what are some religious vidya?
What are some religious vidya?
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Super Noah Ark 3D i guess
Hitman absolution
Jesus Christ RPG
Serious answer, el shaddai is about enoch.
Fucking this. Hitman is good at implementing religious motive if story into it.
Shin Megami Tensei
Grandia 2
*into story of it
praise Okran.
I never played it, is it good?
El Shaddai is pretty cool.
The Pilgrim's Progress
I wish Western world was still pagan centric so we could have female priest of some fertility gods like this that are basically prostitutes
Fuck Christianity and fuck Islam, but most importantly, FUCK Judaism
Xeno series
yeah let's go back when we killed goats and danced naked covered in feces to praise the moon
fucking retard
Catholics love Metal Gear Solid and DOOM
>Get dabbed out of existence by Christians, who openly preach for peace and unity as humans
Good job, Chaoscucks
fuck succumbing to carnal desires
we still kill goats
and muslims fuck them, and they rape and kill women and children
much better, huh
>killing goats to eat is the same as killing goats to please the giant magic man
based rindou art
Damn that's a lot of work on the animations, and the character design is really solid, One would think this twisted religious setting is overused but actually is probably not used enough. Seems like the people working on this actually love what they're doing, I hope they don't half ass it in the end and get bad reviews for releasing something unfinished.
Based and vargpilled.
varg is insane m8. long time ago he said something smart
I really hoped this thread will not turn into another pointlsss "disscussion" and people here will just give good examples of the topic. Not this shit again
Did you know that Christianity set the entire Western civilization centuries back in it's progress?
Shit like the bubonic plague would never happen if Christcucks never got into power and destroyed the Roman bathhouses and their entire hygiene system. The entire Europe smelled like shit all the time because stuff like toilets and baths was an unheard concept for the christcucks. You know why Russia during that period had no plague? Because they fucking bathed and because they retained their pagan teachings and rejected cucktolicism. Even now orthodox christianity is basically paganism with wooden idols, weird rituals and shit
Medicine? Who fucking cares what these crazy Greeks were doing, let's just slit people's wrists and hope it helps.
The list can go on and on and on, but early Christians fucking destroyed everything good that the Rome and Greece have created over the centuries
Christianity just was just one long stinky day, or rather, almost two stinky millenias for the West
>twisted religious setting
The thing is, this game is based explicitly on imagery surrounding the Spanish Catholic faith, which is itself teeming with images of agony, despair, and a fearful unity surrounding an icon of faith. There's real soul put into this work, and that's why the game looks good. Many attempts at making a game have that "Evil church" look tend to look the same because it's just the same few cathedrals (usually based on Notre Dame) with a demon or a giant monster in it or some shit.
I really, really like this image
>spend 100% of your time complaining about a religion you claim to be weak
>get wiped out by said religion
>so thorough in destruction that modern revivals are just larpers making shit up and huffing paint
I kinda have that sensation of wanting to be in a religion but my family was not religious at all so I don't have ties to anything
Hell yeah
The world needs more latex nuns.
people kill animals for fun, so yeah it's pretty much the same
Based Lawbro
It's not that I don't find sexy latex nuns enticing, but the way the latex covers her tits is pretty unrealistic and that's not how latex behaves on real tits. I know it's a retarded thing to bitch about, but I would enjoy seeing this same art but using realistic latex physics on tits.
Why is it always christianity based lore?
What are some Buddhist video games? Not shinto