So will the same writer who got put on for Stormblood do the questing for Shadowbringers as well? Because the writing and quest pacing in stormblood was the worst FFXIV has ever been.
FFXIV Shadowbringers
Other urls found in this thread:
The writer fro ShB is the same guy that wrote the DRK questline
>Because the writing and quest pacing in stormblood was the worst FFXIV has ever been.
It's definitely better than ARR.
The writing for all the Doman stuff in Stormblood was great. It was just the M'higger stuff that fell completely flat
What are some must have emots?
when is the next census report for this game player numbers?
zantetsuken, iceheart, ultima
>2 days away from a PR explosion
>1 month away from a new expansion launch
I guess it makes sense Yea Forums jannies know nothing about vidya.
They keep deleting it to wind you up as you won't shut the fuck up about it.
dab emote
This ism't a WoW thread bro, it's gotta go
A friendly reminder to try and get away from the Quicksand when you RP. This game is called Final *Fantasy*, not dirt farmer getting his dick wet simulator. At least *try* to be inspired by the setting and series. It's honestly disgusting to see.
Not hard to do desu.
>Here, go get us wine and cheese and make us a banquet while a god threatens to destroy the land despite the fact you've already killed a god like this.
>100 quests, but 50 of them are generic fetch quests while the story relevant ones are in the middle of all that mess.
/playdead is the only nice one from cash shop imo
Some dirt farmer got his dick wet, but it didn't end well for him.
Still wanna fuck Lyse though
Just started this game again and apparently the classes still feel all kinda the same, especially healer and tanks. When will they finally change how the classes work? Like, do fundamental changes in how the tanks tank (maybe a dodge tank?) or the healers heal (focus on healing over time and a focus on dps, kinda like SMN with all the dots)? Give equipment passive skills that allow for interesting builds? I resubbed for a month and Im already bored again because Im tired of equipment being nothing more than stat sticks and most classes feeling like copies of each other with slight flavors thrown in. I really hoped the "revamped battlesystem" that came with stormblood would be more than just removing a bunch of skills and giving everyone a fancy job gauge.
to be fair the banquet thing was because the company of heroes knew how much of a pain in the dick it would be for you and wanted to make sure you were serious about wanting to fight titan and actually capable of it
pacing wise however it's fucking dog shit
luckybancho is every three months
xivcensus is every month
white mage is already the regen mage with scholar being all about shields, it's AST that fucked things up by aping both of those things on top of also having party buffs. square has flat out admitted they back themselves into a corner with it
Why does WoL look so grizzled when it hasn't even been a year yet?
>scholar being all about shields
No, it's all about oGCDs.
best girl best character
>pedoshit mods
this will get all modding banned for everyone, calling it now
Put the mask back on, Yda
Thanks user, you are a saint
even yugiri is better than lyse
despite how badly she was written in stormblood
How can you live your life knowing you like the worst non lala character?
They won't. Yoshi P wants all combinations of jobs to be viable under the 2/2/4 composition. Homegenization is the only route for this game so long as they keep adding new jobs to the game.
the shadowbringers writer also wrote plenty for stormblood
the stormblood writer also wrote plenty for heavensward
they do not bring on lots of new writers
Said no one ever?
>Clenches fist
>Invites tempered to a peace meeting
>Steals your accomplishments
>Leads only because her father was a cool dude.
wheres the fucking benchmark
Just two days left. We've almodt made it bros.
best for breeding maybe but nothing else
Where's the Shadowbringer's benchmark?
>SCH desperatel
delayed user
>It's another everyone nods their head one by one for the 4th time this cutscene episode.
I couldn't wait for new cutscenes in heavensward but in stormblood I found myself just wishing they'd be less frequent and shorter, even though i'm sure Heavensward was more cutscene heavy.
i main WHM and actually hate SCH more than AST because at least AST was hot trash when it came out
SCH has ripped on WHM constantly for years and i want them to suffer
i hope "bow mage" is back for mch
Blu and drg get it for free lol
>whispering dawn
whm is the erp mage
this and them holding their guns with 2 hands would make me pick it up again
Why are WHMs the saltyest of healers?
You will always be a useless
Never gonna happen because of the makai launcher.
They'll either stay one handed when shooting or change the animation to one handed when running.
>not a single fucking leak
Mustadio animation for mch.
>get ripped on and call the worst constantly
"lmao why are you salty"
the retribution will come
the outcry when sch got nerfed at the very start of stormblood was just a taste of the future i dream of
just you wait
>Entry level healer that Yoshi-P has gone on record to say he wants to make simpler
It's staying in the shed.
You would feel salty too if your main job has been treated like a red-headed stepchild for the past six years.
Reminder that WHM had serious MP issues for FOUR YEARS, while SCHs got to coast on 20% Aetherflow and AST got reduced MP costs across the board alongside 34s of Luminferous Aether.
Ive heard they had unique watermarks/timestamps on every station, so anyone leaking img/video shit would be easily identified.
>not Alisaie
I mean, it wasnt even a nerf.
They literally just forgot to give them an AoE skill. I dunno why they did anything besides give them Miasma 2 though.
Based Picard refusing to leak light prunes.
>people expecting ShB to be like DRK quest line due to the same writer
It'll be better than SB at least. Then again there's minfilia and g'raha
so the entry level jobs for each role are:
>White Mage
is this correct?
>acting so desperate for leaks
reminder how much rape is there in this game
>several quest mention they were raped, sold for slavery, forced etc
>the maidens in Satasha have been kidnapped and raped daily until you save them
>one of the scions allies is born from rape
>in the DRK questline, your first steps involve stoping a bunch of soldiers from raping a poor girl
>if there's a quest with a cat involved, it's usually rape
>Fordola was raped by garlean officers
>Yotsuyu was sold to a fat old man who raped her daily THEN sold to a whorehouse and then used her body to ascend in the garlean officer position
i miss her, lads
you mean sch
Sick, I'm loving it.
well, for one, she doesn't steal your accomplishments, everyone just never gives you thanks for nothing and they make Lyse big boss around and even her says that she shouldn't be leading because she has done shit
Shout out to the ARC quest where the cat is reduced to a blubbering mess once she sees the pirate captian that "trained" her.
spells cost too much mp on sch its already awful
pld gets a dash
K'yliah's little predicament was a shocker to me, and done pretty accurate to life.
There's also the Girls' Day sidequest from a year or so back
Wasn't there a seasonal event quest with little girl who was sold?
>>if there's a quest with a cat involved, it's usually rape
>cat lady from the first Arcanist quest chain is a former sex slave
Yep, that checks out.
just another koji localization in the original nipponese she used to just be his bartender and she breaks down because she missed him so much
>>Yotsuyu was sold to a fat old man who raped her daily
She was married though. Also where was it said Fordola was raped by Garleans?
You were too late to save her...
this chick has a cool design, really wish she wasn't a villain so she stuck around
And I think the Steppes part of Stormblood also
She was kidnapped, sold into sex slavery, and then buried in a shallow grave in the desert once they got their use out of her. It was for Little Ladies' Day.
I honestly think Koji is fucking obsessed with rape. I also think he's a fucking hack that deserves to be fucking fired for raping the translation.
shield swipe is sayonara
insider here
little leak for my fellow bros
everybody who preordered shb is getting free 30d sub
>he didn't get invited
there are so many instances of rape that it's impossible to say them all in one post
however, I like that there's rape, and it's not that central in the game, makes it more realistic and makes Eorzea a really shitty dangerous world to be in
>WHM is probably the second most iconic FF job behind BLM
>get treated like complete fucking garbage by the devs, some second rate faggot job like SCH gets to be better than you from the get go
>even the new kid OC job gets buffed into the stratosphere while you are left to rot
>faggots spend half a decade making fun of you for being shitty and a tank cumdump
>lol why you mad tho
they haven't cremated her body yet, so its possible
>really enjoy playing bard, the rotation feels so great even after the bowmage changes
>decide to take a screenshot of a new weapon
>notice they draw their bow with the arrow on the wrong fucking side
>cant bring myself to play bard anymore
married was a nice way to say that she was literally sold off for marriage to a fat guy who just raped her, she didn't want any part of it, in fact, she even explains it in the quest
Fordola the same, at one point she says how one high ranking officer forced her
IIRC this stems from the two Garlean officers who mocked her as she went to report her failure at Velodyna to Zenos. Its more of a crack against women in high positions using their bodies to advance than their skill, and it obviously bothers Fordola deeply, which indicates she's been accused of it before.
Though in my headcanon Fordola is Zenos' piece on the side
Gone too soon.
How has he not been fired
Im well aware Koji is a hack, but I have a hard time believing that.
Because people like eating shit as long as it's in a language they understand.
Besides not having any AoE besides Bane:
>Union being 10 Yalms made it pretty inconvenient since you now had to place your fairy in an optimal tether position instead of an optimal position for the party. (And most people just didn't bother using the tether because the range was an inconvenience).
>RNG AF cooldown reduction was also really awkward since its something you want to plan around encounters.
>Excog was only 50 more potency than Lustrate (which is already an inefficient heal) and wouldn't do anything if it expired.
Everything else was a bit over the top though. I'm a SCH main and I remember audibly laughing when I saw Indom getting buffed by 100 potency. Though, the Succor buff at least gave Deployment Tactics a little more depth.
Because there's nothing wrong with the localization and you're an autistic sub-only fag so nothing will please you anyway.
because Yoshida is afraid of any big changes, and Koji is basically mad with power and dictates how the writing and tone of the story is, changing it can potentially alter ton of shit
At least we're the khagan!
Why must gatherers exist
if they fire him they would have literally nobody to fill the spot. they already have a difficult time finding new employees due to lack of experience or nobody wants to work crunch time on a MMO. if you think making a competent static raid group is hard, imagine trying to find a competent MMO team in Japan.
>This conversation again
Nigger Koji sits the next desk over from the JP writers and checks with them constantly
>really wish she wasn't a villain
her design is 100% villainous though, can't imagine her being on the good side with that ara ara face
To gather.
On the other hand, if you put your bonus points and any materia slot that wasn't nailed down into PIE, you became an AoE spam god.
Anyone with serious intent to break an NDA like that would also have the presence of mind to doctor the shit out of what they leak in order to break any watermarking attempts.
Her design, especially her color scheme is awesome and far far better than her arc.
no body truly cares about translation as long as they can understand it
>Breaks down from bartending.
Did he walk her home gently too?
The little pet influencers can't just use a VPN or something and upload scrubbed photos because they want to get good boi points with squeenix.
>people STILL think Koji is the only localizer
>people STILL blame him for Haurchefant
You fags need to look up who Corvinoobus/John Crow is. He even had a fucking dev panel at one of the fanfests.
>that panel segment solely on her design
was neat shit desu even if i don't like her much
that does not mean that Koji doesn' write very different from JP writing, many story points are changed or ambiguous when they are pretty clear in JP
The woman from Little Ala Mhigo as well.
>she remembered everything but still went back to Gogetsu to give him the persimmon
That would be nice
>expecting jk fox to speak as anything but a dumb teenage girl
>not blaming the guy that literally said "We NEEDED to "spice up" the text so we turned quest names into memes or pop culture references"
Ok, nigger. Why do you fags defend Koji so much, anyways?
>will never get her clothes for a bullshit reason
thanks yoshi
You did slaughter the samurais as a samurai, right?
If this were true, I'd be glad I haven't bought a sub to catch up with the MSQ.
>it's an Anonymous pretends he's smarter than Koji when it comes to game localization episode
Thread answered now shut the fuck up OP
I think the only real point against him is the changed skill names like Chaos Thrust. People often point to Midgardsormr to criticize him but it just shows they have a middle school level of reading comprehension and vocabulary.
Would you prefer the quests be named "Kill Peistes" and "Go to the Waking Sands XXV?" Why the fuck do irrelevant quest names trigger you so much? Also, John Crow is responsible for a lot of that shit too. Watch his dev panel.
Sup happy drones. How much is yoshida paying you?
you just know there's going to be a twerk reference in the dnc quests. maybe even a skill name
I knew this sub vs dub shit was going to become the hot new shitpost for the next few days
Actually the second half of ARR and the stuff before Heavensward was much better than stormblood still.
The cure for the Tonberry plague will be found on the First
her design reminds me of yuko from xxxholic, pretty sure she could've pulled off a non evil cool eccentric type personality as well
It really isn't. Not a lot of people care and most people just play in English and don't give a fuck.
Yes because then they would be faithful to the actual writing and not bastardized meme “translations”
If I were in his position there would be at least 50% more puns.
The only cure tonberries (and lalafells) need is a sword.
>official art has heels
>opening movie and in-game models does not
why are they so incompetent
I'm guessing they had the Yakuza on standby because no one said literally ANYTHING. They even took down the twitter post of reactions.
Then thank Christ you're not in localization because that would be the most bland, robotic """"writing"""" ever.
If you're so good at localizing why aren't you on a translation team.
Need to test it on the hyur population first to see if it sticks.
This desu. If I don't clap from seeing a reference at least once every five minutes I instantly unsub.
Going to guess we argued about Midgard before.
I just want you to know youre still wrong.
You mean 50% more dry and repetitive comedy
>They even took down the twitter post of reactions.
are they dead?
Potatoes did nothing wrong
Please try reading a book some time.
I just want the SCH storyline to fucking GO somewhere
I find it funny that we enslaved an entire nation of nomads just to have them kill 4 of those tube airship things
>he didn't play through HW as a Dragoon!
Thou doth not payeth my lifesub, imbecile.
Estinian is a loser
>playing as a jumpwhore
>become khan of the lizards
>faggot Magnai still gets to stay in the rice bowl throne and act like he's hot shit anywau
They only created zombies, are responsible for all the voidsents in the wild and enslave people
dindu nuffin
Anything cool you can get from the Goldsaucer?
Most games can't do heels unless everything the character wears are high heels in the first place. In the case of DNC's AF, having your shins cut short to accommodate for them would look much more obvious on bare legs than it would on the high heel gear we have already.
Just look at something like those Edda boots or the Torrent Boots of Scouting/Aiming, which make it pretty obvious your shins are shorter to accommodate the heels.
Literally everything.
Fuck you faggot he is one of the best characters in the game.
Fucker didn't give a fuck about making peace and wanted to kill a fucking Dragoon. That's better than most of the pussies in this game maybe with the exception of Raubahn.
Nothing at all
To be fair if I was a janny I would delete these too just to piss off autists like you.
When talking about blame for the voidsent the Mhach were potatoes, but when it comes time to talk about how grand and powerful of a civilization they were all of a sudden they become Highlanders
Really makes you think
Really convincing argument for why his translation doesnt suck ass.
>JP is to the point no fucking around, ancient dragon dont have time for that shit.
>Koji sees this and decides that they should be needlessly obtuse and cryptic because they're very old.
Koji is an idiot, I dont care if you knew what he was going for.
Played through HW as a WARchad and really liked Estinien's character in the story. I just finished up the level 50 job quest for DRG and Estinien is a total power hungry cunt
What the fuck is this split personality crap
>know enough japanese to notice all the inconsistencies in the shit localization
>but not enough to ignore the subs
>change to english dub
>all worries goes away while i still get to enjoy a top tier voice acting
>thavnarian sandals
>Yoshi says we can't have more interaction in cutscenes because of Lalafells
>play FFXI during the free period
>character fights and get knocked around in cutscenes
>NPCs have animations that aren't canned emotes and didn't require motion capture
I disliked Yotsuyu up until that moment, and after seeing how Asahi truly acted, thought she was justified. It really is just Gosetsu's arc.
Magnai is undisputedly the strongest lizard on the Steppe though, with the Warrior of Light and the juiced up Y'shtola being the only ones that beat him. The fact that he has the social skills of a hikki just makes him that endearing and I would 100% play that April Fools adventure game of him looking for his Nhama
That rice bowl should be MINE, fuck that faggot
>Koji sees this and decides that they should be needlessly obtuse and cryptic because they're very old.
This is what the lore team fucking decided for Dragonspeak. Language was an important plot point in 1.0 and they've kept the focus on it when designing beastmen even though it's not at the center of the plot anymore. JP Midgardsormr isn't 'to the point', he just speaks like anyone else does.
You most definitely can't enjoy top tier voice acting if you set it to english dub
What about them? The heels on those aren't any higher than the heels on the "barefoot" sandals.
Think he's talking about Sil'dih. Mhach was 200% Highlander.
Korpokkur Kolossus
Sabotender Emperador
A couple weapon glams depending on your tastes
I want more Magnai/Sadu adventures. If possible with them both having hate sex in the end.
ARR was kinda iffy on details of Ishgard in general since it wasn't shown. It's also to help illustrate that Estinien is susceptible to Nidhogg's influence since he doesn't quite go cunt until he's about to fight you.
Sil'dih didn't summon voidsent
Right, they created hordes of Ashkin.
Ul'Dah made the zambos but Mhach was responsible for the voidsent still running loose. He blamed both on them.
Ul'dah created the zombie plague to justify the total destruction of Sil'dih.
so potatoes are responsible for hildibrand
Some pretty good Orchestrion rolls, Bunny outfit, some of the weapons are nice. A few noncombat pets
A shame we won't get anyone like her while on our isekai adventures in the First.
Hildibrand zombies were animated by the surging of aether during and after the Calamity.
And by them I mean the potatoes for clarification
what is she posting
highlanders are bad too, the world would be much better without lalas, highlanders and roes.
man all those mount are super meymey
Potatoes ruin everything
I want alternate versions of our beloved NPCs over on The First.
Go away giraffe
The point of my post was that Yoshi's potato excuse is pure bullshit
>>Yoshi says we can't have more interaction in cutscenes because of Lalafells
lalafells are a mistake
Thats not how it works
how is the korpokkur memey
the others i'll give you but korpokkur is just a giant version of a mob
If they didn't exist Yoshi-P wouldn't have an excuse, remove midgets
Korpokkur is great tho
He'd just find another excuse
That would suck ass.
Korpokkur Kolossus is one of the best mounts in the game.
to be fair it's way easier to rig 2002 ps2 models than it is 2013 ps3 models.
Who was in the wrong
Both but Nidhogg was more wrong
>nothing to do or play for a month
This will be a reality. They're experimenting with bodysliders with the fat miqo'tes
>Korpokkur Kolossus i
sure whatever you say anons
where do I buy the bunnyoutfit?
As long as we get baby giraffes, it's fine
god wow is terrible
God I wish.
Atleast one DPS every fucking expert.
God help you if its both
will we really get the benchmark tomorrow? I want to make my NotRonso husbando
>Chest armor is still just a texture
I just want to give my character a better ass.
>those textures
>Playing as a loldrg when DRK fits better thematically against the Heavens' Ward
I bet you also played as male
The main question is, will we not have to put up with Lyse in this?
But Sadu is a man!
Can't believe people want to go back to a 14 year old version of it that's been stripped of all its content and permanently stuck on a stale meta.
What were they actually thinking?
they should replace quick knocks animation with wide volley and bards will use it more
Leg armour too.
cool meme localization
implying the jp voicework is top-tier is a funny-ass joke
Didn't care the bitch needed to die, even picked the option to have my character say she should have been put to death
Nope, she's stuck on the Source because she has to """"""""""lead"""""""""" Ala Mhigo
>Fuckin' ants killed my sister! Fuck ants! I and my spawn will mess with and torture the inhabitants of this anthill for eternity.
>Woah man, you're telling me *I* could become a primal and subjugate all the land like a god? Thx for the info, now let me stab you in the back while I try to fight the most well-known primal slayer in the realm first thing in the morning
No, she didn't have her soul sucked to the First and she's not even on the artwork.
Will we be getting naming conventions for Viera and Hrothgar on Thursday as well?
Quick Nock looks so unsatisfying
Quick nock's aoe cone is really hard to parse. You feel you need to be much closer than you have to be and the animation makes it look a lot wider than it is.
Reminds me of a friend that told me not to use AOE Thunder on packs because the proc % was lower than the single target one.
and pay $15 ($18 if you're Canadian) for it too.
Male dancers are going to look so bad.
that's why lgbtqxyz+ like her. she's a former man and transitioned into a woman
I didn't imply anything like that, I only impied that the english dub is most definitely not top-tier
Why are people so butthurt about this
To be fair to Throdan that shit was 13 on 1, it's not his fault the WoL is just THAT powerful.
this but grenado shot
Fucking this. I was so disappointed to learn that Wide Volley and Grenado Shot were deleted for no reason. I would have preferred at least upgrading the aoe skills to those, but instead you get to hear *pewpewpewpewpewpew* every 2 seconds with a mch in the party.
Isn't it some reincarnation thing? That isn't """"""""""""""""""""""transistioning""""""""""""""""""""""", you fucking tranny obsessed faggots.
Are there people that honestly believe this?
They have their own version of the af armor.
>no matter how much ridiculous shit WoL does, nobody will ever get the sense to just give up the moment they hear that they are coming
Yes it's reincarnation, but the LGBT community has latched onto Sadu as a trans icon because they're too delusional to understand the concept of reincarnation.
Why aren't you skipping all the mechanics? dying.
i don't know why people are drawing the female version af for males
Your friend is correct when there's 3 or less opponents; at 4 or more, thunder 4 gets you more procs.
>the DRK questline segment with the fake Griffin who talks about how everyone heard you were on your way to Baelsar's Wall and they freaked the hell out
Reincarnation is too religious for those kinds of people to understand.
You can't skip the mechanics you fucking retard. Its been patched.
You can't cheese the tethers.
You have to do the mechanics. You can't fucking skip them.
They are still one shot mechanics.
I've only seen people call her a tranny as an insult in here but then again I do NOT follow the faggot community so I don't know if what you say is true or not.
you know what they're going to do next? Dual primal fights. Imagine fighting Ifrit and Titan at the same time. or Shiva and Lakshmi.
or ifrit and the firsts version of ifrit the subspecies of ifrit in monster hunter terms.
Viera have heels, so they could have done it if they wanted
>get done on the First
>quickly WoL come.back Garlemald is fucking our shit up bad
>come back to find everything on fire
>WoL/D is so powerful at this point he's basically cleaving reality in half in his rage
>cut to Elidibus
>sneers because this was his grand plan all along
>every conflict he was feeding you, to make you stronger
>because after all, Zodiark needs a worthy vessel: (You)
If you go as far as dying to become the sex you wanted you deserve it to be honest.
Unfortunately I spend a good amount of time in RP discords that have those kinds of people and they absolutely really do think the Dotharl are trans/genderfluid.
Because all the male characters in this game want to crossdress?
I know, but we were doing double and triple pulls during an expert roulette, there were packs of like 5 or 6 enemies.
He's just a retard.
How do you patch out killing the boss before he casts the tethers?
It's really fucking unfair to the rest of the world how unbeatable the WoL is.
Sounds like it.
>Fighting for the glory if the emperor
>Crushing the savages and subjugating their women
>Suddenly 4-8 people in anything from full plate to a thong just roll through your entire company in 20min.
>This happens every other day.
Why anyone even tries is a mystery at this point.
how does this make you feel, Yea Forums?
>RP discords
Well that's what you get for being a subhuman ERP faggot.
I don't ERP though
Annoyed that the asian expac hardly added any asian gear that you don't pay real money for, but that's not exactly a new feeling.
Would they be able to pull of a solo fight against a dark version of yourself?
its hilarious that this is somehow a positive trans message to some people.
"hey kids if you want to be the correct gender, just die! die and be reborn!"
Xaela is the lgbt race. they got female/male only clans. clan thats into beastiality. urine-drinking clan. with so many clans, you can easily rp whatever fetish you like
Have you even tried Seph EX Unsynced recently?
Or are you just trolling.
Because everyone who plays a male character is either gay or a woman
They already did it in the DRK questline.
Fucking morons use quick nock when theres more than 3 mobs. Use your retarded poison/combo on 2 or 3 mobs and bosses.
I mean we've done it before.
Pull it off, sure; but solo fights can't really be interesting in this game.
cat players are just as into bestiality
I want that hat, gib.
>le to deep for you shit that was confusing as fuck and stupid
This will suck.
People expected SB to have a bunch of a kimono and heavy samurai armors for tanks
Yes, it was possible to kill him before he casts tethers a year ago. Your party's DPS is very low.
>DRK quests were 2deep4u for this user
Actual fucking retard
Can't you just skip the split phase already? Then it's just the tether and stupid towers. Just have someone call a tower for the whole fight when they get orange that's it the rest is easy
Oh yeah...
I guess you're right. But there must be a way to make them interesting.
I really want it. Too bad it's going straight to the mogstation. People getting offended over it are retarded.
Imagine thinking anything in this game's story is deep.
thats only true to DRK quests. expect it to be te same WoL. It might be more depressing since their world is litterally ending
I forgive you
hows it feel to have sub average iq?
It’s gonna be the DRK quest writer.
The story is centered around you having to take care of an orphanage.
I want it.
>DRK questline
user, I think you might be a brainlet
Well he was getting his ass whooped by Zenos in the beginning
thank you for that gif
Cool hat. Too bad it's both mogstation and male characters only.
Kimonos are a no-go because of the way boning is handled in the game, but there is a great deal of asian costumes and military styles that could have been added. As much as people complain who don't like the asian theme, it's actually a rather low percentage of the gear added during SB.
Do you think Rielle or Sidurgu will appear as part of the main quest like how Estinien did?
Can't anymore, whole team of ilv400
The last quest doesnt explain shit.
How about you put how Americans bomb their shit and see how much that changed
You guys dont seem angry enough yet.
Let me help
13 on 1 (plus 7 other adventurer friends)
The fight with Sadu was pretty good.
Left were before the Japanese occupation, right were after. For all the oppresion that went on Japan ending up civilizing the fuck out of them.
Now just have to put a (you) in his hand
Doubt it considering what they did with Widargelt in SB
No why would they?
I hope they aren't your personal friends.
For that particular fight it's canon the WoL solo'd it.
dungeons are made for mindless retards
just let them do what they want and laugh at them
Moogle was a mistake.
But that's not what the chat window in this game looks like. /think
to complete my rage, you have to tell me, what dungeon was it?
It makes all the trannies seethe so I'm getting it.
Checks out.
BLU is 80 in shadowbringers or 60? Or worse and it's not even touched.
maybe a small handful of wackos that deliberately look for anything which could be touted as a trans positive message including goblins looking for things to get offended about and own teh libs
Yessss yessss good goy don't listen to those paid I MEAN TO THOSE DAMN SJWssssss just buy our stuff because it makes them angry buy buy buy buy buy
I don't think anyone we know outside the Scions who got souljacked are going to be making many appearances, unless we go back and forth between the First and the Source a lot
I think you should stop being obsessed with trannies. It’s not healthy.
How the fuck should I know, but this is obviously the "DRK expansion" like how Heavensward was the "DRG expansion" so it would be cool if the class specific important NPCs would play a bigger role like how Estinien did.
Going up to 60 over patch releases if I recall correctly.
>Words are like bullets and I let them go right through me
it's a dungeon. who cares about performance as long as the party isn't wiping.
BLU won't be 60 on release but will get Heavensward content in a later 5.X patch (probably 5.1), maybe Stormblood content as well in a patch or three after that.
Hope you don't mind if I just auto-attack through it.
Damn right I'm seething
>male only hat
expanded BLU content will be the headliner for 5.15
>obviously the "DRK expansion"
It's not, though. Have you played the DRK quests?
So you don't mind me going afk then?
Didn't Japan commit unspeakable warcrimes on Korea at some point? This'd be the same as a bunch of Japs coming to Hawaii and pretend to fly around crashing in to Americans.
Or Americans going to Japan to brag about dropping two nukes on them.
Or Germans dressing up as Nazis while in Poland.
they increase level cap with patches. how much and which patch is yet to be determined
As long as you're not dying I guess
I hope Sidurgu appears, gets ignored and instead they give him a bunch of kids to take care of.
How is it in any way the same?
based aspect raidou poster
They gave food and money to girls for sex!
Evil, evil acts...
They said level 60 'sometime after 5.0' and it will never reach current level cap.
>all RP is ERP
Low IQ normalfag.
I'm hoping that Fray shows up in a cutscene and gets quite angry at you for trying to save ANOTHER world.
Guest Starring Estinien who recognizes the darkness building in you, saying it reminds him of Nidhogg
*convinces the other DPS to only auto attack*
*makes the run take over an hour*
Pssssssssssssssssssh nothing personal kido senshi
>unspeakable warcrimes
It's fucking war.
Get the fuck out of here Abe.
They're fucking school uniforms that Japs wore too you dumb motherfucker.
>country does terrible shit to your country
>they then occupy your country and force their own regime on your country
You're right, it's even worse.
Bizarre. Lots of people here say that japan deserved to get nuked twice because of their war crimes, but now they are defending them.
It's called character development. Estinien let go of a lot of his edge after both Haurchefant and Ysayle died.
>speak for me and say that we will liberate doma
I didn't agree
Weebs aren't human.
Someone should make something like this but with Code Geass' Japan on the left and Great Britain on the right.
Estinien only ever had edge in the DRG questline while Nidhogg was mindfucking him. He's the most calm and reasonable person in Heavensward next to Alphinaud.
What the hell, man.
Does anyone sort of wish the servers fuck up like on SB release again? For some reason those 2 days at the start of SB where barely anyone could get past Raubahn's scenario were really comfy. Sure we were stuck in two half zones, but during that time I got all my gatherers to 70 and made hella good progress on my crafters while being stuck at like level 62 on my MNK.
It sort of made me really appreciate the Fringes and the Peaks for some reason, even if the situation itself was really pathetic on SE's end. Now I just feel like in SHB I'm going to be hitting 80 ASAP and then it's going to be a race to level all my gatherers/crafters back up.
Shhh, let them believe it!
How is that the same as what you replied to? The examples you were making made no sense, what were they being compared to? The image?
>Calm and reasonable
>Anyone but Fray
Not in the slightest. I, for one, love to play the MSQ slowly at my own pace.
Why would you want to race to endgame when the biggest complain always is that the endgame in this game is shit?
No, he definitely was confrontational at the beginning of HW, openly calling Ysayle out on her bullshit and not taking shit from dragons that talked down to the group either.
cmon americans leak something
>Does anyone wish the game doesn't work right so I can be autistic?
No, eat shit.
while the dumb people were stuck waiting in DF and spamming raubahn extreme, me and the smart people were doing FATE trains for SAM/RDM. by the time I reach level 60 the server problems were over.
Although the surnames are different, we have come together as brothers.
Would give me time to grind gun and dancer
The servers fuck up for the launch of every large-scale online game ever, so congrats, your wish will be fulfilled.
Nothing like that happened during ARR or HW launches.
That's not edgy, that's just refusing to take shit from people who are openly hostile to him and his people. But he's the one who hopped on board the peace mission first, and he immediately accepted there was some strange shit going on when you get to the Forelands and see the architecture. He's calm and reasonable but still refuses to take shit and knows when it's time to cut the shit and act.
>cherry picking
Heavensward launch was incredibly smooth.
Why is cinematic WoL gritty and morose while ingame WoL is goofy happy-go-lucky kind of guy/girl?
we were kings
>It's a 70 BLM casting Fire2 episode of XIV: Roulette stories.
Do they ever make reissues of Bring Arts figures? I can't believe I passed up on the Bring Arts Estinien I'm such a fucking dumb faggot jesus christ fucking kill me.
There's a video that Redditors love to link of Yoshida crying during the buggy ARR launch because he was so distraught at the server issues. I take it you weren't around for it.
Stop skipping cutscenes.
I didn't start at the ARR launch, but I started like a month or three weeks after launch. Maybe it was fixed by then?
Relax you dumb fucking cunt, I was only asking a question.
Ysayle wasn't hostile to him, he kept insinuating that he's gonna be killing them dragons even though he gave his word to hold back from attacking first unless absolutely necessary.
He knows people are filming him.
Also he does this to piss off fray.
kinda yeah
I wanna try out DNC/GUN and if I like one of them level them up to 70
a day or two of server issues would be enough time
Companies are getting smarter. They slightly modify each client (different values on abilities, etc) and put reverse transparent watermarks that are hard to see. If anyone leaks a screenshot/video they are instantly fucked. If they leak new abilities they are fucked (unless they verify with the other influencers that they both saw the same thing).
Yoshida obviously worked so hard and put his all in ARR. I don't get why he stopped giving a fuck now
>calm and reasonable
He was an angry little ball of hate and rage the entire trip up to the dragon mountain ya dip.
>People keep up bringing the DRK storyline all the fucking time when talking about lore.
Do I need to lvl DRK to 70 to get the story?
IMO, early access should be just to play DNC or GNB early and level them to 70.
i NEED my Rava bros..
Its been stuck at 50 since January good luck getting content for the next 8 months.
Don't you cast Fire 2 once? Isn't it Blizzard 4 for the Umbral Hearts, Fire 3 to switch to Astral Fire, Fire 2, Flare, Flare, Convert, Flare?
For me, it's Veena.
He was the right person to revive the game but he wasn't the right person to be its long-term director. To his credit, he has always acknowledged this himself and said he wants to hire a director, he just hasn't found a suitable person.
Warcrimes aren't even real
Probably not, but you should level DRK to 70 just to for the DRK questline anyway. It's pure kino.
and that's a good thing. it keeps people speculating and antsy for information which promotes discussion and general awareness for the game.
Do you guys want them to keep using Action mode Sequences for certain bosses or do you think it takes away from the fight?
Fuck no. I took days off and that last thing I want is them wasted.
Naming conventions fucking when?
Ysayle was a mass murdering psycho who did nothing but talk shit about him and Ishgard.
Angry little balls of hate and rage don't jump at the chance for negotiation and peaceful resolution with their mortal enemy.
> he wasn't the right person to be its long-term director.
The game is growing and he ships content. Meanwhile all other major creators attached to Final Fantasy are picking their nose in their stupid vanity projects.
No. Fire 2 is pathetically weak and its about the same level of play as when Fell Cleave first came out it was a dps loss to use even Fracture as it would delay the next Fell Cleave
>WoL now has ptsd from poisoned drinks and still laments haurchefant
They aren't exactly edgy or gritty, but they sure as hell ain't happy-go-lucky anymore
It'd be nice if they just gave you the classes and left the story/trials locked for a few days, yeah, instead of making you pick between trying out new content or trying to rush through story to stay with the competant players. Doing Shinryu blind with good players was a fucking amazing way to end StB and makes me feel a little sad for all the people who got parties full of mouthbreathers.
>Get as many Flares out as possible.
Is a very high IQ concept that not many Blizzard wizards can comprehend.
xiv veena are literally feols, excluding the race mixing
veena were brown in xii
you know all veen players will use the shortest ears too
I took the day off for SB, and it was one of the worst days of my life. I spent more time trying to beat Raubahn EX than should be legal.
Its shit dont listen to the 11 year olds.
She was sold into marriage by her parents. Its not that hard to understand.
Will WoL ever get a break?
Japan wasn't at war with Korea though.
I don't mind them but they should change up the QTE where instead of mashing random buttons you have to do other things.
It allows for cool shit like your pic to happen, so I hope they stick around
Stop this meme. You didn't even play the game feols were in.
The long ass cutscenes or downtime phases(?) take me out of the fight more than the stupid action sequences. I think Susano and Shinryu's cutscene was a good length. Byakko's tornado sequence got really annoying when farming it.
The game is growing, but the vision has stagnated continually since ARR and this is directly attributable to Yoshida staying as director- and it will inevitably mean a decline for the game. I agree about most of the S-E bigwigs though.
>Gosetsu calling Yotsuyu a whore in the tavern
what an absolute fucking lad
>tfw the majority of Viera PCs are going to be short, pale, and have disgusting multi-colored neon hair
Feols were just white viera with shorter ears like xiv veena will all be
when the MSQ finally ends for good and the final cutscene is your character chilling in their house/apartment (if you don't own one then you rest at the inn)
This is going to be 98% of all Veena.
>minimum height
>shortest ears
>pale skin
>"look at my smol bunbun guis xd"
I am not looking forward to it.
>Packet loss ruins your crafting macro
Why is this allowed?
Doesn't want one.
Minimum height female Elezen aren't exactly "smol", you don't need to worry that much.
I wont be able to play until about the 6th, huge fucking shame because i love experiencing content alongside others.
You can rest when you're dead
>In game
>Highlander Warrior
>Cleave fuckers in twain.
>Kill sometimes hundreds in a single go.
>Act as a juggernaut during the Nadaam and just cut through Xaela warriors.
>Canonically a fucking monster.
>Cutscene starts.
>Smile and nod.
I love WOL, he's a goofy fucking retard.
>and it will inevitably mean a decline for the game
That's what they said five years ago
Stop automating your playing of a video game? If it's not fun to play it, stop playing it.
>Its a D/C and lose all your materials episode.
they fundamental core is stagnant but they always try to look for ways to add new stuff without changing the core.
if you change the core then you end up like WoW from wrath -> cataclysm where the sub numbers drop massively.
I take it you don't know what inevitable means.
When they settle down and marry Aymeric
If you don't own one you go back to Ishgard because they treat you right.
>Gosetsu didn't behead Yotsuyu
shit writing
When all the primals are dead and they finally marry Alisaie.
nope, it's the WoL alone, that's why Thordan literally shits the bed when he sees image related
it's one of the reasons people started the theory of the WoL being a primal, also, sorry for the cat, got the pic from a random thordan death scene
>not the twins
All villains fear the nod.
*nods* *walks away*
Ishgard is the WoL's true home.
>Ishgard remembers, Warrior of Light!
That Ishgardian knight fighting in Ala Mhigo was the best.
I'm gar for Ayymeric.
He's got Lucia for that.
>the blacked swordman
>the procession of knights carrying the coffin upon their shoulder
>the reveal of the silver Dragoon with the eye sunken into his chest
>that sword
>the transition of Thordan's staff into his crown
>Thordan drained of all his power and desperately flailing with the last of his will to keep you at bay
Heavensward was so fucking kino
will we see him in shadowbringers?
>Ishgard is the WoL's true home.
After the beginning of HW, I can't think of it any other way.
Is MCH Fun? I enjoy playing classes that no one else seems to like.
After having to deal with a 50 minute Sohm Al run because I had two DRGshitters with ass-tier gear (who the fuck wears level 1 rings and two tank rings as a fucking DPS when you're LEVEL 54) who didn't know what heavy thrust or aoe is, I'm going to have to disagree just slightly.
Fuck I miss Ishgard.
Ill be buying a house there literally 10 seconds after theyre available.
You're retarded, even the chinese don't give a fuck about Taisho roman clothing, they only get offended by military uniforms.
Taisho roman fashion just is not offensive at all, especially considering a lot of the clothing styles were a direct result of western/british influence.
Goddamn am I glad to have left home, then.
Not right now.
cant wait to full high chocolate rava with platinum blonde hair and muscle slider max
lmao no, Lucia's a desperate lonely christmas cake that schlicks to trashy romance novels about Aymeric sold in the back alleys of the Jeweled Crozier. She's never ever tier.
>didnt just leave instantly and take the 30 minute wait to do other stuff
the only thing worse than people wasting your time by being bad is wasting your own time staying in these parties to begin with
Why do you think it's not played? Not only it's inferior to Bard in every way, but it's also garbage to play.
wait till next month and see what happens.
everybody loves mch and yes it is fun
only meta trannies doesn't
mch needs 300 iq and absolute bis gear to be worth something currently sadly
Aymeric is not the kind of guy who marries his secretary.
Depends on the fight.
Example for this tier, it's fun for O12S but none of the other fights.
Why must PC elezen be at ugly in comparison
I wanted Aymeric to turn evil, so that I can kill him instead of falling in love with him. And then they put you on a goddamn date with the guy
There are MrHappy shills ON THIS THREAD right NOW
Is it part of the Scions dress code to have all the females thighs' exposed
>muscle sliders
um sweaty, viera don't have a muscle slider because they have an ear slider
please think of the poor hyurs and roes, only them get to have muscles because they don't have long ears or a tail
Player made elezen can look nice but it takes effort, and most people don't try.
That's not possible.
Yes, and thank God it is.
more like yoshida fetish, look at 2b from automata
>I'm the cook
He will revive the Yorha androids for the new raid. Probably what he found there.
mods will fix it
>the butler
I like the look of my male Elezen, but he's more gaunt than handsome.
>Aymeric usurped the throne and made peace with the dragons because he was horny for some dragon puss.
or worse, voidsent puss.
>headpatted some shisui miqote cosplay slut
>tried to sleep with me for whatever reason
>wake up
Life is suffering
>all the mods will stop working in shb and they will never fix them
the fuck it, ill mod them
I thought Heavensward was very boring desu. Late ARR and Stormblood is just ok, none of them are "good" tier.
The mods are just file swaps. They're trivial to re-enable.
Imagine using that as a reason
you have no tongue and thus no taste
what are some passive aggressive ways to fuck with people in chat in this game without getting banned?
elezens fuck dragons
the new thing is to be overly nice
{ I don't speak any French. }
By the way, the NA media tour has already started. At this moment right now people are playing the new jobs and content.
I only know how to do it in Feast.
NA gobbling up EU's seconds like usual
Nothing new
A little too much
Probably make midlanders super gross
they better not be a bitch and leak stuff, unless the Yakuza are on standby again
I started typing really respectfully and pretend to legitimately trying to help
It drives people crazy like nothing else
Yeah, you're right. Even my friends were laughing their asses off at me not just leaving as I bitched constantly.
I just need to take the L next time and go mine that half hour away.
>banquet fiasco
>Primals fetching
No stop being delusional, it was just slightly better than the fetch quests. Overall the story composition of ARR is a mess
Imagine the smell.
Everyone already knows that {Nice job!} and {Good match!} spam means you're salty as fuck.
Can they not take pictures of shit or something? How come not even a fucking picture has been leaked?
Offer to pay people's subs. They hate it because if you did, you could tell them that they play the game wrong and they couldn't use their favorite retort.
You can also mark your teammate Target to Ignore and then spam Hello.
Ifrit + the theoretical new world flower ifrit yoship talked about when he talked about primals
>muscle on girls
spotted the closet homo
may as well fuck men at this point
Squeenix likely takes their NDAs seriously
It still feels like a defeat since they're the ones who suck.
Game is probably watermarked, no one prevents people from writing text leaks though.
don't look now user, there are muscles inside you right now. you are permeated with The Gay