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Realism is a mistake. FFVII:R is going to anger most fans for replacing the idealized memories.
if OP looks like realism to you then i assume you've never seen an actual real person in your entire life
ive seen girls like that
just seen though, im a virgin
>Cant save her
why dont jrpgs allow player freedom when it comes to story
Because japs aren't allowed freedom in their life
takes one to recognize one
She'll probably die in this game.
comic sans aerith always cracks me
because asians aren't allowed happiness in their life
It is the same "anime trying to be realistic CGI" style Final Fantasy has been using since FFVIII. Yes, it's still stylized to a degree. But it's far closer to reality than the original anime designs.
They do. You're just playing Final Fantasy games. Play Suikoden. It does every Final Fantasy does, but correctly.
her long button down (all the way down) dress is obnoxious as hell
Who here remembers Aerisdies?
Busted so many loads there.
so what will the gameplay be? the trailer shows it's clearly not ff7(the old one), and is closer to ff15, but i don't think the shit tornado can strike the same franchise twice, so it's reasonable to assume it's not a copypaste of 15's combat. what will be done differently? how will they manage to make it even worse than 15?
Best girl
>so what will the gameplay be?
press square for light attacks: they dont do much damage but its something
press triangle for combo finisher: do more damage when you use it with light attacks
Press circle to open command menu: magic, commands, summon, items, etc.
Press X to block: becomes counter with counter materia
hold l1 to open the shortcut menu
limit 1 in every limit level is aspecial attack, not a limit. The second limit is a limit.
Each action cost an ATB bar. You get more ATB bars when you go on the game.
That's mostly what we have seen, we dont know if when you press double arrow keys you get a dash, or if you can't jump
>so what will the gameplay be?
X, X, X, Square, heal, repeat. Just like Kingdom Hearts. Duh.
cute corpse
Aerith >Tifa(whore)
Zack is lucky
You mean unlucky, since even after her death, she keeps lusting for that cloud dick
I would suck out her farts
Lmao. Aerith dumped his ass to hop on the Cloud Express.
Aerith is such a unfaithful shrew.
Also fuck Cloud. Zack busts his ass to save that useless faggot and the guy not only takes his sword but takes his girl as well.
Are Tifafags the worst?
she is a prostitute
not trying to be funny or slut shaming. She is literally a prostitute, canonically a prostitute.
>there's no way the first remake game will make it all the way to Aerith's death
>Will have to wait for the second episode at least
after advent children, shouldn't the fans have expected the game to look like this with access to more powerful hardware? even the ps3 tease was akin to this, why did retards expect it to look any different.
Lets see if the leaks are true though
>they will probably not create a secret side quest to save Aerith
>they will probably not create a secret side quest to save Biggs/Wedge/Jesse and then later let you hire them in Cosmo Canyon to work on the Highwind
Yes. They are the ones I can't wait to see get BTFO when SE inevitably ruin her design.
aerith fucks dogs
I wish it was anime style too like the artwork.
She is white.
Of course she does.
the leak says it will.
We're not talking about Tifa though.
Tifa fucks niggers. Just ask Barret and her customers.
Tifa doesn't ask for money.
Only prostitutes demand some sort of payment. Tifa does it for free, just for fun.
Too fucking fat and too fucking old.
>those doujinshis
that guy can draw
Literally nothing wrong with the length of her face. I think weebs and japs need to face reality a bit more often.
Tifa runs a bar. She's probably getting customers there by sucking many negro dick.
Never understimate the blind fanaticism of the Final Fantasy fanbase. They hype every upcoming game like it'll save the franchise. Then it comes out and doesn't live up to their expectations. Instead of learning their lesson and tempering their expectations for the next game, they just fall for the hype scam again.
This is what you get when a game series sells on flashy cinematic trailers and graphics, not gameplay or content.
I need her lips around my cock. There we go. Discussed.
Zack is dead and as such I don't think he gives a fuck. Reminder there's no afterlife in the FF7 universe, you just become life goo and get mixed into a giant blob of more life goo that will be used to birth new life forms. Unless you're Aerith, then you can apparently retain some of your consciousness to cast Holy after death because plot device.
>Zack busts his ass to save that useless faggot and the guy not only takes his sword but takes his girl as well.
He had his blessing on both counts, though.
Zack is best bro.
I wish hookers were this pretty where I live
and your mom will replace your dad's dick with mine
So Zack was a cuck?
please no. is it really too much to ask for complete experiences these days?
This cutie has a plump butt
>prequel game about Zack
>syke, it's really about Cloud, Sephy and a gay angel
This is when I gave up on Final Fantasy. The best part of FFVII was that short flashback scene with Zack and Sephiroth. So having a whole game like that should have been amazing. And it should have developed a ton of stuff FFVII's story left out. Instead, we got a huge tangent that didn't develop anything and ignored Zack. It's like the people at Square are constantly trying to do the opposite of what the fans want.
Same shit with FFX-2 instead of a prequel with Braska and Auron.
So basically those souls get reincarnated?
Also Sephiroth retained his consciousness as well in the lifestream.
So Zack was trying to make Cloud look good. Disgusting.
>Same shit with FFX-2 instead of a prequel with Braska and Auron.
I will never not be mad about this. I don't give a fuck about Yuna or Rikku. I wanted my Jecht, Braska and Auron prequel and I was robbed.
The people in the lifestream retain consciousness. They just merge together with the planets consciousness. This is how Zack and Aeris communicate with Cloud. And are able to tell Cloud what the planet needs. Zack and Aeris aren't spirits floating around separate from everyone else, nor are they absorbed and lost.
>I don't give a fuck about Yuna or Rikku
Homosexual detected
>This is how Zack and Aeris communicate with Cloud. And are able to tell Cloud what the planet needs. Zack and Aeris aren't spirits floating around separate from everyone else, nor are they absorbed and lost.
All that happens in Advent Children though. The original FF7 doesn't depict this.
>caring about two whores
If you died you’d want to know your girl gets a good guy
Sephiroth physically fell into the lifestream while alive, and was sustained by it despite losing his lower body.
If you mean in Advent Children, it's debatable whether it's really still him or just the lingering taint of the Jenova cells in the lifestream taking his shape. After all, Jenova cells shapeshift by reading the memories of humans they encounter, and in Advent Children, Sephiroth doesn't materialize until the Jenova cells are gathered and Cloud comes into contact with them.
Cloud explaining Zack and his gf are dead in Gongaga
True. But still Zack > Cloud.
Don't lose hope OP. I was past wizard level when I had my first time.
WARNING SPOILER!!!!!! she get's killed by Sephiroth
Dun dun
dun dun dun
What do the flowers symbolize?
I thought one of the novels did explain that it was the real Sephiroth and that he made avatars of himself. Same novel said that Aerith could have done the same but she wanted to appear in a form that Cloud remembers her by.
It's implied Aeris is the one communicating with Cloud when Cloud falls in the lifestream. Acting as a speaker for the planet. This is how Cloud learns what needs to be done.
But even if that's not enough concrete evidence, what Aeris does in the final cutscene of the game shows she's still a separate entity. And well, since Nomura is in charge of the FFVII remake, all the Advent Children stuff is now canon.
>he thinks they won't retcon this
>play linear story game
>wtf why don't I have a choice
This is you.
I thought the game made it clear Seph was piloting the clones from his vivisected body in the North too.
Knowledge he gained from the lifestream, which presumably Aeris also gained. And probabl a leftover from an original draft, the one where Aeris and Seph were Ancient siblings.
This is everywhere in Japanese entertainment. Why?
I meant with Zack. Aerith makes sense because she's an Ancient. Zack should have become planet food already.
I'm talking about the Remnants from AC
>It's implied Aeris is the one communicating with Cloud when Cloud falls in the lifestream. Acting as a speaker for the planet. This is how Cloud learns what needs to be done.
In AC?
>Same shit with FFX-2 instead of a prequel with Braska and Auron.
Fuck I didn't even know I wanted this and now I'm mad as hell. I just tried FFX-2 a month ago and gave up like 4 hours into it, I really don't like it
I can see they tried to do some interesting stuff but it just doesn't click at all
I assumed they were like Cloud wrt Reunion, being influenced by the Jenova cells but not outright controlled
Aerith will dodge his blade and kill him. She'll then get possessed by Jenova and replace Sephiroth. It's gonna be the remake's big twist and it'll give the game some girl power cred.
Calling it now
yeah a Braska+Auron+Jecht game would have been fantastic
aeris can die because she's hot
if you want her saved make her a fat disgusting sjw and she'll live forever
In large part because so many things copied Eva. But even before Eva, there were some things taking inspiration from similar sources. The structure of Gods and Mazoku in Slayers for example is inspired by Alchemist charts, which in turn were inspired by Abrahamic charts.
your dumb anime girls with ayyy proportions are not a representation of real life
Tifa is a Chocobo slut and Aerith is a dog slut
What says a normal human can't retain consciousness in the lifestream? Plus, Zack appears in AC with Aeris. And again, since Nomura is in charge of the remake, there's a good chance his view of how the lifestream works will be how it's handled in the main game as well. He doesn't have the half dozen other authors to check him anymore.
Where the fuck is big TIT Tifa dammit
While I advise you to dial back bust size expectations she will show up.
>if you are not into bugeyed trannies, than there is something wrong with you
>being this retarded
kek this is funny on various levels
Why does a white girl act like an asian girl? It’s not cute. It seems she has autism or something.
Do you mean Wutaian?
Literally cannot wait for the nude mods. These are great days we're living bros.
>Why does a white girl act like an asian girl?
1) She's not white.
2) An Asian company is making the game. They're going to put their cultural standards onto their character. It's like asking why Peach acts in a way the Japanese find cute rather than acting like a stuck up European princess.