suit. Even as a concept.

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>Prime 2 Varia proportions with Prime 1 visor
Fucking perfect

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Better than the shitflinging timeline we have now.

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>wii u has basically every original and prime entry
i think i might just buy a wii u if we don't get a remaster this E3 lads

To each their own

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I just think of the power suit as a big, bulky HR Giger looking thing. Turning it into something sleek and petite works against it imo.

It doesn't need to be Warhammer tier walking tank, but it should look threatening and powerful.

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Anyone want a more lowkey but still bulky armor design? Pic related

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James Woods

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Is Samus suit the most redesigned armor ever?

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Iron Man has like 80 suits

I think balance is tough. It's a power suit, but it also should look like Samus could still do all kinds of acrobatics inside it.

how fitting that the Wii U is the all-purpose Metroid machine

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I love how you can look for thirty different drawings of Samus by thirty different artists and they'll all be notably distinct from each other. Gives a lot of personality to the fanart.

damn that is fucking sexy as a lover of both samus suit and zaku

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It's pretty cool that fanartist can take something so rigid and make it unique every time.

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Hopefully, Prime 4 won't be dated upon release.

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Metroid: Wind Waker

please don't use Thief to shitpost Metroid. I love both series.

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>he will NEVER be a smash fighter

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>Missing Phantoon

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I mean hey, it has been stated that Phaaze sent out multiple leviathans over its lifetime, even before Tallon IV got fucked
Who knows, maybe that Phaaze was only one of many spread out thin across the galaxy, like a silent cancer slowly spreading elsewhere

>implying Prime's Gravity suit isn't the best gravity suit.

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How do we fix Mother Brain?

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It's not like they can't create another threat

Real question is if we will ever move passed Metroid Fusion on the timeline.

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>Samus essentially lost her parents twice over

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well of course I'm just stating
I wouldn't mind having Dark Samus back as a rival to Samus, personally I find her to be a great foil compared to SA-X
Though I would also like Sylux to make it as a rival too, just to add more variety between just Samus and Ridley (and maybe Kraid)

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Having her appear in another game would be a good start

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Why would Metroid swim around in a heavy suit

What needs fixing? Her story is told and she played her part well.

she's definitely dead though.

I actually hate it a lot. It looks way too clean, doesn't fit metroid at all

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It would be weird to add him to Smash, acknowledging he's apparently popular and fans like him, and then never put him in another Metroid title. Especially a series where his boss fights are universally praised.

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Why is everyone obsessed with my boy (can’t remember his name but I mained him back in the day when hunters came out)

Used to spend summer days with my best friend playing hunters multiplayer online and thrashing bitches.

>calls him his boy
>cant remember his name
wow that's a new low even for the metroid fanbase.

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In Metroid Prime 3's ending his ship was seen
And he shows up in the stinger to federation force

Seconding this

Sylux was teased in Federation Force and is being hyped up as the antagonist of the hopefully upcoming Metroid Prime 4

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>Almost every Metroid game has bosses where there's some kind of strategy you need to learn in order to beat them
>Without fail, every single one of Ridley's fights are just shooting the ever living fuck out of each other
It's unironically great, always feels visceral as hell

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He refers to Sylux you retard

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How much would you guess Retro's Prime 4 will differ from Bandai's Prime 4? Like it terms of plot or worlds featured and so on.

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Nice eyelashes you've got there, Rids

Where's this from?

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I just want them to go back to ZM's physics. Also SR suit is just an inferior Prime 3 varia

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>dark samus holding a gun

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I mained him you fucking cunt. I have memory problems fuck you. Hunters MP was my shit back in the day and it was ages ago.

I am 100% aware.

Nice I’m hyped might get back into it. Hope there is multiplayer like hunters that would make my day.

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thx bro

I'm not really sure. What games have Bamco made that come closest to Metroid Prime in terms of atmosphere and gameplay? It must have been really out of line from what Nintendo wanted if they were willing to scrap two years of work and bring in a completely different studio to restart the project.

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People drawing the Varia Suit as something separate from Samus triggers my autism

It was probably hot trash in an unfathomable way. Or hot trash in the way that gave nintendo ptsd over other m backlash.

Wishlist for 2D Metroid going forward (story wise):
>Federation are not the bad guys
>Federation discover strange tech on an uncharted world and quickly afterwards send out an SOS
>Samus investigates, initially suspecting Space Pirates
>Rogue Chozo are the culprits
>Samus must explore the planet alone while facing natural and unnatural threats
>Ridley and Space Pirates show up halfway through to join the fun
>Three-way battle between Feds + Samus, Space Pirates, and Rogue Chozo
>This final fight occurs past a point of no return so that the arrival of Fed support doesn't hurt the isolation atmosphere
>Final boss is Ridley, then Rogue Chozo leader (both simultaneously on hard mode)
>No Metroids
>No X virus
>No Mother Brain
>But terminals documenting events of past games from the perspectives of the three sides would be awesome

The Dark Suit is underrated as fuck from a design point and had some really cool potential that went wasted

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I could see the entire federation going the way of the Chozo or Space Pirates. With Prime 3, it's pretty damn obvious they're playing with shit they shouldn't.

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That might be the only beacon of hope that retro has been onto something these years and that we might see it.

I appreciated how weirdly organic the Prime 2 suits looked.

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Samus is a fugitive at the end of Fusion so half of your wishlist wouldn't even work

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I love Bryyo's big fuel refinery.
something I really enjoy about the prime series is how much environmental story telling there is.

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Whoever this little robot fella is it must be absolutely fucking tiny. Mario really doesn't cover that much of the picture but the hand is the only part of it you can see.

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Having a costume over a suit of armour is funny. Or is that her skin dark suit Samus confuses me.

How long has it been since Tropical Freeze was released? 5 years?
Retro's secret project must be quite the game if we've been in the dark for so long.

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Either that or the project got cancelled/rebooted before it could be revealed and a new project took its place. All we know is that they definitely had a new project going as recently as August 2015.

It's an exoskeleton like the ones crustaceans and insects have to cover her metroid-like insides

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Well they have had to have been working on something for the last half-decade. Nintendo wouldn't have been shoveling money into them for merely helping develop mario kart and porting donkey kong.

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The Federation has always had a very mixed alignment. Some games they really are straight good guys while others they do some dark stuff. I would prefer if they brought them back to mainly good guys with a few groups within having less selfless motives (though some of these groups may think the ends justify the means with their research). I also want to see aliens in the Federation since that was the original implication.
Fusion's end could easily be written as, "After the events of Fusion, I have not received any official missions from the Federation. Although voices of reason within were convinced my actions were justified, many still see me as a loose cannon. However, I have just received an urgent request from the Federation Military. They seem to have found something they think might threaten galactic peace. They say the threat is too great for them to handle alone."

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I suspect that Retro either is nearly finished the project (it will be shown at E3) or ran into such big technical hurdles that it was canceled (almost certainly the case if nothing is shown at E3).

2006 maybe 2007 or so, after the success of metroid fusion

haha is this doomguy haha

I don't think they'd have a character from a cancelled project in their farewell picture to Reggie.

We can at least figure they probably had to port it from Wii U to Switch sometime during development

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>caring about hunters

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Reminds me of the Peruviean Metroid comic

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dat ass

Agreed 100%
It grew on me a lot

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Too good for this world...


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that's her shoulder.

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look lower.

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cursed image


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Alright, own up, who jizzed in the X Parasites?

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Guess I'll try to storytime it

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Peak suit design.

what evidence do you have of this

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>Full image
Could be better, wish he didn't drop this idea after drawing it two times

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>tfw no Final Boss Ridley but he wears an experimental chozo power armor

Attached: metroid0106.png (1000x739, 123K)

This is hilarious

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I don't remember this metroid character

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They're not going to live up to the hype.

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Attached: metroid0109.png (1000x745, 151K)

Attached: samus_manga1.png (371x1166, 278K)

Is that a metroid cosplaying as Bayonetta?

Prime series: has new armor even though you spend 99% of the game looking at a visor and arm cannon that don't change

Main series: can see Samus at all times, no new suits

Explain how this makes sense.

Attached: metroid0110.png (1000x745, 180K)

Attached: samus_manga2.png (374x1063, 188K)

You see samus a lot in the prime series though. The games really do go into third person frequently.

Attached: metroid0111.png (1000x746, 147K)

I mean, that's the hope with Metroid 5. I will be go tabu and bring Other M, but just to say that the game may have only existed to bring up the plot of the corrupt feds before 5 (may be test the third person Camera for a 3D game, in which case I hope not everything is lose), then the backlash happen, they let it cold down, and now Sakamoto decide to move the plot with the Rogue Chozo instead.

At the end of the day, with Super happening just after Metroid 2/Samus Returns, and the Prime games taking place between 1 and 2, this Rogue Chozo plotline they just introduce can only happen between Super and Fusion, again, or after Fusion, and again, after the Other M backlash, I think they will rather avoid side stories and go directly with a main entry.

is that an ahegao?

Attached: nnhcwkHxrs1rkrn29o1_r1_1280.png (500x1144, 129K)

Attached: samus_manga3.png (387x1071, 269K)

I want to fuck that armor


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Attached: pjyn6uvikk1skl0jpo1_1280.png (1000x706, 895K)

Now get a hold of the second issue

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Three times, her biological parents, then the Chozo, then Adam. She also loss her Bounty Hunters companions, the Baby and her thrust in the federation by Fusion.

Also, depending if they decide to bring this bit of the manga into the games too, she was also betrayed by a Mother/Sister figure with Mother Brain. And now, the current plotline implys she is about to get "betrayed" by the Chozo too. Samus's life is essentially suffering and loss.

Attached: metroid0202.png (1000x722, 175K)

>that tongue in the last panel

Attached: 65962690_p0.png (1280x868, 700K)

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Attached: shoot scan.png (600x2500, 100K)

Attached: metroid0205.png (1000x722, 188K)

Acording with some Rumors, Nintendo try for the first time this method of leave multiple studios and teams work different parts of the project instead of just a main Studio with their inside teams.

This works for some companies, but in this case, some of this teams were falling behind, so they got some aspects of the game done, but others were indeed a hot mess, and in the end they couldn't bring the whole project together. It's just a rumor, but it makes somehow sense with how unprecedented this situation is for Nintendo, and the little to none info we have about the original developer.

Attached: shoot scan grap.jpg (400x2000, 130K)

>that crying moon

Attached: metroid0206.png (1000x720, 209K)

Samus is very smart.

>Everything in that fucking tapestry

Attached: metroid0207.png (1000x713, 156K)

Attached: 1042161_p0.gif (362x291, 15K)

The GC trilogy emulates well, right? I heard the re-release messed a lot if little details up, as any remaster is prone to.

I love this game so much, but this shit was flat out terrible.

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This is Stardust the Super Wizard tier

Fucking vorefag sun

Yeah, it does very well.

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Attached: Metroid Prime 2 first person morph ball.webm (1280x960, 2.92M)

Nope, that's a Metroid cosplaying as Blasto, from Mass Effect.

Attached: metroid0210.png (1000x701, 159K)

>when you meet the seventh eldritch space abomination in a row to kill as part of your paycheck

spoiled because janies

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God I love the faces in this comic.

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This is where it gets real

Attached: metroid0215.png (1000x706, 234K)

I don't think the federation should be bad guys, but I don't think they should be good guys either. Keep them as characters hunting for Samus, but not necessarily evil, just ignorant of the real dangers of the situation

what the fuck is going on here

Samus and the Masters of Inception

Attached: metroid0216.png (1000x706, 178K)

I want a game where we go around killing pirates like bounty hunters.

I doubt the chozo will ever appear in the franchise in person at this point honestly.

Attached: metroid0217.png (1000x706, 199K)

>I got mad at the eyes
What did he mean by this?

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Attached: One Punch Girl.png (224x309, 31K)

Not canon, kys Other Migger babby

Attached: metroid0219.png (1000x705, 162K)

>The motorcycle fucking FLIES

You are correct on all accounts.
They actually lowered the difficulty of this fight for the "prime trilogy" rerelease, and even later versions of the gamecube release (the two-discs-in-one-case release, and the "greatest hits / players choice / whatever nintendo calls it" release. But if you have the original, the difficulty is as originally intended.
Not re-"tuned" for ezmode faggots.

Best Sammy

Attached: Metroid_Zebes_Shinnyuu_Shirei.png (650x927, 1.54M)

Metroid: Crocomire's Revenge

Who would have thought Doctor Doom had a zebesian cousin?

We just got a teaser of evil Chozo in the last main entry in the whole series, and also our only clue as to what happen with them in the last... ten years? Man, if we stop to look at the timeline they just disappear recently.

In any case, that was the secret ending for all our troubles in Samus Returns, so whatever Sakamoto is working now, Metroid 5, Dread or something else, is suppose to be about the Chozo.

I mean I doubt they'd really...but it is possible....
but then why not spoiler that one...?

Fusion. Still a parent figure there, and still "dead".

You could've had that in Prey 2 by Human Head Studios
You could've had that instead of the abomination that was Other M, or Federation Force
You could've had that in Hunters
But no.

Just like that episode of Macross during Rick/Hikaru's comma
Sauce me up un this beauty

parachute pantsuit

Prime 4 may be about hunting Sylux while the bigger plot is reveal the further we go.


Attached: stardust.png (960x600, 1.76M)

Because it was more ambigous as to what was between the legs.
Now this isn't far from Greek or Mesopotamian art

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The fact that everything she loves usually dies doesn't help either.

everything she leaves also explodes

Maybe she should try loving Ridley

>the difficulty is as originally intended.
>Not re-"tuned" for ezmode faggots.
Difficulty scaling is a valuable part of good game design.

That's all I have, here's the cover tho

Attached: metroid0101.png (1000x750, 105K)


Attached: 6ee36abaf29bc430ae24bb6c951f170a.jpg (570x919, 69K)

she can make ridley explode without loving him

Thanks for showing this to me user.

I enjoyed those fucking faces, thanks for the storytime!

Then what happens if she tries to love him?

I dunno, I liked her. You only ever really see people shit talking her for having an annoying fight.

Attached: 784d9.png (800x800, 399K)

ayo hol up

Wii U can play DS games?
I can play Hunters on my TV??


In general, all the Corruption hunters are underrated, and tha't the game fault. You barely get to know any of them before they went crazy, and then the game still pretended you care for them somehow. I like their concept, but still, I barely knew them.



>Maybe anne frank should try loving hitler

Whatever happened to the Samus and Joey mangaka pushing for a western volume release? I'd love to own them physically

Attached: SmashBrosEntranceAnimation.jpg (1034x669, 361K)

If it meant Hitler would explode/die then yeah

Good battle theme

Would this game get any better if Metroid COULD crawl?

What game

Only if there are Super Saiyans.

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Super Pirates best pirates

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>tfw too intelligent to crawl

common sense

Attached: varia.png (600x1614, 577K)

>mfw new metroid prime hunters comes out as a Nintendo champions like shooter
>mfw sylux passive ability is a 20 fov value

stop, my penis can only get this erect

Attached: metroidkart.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

I want to touch the fluffy moth!

Attached: [022785].jpg (900x783, 152K)

Will Nintendo finally start celebrating Samus's birthday soon?


Attached: ;_;.gif (613x533, 108K)

Good, the first metroid was irredeemable trash

Same for most NES games, that doesn't stop us to celebrate their "Birthdays" and get some special games/products for the occasion.

I miss the times when Metroid was relevant enough to deserve at least a mention from Nintendo.

>relaaax, the good guys will prevail. Right, Samus?
Y-yeah, Rundas, of course dude.
Too good for the world

Retro saved Metroid once, they will do it again!

I found the boost guardian really easy, but the fish boss kicked my ass. I've only played the original GC release of prime 2

"Prime" has just been the name of the game style for years now. Nintendo literally touched on this a long time ago

Hunters posting and OC might be my favourite.

Attached: Weavel.jpg (800x1600, 171K)

I am the tube

idk about you but metroid bread wouldn't taste very good.

>wanting to touch a moth
sounds like the post of a Mothfag is in here.
And I sure as shit don't like any mothfags in my metroid threads

Attached: honestly fuck moths.png (300x262, 15K)

Don't be like that, the Months were the first to join you on your new Kingdom, remember?

All I can find is that it was a comic probably during the metroid II era

Attached: 1554175234707.png (2560x2304, 39K)銀河戰士_Wiki

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Wait a minute, those bones...

Aria of Sorrow is one of my favorites Metroidvanias of all time, and somehow I still have no idea as to how or when this meme started!

Let's hope Metroid isn't canceled and delayed again for another 10 years, while they sell fanservice filth like Bayonetta to spite us. I want an actual game with a cool female character, not some disgusting slut. why is that so hard to do?

In other words, nothing, gotcha

Fuck moths
All they do is sit around and screech like old women
I swear to whatever amounts to a saw whenever I wanna gloat near that faggot of a traitor's grave I hear that god damn moth chanting her god damn moth speech in her god damn moth cave
It was moths that started the bullshit, and it won't be any moth that ends it.
Fuck moths

Attached: NO COST TOO GREAT.jpg (100x125, 2K)

Attached: 1556587513610.png (562x542, 88K)

Yes, and shit should be challenging and not piss easy. Same reason zero mission is complete dogshit compared to the NES original.

>moths = bad
>spending all of hallownest's funds on saws = good


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Attached: Samus finds the Knight.jpg (2000x1500, 206K)

At least the man can shitpost as good as any Syluxfren who are better than Mothfags, mind you than any of those communist hive-minders

Attached: The shitpost king.png (705x674, 383K)

Attached: Early_Suitless_Samus_2.png (977x1600, 3.18M)

>the man can shitpost good
>gets butt hurt when ogram makes a joke

Whatever you say.

Attached: 1537999349022.png (1294x982, 63K)

is that made by the very same OCFag that made this?

Attached: 1555812555389.jpg (800x800, 124K)

Because the NES Nintendo hard days were the highest point of game design...

You can have fun with a challenge, but games are meant to be fun first and for most, and Metroid one wasn't challenging, just confusing, which means it wasn't all that fun to begin with.

Zero Mission makes Metroid one a proper game by modern standards, which of course take away all the false challenge of the original, making it fairly easy, but at least it turn it into a legit fun game. All my respect to the orginal, but it was a product of it's time.

Attached: 11bce5_5996723.jpg (1200x1696, 425K)

Actually made me laugh.

>Gets reasonably butthurt over a bad joke and sends his dung beetle to the sewers
>make one quip against a moth and she'll screech about not being forgotten

Attached: bitch.jpg (474x1463, 89K)


Reminder that both the PAL and NTSC versions are non-canon in different ways.

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>sawcon deez nuts

Attached: You fuck up my kiting.jpg (1200x628, 60K)

Her calling Samus "Sammy" is cute as fuck.

For months someone was posting a screenshot of Aria of Sorrow at the first boss fight (Creaking Skull) at an absurd resolution with the text "Worst Castlemania."
The threads were generally ignored, until one day, someone posted an edit, altering the scene somewhat. From there, more people posted more edits, and it got more and more ridiculous, until someone finally posted an image with Samus' Zero Mission sprite in place of Soma, which sparked a whole new series of images with the Creaking Skull in various locations and situations in Metroid games.

I hope you are trolling.
Hard is not automatically good.

More than that...wtfh is Metroid Infused (Metroid Fusion remake...due to the Samus returns ending) wtfh they have most of the models, have the fusion suit models, the engine, we should hear about it soon, right?

Hi theme was pretty bitching got to still. So long Icebro.

The series showrunner doesn't believe Fusion is worth remaking.

I doubt is intentional, but I love the idea of Samus inviting Kraid to the party, but not Ridley.

man when the hell can we get more metroid-hollow knight art?
also why is any art with Samus being around small creatures so good?

Attached: metroid knight.png (726x754, 138K)

I kinda agree but on the other hand it looks cool.

Mostly cause is canon. Samus loves small creatures in general, both in the main games, the Manga and even Smash Bros, which is highly amusing and cute on equal parts.

It is funny, as well written as the lore logs are. They do conflict, but how do we fix it? Make it that the Chozo brought a metroid with them when coming to tallon Iv? Then the leviathan hit, the Chozo werent sure what it was but then the metroid ate some phazon and mutated. The Chozo then had to grab their weapons but were not able to stop it. Would explain why it had chozo based weapons systems and adds more of a reason to seal the crater.


this would be a killer style for a metroid game. I get that kirby/yoshi are used to really experimentwith art styles but jeez i'd love more games looking like claymation.

>everyone gets invited, even shit like Crocomire and Arachnus, but Ridley is just out in the cold
>he even sees a fucking Little Birdie inside too

But its exoskeleton is based around Pirate tech, not Chozo. Looks almost exactly like standard beam trooper armor with tweaks from Prime itself

Attached: Metroid_prime_encounter_phazon_infusion_chamber.jpg (1920x868, 713K)

Ok, how about
>Its a metroid that the pirates brought with them
>got out and ate a bunch of phazon and stole their weapon systems
>Broke into the impact crater due to its thirst for phazon
>No need to come out due to eating the core
>Pirates dont know how MP got in past the chozo seal and they cant

At least in Prime one, the Metroid Prime is the source of all current Phazon, right? Maybe it was aware of the Pirates experiments with the Phazon all over the planet somehow, and evolve around their tech.

There is also a chance that before the Metroids turn into a Problem, the Chozo try to use them to deal with the Phazon just like they did with the X, but it turns badly as soon as they tried, Metroid Prime was born, and they seal it along side the Metroids.

Attached: tubefest.jpg (761x500, 58K)

What if it's the other way around and the pirate armor is based off the Metroid Prime?

>being this mad after twelve years
seethe more faggot. I enjoyed Other M, Super, Fusion, prime trilogy and Returns.

Hahaha holy fuck. I wonder what it's like being this mentally disabled.

Before I rape you with logic, what's your life like as a robotic NPC? Being so worthless and nothing mentally that you can't even do basic research. Do you hate yourself?

>Wise elder, are you sure this is a good idea?
>This stuff is energy, so our metroids should do fine!
>What if they mutate like they did on sr388?
>Nah brah that wont happen


???? Then why spend money and resources on that scene? That makes no fucking sense.

We don't have any other way it could've gotten without having the artifacts. Doesn't explain how it knew to steal the tech instead of just making a bee-line for the crater either.

>MP was there from the beginning, meaning it was on Phaaze, despite Metroids only being found on SR388
>Tallon IV chozo, which have been established as pretentious primitivists, utilize something their technological cousins practicslly leaned on
Gonna be a no from me, dawg

Possible, but unlikely given the original has them experimenting on it, while the other had then barely interacting with it

It makes plenty of sense. Games, and movies do that kind of shit all the time. It's not like a simple little easter egg call-forward took up 90% of the budget or something.

Shut up one-eyed bitch faggot.

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tfw Samus is the only person alive who can speak and write in Chozo. I like to think that she stealth published a galactic common to Choco dictionary

Sorry cybercuck

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Could even have examples of how to operate Chozo machinery, I'm sure it'd be pretty nifty for colonizing planets that were once Chozo outposts.


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I fail to see the problem, the scene tease the next metroid game, not a fusión remake.

Thing is that the Metroid were not just only found on SR388, it's already confirmed they were custom made in that planet by the Chozo in Samus Returns, they are not natural, so the only way they made it into Tallo IV is if the Chozo bring Matroid with them (not imposible, we also learn there was a time before evolving were the Metroids were paceful towards the Chozo) or the Tallo IV Chizo did indeed make their own Metroids to deal with the Phazon, either un aware of their failure, or in a time before it.

I absolutely agree and fucking hate Other M with a passion
It's peak design in terms of sleek simplicity and immediate recognition

Ugh, I need to start drawing again.

This thread has gotten me thinking of how much I enjoyed drawing Samus

Attached: samfus_2009-12-10-S_C.jpg (919x1207, 617K)

today I will remind them

Attached: doomslayer is a manlet.jpg (1191x1258, 197K)

>tiddies on suit

Eh, there's always more or less been tiddies on the Fusion Suit.

Also, I like tiddies.

Attached: Samus 1.jpg (555x900, 150K)

There's no evidence of this in the logbooks. Like at all. They make it explicitly clear that this force either kills or corrupts whatever it touches, and refer to it as some form of tumor that'll eventually cause the planet to decay to an uninhabitable state. Plus there's no reference to the metroids aside from prime, the "Worm" itself

>Enjoying other m
Absolutely disgusting

Damn, didn't think I'd actually find someone who agreed with me. Guess we're the minority on this

Attached: 1548215625353m.jpg (1024x570, 95K)

Brad Douriff

Another fan of the Other M suit here, for me it has a great balance of Light but still Bulk armor, while still being truth to the clasic design. I love the crazy variants like the Phazon Suit, and the Light Suit, but this is my favorite design for the Varia an any other take on the basic ones.

I believe it is a solid improvement over the original Other M look, but I will forever hate that pea-shooter canon.
I dislike the Samus Returns arm canon for the same reason. Except it's worse because of the stupid light strips on it.

Not him but complaining about character designs is sonic fanbase tier.

Samus Returns arm cannon is honestly the worst out of all of them for me. At least Other M's variant carried through the idea of the cannon changing form into cool shapes for different functions like charge beam and grapple, SR's both simplifies it by removing almost all of these mechanical configurations, it also turns the cannon into an eyesore due to the glow up lights. Looks too much like a toy

Attached: hp051pj520x21.jpg (1280x1664, 152K)

And yet one of the things you see the most in Metroid threads is people talking about which Power Suit designs they like and hate the most while tearing into each-other if they don't like or hate the same designs.
I mean, there's even an image macro asking WHICH SUIT IS BEST SUIT.

Metroid fanbase as bad as Sonic fanbase confirmed.

Easy isn't automatically better either.
You need a map? You need to get full health and refill your energy every ~15-20 screens? You need to save your game, you can't write down passwords and start again with 30 energy? Fuck off.

>paper mario
>yarn kirby
>wool yoshi
>clay metroid
why not

super and prime makes sense
returns fusion maybe but not really
other m not at all

Steve Blum

I won't deny it. Shit gets pretty fucking stupid sometimes.

Yessssss defend bad game design with argumentum ad scientia. I beat the game so telling me to "Git gud" doesnt work.

Best suit design thus far. Change my mind

Attached: 1da200b53b959f232817770c70f57993.png (535x1007, 576K)

I'm so glad Metroid threads are back to normal after Samus Returns and Prime 4

I honestly love Metroid so much, and I also love Metroid threads. Thanks everyone.

Attached: 1535877902425.jpg (844x1200, 159K)

light suit is best, but not that one.

And the best part is that as long as we use Sylux and Adeline as the opening post, the one who shall not be named usually ignore them!

Ehh... They kinda flip flop, to be honest.

BD-Gbh? All letters back 1.

Nah man the metroid fanbase has been exposed as the cesspool of shit that it has always been.

No offense user but it was about smash. I was never a serious believer but it was a fun time and I drew these because of it.

I kind of thought she was out of place. Prime 3 in general just feels... weird.

Yep, I don't now if he thinks this are Smash threads or if the idea of discussing Sylux repels him because it means discussing story, but I hardly heard of him in this threads. Back in November, we even had our Metroid threads going with the Sylux post in front, while a fake Metroid thread was used to contain him.

That's... so fucking genius and I never even noticed. I was too distracted by genuine Metroid and Kirby discussion I didn't notice at the time, but he really does avoid these threads doesn't he?

Attached: IMG_20190521_225105.jpg (740x1220, 312K)

It appears so, but he's also been gone for most of the winter, too. He only recently just started popping back up in Metroid threads.

Are you sure? When I was on winter break last semester he was showing up in every thread I saw.

It's what a few people were saying in a thread a couple days ago where he showed up.
I can't claim to have been in every single Metroid thread over the winter, so maybe I just managed to miss him.

>mfw i didnt know you could run in super metroid and got stuck on that one bridge

Who the fuck are you guys talking about?

Your life is better if you don't know, I will just say we are talking about the worst troll in Metroid history, but believe me, words alone are not enough to describe how miserable it is to deal with this guy.

Don't worry about it.

>actual pirates

Attached: 1544476499015.jpg (600x500, 409K)

I remember that thread even. Shit I was the original OP of that shit because the last Sylux threads were just great.
All the fucking OC too

Attached: 1543561201076.png (2112x2864, 956K)

To this day I don't get what that dude's deal is. At one point I was convinced it was an elaborate troll but he really does sperg out at the mere mention of a story and Samus having a character.

Attached: Samus.png (800x800, 24K)

I was almost convinced he was a troll when he was sperging out about the counter attack calling it a cutscene but he's been way too dedicated for way too long, it HAS to be autism.