Did discord save vidya?
Did discord save vidya?
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If anything it helped ruin vidya. Gone are the days where you chat shit with your random team. Now you just go ERP with some weebs on discord while you play games.
Come join if you want a comfy atmosphere to discuss games, we’ve got no trannies and no bullshit.
fuck off
Unironically yes.
It killed it in a way.
All small servers for games like GMod or Minecraft now had an easier platform to talk on with their communities, servers stopped being "server I go on to blow off some steam with some familiar players" and started being "something out ""discord community"" plays on maybe sometimes" to eventually fucking dead.
God no
every discord i've ever joined so far has made me realise how fucking faggy people who play games are
*how fucking faggy people who use Discord are
Oh, and you're one of them, so guess what that makes you?
Is this the ERP general
>no trannies
why you always lying
Discord would be good if it worked as a containment chamber but unfortunately the trannies venture out and post here as well.
We just rp and trannies for (you)s tb.h same. Rping as /pol/ works pretty well if you want to get bump limit on a thread.
Yea Forums is full of trannies you mongoloid
I still don't get why Discord is supposedly bad but Mumble, Teamspeak and other voip stuff are fine.
whats more annoying, people who use discord, or people who refuse to use discord because its popular?
Don't project, speak for yourself.
It saved people from Skype, but I don't think it did anything for video games.
There is as much videogame discussion on discord as there is on Yea Forums, none. Discord was a mistake
By posting it here you just made sure to fill your server with trannies and bullshit.
Yes, with places like this.
With people actually wanting to play vidya.
Fuck any place that doesn't instantly bans furfags or trannies.
Case in point
People who talk about Discord.
>had a discord for a private Minecraft server a few years back
>would ban anyone that was being a fag
>used it to hold pseudo interviews to let people in
>let my guard down, let someone in without vetting him
>he griefs the shit out of the server
>it dies after that
I'm sorry guys
Discord saved fightans
How can a single person do so much damage?
From what?
never gets old
>we’ve got no trannies and no bullshit
I'll believe that when I see it, which I won't, because I'll never visit your drama filled discord, you tranny.
>blaming the platform for the channels you decide to join yourself
For me, a Game Server and Game Community owner Discord has been a godsend. It's so fucking easy to manage all your shit now at one place. It beats TeamSpeak and Steam Groups by miles and it's much easier to work with instead of creating clanwebsites.
And thats coming from someone that used to run PHPBB or Nuked Clan websites back in the day. I don't understand why everyone on Yea Forums shits on it. Yes, alot of people use it, that means there is alot of shit people and shit servers on there, but here's a tip: DONT JOIN ANYTHING YOU DONT HAVE TO JOIN.
I cant imagine running my servers and community without it. It's just so fucking easy. Only thing that sucks is maximum allowed file size for sending files but thats only a minor inconvenience.
So explain me again whats bad about it without "muh discord trannies xD" meme spouting?
why does discord trigger Yea Forums so much?
is it because it has to do with socializing with other people and the majority of the people here hate to have friends to play/talk with?
Reminder that everyone is welcome here
Warn +1 for saying the N-word
nah jokes on you I dont run a nowhere near political correct discord, but its also not something childish where we try to be as edgy as possible.
We use the software because it gets the job done, but discussions about discord on Yea Forums never go about the actual program its only about fucking retarded people that use it that you have problems with. The functionality of the program is great and it makes running servers and communities so much easier than letting people join some fucking website or forum.
>hurr durr tranniez!!!!
Just join a different server? Or get the mods to ban the thing.
The few discord servers I'm in are a mix of based swedish guys and people with cute anime girl avatars who are unironically mid-transition, it's jank.
>no trannies
that's an oxymoron
Because Yea Forums is obsessed with being against something. It needs an enemy to fight to justify its' behavior just like how the people it shits on relentlessly need an enemy to justify their own actions.
It's conflict for the sake of conflict.
Do people actually play videogames in here?
That's literally the only reason I got discord.
no fuck discord
yeah I bet they still link people to some shitty vbullitin website where they have to make an account for their shitty game server
I've made more friends thanks to discord, and because of that I have people to play games with, so for me, yes.
Fuck off dada you faggot stop shilling your discord
Nobody can stop you from posting, but I'm free to call you a faggot when you stick out like a sore thumb.
Reddit is funny. Yea Forums is not. FACT
You're funny.
Funny lookin'.
the power of autism is beyond human comprehension
>redditfrog, discord and e-celeb shite everywhere
What happened to Yea Forums?
the opposite, in fact. Fuck Discord.
I don't trust that
electionfags ruined this site
discord is for fags