Are there any games you can 100% from memory?

Are there any games you can 100% from memory?

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why does he look like the kid from kobra kai

Super Metroid

Crash bandicoot 1 but it's not that hard

dark souls 1

Donkey Kong 64

FF IV or VI easily

Aria of Sorrow, its really easy.

I wish I could do the Battle Networks but I sadly don't even know where to begin.

Dark Souls 1 & 2 (sans the DLC)
Super Mario 64
Metroid Zero Mission

every Crash game. MGS2 and 3.


Jak and Daxter Precursor Legacy

Chad genes

Megaman X4, I guess. I'd say MediEvil but I always forget a life bottle or two.


I hope you don't considered getting all of Gau's abilities to be 100%, because that's is an excessive timesink, and you shouldn't do that to yourself user.

As a seasoned Souls veteran it would be any of the soulsborne games, other than DS2 since it's not worth my time.


Do you think he's stressed out of his fucking mind because he uses social media and sees what a fool his father is constantly making of himself?

Gothic 2

Abe's oddysee and Abe's exoddus.

I'd be more worried about mentally unstable leftiest wanting to hurt me for who my father is.

Every single mario rpg

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Final Fantasy X



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Streets of rage 2.

soul reaver

Yeah that too. Poor kid.

who is the kid

Kirby's Adventure for the NES.

>not knowing that's Barron Trump

i 100% every game i play w/o any guides, so the answer is yes.

Super Mario 64

but his father is a fat mongoloid and his mother an unbekistani street shitter

Both of these make me so sad, I hope that kid turns out okay. I wonder if his dad even talks to him.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles

Yes :)

Fuckinnn DAH2 in 7 hours m8

Hitman: Blood Money

have sex

hes gonna transition, mark my words. save this post. he will get introduced to crossdressing or some shit, realize he has gender dysphoria and transition at about 16 or so. trump will support his childs transition and the left will turn on trannies.

ok so who is barron trump

4D chess.

Yeah it’s too bad he doesn’t have full slav genes. He could’ve been way more chad. The awkward twink physiognomy is totally the anglo/germanic cuck genes.

Nah. But he might turn out to be a manic depressive from the whole thing, which could work in his favor if he takes it out on society rather than his family.

>Barron could either grow up to be a 6'5 9/10 chad or become an Eric-tier goblin
Will be interesting to see how he progresses. Feel bad for him though; imagine being a sperg and your dad being the most polarising man in the hot seat for decades

tic tac toe

Contra Shattered Soldier

Cave Story

A time traveler

More chad than what, a transexual midget?

Metroid: Zero Mission

1:22:36 self routed

>transsexual midget
You mean germans?

>MGS2 and 3
my niggy

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What. his dad is...
You know what, this thread has passed the brain damage threshold already, you can have that one.

Damn that's a top 30 run, britygud

I really feel bad for Barron. He seems to be a little shy. I wonder how he feels about being thrust into all this bullshit?

I think he's autistic, sometimes I wonder if his dad is though

Pokemon Emerald

Well, trumpy was in his 60s when he fathered barron, so it's extremely likely barron's autistic, even if donald is not

He wields more power than we could possibly comprehend.

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Super Mario Bros. for NES, I played it so much as a kid I probably can clear it in 10 minutes

The Expert

He tweeted that he likes anime and wishes his dad could spend more time with him

I looked like that as a kid too. Then I fucking grew to 190cm and my shoulders shot outwards. How old is he again?

He's also based because he fucking finished Cowboy Bebop, Tanya the Evil and JOJO.

Golden Sun: The Lost Age

>12 years old
>already as tall as his mother
is it the genes?

Predator: concrete jungle, shovel knight, and maybe super mario world, havent tried it in a while

but no one likes this game kek

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He really is /ourboy/.

Stop stalking the poor kid, he's got enough with the autism and all that.

MMX, its my speedgame

>already as tall as his mother
Haven't seen a recent height comparison. But I imagine he's there by now.

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He's like an inch or two off from his dad. Fucker's gonna be 7 feet tall.

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Barron always reminds me of ReviewBrah.

mirrors edge, I suppose
it's not a particularly long or complex game though

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Spyro 1-3, including skillpoints.
Yet for some reason I’ll still 100% them every year over and over.

My boy.

do you guys think barron is a test tube kid with custom super genes ?

Weaponized autism itself, He will rule america with a stern but fair fist

Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets for pc rom
I’m not autistic enough to speed run but I know everything about that game

Trump haters are genetically inferior.

He'll never forget what the left has done.

>stern but fair fist
he didn't get some of that BOG genes did he?

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