Kill Dagoth Ur
Kill Dagoth Ur
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm a god
How can you kill a god?
What a grand and intoxicating innocence.
Where does he hide his bench press set
How do I achieve caius-mode?
do NOT abuse alchemy
Copious amounts of skooma
telvani is best great house
Drink skooma and smoke moon sugar
But he've never said that.
take off your shirt
>t. sub 1000 Intelligence brainlet
>dagoth ur played by ricardo
very nice
I was a sad boy when Caius got recalled to Cyrodiil desu.
Despite making up only 5% of the population, Argonians commit 50% of crime in Morrowind
that crime being attempts at escape
He was obviously put on trial for being a fucking skooma addict.
>Can't sell Skooma or Moon Sugar to any shopkeepers
>Unless they are Khajit, without fail every Khajit will buy your crack
Seemed a bit unnecessary tbf. His entire character arc just gets dropped at that point and all other involvement with Blades and the Empire sort of fizzles out as you pursue your quest to fulfill the prophecy of the Nerevarine. It would’ve been nice if he suddenly came back near the end and added some more consequences and choices to the story.
Judging by Morrowind and Oblivion, do you think Emperor Picard just released a dangerous psychopath prisoner in foreign provinces every now and again for shits and giggles. And only in Cyrodiil when he knew he was gonna die anyway?
Was Caius even a real Imperial? What if he was a manifestation of Vivec's CHIM to guide the nerevarine?
Being mind-addled drug addicts is part of their culture, bigot
>without fail every Khajit will buy your crack
That's wrong.
That guy in Balmora next to the mages guild will not even trade with you if you have those items in your inventory.
Is there any way to make it so it looks like you are shooting spells from a staff? I’m disappointed that when you enchant an item to cast on use, you always just use your hands. And of course, cast on strike only works when you actually strike them with the staff. Would be cool to shoot spells from the staff, for immersion
what you gonna do about that, dungmer?
This guy, the trader next door to the Mages' Guild?
>Being Khajiit, Ra'Virr is one of several merchants who will buy moon sugar and skooma.
No, he is just an underdog spymaster. Got sent to a fucking shithole with a background of a fucking cracksmoker, lives in the fucking ghetto, and don't even bother to wear something other than fucking pissdrenched sweatpants.
You give Vivec more credit than he deserves. After living so long, all he does is masturbate in that room he levitates in.
It felt premature. At that point I still don’t think the main character feels so connected to Morrowind they actually would want to be the hero of it. At least, that’s how I imagine it. I wish Caius or even the emperor was able to comment some on the situation. Caius is really the only NPC in the game with a broad dialogue on politics, so the game feels a lot emptier when he’s gone.
Remember the Oblivion Crisis? How the Argonians up and grew wings to breech the gates and take the fight to the deadra?
If the Hist didn't want the Argonians enslaved by dunmer, they wouldn't have allowed it in the first place.
Also remember that Telvanni, the spooky wizards who used Argonians as sex slaves and guinea pigs, came out of the subsequent Argonian invasion of Dres & Indoril territory unscathed.
That's the guy.
Perhaps my memory serves me poorly.
It's been so fucking long ago. About 15 fucking years.
Man this game just has a world like no other. I love the quests that take you deep into daedric or Dwemer ruins and the really historical feel of it. My favorite quests are the imperil cult ones where you hunt for the artifacts. The dungeons in this game just have a really dramatic, historical feel
There are two Argonian savants in Morrowind. Zero orc or khajiit savants
Who’s ready for TESVI to focus on the race with the coolest lore and culture?
Orcs are the real niggers of Elder Scrolls. They worship the literal shit god of pariahs, and can only integrate with civilization to the degree that they're kept in line with military discipline.
Some of you outlanders are okay. Don't come to Ebonheart tomorrow.
the khajit are better lorewise
He didn't know about Dagoth Ur though. It should have been Azura.
Also according to Skyrim, most are virgins too. They’re polygamous but only the single Chad Orc of a tribe gets to marry all the women
I think the argonians are outrageously funnier for reverse invading the daedric invasion
1. Play as sexy high elf
2. Speedrun game and kill dagoth ur without doing main plot so Vaiys never leaves
3. Install porn mod
4. Seduce Caius
5. ????!!
6. Profit!
The Empire fucking smuggles Skooma
You mean when Todd tosses all the cool lore they have in the dumpster and just makes it Game of Thrones or LOTR like the previous two installments of the series? Super excited
skyrim 2 is going to be as generic as oblivion and skyrim 1. and it'll be as dumbed down as fallout 4 is.
i wonder if skywind will ever come out
And CIA does too and makes dirty cocaine money. But CIA agents are not fucking crack addicts.
Yeah, they're too busy spiking each other's coffee with LSD
Why were there no naked Nord Barbarians in Skyrim?
you develop a nice upper body when you fuck dunmer whores on a skooma high all day every day
Based Caius
Bethesda lost their sense of humor
We're going back to Cyrodiil?
I still think the vanilla models look better than mods.
guys i'm retarded, if i want to play openmw on linux, do i have to install morrowind through wine first? or can i get other game files?
>tfw will never go to Morrowind and NORD all the horny Dunmer women
The history of war just makes it that much hotter
>i'm retarded
checks out
He most definitely is.
Now look at what Oblivion and Skyrim spymasters are.
>By day I am a loyal wife and a tavern keeper, and by night I'm a strong dragon killing superspywomyn
You can go to Morrowind, get paralysis curse and get strip naked in the middle of the road, though.
Yes, you need to install morrowind through wine for openmw to work.
Fuck off winfag, go back to taking microsoft cock.
>playing morromeme
>not playing daggerfall unity
Explain yourself.
I think the part they fucked up with the Blades in Skyrim (outside of making Delphine one of the most unlikable characters they've ever written) is they completely and utterly ignore the Thalmor to chase the Alduin's Wall plot and even after they find it she never mentions them again. Considering their bloody history and the their immediate threat to everyone on Nirn I would think they would at least think about acting more action against them.
alright thanks buddy
Gonna ask this here. If I enchant a weapon to cast when strike, and give it these effects
Weakness to Fire 100% for 1 Sec on touch
Fire Damage 50 pts for 3 sec on touch
What happened? Does the weakness to fire get applied all 3 seconds? Or only the first second, if at all? I have searched around and seen different answers. I’m not really sure the best way to enchant something that causes weakness to an element and does damage with it at the same time
Due for a replay my guy
Should I play Morrowwind? I dont think Ive ever played a Elder Scrolls game to completion.
You could extract the game files from the installer with innoextract if you have the GOG version.
back to your containment dungeon
I will never have a Dreamer gf who you can go live naked with in caves and murder any non Dunmer you see. Why live?
ok daddy
Anyone else play a monk who shoots spells
god I wish that were me
Not complete?
I was relieved that I'd be able to sleep in his house without waking up to him standing there next to the bed staring at me
>Oblivion announced
>I can't wait to play in the jungle with romans fighting dinosaurs!
>Oblivion comes out
fuck you Todd
Wtf I love House Dagoth now
I hate Skyrim made the nords less stereotypically barbarian
Also where are my Sky whales?
it's not that simple
finished tamriel rebuilt when?
I'm going to say the N word
be imperial
they all look like him
I just started a playthrough of the mod "The Wheels of Lull" on Skyrim and i love Morrowind just as much as the next guy but man what a bunch of cheap nostalgia circlejerking. When Divayth and Yagrum showed up i just turned the entire game off.
they put ur mom on the no fly list