ITT: Fuck you, I liked it

ITT: Fuck you, I liked it

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Other urls found in this thread:


>first playthrough
>went full stealth instead of guns a blazing because i thought that would be boring
>unbeknowingly to me it actually was the most boring way to play and stealth was the preferred way to play WD
Pleasantly surprised when i first found out about that. Anyway WD was very meh but i still enjoyed it

A dedicated shit taste thread? Cool.

Played every PB game, feel like I just get used to their clumsy style.

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I don't care anyone says about the games but this one is still the best

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>100% the game on first playthrough, thinking that I'll never play it again
>play the sequel, hate it 'cause of the memes, characters and lack of style
>even Jordi hates SoCal and the "woke" cast
>replay the first game
>realise that it's actually a solid B-list action movie cunningly disguised as a video game
In all honesty I've finished Watch_Dogs 3 times since. Better supporting cast, villians and tone, at least compared to 2's "lol so randum, le wacky zany" attitude towards everything

I love bad art, I play bad games I own just because they're so interesting or fun. Does knowing how a piece of art was made make it any more special to you?

Yo it's basically hot trash that fails at almost everything it tries, but I legitimately love Final Fantasy XV.

t. weeb

I like BFV

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i liked Fallout:NV

Played WD2 first, thought it was great. WD1 is okay but I hated the main character, claims he wants to protect his sister and nephew or something (don't even remember) but he does this by getting gang syndicates killed so everyone is hunting for him and his family, nice going idiot. Also thought WD2 gave way more variety in how to approach a mission.

I doubt you are old enough to remember how much of a disaster this game was.

to be fair a lot of that was fixed later, I bought it like 2 years after launch and barely had any problems

>I'm supposed to judge a game based by its state at release and not after it was patched
Based retard

It varies. Sometimes I like not knowing. If I can use two films I watched recently as examples, I'd use A Knight's Tale and Bone Tomahawk. I know next to nothing about the former, except that it's kino personified, and I want it to stay that way. It would upset me to some degree to learn things like what couldn't be in the movie due to budget constraints or just editing. On the other side, Bone Tomahawk is a film I got really invested in learning the ins and outs of, like how Kurt Russell was involved in the project for years or how it was all shot over three weeks. I guess what I'm trying to say is knowledge is great, but sometimes you need a bit of mysticism

Best RPG I’ve played hands down in the past couple of years
It destroys both Nier:Automata and Final Fantasy XV
Alex for smash

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I've never been a fan of metroid, but for some reason I found this one enjoyable. I played it near release, so way before any controversies could taint my opinion of the game.

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Just don't do the side-quests or hunts and it's a pretty good romp.

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I played WD1 first and couldn't finish it but WD2 I finished and enjoyed up until the last couple missions. I just ignored all the cringy shit until it grew on me.

Honestly what was so cringy? I only remember Lenny, who I'm still not sure whether it was a chick or a dude, being annoying as fuck, that was also the point. Lenny is the bad...."girl" I guess?


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>game need a patch
yep, big redflag here.

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Name 1 game that doesn't have patches.

>if it's not perfect from the start, it's forever trash

God Hand

My mate, I fucking love this game.

>It's been 5 years since WD1

end it

Elex was great though, their best game since G2.

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Retard. I meant modern game.

>Moving goalposts

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This one is a pleb filter, t b h.

that mean devs didn't care about their job

You knew what I meant, faggot. Pre 7th gen era games obviously didn't get patches.

That's a genuine good game.
The technical side on the other hand was a disaster.

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that's retarded, you can't get every little mistake out of anything. Even the best books ever written have spelling errors.

Yea Forums loves this game.

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Mario 3D World is my favorite Mario game. 2D Mario gameplay in a 3D style plus actual challenging level design is perfection. Plus I'm a power up slut and 3D World has a lot of fucking power ups. Also that Jazz soundtrack is beautiful.

I've rarely seen Yea Forums discuss it desu. This game feels like the equivalent of marmite everywhere else.

I liked it

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Just got through with playing this game on PS3. Great fucking game, although I was getting a little burnt out by my 6th playthrough trying to get all the trophies.

I'm assuming since obsidian made this the game was never finished right? I just can't figure out why there's tons of money and gun parts to pick up in the last level if you can't do anything with them.

Shows up in 3x3 threads all the time, senpai. It was also included in RPGCodex's top 70. Anyone with taste knows Alpha Protocol is kino, despite its obvious flaws.

>he didn't play the cross-gen Ubisoft games released on Wii U
You don't know suffering
although Black Flag is pretty good, and the gamepad is very useful when nagivating

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Liked game, did not like story. Damien really pissed me off. Should have shot him on sight.

What was up with Ubisoft porting their entire 7th gen catalog to the WiiU of all things?

It feels more finished than many of Obsidian's other titles, yet it feels like bits and pieces of the story are missing where they shouldn't be, like with the ending for instance. How come we can hitch a ride with Mina, Scarlet or Steve at the end but not SIE or Albatross? It makes even less sense when you realize SIE's also a romantic option.

What's so bad about the games on Wii U?

They wanted in the Wii craze and maybe got some bribes from Nintendo.
They jumped shit inmediately after finding out that the Wii U only sold about 2million in its first December.

It's pretty sad, I loved Black Flag and Watch_Dogs, they aren't bad ports and I felt disappointed when they showed that neither Rogue nor Unity were going to be on Wii U

I remember being bothered by the fact that if you go to Moscow first, thorton speaks to albatross like they've already met before, despite not interacting with him in Taipei yet.


>Pre 7th gen era games didn't have patches
What is Doom v1.1, v1.2, v1.3, v1.666...

Honestly enjoyed the hell out of it, the boomerang thing was fun as fuck

>What's so bad about the games on Wii U?
Considering they were released also on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, in some areas, they are the worst ports because it was new hardware but not powerful enough to compete with the bone and ps4, so they tend to not be that optimized.

For instance, Black Flag has a serious FPS problem, but the added gamepad features actually improve the gameplay experience


someone gifted me WD1 during the last winter sale, and it was terrible, but the kind of terrible i enjoy streaming to the dismay of my viewers.

i picked up WD2 a little while later, but it was way too cringey and unbearable to play. it made the forced angst of Aiden and the death of his daughter-niece seem like brilliant storytelling in comparison.

Been kinda curious about this for a while... What am I in for?

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I thought WD was cool. And it was in a setting that back then, and even now, was/is something we're heading to.

too bad the shitty driving camera wasn't true free look and constantly wanted to snap forward while accelerating

The multiplayer was amazing

Eurojank kino.

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The last mission was dogshit all you did is press 3 buttons and boss is dead

Doesn't happen to me. What platform are you playing on?

Connor best boi

there is a lot of "little" mistake in watch dogs tho

I thought it was pretty good

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People were hellbent on comparing it to GTA V or whining about the downgrades constantly that people missed what was there. I had a lot of fun with the game. The problem is that it became the designated game that every needs to shit on to be a part of the in-group. You would just hate on it to get positive attention for yourself and post gifs or youtube videos. The game is definitely flawed, but I think there is a lot of great stuff in the game too. I didn't get 2 because it seemed so cringey. Also, edgelord characters are fun, and T-bone was a good character too. What I liked is that Aiden accepted his punisher-esque roll instead of feeling guilty in the end, but it cost him his family.

played it on pc after they gave it away for free
if I didn't hold w to accelerate then I could freely look around
as soon as I'd hold w to accelerate the camera would constantly want to snap to look forward so I would fight the camera if I wanted to look left or right

It was horrible

You couldn’t commit a crime because everyone snitched on you. You couldn’t build money cause dying took so much of your wealth fuck that

Yeah, sure, and when pressed about your wojakposting you'll just copypaste the same shit.

these games started being garbage after giants

Detroit etc etc is utter dogshit
>I know its a David Cage game
>I know about David Cage's previous games
>I know about the one-way David Cage hype express
>I know just the mere mention of David Cage should trigger an flight response
>Still inexplicably manage to buy it
>Somewhere David Cage is laughing his ass of

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Git gud.

Also AC: Unity, AC: The Victorian One, and AC: Origins

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watch dogs on pc LITERALLY couldn't handle driving at top speed, no matter what GPU or memory you have driving at top speed will make the game stutter

It was aight. I like that Aiden is a fucking monster in his family's eyes.
Also, comfiest walking animation ever.

jesus christ that's some terrible taste

DEFCON, Brutal legend, and Magicka

It's probably the best of Cage's games but I honestly prefer Heavy Rain because it's unintentionally hilarious.

>borrow game from cousin
>expect it to be so shit and ridiculous it's pure comedy like Beyond was
>begin to unironically enjoy it somehow
>play through it another time to see other endings and how much choices actually matter to find out that they really DO matter, especially in Connor's story
>played through it 4 more times
>lowkey fell in love with the game, ended up being one of my favourites of 2018
It's like a comfy good night story now. Definitely one of my biggest guilty pleasures.

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It's a guilty pleasure for me, I mostly play RPGs or tactical shooters like ARMA, Insurgency: SS, or Rising Storm 2, but I enjoy exploring the nice locations in these games while listening to stuff in the background

I think it plays well but it sure lacks depth.

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The atmosphere of WD1 was perfect. WD2 fucking ruined it with le epic hackers and memes xd and a generic sunny state map.

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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

But, the ending was fucking garbage

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WD1 was a brown, boring slog, WD2, while having a shit, cringefest story, was at least interesting to explore. Can't think of a game outside of San Andreas, that had San Fran in it, plus you could go to the prison island

SOMEONE had to post it

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but user, EVERYONE loves that one!

It's okay, OP, not everyone has high IQ.

it had a spider-tank
i liked that

I'm sure everyone loves this one, too
It's a broken pile of shit, but it's my broken pile of shit.

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>room mate bought enslaved and started playing it
>sat on couch to watch a bit one time
>had an epiphany
>ask him how he liked the game so far
>he was like 2 hours in
>he said it was really fun
>I told him it seemed like one giant escort quest
>he suddenly felt depressed

only the first one was good the sequel was hot garbage

I really fucking enjoyed Two Worlds 2 and 100%'d which I never do. That said it felt like it was half as long as it should have been and once you get past the Asian-flavoured area it's basically a straight run to the boss (despite the map teasing you with a massive continent to explore before you get there) which boner killed me so hard I can never look at it again desu

Your friend sounds like an easily swayed beta faggot.

The first one is boring. The second one is fun.

>actually liking "le wacky epic maymays! xDDDD"

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he is
he also married some cunt who cheated on him multiple times over the span of a year

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Tranny spotted.

Extreme shit taste, Risen was their last good game

eurojank is not a genre

Hacking shit, invading people's privacy, and killing degenerates on the street was pretty fun. The driving was awful and the main story was incredibly stupid tough. The game should have given you more freedom to fuck around, like making melee work on pedestrians, because the part where you had fun by yourself in it was mileages better than the things the story forced upon you. Trully one of those games where the side content trumps the main deal.

That being said, it was actually a good game. Not all games need to be groundbreaking, Watchdogs was fun, and that was enough for me.

Never played the second, and don't feel like ever doing it, because fuck niggers and fat dykes.

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>eurojank is not a genre

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Same for me.

no you, metroidvania is also not a genre

Clearly you don't

Crysis is the original Eurojank

>metroidvania is also not a genre
This is correct, but Eurojank is 100% a genre.

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XIII is one of those games that grows on you.

>first time, hated it, dropped it
>second time, I wanted to play the others, so I did it out of obligation and autism
>played the second, really liked it, and felt like touching XIII again
>this time I actually enjoyed
>went to Lightning Returns, dropped it but not because the game was bad, but because I wanted to play XIII again
>after going back and finishing Lightning Returns, I am now thinking about replaying XIII
I just admit I am crazy at this point. XIII is the only FF I played more than once.

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Why is she so perfect?

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It's one of the few cases where "brown boring slog" is a good look, an OG hacker fantasy to me. WD2 is hacking as people who watch Silicon Valley envision it.


combat, animations are more refined than previous 2. i hated strict time-limit in first 2 games. and i liked realistic colour palet, graphics. it's my fav. in series.

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I enjoyed 13/13-2, but couldn't stand how blatantly fanservice-y LR was.




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Watch Dogs 2 destroyed the feeling of the first one by introducing wacky 2cool4u hacker friends and ecks dee memes. More bright and sunny, with flashy colorful clothes made it feel like a zoomer game too. You were right not to play the second one.

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obviously still the second worst in the series but it was still pretty fun and the angel dodge/vergils gameplay was fun too

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halo reach

be a better judge of character, dont associate with these people

WD2 is kino, you plebs.

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If you pretend the game doesn't take itself seriously and everything stupid on it is an ironic joke, it goes from a 6 to a 9 easily.

Decades in the future the new generations will think that DmC was post ironic humour and a critic of late 10's "rad teen" culture, and it only tanked critically because the public failed to realise it, even tough in reality the people making it tought it was serious. It will be considered the Starship Troopers of video games.

ma nigga

The SE is unironically better than 4.

Everything murders the fuck out of you for the first 10 or so hours. Exploration is fucking deadly and best postponed until some later time.

Can you at least kill degenerates on it like the first?

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Several Driver games have been set in SF

Someone had to post it.

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At least jordi appears again

Dark Souls 2 is good. Not as good as the first, but still a great game, and unlike 3, it managed to be it's own thing instead of a giant rehash of concepts and designs.

Absolute legend

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Watch Dogs 2 has a really compelling setting. It's an ironic love letter to old Yea Forums in many ways. You play as what Fox thought Yea Forums was in 2007. It makes me sad that people posting here in 2019 don't realise this. Sadly it's abundantly clear that the people writing most of it weren't aware of this, so it's also got millennial bullshit like coffee shop nerds swearing too much, trans characters and a fucking Trump allegory. There are some compelling stories though, and the characters that you think are going to be the most annoying end up being quite likeable. I know a lot of people haven't played it because of memes, but I'd definitely recommend giving it a go if you're willing to turn your brain off occasionally.

Also it's better than 4.

Based Bethard.

That's a low bar if I've ever seen one.

>have a PC with i7 8700k, GTX1080 and the game installed on a SSD
>it still keeps stuttering
It’s rare to see a game that is so terribly optimized that you can’t even use brute power to make it smooth. Only Saints Row 2 is worse.

I think most people feel that it was a decent, if flawed, action game. Everyone was just super pissed that the dev team tried so hard to shit on all the old games and their fans.

This game was PRETTY DAMN GOOD. It's not the best of his series for me, but the difference between this one and 4, is that IT HAVE EFFORT put into it. Content, gameplay, map, missions and art style, is all around better and is actually fun to play. I enjoyed the crazy as shit combo weapons and vehicles, the hack and slash focus on the combat, the bosses, the multiplayer, is a blast.

Is a Dead Rising that want in the wrong path, but still a Dead Rising in his base at least, and in fact, the result is a pretty good product.

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Nah swap force was good but easy af and superchargers was bad. Then imaginators was imo good especially the final boss.


I honestly like 2 the most, in spite of its flaws.
Unlike 3, (or even DS1) it really felt like they were trying new things and trying to make actually new interesting looking places. Much of the game had a fairytale quality that the others didn't.

It's a shame that they just weren't able to pull it off quite right.

I hated how they just limited Aiden role on a cameo in the second game. I like Aiden, even if he is an asshole that never learn of his mistakes and is a psychotic sociopath. But i liked his personality and outfit.

I would liked to see him interacting with the cast and teaming up with him for some missions. Wasted potential

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Ubisofts PC ports have a history of being horrendous. I remember Far Cry 4 stuttering literally every single time you sprinted. They were also responsible for the original PC port of RE4, which was fucking awful.

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I recognise its flaws, but I still really liked it.

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It was fun.

Did you know that Aiden is infamous for being the most popular name among FtM trans people? It’s a meme that 50% of all FtMs are Aidens.

They came out later and got a lot less support.
Like Watch_Dogs and Black Flag didn't get the DLC.

I still got them, it got interesting because you in Watch_Dogs you ran into the same people multiple times because the player base was so small, it lead to an actual back and forth. I remember one guy who kept trying to hack me and for the longest time I was able to camp out at Navy Pier before he finally found a way to crack the defenses I set up.
Then I started booby trapping cars with bombs and it got really fun.

Worse than 1

main story is meh. everything else, graphics, combat, side guests etc. is better than first.

Why is that so?


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