Dude everyone knows shakespeare

>Dude everyone knows shakespeare

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Other urls found in this thread:


They have an easy setting for a reason user.

They could also come up with a hard puzzle that doesn't require knowledge from outside the game

You wanted hard puzzles, you fucking get them.

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You being a brainlet is not the devs fault. Their only mistake was not treating you like a retard.

Shakespeare is gay

that's because its hard mode, you dumbass

King Lear > Hamlet > A Midsummer's

who cares about the rest

Arranging the books was easy enough. The part that's crap is the cryptic mathematical manipulation.

Why did the puzzles in 3 suck so much?

The Shakespeare aspect wasn't hard for me, it was the god damn math analogy that forced me to look up a guide because jesus christ.

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>hurr if you don't read the middle earth equivalent to michael bay despite majoring in quantum psychics ur retarded hurr durr
Kys. You only think Kekspeare is good because it's old and your school forced it down your throat. He's a hack just like I'm about to do to your dick with my meat cleaver.

What's the puzzle here? I never played this

Sorry you didn't take middle school english user suprised you could even read the poem.

>middle earth equivalent to michael bay despite majoring in quantum psychics

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>Michael Bay equivalent
Imagine being so much of a brainlet you try to act above liking Shakespeare that you still get it's modern-day equivalent wrong.
Shakespeare is the equivalent to Days of Our Lives and the Bold and the Beautiful you tit. He was a soap opera writer.

What are you, a fucking pleb?

Trying to think, is the Silent Hill series the only one that has separate difficulty sliders for combat and puzzles?
I can't think of anything else, which is a shame cause I feel like in games that have them, puzzle difficulty never really changes with hard difficulty settings.
It's not like the Hard SH puzzles are even the best, it's the thought that counts and its a shame that devs don't put as much thought into them as the rest of the game

like anons in the hourglass
so are the faggots of our lives

>mfw did this with my dad back in the day
>got filtered by the hospital passwords
The obscene amount of time we spent trying to get something out of the text didn't help, it was way too cryptic, seriously the fucking eye was supposed to be a 1?, fuck you

You can stop now. Girls never found you hot and boys never thought you were intelligent for pretending to like Crapspeare.

On normal mode you have to arrange the books properly based on the books' descriptions to get the code. In hard mode you have to arrange the books, and then have to solve a cryptic algebra problem.

You're missing the point retard.

The puzzle is unsolvable save for brute force for people who aren't versed in shakespeare.
Would you say the same thing if a game did a puzzle about pewdiepie general knowledge?
>B-but It's supposed to be hard DUMBASSSESSSSSSS!!

Dude I never read a single story outside of what was forced of me and I was able to solve this, you being retarded is not on us.

>my argument had a hole punched through it
>I'll use AD HOMINEM
like clockwork

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Hard version is the only one that gives people trouble. Basically, you have five books, each is a work of Shakespeare. You're given a lengthy poem that describes the works in a specific order. That's the order you put them on the shelf. Each book has a number, so now you have a five digit number that you can take to a number pad in the back of the bookstore.
It needs a four digit password. The poem has an extra verse that gives you directions on how to change the number you have into the number you need. I don't have the exact text, but it's very poorly written.

Is this the puzzle where you have to inspect the spine of the books to access the back store? Game bore me to death after that.

>The puzzle is unsolvable save for brute force for people who aren't versed in shakespeare.
You don't need any major knowledge outside of what the basic stories are. Ones that are in the common knowledge for most people who aren't retarded.

Yes, everyone knows that you dumb ass.
Not the devs fault that you don't know even the basics of THE classic literature of the whole world.

1:It's not an ad hominem
2:The only thing you punched is your anus while you fist yourself every night.
3:You're not fooling anyone. You fell for the Niggerspeare is good meme and now feel like a fool when called out on it.

But the thing is that Shakespeare is ridiculously ingrained in pop culture that how does someone NOT have some tertiary knowledge of Shakespeare?

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, in America.

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You didn't even pay attention in middle school english how do you know what ad hominem is, lol shut up

Whatever helps you cope with being retarded user.

How does it feel to get stumped by a 1500s daytime-TV writer?

i cri efry tiem

>I literally have never heard things that most people have and didn't go to middle school
>wtf why can't I solve this hard puzzle


Right so a rocket scientist who helped hmmmmm dunno nasa land on the moon is suddenly retarded because he had better shit to do than read ancient smut? Fuck you.
Because, RETARD! Not everyone gives a fuck about pop culture and has better shit to do with their time than worry about some faggy author from the BC era.
How does it feel to latch onto some ancient penis obsessed faggy brit because it's the only thing you know in life? Maybe go outside and do some math or something you fucking cavemen.

Nobody in this thread has said they like Shakespeare you buttblasted fucking brainlet

Are we actually pretending Shakespeare isn't god tier charm and wit?

Is not this your son, my lord?

His breeding, sir, hath been at my charge: I have
so often blushed to acknowledge him, that now I am
brazed to it.

I cannot conceive you.

Sir, this young fellow's mother could: whereupon
she grew round-wombed, and had, indeed, sir, a son
for her cradle ere she had a husband for her bed.
Do you smell a fault?

I cannot wish the fault undone, the issue of it
being so proper.

But I have, sir, a son by order of law, some year
elder than this, who yet is no dearer in my account:
though this knave came something saucily into the
world before he was sent for, yet was his mother
fair; there was good sport at his making, and the
whoreson must be acknowledged. Do you know this
noble gentleman, Edmund?

>Right so a rocket scientist who helped hmmmmm dunno nasa land on the moon is suddenly retarded because he had better shit to do than read ancient smut?
Most rocket scientists would have taken middle school english.

This is gold user
I've never seen someone get so assmad over - to use your own words - an ancient penis obsessed faggy brit

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You retarded redditors clearly do love Fellatiospeare from how hard you're damage controlling his oh soooo called importance to the world. Fucking kill yourself.
You too nigger. Read a real book like House of the Scorpion then come talk to me.

>Because, RETARD! Not everyone gives a fuck about pop culture and has better shit to do with their time than worry about some faggy author from the BC era.
Being a NEET was your choice not the devs.

Is this Loss?


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Not sure what any of that has to do with your lack of middle school education.

>have to scan a QR code (and all previous ones have been pretty much useless fluff so you wouldn't think to do it in the first place)
>get some weird ass letter and number combination
>somehow you need to realise that it's a hexadecimal code
>get a date that you put in google and get an article about Apollo 11 landing and when it happened
>put in the time of the landing in Roman numerals
At least it was optional unlike in SH3 but I hate when games except you to do shit outside the game.

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Everyone in this thread defending this abomination of a "puzzle" needs to either commit suicide or fuck off back home at reddit. Maybe even both. The fact Yea Forums is now defending Gayspeare is embarrassing. No wonder Yea Forums disowns you.

>The fact Yea Forums is now defending Gayspeare is embarrassing.
Calling you a retard is not the same as defending shakespeare, although I can understand how one with your intelligence can get confused on that.

Is this from one of the DLCs? I started the first DLC but never got around to it. Loved The Talos Principle though

Is SH the ultimate pleb filter?

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The only thing anyone's defending is that they did in fact attend bottom-of-the-barrel tier middle school english

Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream and King Lear are kino you absolute brainlet

Recognizing hexadecimal is super easy. Are you brain damaged?

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>No wonder Yea Forums disowns you.
And that's supposed to be a bad thing?

Surprisingly accurate list, coming from Yea Forums.

Holy shit you're so assblasted. Shitter shattered. The unbridled king of brainlets. So dim that you shut off the lights by simply entering a room. Mozambique's street urchins have more intellect than you.

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The only game that did it sort of right was the secret world

It was one of the star puzzles.

>Dude Fibonacci
>Dude Morse code

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Is the puzzle based on Shakespeare works in Japanese too ? How were they expected to solve it when they barely have in exposure to it ?


You're right that the puzzle sucks. I think 3 in general just wasn't as good as 1 and 2, it had a lot of odd design decisions. Not that it was entirely bad though, just not as good.

You're acting like a bit of a fag though, calm down a bit and don't take the shitposting so seriously. It's probably mostly people who want to feel smarter because they could solve it or people who really like 3 and won't hear any criticism.

Oh ok. Yeah I touched maybe 15% of those

You literally need to know romeo and juliet, hamlet and optionally mcbeth, you know, the lovers couple, the king that gets poisoned, and the deceitful fuck, the other two shits that nobody knows can be bruteforced, which turns into 3 if you don't know mcbeth, leaving a whooping 6 combinations, like holy fuck nigger, i know about hamlet thanks to the fucking simpsons

A lot of puzzles are like that.
If a game gave you the letters "cta" and told you to make a word out of them to solve the puzzle you're going to get the word "cat" this is and example of a puzzle relying on outside information (the english language) to be solved.
To us this puzzle is simple, to someone who isn't familiar, like a japanese person it's hard.
Same applies to the shakespear puzzle, it's solution relies on understanding outside information.
It's kinda unfair, but if you're playing on hard mode that's the fucking point.
If you exposed yourself to more than just games maybe you wouldn't be complaining.

Even outside of this game context there are tons of examples of old fables and myths about tricksters giving tough puzzles and riddles that require out of the box solutions.

Or the Lion King for Hamlet, or motherfucking Jimmy Neutron for Macbeth

>It's kinda unfair, but if you're playing on hard mode that's the fucking point.
Not really. It's possible to increase difficulty without just making it more unfair. The piano and colored plate puzzle in 1 was decent without being unfair because everything you needed to solve the puzzle was in the game.

Don't most people know about Fibonacci numbers, though? It's not exactly a complicated concept.

>the hard puzzle doesn't require you to put the books on the shelf
>if you don't, you have to go through the entire game with shakespeare books in your inventory

They figured men of culture would be playing their games, not philistines.

Fuck brits

>the absolute state of STEMtards

t. Fucked up teeth pirate

How can someone graduate from university without hearing about romeo and juliet or hamlet once?, don't get me wrong, i wouldn't have figured the puzzle alone in a million years despite knowing about both of them, and it took my dad a few hours to link the texts with the books, but its general culture dude, you'd have to be a literal autist to miss something like that, specially if you went to the goddamn university and are studying STEMs

Ignore this brainlet and use this thread to talk about the Bard.
The best Shakespearean character is Iago fight me.

even the retarded mouthbreathers of Yea Forums have at least watched something Shakespeare related.

It's taught in school, are you stupid?

I ain't gonna fight you on that my man even though i'm more of a Prospero guy myself.

It's taught in every school ever?
Those specific plays are taught are they?

Don't know about your projecting ass but I only got taught macbeth

>1:It's not an ad hominem
>2:[ad hominem]

His most prolific works are in every sophomore curriculum and varies slightly by state. You must be just stupid or european.

>reading shakespeare in middle school
Is that an american thing? Why do you guys need to read this?

So you don't end up a dumbass that asks questions like that on mongolian basket weaving boards.

to break up our readings from what we normally read, holocaust memoirs

it must be because the piano fucking stumped me for so long

>calling european education bad
>when he is literally not taught world history or politics


>retards ITT who think that every school teaches the exact same things
I'm not about to defend OP but that's just wrong. My high school only made us read Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth.

I'm northern european and at least in my school we read shakespeare in art/culture classes.

It's mandatory in the UK, too. I have no clue why, though, I think it's just because they are revered classics that also have somewhat fantastical stories so young 'uns can actually get into it, while being grounded in reality and human drama enough so they aren't stuck reading fairy tales.
It usually is only the case in middle school anyway.

>IV, I V, II




I actually can't answer that. I have no idea, outside of "it's just what everyone does".


Shakespeare is literally babies first old writer. If you don't know the plot of at least one of his plays offhand, something went wrong.

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Exposure to literature predating the founding of the country, probably - historically speaking, we're still pretty young. That said, I moved around in middle school a lot, and I got pretty sick of having to read Romeo and fucking Juliet over and over again. Still, we read some of his other works in high school that I enjoyed a lot more (Henry V, Hamlet, Othello, Julius Caesar, and one project I ended up doing on the Tempest), so it wasn't all bad.


Please read my post user.
I do.
I know Macbeth inside out, ONE (1) play.
Like most schools teach ONE UNO EIN (1) play to the kids.

Japs read Shakespeare in English lessons and Silent Hill was always supposed to be a video game made for Westerners ala Metal Gear Solid anyway

what do you need to do that requires the knowledge of those stories that OP is so upset about?


>you need to read shakespeare so you can solve a puzzle in sh3


we covered Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing and Romeo and Juliet from year 9 - 11 (as well as a shit load of poetry and four novels). What kind of special school did you go to, user?

So you can play SH3, make fun of people who haven't read shakespeare, and understand references in TV shows.

What stumped you? One issue for me was that I thought the keys that didn't play notes were broken and I had to use the others, but it's the opposite. It took me about 20 minutes to solve it, but I felt satisfied after doing it.


You're not supposed to find Gloucester witty; you're supposed to be appalled by how he's speaking about hit son.


Found the high school dropout


You're consuming a cultural product so we would assume you know about other cultural products. Moreover, you're a social creature with the ability to inquire for info. Maybe your family knows about it, or your teacher, or a classmate.
Maybe you're not meant to isolate yourself in the game.
Ah what am I saying, Yea Forums hated the social aspect of Pokemon Go too

>Gloucester literally boasting about how he cucked his wife and had a son with some other woman
>while that son is literally right within earshot in the scene and has to take being called a bastard son like a little bitch

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Why the fuck haven't you read the rest then? You know, maybe there's a reason why he's considered a fucking genius.


Holy fuck this was painful to read

That's not my absolute drunken lad Sir Toby Belch

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You need to put in order 5 books with a number on it, each book is a shakespeare book, a text quotes each text and the order of the numbers in the books is the password

Aerospace engineer here. Currently half way through War and Peace by Tolstoy. Fuck you.

Wait they tell you it's Shakespeare? What stops you from googling his books for a summary to solve it? Or literally going to the library
If so this dude is a fucking regard

>Reading Shakespeare
Shakespeare was a playwright. You're not supposed to read Romeo and Juliet, you're supposed to see it performed live at a theatre.

Toby is just Falstaff's little bro desu

You're literally missing the point of the fucking argument dipshit.
>Just google it
Fucking dumbass

In America, english teachers have a hardon for old classics. Shakesphere is the epitome of old classics and is pretty influential otherwise.
Plus it's fun

Lol man, talk about being a fucking retard.

It's ok, user. Stupid people also have their place in this world.

Best Shakespeare movie hands down
Runner up is RAN

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do you stack shelves for a living?

He might flip burgers

God fuck that book it was so boring. Read Anna Karenina instead.

I do and I've read a dozen or so plays and who knows how many sonnets by old Bill.

What's the argument, that you shouldn't have to look shit up even if it's easy?
That's a stupid argument. Take a fucking break off the game for once, even the game itself is telling you to.
Though from your posts I think you just don't want to be called stupid because you didn't read a book. In that case I'm calling you stupid because you're arrogant enough to think looking shit up is beneath you.


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>when they barely have in exposure to it ?
Based on the number of times I've seen R&J done as the stage show in culture festival eps in anime I have to say you are wrong.

Haruhi pulled a fast one and did Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead.

Peak Silent Kino

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If you learn how to properly read and understand Shakespeare you'll have no problem reading anything in the english language. Issue is that the public education system blows so all students are made to do is read it without actually learning anything and you end up with college kids who can't write a fucking paragraph to save their life or understand literally anything they read above a 5th grade level.

Nah it's Edmund. Iago was just a fag, at least Edmund had a real grievance and wasn't just throwing a pissy fit.

Basically the whole world except for shitholes like black Africa and abbos (oh and North Korea I suppose) know Romeo and Juliet, if only because of the Simpsons

This post deserves to be framed in a museum for an example to future generations of the type of stupidity that led to the collapse of society.

He literally said that Europeans can't be stupid.

>you'd have to be a literal autist to miss something like that
How does this even make sense? People with autism are segregated from the other students like people with downs syndrome

I didn't pretend and yes they did.

>>get some weird ass letter and number combination
>>somehow you need to realise that it's a hexadecimal code
They actually changed this into a proper message, mentioning "The eagle has landed!" and shit.
Still, glad that I'm not the only one who played Talos. That star puzzle in its OG form was the only one I had to Google though.

Road To Gehenna is superb.
Way more challenging right off the bat compared to base game, and there's much more character interaction and choices.

>tfw was 11 when the game came out
>no internet, no strategy guides
>was already a RE-vet, so after some twiddling with pen & paper, trial and error, I got it right
>now I can recall the solution nearly immidiatelly
I pity the fools who are too ADHD to beat these games on their own nowadays.
Sh1 is still based AF.



unironically based desu

got stuck on this as a kid because im from somalia and they dont teach shakespeare in our schools

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Or people who aren't american

Only new retarded zoomers don't know basic shakespeare cause it was fucking taught in school, unlike today's generation that can't even read fucking analog clocks

I figured out that the birds were codes for colour and almost did the puzzle.
My problem was that i thought that the clicks meant that i was doing something wrong.
I thought it was supposed to be a little melody.

No way, fag

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Wuy would non americans play an american horror game?

Shakespeare is required reading in pretty much every anglo country. We started reading it in elementary school. I could understand if you're not from an anglo country, but in that case you shouldn't really feel bad about just looking up a solution online.

I remember solving most of the puzzles in RE1 and SE1 either myself or through assistance with my dad. He loved that kind of shit.

The one puzzle both of us overthought was the zodiac one in the last area. We were making charts on the months and connecting them.
It's counting the number of fucking legs. Goddamnit. A 5 year old could solve this late game puzzle.

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Even in Anglo countries they tend to only teach 1 book and then something like to kill a mockingbird, whose life is it anyway or lord of the flies or some shit

Shakespeare is fucking trash

High school English in my shithole southern state still requires - Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and King Lear.

That's enough to solve the Silent Hill 3 puzzle on the hardest difficult.

Said the nobody

I don't want to harp on this, but this thread has triggered the fuck out of me. If you don't know Shakespeare's tragedies, you are not a literate anglo. At best, you have only the appearance of being literate but not the substance. You need to put down the videogames and read some books.

When something like that happens it's bad direction.
How are you supposed to know to interoperate it in that way?

The problem with most devs is that they don't know how to convey intentions, direct the player to do what they want them to do.
You don't have to have a WAIT A MINUTE THAT CARD tier assistance or text on the screen that say "counts the legs dumbass".

It's a horror game, so make enemies that are built out of mannequin legs, have boots and severed legs littered about the place, surgical abominations that have like a fucking snake with sewn on rat legs like a centipede or something.
Build the scene that legs are fucking important and then when that puzzle shows up it's like
Wow, legs are a big part of this place i've been in, that thing has legs.
Theming is the word. Instead of just putting a rubiks cube in the middle of a library

You sad fuck

You are lucky. I had enough after hours and brute-forced it.

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How is life there?, my picture is a shithole full of starved people, but i've been proven wrong before

>pic related
>silent hill

This and the face puzzle, two of the worst puzzles in videogames ever. And SH 1 and 2 are known for having brilliant puzzles.

>Americunts and UKucks surprised people outside their countries don't simultaneously learn about their history when learning english

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3's OST > 2's OST

If you're a non-anglo, that's fine. Just look it up online. I'm specifically calling out the anglos who are proud of being illiterate.

>I figured out that the birds were codes for colour and almost did the puzzle.
I'm playing through SH for the first time and literally did the same thing today.

>he says using the English language
What a dumbfuck you are

Why would non italians play Super Mario?

What did he mean by this

Look at this fucking contrarian moron, mixing words with nigger and kek, /pol/ really got into you uh buddy?

>regarded as one of the greatest English writers of all time
>invented literally thousands of words used today in English
>lol u r dumb y wuld u lrn abut shakesprerrr wen lrning anglish

nah m8 I'm shitting on ignorant cunts because I'm from Latin America and we know Shakespeare too. Like, even my maid knows that Romeo and Juliet was written by "cheispeer" and that it's about two lovers.

Would you rather had my post written in my native language instead? Of course not, because you only speak one language (which is very limited and basic imo)

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Sure, we all know the name of the stories and maybe a few of the iconic scenes, but do you actually know the whole plot of hamlet?
Can you name 10 characters from romeo and juliet?
I can't and you probably can't either even though we probably watched some adaptation at aome point

I’m playing through it for the first time on normal, I figured out the code without putting the books on the shelf so they’re stuck in my inventory

how is she so cute

Why would I learn some basic bitch language no one cares about? My point being that if you don't even know obvious works from Shakespear yet speak English you're a fucking dipshit.

I know, right?

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Did you guys get stuck on the piano puzzle from 1 or something

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>you have to be from england or america to know about shakespere
I suppose only Italians know about Dante then? Or Greeks about Aristotle? Or Spaniards about Cervantes?
KYS you uncultured brainlet

she left all brains with Alessa though

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To the brainlet
>Come bite my thumb and a pox on your house.

Doesn't matter for this thread, man. It's not about knowledge, it's about having the wit to connect the dots and the will to get the information. There is no gatekeeping because the key (knowing it's about Shakespeare stories) is very widespread, to the point that if you show the riddle to any high schooler, he'll get it. And then it's on you to go look up the other books or at least a synopsis. It's not unsolvable if you don't get the reference, not at all.
What the hell is so wrong with wanting to make the player do something out of the game?

Shakespeare's plays were the pro wrestling of his time. You can't prove me wrong.

RE1 puzzles are better imo, because they mesh better with the inventory management and exploration. Silent Hill gives you infinite inventory and though you use your brain a bit more afterwards it’s back to beating nurses with the hammer. You’ve gotta work in RE.

It's part of a "well rounded education" user, with the goal of giving the individual a grounding in art and culture so that they are more than a producing-consuming societal unit. Well that's what it used to be, probably deemed racist these days.

What the fuck kind of dumbass analogy is that?

By your logic I should also know every single roman and celtic literature piece out there because those also influenced the english language

Because Shakespeare is unironically good. Read or watch an adaptation of Othello. Understanding one of our culture’s defining roots helps us appreciate what comes next.

I like Shakespeare but he’s kinda right lmao, those plays were like daytime television nowadays.

Everyone knows OF Shakespeare but I doubt they all read his stuff.
Same with your example, everyone knows of Dante but can you tell me why he's dicking around in hell and afterlife?

Reminder that shakespeare literally invented the human

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what puzzles? I remember only one with paintings and it's very similar to SH's

>better with the inventory management and exploration
Isn't that just trigger hunting which makes you backtrack you need something from the box?

Does it really matter if low class people attended his plays? They're still some of the most beautiful stuff written in the English language.

>obvious works equates to obscure Roman and Celtic literature pieces

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Reminder that Shakespeare didn't actually exist and was just a pseudonym used by multiple anonymous authros around that period


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I've never played this game, but are people saying they had problems with what looks like a roman numeral puzzle?

>latin and celtic languages

How embarrassing for you.

It's nobody's fault but your own that you dropped out of middle school, you worthless failure.

I subscribe to the bacon theory myself

Canadafag here. We were told Shakespeare was required learning during our high school orientation, but then it turned out he was a plagiarist so it got taken out next semester anyway.

>Yea Forums hates Shakespeare now
How much lower can one board get? I feel that even Yea Forums is more cultured than us

>he was a plagiarist

Nice meme

RE’s puzzles are pretty basic compared to SH but overall the game is better designed IMO. SH is usually contained to one room while RE is figuring out where this piece goes in the puzzle which is the mansion. Inventory management forces you to decide what kind of weapon, ammo, healing, key, and key item you want to take, along with leaving space. It’s pretty engaging.

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Its a piece of shit, every spanish book makes Shaky shake his gay ass

This desu

>muh donquicksoat

Oscar Wilde is the only English author that worth a read.
Why is your language so retarded when it comes to writting?

Most of his romance stuff is pretty meh. I like Hamlet and Othello myself

>could escape the mall and the entire course of events that follow in the game
>can't step over a cardboard box

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You forgot Orwell, Huxley, and Ellison, but ok

Shakespeare only ever wrong romance to get laid

Its like that fatass guy who does kids Nickelodeon shows

Why is it that everyone likes to kill themselves at the end in these stories? Did they think it was "deep" or something?

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Orwell was indian

>We started reading it in elementary school.
No, you did not. Shut the fuck up, retard.

lol fag

>Wilde, Oscar.
>Rank moralist and didacticist. A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14. Essentially a writer for very young people. Romantic in the large sense.

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Baby tier closure writing

Nowadays everyone has an urge to neck themselves, it was really quite different back then

this thread is lit

How can other nations even compete?

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>Inventory management forces you to decide what kind of weapon, ammo, healing, key, and key item you want to take, along with leaving space. It’s pretty engaging.

I would say it's more annoying when you also need to use that space for random quest item or key.

>RE is figuring out where this piece goes in the puzzle which is the mansion

Isn't that trigger hunting?

Anyway SH games have stuff like this as well, where you find random juice box or rubber ball or bleach in one corner of the dungeon and you need to bring it to the other.

It's a Japanese game dipshit

Russian literature > English scribbles

is this loss?

Nabokov has some excellent prose.

>Silent Hill puzzles on Hard
I hate it

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Russian lit is mostly a meme. I bet you think Dostoevsky is good.

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In resi if you find the wooden shield for example, you can put it away next time you’re at the item box. Later when you come across the gold shield and you need to switch it with the wooden one, you know what to do. It’s less trigger hunting and more natural exploration, since you’ll come across that puzzle only after two other puzzles. It’s like one of those puzzle boxes.

The rubber ball in SH was annoying. Find this particular spot in the drain with a hole and use the rubber ball. It doesn’t feel natural, and a lot of the puzzles are like that. Though, it has its own charm in the psychological horror theming.

Oscar Wilde is pleb tier matey
Joyce and Melville had more talent in a single atom than he had in his entire body

I bet you had to google that, you inbred cunt.

I bet you think Shakespeare is good

I say the solution was pretty obvious, and i'm not that good at observation.

You might hate it but I love that cat

The only Russian media I’ve consumed is Yuri on Ice

Joyce is really fucking underrated senpai

>muh byronic heroes
>muh suffering
Poetry and comedy were pretty good, though, pикaмeндyю.


What bizarro world have i just entered?

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That's a neat idea, mixing the puzzles with the combat. I feel like there's certain disconnection between them in Silent Hill.

Google what?

t. tolstoy



>In resi if you find the wooden shield for example, you can put it away next time you’re at the item box. Later when you come across the gold shield and you need to switch it with the wooden one, you know what to do. It’s less trigger hunting and more natural exploration, since you’ll come across that puzzle only after two other puzzles. It’s like one of those puzzle boxes.

I don't see how is it puzzle, sorry.

>The rubber ball in SH was annoying. Find this particular spot in the drain with a hole

But game shows you the spot in cutscene.

t. the virgin queen

You just don't GET it.

System Shock has difficulty sliders for everything, combat and puzzles included. At the lowest setting puzzles solve themselves.

Yeah but System Shock aged like milk

The rubber ball drain is even less of a puzzle, just put the thing in the spot. I’m drawing comparisons between similar puzzles. Resi’s headscratchers are only the painting room, and the stuff in the lab.

i know, i didn't call rubber ball thing a puzzle either.

>but can you tell me why he's dicking around in hell and afterlife?
He was in the woods being threatened by beasts and virgil offers him hell as a way to escape. His ultimate goal is just to get to heaven, and in there encounter God, which he does at the very end, but I don't recall if he ever actually stated why he was in the forest in the first place, other than becoming lost and trying to find again the "right" or "true path" which he loses at the start

Romeo and Juliet is kino

overrated you mean

By not laying the philosophical groundwork which led to some of if not the most brutal regimes in mankind's history?

i only know hamlet

Karl Marx was German.

become a ChejovChad

user, did you even bother to look at the picture I was replying to?

>Yea Forums tries being contrarian when it comes to classic literature like Shakespeare
I'll admit that I don't like a puzzle that's impossible to solve without outside knowledge, but holy fuck relax man nobody will respect you for hating Shakespeare.

No I didn't, I'm a retard

Here's your award winning novel, comrade.

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Shakespeare, William. Read complete works between 14 and 15. One would like to have filmed him in the role of the King's Ghost. His verbal poetic texture is the greatest the world has ever known, and immensely superior to the structure of his plays as plays. It is the metaphor that is the thing, not the play. A genius.

France can.

>but holy fuck relax man nobody will respect you for hating Shakespeare.
>instead of actually recognizing his works as great and enjoying them i just say i enjoy them to look good to my peers

Worse than blind contrarianism

Well, that decreases my interest in the game. The thing I hate about really hard puzzles is never knowing if I have a realistic chance of figuring it out solely through the game world itself. That should be a no-no.

>that Bollywood esque editing, tone, and action

>respecting a scholar's opinion is somehow worse than just saying "it sucks"
Also telling people they're retarded for blindly hating things that have earned acclaim and recognition doesn't mean I'm some poser that acts like I'm some British Literature major because I was forced to read some Shakespeare shit in highschool. Because I'm not interested in something doesn't mean I can't respect it as great and influential.


user, you got BTFO.

Based. Shakespeare is a hack.
>Can't think of a name for my play. Just call it what you will.
>Okay you two male performers, please kiss. No females shall be allowed to play any of the dozens of women characters I wrote. Not gay btw.
Literally the first cultural marxist hollywood kike

>dude who hasn't heard of a "monkey wrench" lol

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Wasn't that the case in stage plays since antiquity?

>Know female stage performers are taboo
>Write romantic comedies almost exclusively

Based. Fuck literature it’s for gays anyway

>He's a hack just like I'm about to do to your dick with my meat cleaver
Sounds like you just hacked yours with that edge you have over there.

Yeah, everyone's heard of one or two of his works
But this fucking puzzle requires you to have read through 5 of his boring ass books

You don't even need to know the actual story, just a couple things that you'd likely pick up from media naturally without ever seeing the plays in any form. Source: I never saw the plays and I beat that puzzle.

This of course assumes that you consume media that isn't just vines and rap music.

the SH1 school is the best level in survival horror history
>the journey to get there
>running through the streets, dodging dogs and the radio blaring. you finally get to the door which is guarded by 3 dogs, and enter
>that DEAFENING silence and brilliant camera angle that makes you instantly uncomfortable

>top tier puzzles
>feels like an actual school
>little rare spooks like the ghost girl crying in the bathroom
>scary enemies

fuck, its so good.

Vines and rap music have literally taught me more than some faggot Brit in spandex and his shitty books

YOU HAVE A PHONE. You have the Library of Alexandria in your god damn pocket. Use it.

I don’t have a phone or a computer. What now?

The internet didn’t exist when silent hill 3 released how fucking dumb are you?

>the middle earth equivalent to michael bay

What the fuck does this even mean? Middle Earth is from fucking Lord of the rings

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>Currently half way through War and Peace by Tolstoy
Alright, but which translation?

>silent hill 3

Marry a cute girl that has those things.

Your point?

Amazing job at moving the goalposts dude


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internet did exist at that point.

Yeah probably to nerds and small groups of nerds. The internet was not accessible to your average person in 2003

That’s why the character Falstaff has his name.

Shake Fall
Spear Staff

The Internet existed in 2003. You didn't.

>american education
>"So you don't end up a dumbass"
Well, so much for that huh.

It was 2003, not the fucking early 90s.

Can someone please explain to me why the lesser of mind take pride in their ignorance? When I don't know something, I don't feel happy about that, I seek out the knowledge and attempt to learn it. Why do people think it's something to be proud of that they don't know something?

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goodnight sweet prince

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>Can someone please explain to me why the lesser of mind take pride in their ignorance?
It's less work compared to putting in the effort to learn something.

This puzzle was still shitty though.

In 2003 everyone had access to the internet. I had shitty dial-up at the time, and I was one of the only people in my group of friends to not have broadband.

Learn your history.