This game is quite literally better than Mario Kart games in every single way.
Team Sonic Racing
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>start playing it as a cute distraction
>i cant play on expert in story mode so i play hard
>get my ass handed to me by the AI
holy shit, this game is harder to master than you'd think
no, it's quite literally a reskin of all-stars racing transformed but with more of team sonic not being quiet
Can’t fucking wait, I hear it’s just as hard as Transformed which is perfect for me.
is it even worth playing for the singleplayer? i hate teamwork, especially with dumb ai
t. seething mario kart fanboy
AI is tough
it's fucking harder user. i'm playing it right now
nigger I platinumed it already on PS4 it wasn't good
some reviews said that even when you're good you can still lose, because teammates suck
Fuck, the only thing harder than that is my dick. Gonna make some pop tarts and coffee and start right now. Thanks bro
nigger I platinumed your moms ass it wasn't good.
You guys say that literally every time a Sonic racing game comes out.
How is it better?
You should have been able to choose any of the three characters to race instead of having predetermined teams. Do it like Double Dash did. I just wanna have a Sonic, Shadow, and Metal Sonic team.
>quite literally better than Mario Kart games in every single way.
No fucking shit. It plays like Outrun, of course it's better than Mario Kart. Since the very first game.
>How is it better?
Because to gain a modicum of speed in MK you need to be constantly drifting. Otherwise you always go at a slow as molasses speed.
Sonic Transformed plays exactly like Outrun 2006 so speed is pretty guaranteed.
Maybe I’ll check it out. Should I get it on Switch or Xbone?
I refunded it after 1hr of gameplay.
Just how fucking young are you kids posting on this board? The game is literally made for and designed for kids, everything from the bright colours, the simply controls, the easy mechanics, the easy tracks, the easy help from the easy AI. Everything about it is like some kinda disney movie aimed for the childrends demographic.
If you post about and play this game you cannot be older than fucking 25 at best.
how exactly does the online work. theres hardly any info out there. if i have two bros can we party up to race strangers? can we do campaign shit together online?
>holy shit, this game is harder to master than you'd think
If this isn't shill language, I don't know what is.
Game's got a decent design to it as a framework but besides that; it's barebones with a slightly above average skill ceiling from a Day 1 perspective. Depending which version you're playing on, your experience will differ somewhat.
Is it better than CTR though?
Check mate
I'm pretty sure you can do splitscreen online, yeah. Don't think the campaign is multiplayer though.
i know its bait but i hate when people compare the sonic racing games to mk. I like both but sonic racing is definitely not a kart racer. it plays more like modern outrun which is badass on its own. mk is better at being a kart racer. smaller scale and tighter tracks, etc.
you dont know what is, then
Because the Sumo Sonic racing games are all better than Mario Kart.
Xbone. The framerate on the Switch is terrible.
Video games are for little kids.
This particular one isn't for a number of reasons.
yes because i can currently play TSR and not CTR
What reviews are you talking about? Just asking because game journalists cant even compete the tutorial most of the time
What reasons? Honestly asking, I haven't been paying attention to it because I'm still asshurt over the non-Sonic characters being dropped