Attached: The Future of Gaming is not a box.jpg (1033x583, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>when the AI gets so good it starts predicting what you'd do and fool you into thinking this has no input latency
I wanted robowaifus not miniature nostradamus, Google.

>using cloud services is a good ide

BASED google!

>our version of cloud gaming has never been tried
reminds me of communism

I rather play on a box.

Why would anyone buy games on a service were you lose access to everything the moment they decide to shut it down? At least with Microsoft or Sony you know they're going to be around a while, and there's physical hardware you can use, so you're not dependent on the quality of the streaming. If Google decided to make this the next Google+ and junk the whole project you're shit out of luck. No way to download or anything, you're stuck making monthly payments for their streaming services as long as you want to keep owning your games.

>for playing AAA video games
into the trash

Video game streaming is why we have the global warming reset button.

It works for video services, why wouldn't it work for video games? it's not such a big drama. I rather pay $15/month to play a bunch of games, than spending $30-$60 for stupid games I will probably never play again.

Enjoy your slowdowns and lags, even In a damn controlled Google showroom attendants noticed lags, imagine that shit miles away from a Google server. Imagine that shit in a country with dial-up tier internet? Stadia won't take over the United States, much less the whole world.

>It works for video services, why wouldn't it work for video games?
There are fundamental differences between a video and video game, in how they work and who the target audience is.

Because latency.

Your're a idiot

I'm highly disappointed with nowadays games and this is my new ray of light.
I like the concept of chapter games, can't wait to play them.


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I paid a World of Warcraft sub for 5 years, it gave me thousands of hours of entertainment, I can't access it anymore unless I pay, and it was ok.

5g is going to solve latency problems.

>charge 20/month
>then charge another 100 for internet even slightly good to run it
>insane input lag
>you don't own video games
>gives Google more market share which they absolutely do not need
>will kill indies
Why would I EVER support this trainwreck?

Attached: 1557347581976.jpg (225x225, 7K)

>brings open world to games
>brings hyperloop optimized connections
>brings game streaming
Is there anything this Goddess can anticipate/invent? Many games are great now because of her.

>5g is going to solve latency problems
Tell me when it actually happens.

>5G provides 600mo/s
When will people get it? 2020? 2021?

still a good thing

>The future of gaming is not a box. It's digital jew cancer that takes away all your consumer rights

Attached: raytracing merchant.jpg (336x400, 180K)

>ripping off Microsoft's idea

>utterly rapes your data cap
nuttin personnel, kozo

Oh boy, I sure do want daddy google deciding what games the plataform is supposed to have, and as a good daddy it will always make sure I'm extra nice within the family, toxic behavior will always be supervised.

Attached: 1556826106002.jpg (1024x862, 96K)

Attached: f.jpg (1033x583, 74K)

anyone else happy that is Google behind the wheel? that just confirms that it will fail.

>Why would anyone buy games on a service were you lose access to everything the moment they decide to shut it down?
>what is steam/psn store/nintendo e-shop/microsoft store


>what is steam/psn store/nintendo e-shop/microsoft store
Everything else is stored in your device you dumbass, and except for Steam you don't need to log on those services to play your games. Stadia is 100% streaming, when the service is done, everything within is gone.

>the future of gaming is not a box
>you need a device (box) to stream this on
>the games run on a box (server)
Truly makes takes your noggin' for a joggin'

Zero ownership.
100% online DRM.
All latency.

No relation to video or music consumer comsuption, dumb Californian dog.

>It works for video services, why wouldn't it work for video games?
Video games require low latency user input, video services don't.

you don't have to pay a monthly fee to play your games on those stores, and your console won't stop working one day if it's not profitable to them.
Look what happened to OnLive.

Stadia is interesting to me as an MMO platform.

>5g is going to solve latency problems.
Latency has nothing to do with internet speed. When their service penetration relies on the stupidity and ignorance of users like you, you know their service is destined to fail.

My, you're such a fucking embarrassment to everyone, user!

you're forgetting:
zero initial investment

this is the future. they're gonna nickel and dime playtime. due to lag restraints, these "games" are going to be graphically impressive, semi-interactive rollercoaster rides.
perfect for the normies, finally they can get rid of us

Bro I bought 5 times Skyrim. At least, when Stadia gets stronger, I still have my games


5g isn't going to solve latency problems at all.
They only thing 5g does is more bandwidth in a much smaller area than 4g, you still have to run a physical cable to each tower, so by default it'll be worse than your landline.

>what, input lag? Don't you know the future is walking simulators where that doesn't matter?
>the goyim want a cinematic experience, not a challenge

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Based. I'm glad Google is going first. It's going to crash and burn immediately after launch because it's Google, and Google knows fuck all about gaming. But that might at least put off Sony/Microsoft from going all in on it

Why are you trying to spread disinformation? You're not getting lower latency with higher internet speeds. You're still bound to distances between you and their servers. Do familiarise yourself with how communications work before embarrassing yourself in public.

Finally the future of gaming is ... a subscription to google..

user, you're making the biggest fool of yourself! It's so lame!

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Data caps and shitty internet will put a stop to it, Cunts are trying to reinvent the wheel

I don’t always have internet retard

What? They developed 5g to empower AI cars. Of course it solves latency

yeah,and even just availability of good internet means its dead on arrival in many places.

>5G will solve all our problems

Attached: 6677EFC6-E5FC-48F5-BBE4-7453F43FE557.jpg (285x255, 13K)

>peak speed

Microsoft and Sony are teaming up for A.I. or cloud computing and all I can think of is this is more data gathering and advertising garbage.

5G doesn't matter, the amount of data requires faster than light transfer of bandwidth data pockets. Not possible to emulate local gaming over streaming.

A technology made in Israel, And banned in Israel. Study's have shown the frequency the towers emit is super harmful to us and other life, Birds allegedly started dying around it

Good luck with your mods

>And banned in Israel

J-Jade will invent the faster than light technology !1

I screenshot the wrong thing. Cut me some slack since I'm literally googling for you. 4g has about 50 ms latency from antenna to device while 5g is currently about 10 ms, with the theoretical potential of getting even lower.

I hear that has been proven wrong

What do you think 5g is?
A magical set of relay towers that beam eachother the internet?
It's connected to a physical fibre network, like the one you probably have at home except they have broadcasting towers attached to them, ten times the amount of 4g because of the limited reach.
If you think 5g is going to be better than your home connection I don't know what else I can say to you.

>people unironically want Google to control more of the world
I genuinely have no words.

Do a quick google search, There is plenty of articles, Apparently its coming into effect between 2020-2023

Latency doesn't matter much for lots of genres. I don't mind streaming anything turn-based.

Sure let's just connect our phones and cars with ethernet you fucking retard.

And the consumer

Also, fuck you, give us your money

everyone is shitting on it now but (((they))) have enough power to brainwash humanity into liking it, eventually

I love how it's basically dead on arrival. This is like the 3rd or 4th thread it had this whole month.

My home connection is 4g, it'll be de facto better

but of course it's been proven wrong, it's the future, you can't stop progress NOW SHUT UP AND BOW DOWN LIKE THE MONGREL THAT YOU ARE

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You use wireless mobileshit at home? I'm so sorry. You probably have data caps too.

The point of this thread was discussing the viability of Stadia on our internet and some anons in this thread brought up 5g as magically making that possible, I just thought you were one of them.
If you're arguing that 5g will be better than 4g for latency then sure, but it won't magically make the impossible possible.
That's really depressing.

So videogame streaming service? Id expect to be paying out the ass every month

I hear differently, Brussels banned it too, And they practically run the EU

I don't fucking care what the point of your gay thread is when I see on the front page some retard boasting about how he gets network speed and that cell tower technology has nothing to do with latency. But I accept your apology.

You don't even notice latency at all, unless you live in a literal flyover 3rd world land.

Same here. I don't play online so I have no complaints really.

>people who have tried other similar things in the past
This is going to be awful.
>young retards who have complete and total faith in google
This is going to be epic!

Yeah. Unless this thing is powered by fucking magic and the blood of virgins I have little faith in it.

It's called 4g box and it provides very good connection to country side. It's not everywhere and many peasant fortnite players dream having it.

I notice latency between the tv's I've had over the years, there's no chance I'm streaming a video game over the internet.

I couldn't imagine a worse fate.

Game streaming latency is not what you know from typical online games.
Multiplayer games calculate most things client-side and only exchange key info with the server. There is no network-induced input delay here, the game may simply start behaving oddly when client-side state doesn't match the server.
With stadia there is no client side. Your inputs have to make a round trip to google servers before you see any reaction at all.

Attached: 1555079116824.png (1330x1274, 689K)

so it's like
button click -> send signal to the internet -> signal received at google -> google "clicks button" and concurrently encodes video -> video streamed over internet -> i receive video on my monitor which includes the result of my button click

how can this be done with playable latency? online game with local client is one thing, but this sounds difficult to do without getting annoyed/dizzy.

It's perfectly fine. Nearly fiber. Great technology.

Attached: D6B955FA-9E03-46F0-842A-A49087B7100F.jpg (1574x2100, 584K)

>cloud gaming

Attached: tachyons.jpg (1300x666, 79K)

>how can this be done with playable latency?
By pushing the boundaries of what's considered "playable latency". Hell, I live in a densely populated yuro area and round trip time from me to the nearest google compute center is 50ms at the best of times. And it's not like all OTHER sources of input delay magically stop existing with stadia.

Latency is also here when you play online from a console. It's literally the same, except you pay games instead of having them free.

>It's literally the same
Baloney. Read

That's looks crazy, I can't wait to see tachyon man as the new avenger.

>be stadiabro
>"ok alexa lets play some games"
>boots up, have so many games to play but I'm feeling competitive so I choose Mordhau and launch straight into multiplayer
>see some guys saying the nword and making anti semitic remarks
>"tsk tsk, that just isn't right, alexa let's teach these /pol/cels a lesson"
>superior stream assitance kicks in and I start domming them, taunting after every kill
> they get more upset and start sending death threats
>keep going, little do they know I'm baiting them into my trap
>one of them goes completely bonkers, says he will shoot up a foreign place of worship
>Alexa immediatly contacts me with the police
>I report these incels are extremely dangerous and to send a SWAT team at once
>the breifing tells me they shot hin26 times since he tried to resist arrest
>the others in the lobby were hunted down and are in custody for racism and attempted terrorism
>laugh and everyone on my google+ congratulates me for putting these trash nazis where they belong

And then Google will ban developers from their platform.

this thread is so downs it hurts to read, i'm sorry you all have shit internet.

Attached: 2019-05-15 11_32_06-PlayStation™Now.jpg (1265x765, 410K)

Please tell me which ISP provides FTL signal?

Hacking and piracy are unironically the only things that can save videogames now.

google+ was shut down last month

Will Stadia require a special coding language? I guess the Japs won't like it since they always work with their wonky donky playstation architecture.

>kill someone in game
>"gg ez"
>google home: problematic behavior detected
>shutters close around my windows
>doors lock
>fumes start coming out of my google home device
>gassed to death
>google home: problematic behavior corrected

>my magic internet will make all the google streaming cancer to be better!
Retardation at work.

You guys ARE gonna use the future of gaming Stadia chan is providing to you, right?

Attached: Stadia166.png (1771x929, 932K)

Why is everyone on this board a fucking retard nowadays?

Attached: 1539899262293.jpg (401x485, 29K)


>I guess the Japs won't like it since they always work with their wonky donky playstation architecture.
more time for work when you get your packets 35 minutes before you even send them

If they can post pings of single digits and input latency of under 80ms I might buy in. Until then though, they can fuck off. Steam threw away a really good thing in the steam link, where I had under 30ms delay from my computer on the opposite side of my house, now the app gets me about 300ms delay.
stadia, from the demo they showed looked to be about the same. And 300ms is way too much.

>The future of gaming is 150ms latency in your single player game

Attached: 1535914977544.png (1280x738, 1003K)

No, it's x86, it's just a fucking computer.

>have to not only pay for high speed internet but also for a shitty subscription
paying 60$ once for a game you can always play is cheaper in the long run

> Fuck PC
> Will most likely use his PC anyway for it because how shitty it'll be on phones etc
Based retard

user, you don't seem to get it. You will ALSO pay for games on stadia, the subscription is just there so you don't have to buy hardware.

why is it so blurry?

Why did this meme started with a girl? Online system is lewder than consoles?

>evil megacorporation Microsoft announces always online video games
>journos freak out and Xbox is panned universally, this slow start contributes to PS4 destroying the One sales wise
>Evil megacorporation Google announces always on video games
>are congratulated
Someone want to explain the difference?


Attached: 1557748696180.jpg (250x240, 6K)

because the antennas need to be five times closer
hint: the latency on wire ain't any faster

Attached: CONSUME.png (680x300, 340K)

>Pay for the internet
>Pay for your Stadia streaming hardware
>Pay for the Stadia subscription
>Pay for each Stadia game
>Pay for DLC and microtransactions for each Stadia game
>plus tax plus tip

whats the fucking point then?
lets say you pay 30$/m for internet
15-20$/m for the subscription
+60$ for the fucking game
why not just build a pc at this point?
seems way cheaper

Did they release a pricing model yet?
If you pay full price for the games, it's a bust.
If You can play advertising supported games for free and rent full price games by the hour cheaply, then it would absolutely destroy consoles.

>cloud gaming

Attached: 084.png (600x512, 298K)

>5$ a month
>a whole library of all existing games
This and netflix and I don't need to get out my basement anymore.

>thinking DLC will go away just because

oh user

Games developed by stadia will be chapter games. Like imagine a chapter street fighter.

there is no way they will make you pay twice. Google isn't that retarded.

Streaming games still requires "boxes", you just dont own those boxes. They want to take control away from you.

I hope Stadia won't be shy on anime games.

what if they just dumb games down, they could easily add a "stevia mode" , so even if it's a heavily action based game getting hit doesn't matter that much and anything that's intense like qte gets completed automatically.

google is the definition of retarded with failed products
remember google+ or google glass?

Capitalism, dont fucking fail me now. Im counting on you to crash this thing with no survivors

Google's entire business model is giving you free services. They know nobody will ever touch Stadia if there isn't a free version.

So is Stadia just OnLive that you purchase hardware for or what?

but user, the communist reptilian bugpeople are the ones pushing it

capitalism has no place here, spread your legs

Attached: bugtits.png (400x600, 220K)

>*US internet infrastructure blocks your path*
You can live in a major city and still get shit internet.

>Free version of stadia
Just fucking pirate at that point, keep a vopy on your machine and play it offline/whenever you want and with no lag, no less

Onlive also had a Onlive controller.

yes, my magical isp will in fact give me proper routing to the nearest data center of 2 hops 5ms.

Not even us Pajeets and our space age internet can run this cancer without lag. Literally who would buy into this idiocy?

Sony was doing game streaming well before MS entered that market.

>plus whatever the internal workings of Stadia will cause
no thanks

You can't pirate hardware

>the future of gaming is not a box, it is a series of boxes


Attached: 1540186807822.webm (406x720, 1.4M)

You don't need to buy anything for that, you could just use your KBM if you wanted. Which like 99% of people used. So I ask again:
So is Stadia just OnLive that you purchase hardware for or what?

>Cant pirate hardware
Fucking retard. Cracked and rooted consoles are fucking everywhere. Besides, stadia is just a controller to use a service. Just pirate a game and if you have to play it with a controller, use a knockoff ps or steam controller, that you can get for 10-20 bucks

Stadia is, no joke, the biggest threat to gaming right now. The cloud in general was a fucking mistake. If it's sucessful, all the problems that affect digital distribution will only get worse. Preservation will be impossible.

seems good enough for AAA movie games
god i hate the fucking future

>You can get it all
>btw it's censored

That's speed, not latency. You're a fuckwit, buddy.

>Stadia is the biggest threat to gaming
Stadia is a fucking joke. Not even eceleb youtubers can defy the laws of physics and input lag
>Problems that affect digital distribution will get worse
Maybe for Snoy and Xbone that already have subscription services. But you consolecucks just love those, dont you?

>latency is decent
>an xbox in the background
Well played my dude

I really don't know how they plan on fixing this. The amount of distance data has to travel, the many many data centers, the hop count must be fucking astronomical. It'll introduce delay no matter how you make it.

see >and then user realized it was he who was the fuckwit

Do consoles fall from the sky now? The whole point of Stadia is that you don't need a console in the first place.

When will we have severs cities?

Daily reminder that information travel at the speed of light in fiber. 300000km/h is fast

>The whole point of stadia is that you dont need a console int he first place
Then there's literally no reason to use it
Why pay 5 bucks a month to play one game that doesnt even run properly when I can pay 10 bucks to get it on my system permanently and play it with no lag offline? Or just fly the black flag and get it for free?
I genuinely dont understand the appeal of stadia. I really dont

>call someone a faggot
>it gets there at the speed of light

>plays on tv
>go to piss
>play on tablet
>go to work
>play on my phone

Pinging servers in my city is 5ms roundtrip
Pinging Google.com (which judging by the IP is in Ireland, ~1000 miles away) is 25ms roundtrip.
They can probably cover all of Europe with 3 data centers.

Also it's Google so they can use the data centers for other purposes when they are not used for gaming.

the future of gaming is walking simulators and cutscenes anyways, the gameplay is irrelevant.

How will they deal with the input interface? Playing AC with a pad is nice, but probably not by touching a screen.
Will they redesign all the input interface or force the gaming pad on every device?

Not happening.

or you can get a very laidback job, and get paid for watching movies and playing games on your phone/tablet, so you can still afford top of the line onaholes/sdolls and VR porn.

>Unironically advocating phone and tablet """gaming"""
You dumb motherfucker
Stick to movies, you dont actually have to do anything or expect quality from them.

I forgot about this thing
What was the point of revealing just to let it be forgotten afterwards?

Why fuck PC, I have full access offline, online and stadia games, I got 200mbs down I'll try stadia if they offer some free shit even if it's like 20 minutes of a game. I don't think stadia is gonna do much yet, google is just getting ahead in the arms race. I think amazon is the bigger threat to the consoles because how many people have amazon prime and that's totally gonna be their XBLG

Stick to your consoles then dummotherfucker, I don't need this stupid ancient business model where I pay $60 for 6hr game and then never play it again. With 5g you can stream 8k on 5 computers at your home in real time which you are going to have anyways if you're not a caveman.

Input latency on modern HDTVs is bad enough. If this things adds more than 16 or so ms of additional latency (it will) then its fucking worthless and no other amount of conveniences will be worth making the games feel like shit to play

Not to even bring up every other anti consumer element this has

How fucking Dense are you? You DO NOT have to own any gaming system to play games with Stadia.
Instead of spending $300-$500 on a PS5 or Xbox Scarlett you download an app on your TV or tablet or laptop and get to play the same games.
That's the big deal here. Millions of people only buy a console so they can play the latest GTA and maybe FIFA and nothing else. If you give them the option to play these games without having to buy hardware, then they will simply refuse to buy the hardware.

Great so now you and a tiny minority can enjoy Stadia in all its splendor for a few moments before Google pulls a Glass and waits for technology to improve at some unspecified point in the far future.

The source being your stupid ass. And even then, 10 ms is pretty significant, and it's both ways since you have to send your inputs.
How did you manage to become this stupid and ignorant?

I expect my films to be quality lol, ever seen the Road Warrior? Modern movies tend to suck ass now but there's some diamonds in the shit even today

Attached: the-road-warrior-dvd-cover-09.jpg (842x1200, 129K)

Until rockstar loses the music licenses and the game has to be pulled from the service and no longer playable

It's an exaggerated example but this shit has already happened on steam numerous times. The difference being that the consumer has access to the actual data and can at least make backups. Stadia? Anything exclusive will be gone forever and there's nothing you can do about. Its shit for consumers and anyone who supports it is genuinely, like literally, a retard

Or, I could just pirate and play their pc versions with superior hardware and no lag offline.
Nice to know that Stadia will kill consolegaming permanently, if it somehow manages to survive

>aaa devs jump on it and start focusing even more on "cinematic experience" to circumvent lag

Thank you based input lag!

Licenses won't matter when the glorious party takes over and executes the bourgeois

Stadia is the path of the worker

>pc versions with superior hardware
Stadia is equivalent to a RX Vega 56 or GTX 1070 and thus better than the vast majority of gaming PCs out there and google can continuously upgrade the hardware every year, which you can't do in your PC without massive cost.

can you upload this somewhere?

>Stadia is the path of the worker
>the thing designed by a massive corporation is the path of the worker
jesus fucking christ we're all gonna be against the wall in a few years all over again

I knew there was a /leftypol/ retard here.
You're a tool of the neoliberal ruling class.

Could you imagine spending the rest of your life sucking Google cock? When are governments going to realize they're giving all of their power away to mega corporations like Google?

>Vega 56
Maybe YOUR PC lol, seems like it would be more worth it to spend the 250$ a Vega 56 will run you and build a 600$ PC, google should of never released the specs because people can now look up the prices of that aging hardware

>When are governments going to realize they're giving all of their power away to mega corporations like Google?
People are, not governments.

>why wouldn't it work for video games?
because movies are stationary, while video games react to user input

>oey vey goyim you think you own those video games?

we live in a clown world.

Can we play Steam games on it?

Account-based DRMs and dropping physical releases were a fucking mistake.

This bugs me.
American data centers have massive hardware because they're few and influential. India has 2003 hardware because they're a shitload and none give shit about their opinion on bad graphics.

Yeah, no.

Attached: Google Console.jpg (350x61, 4K)

the greatest lie left wing socialist dystopian police staters ever told was convincing people that we some how lived in a capitalist system. It's been full on xwhatever-socialism since 1914 my dude. ww2 was literally national socialists versus welfare socialists versus globalist socialists.

>$600+ PC (equivalent logical increments PC is $900 btw)
>needs upgrade every 2 years to stay current
>free App

What means Stadia ? Is that the plural of Stadium ?

>free App

>Needs an upgrade every two years to stay relevant
t. normie who knows fucking nothing about building PCs.
>Free app
That's a fucking lie, as to do anything, you need to pay a monthly subscription. Or are you allowed access to google games database for free permanently, you dumb cunt?

There is no way it won't be free and come with free2play games.
Proper games will cost money but that's still 10 times cheaper than having to buy the hardware.

It's a surveying method for determination of distances and differences of elevation by means of a telescopic instrument having two horizontal lines through which the marks on a graduated rod are observed.

>Stream free games, when you could just download them from literally anywhere
>Pay 10 dollars a month to play games you dont even fucking own
>In addition to upgrading your internet connection to get a barely playable experience
Yeah no. There's absolutely no valid reason to use stadia

>t. normie who knows fucking nothing about building PCs.
running a custom loop here, thank you very much.
How is your PC going to magically upgrade itself to keep pace with what google can put in their data centers?


>forgetting the price of your soul

Because I bought a 1080ti 2 years ago, why would google need to upgrade when the Vega 56 will be on par with the consoles and they know how stupid their users are

>Running a custom loop
>My machine cant keep up with progress!
Get fucked. Youre so obvious it hurts

upgrade... hah! They'll be "targeting" a certain detail level hard for 1) compression efficiency and 2) to get the LOOONGEST use out of whatever hardware they have to desperately try and not bleed money out the ass like onlive did.

> (equivalent logical increments PC is $900 btw)
What? the fuck does this mean? You can spend as much or as little as you want on your PC

The sad truth is that the only people who care about the well-being of a game after its either fallen from relevancy or had a sequel are already naturally sceptical about Stadia and the like. The hypothetical casual using Stadia to play GTA V and FIFA 20 won't care about GTA IV having its radio gutted or FIFA 19 shutting down its servers. You already see Netflix losing the rights to show/movies and most people reacting with a brief "of that's a shame" before moving on. The casual consumer simply doesn't give a shit about preservation so long as they've got a constant stream of new content to keep them occupied.

Attached: 1509619124693.png (327x339, 222K)

This. It's really sad that the average casual couldn't give a shit about preserving the things it used to like. It's also sad that the casual is inevitably the type of person to decide where literally any market goes.

They deserve to die.

Can you fucks not comprehend that there are people out there who don't spend hundreds of dollars on a gaming PC every few years?
Even in the Steam hardware survey half the people have 2GB of VRAM or less.

Stadia is not for you. It's not for the people who buy $500 consoles at launch either. Stadia is targeted at the average casual gamer.

>Casuals dont care about preserving good things
Yes, but this isnt just that. Stadia performance is atrocious. Also, you dont own anything, so if google decides to ban you for shits, there is fuck-all you can do about it. Also, by paying for a subscription, youre also paying for games you dont want to/are not going to play. Normies cant be that stupid to overlook these facts

There was a supposed leaked information book for the playtesters that showed "buy to own" pricing for the games.
It's probably fake, but some of the language used has intimated that they see people paying to play something that they see some streamer play NOW. And paying $15 a month for access to anything doesn't make the shareholders as happy as $39.99 up front OR $7.99 for 4 hours!

>Stadia shill starting to lose it
If stadia is for filthy casuals, why are you shilling for it in a board of hardcore gamers, you retarded cunt? Also, see .

Stadia will never work. The concept was tried before and fell flat on its face. This one will be no exception.

>Stadia is not for PCgamers
>Stadia is not for consolegamers
>Stadia is for mobile """gaming"""!
Im sure it'll be a whopping success

Yes like half of the people in the steam hardware survey have like 1060 3gb that's because they live in third world hellholes that stadia isn't coming too, hell isn't Canada too 3rd world for Stadia's launch?

It doesn't matter if the service is inferior, it's still going to be the future. Videogames are going to die. Ownership is going to die.

Have you talked to any normies recently? They have no problem not owning anything and paying a $10-$15 subscription for tons of games they are never going to play is no different than paying a $10-$15 subscription for tones of shitty shows they are never going to watch on Netflix.

Publisher's entire business model is getting LOTS of money up front. Let's say Google offer a free tier, they'd have to be fronting the money for EA/Ubisoft cause they ain't taking that on the chin. But even if they do, if you can get the latest Ass Creed on Stadia for "free" ($15 a month) why on earth would you pay $60+Season Pass? Ubisoft are not that stupid, they aren't going to let Google gut their business model. Mark my words, this will have some mobile gacha shit for free, and some 2 year old "AAA" things for $30 a pop. And then Doom 2019 for $60 or $8 "rental".

>Butthurt game-hating tranny post
You heard the 'lady', fags! Wrap it up, nothing more to do here!

yes goyim plug yourself in even further to the jewg- oh i mean google network. we protect your privacy, we aren't collecting your data, human.

you are cute for thinking third world hellholers have a current gen GPU. I bet even most first world PC gamers still have a GTX 700 series or even older.

Leaving the google eco system was a great decision, I'm no longer the victim of targeted advertisements

We don't know exactly yet. The expectation is you can use KBM on a PC just fine, but you need to pay for access somehow. If you buy the controller, they'll have built some sort of access for a limited time into the purchase price. The controller is designed to bypass a tiny bit of latency you'd get through a PC but that's not enough of a reason to force a purchase.

>The future of the game is not a booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo[Stutter]ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo[Connection lost]

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(((proven wrong)))

How are they even going to sell this to mutts with their 3rd world tier connections and data caps?

Now try the same thing with 1500 byte packets. Much of the distance will be ATM which is designed for low volume, low latency, guaranteed delivery BUT ATM frames are tiny. When you are receiving whopping great VP9 encoded 1080p video latency goes up.

nice subversion attempt

this doesn't even make sense, why would I pay to "stream" a game when I could just buy a game anywhere else
Just an extra pain in the ass

>Snoy is better than jewgle

Subversion of what? Not wanting to use Chrome adblockless?

Fuck off shill

>The concept was tried before and fell flat on its face
Onlive was 10 years ago and was a tiny startup. Internet speeds have increased and Google has so much marketing power they can just push this onto every single 14 year old PewDiePie viewer.

Why the fuck do companies always want to enter the console race? they don't make money unless your name is nintendo and you have a horde of 30+year old diehard fans who grew up with your shit

>Kikes making anything

Your're pathetic

>Anime games

>I love latency and no control at all on "my" games

Because they see all the shit Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony have gotten away with for the last 15 years and they want a slice of that

>actually thinking in-practice '4g' or '5g' is anywhere near spec
People aren't this stupid are they?

>Stadia is the path of the worker
Dumb commie

Google is controled by the us government

Fucking idiot


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so a fucking movie then

Communism is the ideology of the future, automation makes it inevitable. Might as well jump on now comrade.

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>literally sucking big corporation cock
>path of the worker
leftism is so fucking bullshit

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He's right emping china would cut the world's carbon emissions in half

Nah a creative market economy is the future

Anything from a megacorp is not for the worker

You people pretending like stadia is going to have some hardcore high octane arena shooter that requires absolute control need to stop. Stadia is a product built for shitty 30fps cinematic over the shoulder Sony adventure games as well as anything like walking simulators or even visual novels. You ain't playing no Call of Duty, Quake, or Street Fighter on fucking Stadia.

>bombing solves everything!
Baded muhritard.

it's obvious hyperbole to prove the point that anyone can come up with insane utopian schemes to fix the world's problems, retarded fucking euroslave. I don't even like shapiro because he's a jewish identitarian but you're straight up dumb, if you're not baiting

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