Thith ith Aerith. Thay thomething nithe about her

Thith ith Aerith. Thay thomething nithe about her.

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why do I want to punch that face?

Because she took away cloud, tifa.

It's not Aeris or Aerith. It's Aerth, as that accurately maintains the anagram for Earth.

Worst party member of all time?


She dies, so Tifa wins in the end.

Thuffering thuccotath thath a lot of thalt

Her name is Aerith and it is pronounced like the actual name "Erith". Which is a hebrew name which means "flower". You might notice that there are other hebrew words in FF7, such as 'Sephiroth'.

'Aeris' was always a translation error, I don't know why people still argue about such a dumb thing.

Thith ith Thephiroth, he hath a really long thord

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>tfw have a lisping fetish

Stop it thread. You stop that.

Because it's a woman

you mean thop it?

Wow... that's so deep

Calm down Tifa

She cute, too bad her game is never coming out

Tifa should have died instead of Aeris, dumb bitch knew everything about Cloud's history and didn't tell him shit

why the long face?

this thread again?

I don't know why people are bitching about her face. She looks the same as in every spinoff/render from the last 15 years. When i saw cloud in the reveal I thought "huh?" but when I saw Aerith I just went "Yup, that's what Aerith looks like, cool I guess."

I want a photoshop of this pic but with a pacifier in her mouth

She's slightly better looking than Yuffie, although she's utterly eclipsed by Tifa.

It has been 16 years and you bastards still mad, damn. It's Aerith it will forever be that way, it's ridiculous you faggots fight for "Aeris" as if that name will ever come back.

You stop giving me this erection right now. How do you suppose I'm supposed to take care of this? Where am I going to find porn for this?

>I don't know why people are bitching about her face.
I'm complaining but there is slight difference, Aerith's eyes were noticeably bigger in the AC renders, and since Japan is the country of "kawaii uguu" faces with big eyes they found Aerith to be different right away to complain about it.

I mean I'm NOT complaining.

so why is his name sephiroth and not sephiros

>tfw my fetith ith jutht ath bad
Feelth bad, man

i want to mating press her

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Is there an actual official explanation for that? I heard it was just japs trying to have something sound like Alice and then not passing the info to translators.
Which sounds believable since ff 7 translation is widely recognised as pure garbage.

TL note: flower girl means prostitute

FFVII original translation was literally done by one dude in a rush, no proper revision whatsoever, plenty of links around the internet about FFVII's localization nightmare.

No she doesn't seeing how Cloud still faps to Aerith.

Mysteriously enough, even in western versions of FF7 the name "Aerith" is in the code. I cbf looking it up but speed runners found a way to skip the part where you go to Aerith's naming screen and afterwards the game auto-names her "Aerith" instead of "Aeris".

>she's utterly shits on Tifa.
yeah we know

She'd probably have really cute kittens / puppies with Red.

Because you're an incel

Yeah. Too bad she fucked Cloud instead.


She was terrified he'd have a total mental breakdown, and says as much later

She has no way to know. She's dumb as hell.

Nah, he just feels guilty about her death, which gets resolved at the end of Advent Children. Not to mention he thinks of Zack constantly too, and even sees Aerith and Zack fuck off together into the lifestream in Advent Children, so he unless he likes being cucked, Tifa won in the end.

Is there some sort of "master face" they use to base all these final fanstasy girls on? Because they all have this disturbingly perfect quality that's really off-putting. Lightning had the same problem, they look like living dolls.

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Nigth tith

>infinite fansalt
we're mining here

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Remember how she was gonna fuck the cat

shut up mike tyson

Zack "lives on inside him" too. So therefore, Zack is cucking cloud and fucking the Aerith that lives on inside him.

>Not Thephiros
Come on, user.

>going for japanese plastic surgery look

Aeris is a whore. A WHORE!

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>She has no way to know
All the times she witnessed Cloud saying shit that never happened in his life, and his mental breakdowns whenever Jenova tried to fuck his mind, say otherwise.

Yuffie is pure. PURE!

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Her name is shown as Aerith on official jap shit.

Yeah, pure slut

Pure semen

Is there a better kind?

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Sold her virginity for a master transform materia.

>literal baby face

>would let you facefuck her for a bag of materia

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Daily reminder that Aerith is canonically a slut, as in an actual prostitute

I only like Yuffie because she's LITERALLY Rebecca

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I prefer Tifa, Mike Tyson.

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Based on him.

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