Pathologic thread

Thought we should have a thread, with the game coming out very soon.

Looking at the artbook cover I realized "Chronicle of the second outbreak" could be a hint towards the plot of this game definitely being separate from the events of the first game. The powers that be playing again in their sandbox?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hey steppebro.

when does it come out

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>got the steam keys for the artbook and soundtrack
>steam doesn't let you install dlc if the game isn't installed
>can't install the game until thursday

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The Sand Plague is cute!

Exactly 47 hours!

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Oh shit. Should I just get that or the HD


How do I get into it

I tried the first one ages ago but never got every far with it. Didn't like the time limit and the jankier aspects of the translations and dialogue trees.

Wonder if I should just wait for the next game or give it another go.


Garbage game. Garbage thread. Fuck off shill.

The translation has been fixed in Pathologic HD, but the rest is still janky. Took me three tries to really get into it.

I think this second one was essentially a reedition with updated everything

If you've never played the original before and know nothing about it then you could certainly get something out of playing the original. If you want more mechanics and better mechanical "gameplay" then go with the new game.

Who touched you inappropriately?


Has anyone finished Changeling?
I played Bachelor last month and finished Haruspex at the weekend, was thinking of trying to do Changeling before next weekend.
Is it worth it? Does it add a lot to the story?
I've heard it's a lot more unfinished than the other routes towards the end

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The Changeling route was clearly unfinished with its same late game side quests and weak ending compared to the others.
Really hope they can fix it in 2

Finished all three routes on Original and Classic HD. The Changeling route explores the theatrical themes more, pushes you towards the game's "best" ending and fucks with the player the most.

It's got gaps which the devs freely admitted, but it is still worth playing through.

Thanks, hopefully will manage to get through it by the weekend, but i'm pretty worn out after playing bachelor and haruspex pretty much back to back

Well, it'll be a while before Clara's route is released for this follow up, so you've got plenty of time to play through it.

I don't really want to play classic ever again haha
I've enjoyed the story, atmosphere, and music, but I have no plans to replay it so I kinda want to get it all out the way before 2 even if it is a remake.

No dying on the job, actors.

I'd not peek the art book before playing the game if I were you. You could get spoiled hard.
There will not be any preloading unfortunately

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But they've confirmed that there's an ending for if you die a ton and completely ruin the world but still manage to complete the game

I hope the ice pick gets the money they need.

It sucks it episodic but if thats the way it is thats the way it is

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So is it just Haruspex?
I wanted bachelor..

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>impyling ice pick can afford shills, let alone afford finishing the game

Best boy first

Dumb idiot doctor stupidface next probably

Why the fuck would you want that manlet beta incel while you can play as the chaddest of the chads Artemy Fucking BURAKH man.

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>There will not be any preloading unfortunately
Why must things be like they are?

Will he be released later on for free or DLC?

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Based and panaceapilled

I only played Bachelor's story, do you figure I should play Haruspex and then play the remake, or finish the entire original game first, or just play the remake?

I'd just play the remake.

There is no way of knowing actor, we must accept and move on.

Depends on the sales.

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At least they're not saying something like
"Depending on the sales we might not be able to make new content"
I'll be glad to shell out a few bucks more if Haruspex route is good.

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>Pathologic HD is 1,30 eurodollars on Steam right now

Why aren't you degenerates jumping on that shit RIGHT NOW before 2 comes out?

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Tbf if you haven't already played it, it would be hard to finish even one route before it comes out

>being this gay

Wait so you could buy Pathologic HD and then Pathologic 2 and SAVE MONEY because of discount?

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thread theme

Haven't look too much into the game. What's the gameplay like?

Walk, talk, stab people, collect flowers, make medicine, treat people, have weird dreams.

low-fi chill game to be depressed/sad to

I need a key for the Artbook oh god oh fuck.

get on with the times old man

Survival with lots of reading, there is shooting, trading, looting. It is a relatively hard game. Original had questionable design choices, remake remedies almost every single one of them.

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We're going home, comrades.

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I'd say at least play the haruspex' first couple of days before the remake releases, just because there's a vast amount of changes based on the demo and beta alone, the first day on its own has like 5x as much to do. That way you can appreciate the changes

>back the KS
>ignore updates
>ignore Yea Forums threads
>ignore trailers and interviews
>"your pathologic keys are ready"
It's time.

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Shit is the artbook going to be sold physically too or only digital?

>tfw the Twyrine kicks in

Same here.

I guess so, but you may have to wait until the discount coupon appears in your steam inventory.

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Are you going to stay there though?

There's going to be a physical version for the backers. The store the devs were running has closed so I'm not sure if they'll print off extra to sell. Might just be digital.

Damn... so this is Pathologic 2...

Mopcкaя yтoпия

>The physical rewards will become available later this year, after the release. They’ve all been designed—we’re just waiting for the funds to actually produce and ship the items. So stay tuned!
That's for backer rewards, but it's safe to say they'll also sell the merch on their store later on, like they did with the boardgame and other stuff.
personally I'm looking forward to my map of the town poster

I still only have a 10% coupon in my inventory. It's like they don't want me to buy their game.

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>The store the devs were running has closed
Some of it seems to be out of stock, but the store is still there.

the only coupon is 10%, when they first came out they said 20% but that was an error. the pre-order is 10% + the 10% coupon for 20%

I will die there.

>paid $20 for the kickstarter years ago
>oh hey it's actually coming out
>dig up the old emails and find the key
>apply on their website
>try to get steam key
>internal server error

They are just selling what's left. They will not restock.
www facebook com/icepicklodge/posts/2803471859727008

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So is this a remaster of the first one or is it different?

what actually happened to simon kain

>he didn't get the gog key
user, I...

that one doesn't work either

Died from the disease

There were plenty of anons in previous threads who got 20% coupons (on top of the 10% preorder discount), probably by mistake

it's a remake, so things will be different

Friendly reminder that The Void and Pathologic take place in the same universe. This has been confirmed in a now deleted Facebook post by one of the devs.


What exactly was his endgame?

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B-but the achievements!
Will the invisible cat be back?

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Stores closed/closing steppebro.

to be fucking scary. walking up to that dude from a distance was one of the most unnerving things i've ever done in a game

Guys, please I need to fill up my folder.
Post your Pathologic related memes/reactions to your post, thank you.

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Or you're a cheap cunt.

Have you chosen your tier in backer portal ?

i shot that muthafucka as soon as he was in rifle range

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What are they going to do with the soundtrack? Completely new, some new or just tracks from the original?

Aw snap
I already got the boardgame, does that make it limited edition?

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oh thanks, didn't know I had to do that
it worked

To be loved and to go wandering round the steppe, doing steppe things.

Compeletly new. There is only one remix (Andrei Kabak)

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Ok, Filth is absolutely patrician
You're a man of fine tastes

I think it had a separate website? So that might/is quite likely to continue to be produced and sold.

Completely new, with about half the tracks done by Theodor Bastard.


>altered his own lines to resemble the Bull God's lines, which made him immortal
>"died" of disease and body was given to Rubin to perform the autopsy
>outbreak happens, lots of people die to the disease
>Rubin realizes Simon's cells are still alive and slowly purging his body out of the disease
>Rubin decides to create a vaccine out of his body
>by the 6-8th day(don't remember) Rubin finally uses his body up and Simon dies for real
>his soul leaves his body
>his endgame was having his soul enter the Bull God's body with the Polyhedron acting as the Focus for reasons unknown beyond wanting to become The City itself
>Kids living in the polyhedron ruins it so he ends up using the other Foci which is the house of the Kain with a beard
>his soul enter a body that already has a soul and that is why he looks kinda insane
>also mentioned all the Kains have been doing this kind of stuff for generations to reincarnate into their descendants

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I just realized how fucking big the size of the soundtrack is. 58 tracks.

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Such a noble cause

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Thanks, I was concerned about finding spoilers on accident and the steam page doesn't really make it clear.

Eh I'll hope story is similar enough, couldn't be bothered with the first one, might have been a one time thing, I did end up playing the entirety of The Void and that game was strange as fuck

Daniil is for Clara!

FUCK Nina and FUCK Eva

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I think the game has only one of three paths or something, and they're releasing the other 2 if they make enough profit

Whoops meant Maria :^)

>my work week starts on the 23rd
>also getting into the busy season so I'll be working 10+ hour days so I'll be too tired to play the game properly for months
Just kill me already Shanak.

>if they make enough profit
WHEN they make enough profit.

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We'll see, I sure hope it happens


That's great to hear, I thought they wouldn't even make them without decent sales. Good to know I'll be getting them no matter what.

what category should i put it in

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If each character DLC is like 5-10 bucks I will be fine with that but if they are like 20 bucks or something ridiculous then nah..

They were sold out of everything worthwhile when I checked nearly 2 months ago hoping to support them a bit, kinda bummed about it.



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Make a new category called "Pathologic"

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right-click -> set categories -> type KINO into the text entry field -> add category

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What's the point of playing?

Everyone that played Classic knows the story

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There was the outbreak of Sand Plague five years before the events of the game in original Pathologic.

So is this a remake or is it a reimagining/different game with same premise?

just remember the void is in adventure, so there we go

Do you really think IPL just took the story and carbon copied it? Haruspex and Changeling's storylines had shitty filler and tempo issues. I want to see them handled properly,

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Haruspex was OK

Look at the wiki link i posted above to see what's different.

Horror, maybe survival.

reimagining/different game with same premise

>The Void
Bro that's a dating sim.

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>Bro that's a dating sim.
but there's no category for that
the categories are absolute, dating sims are usually visual novels and visual novels are basically adventure games, so adventure it is

It's been a while since I finished the Bachelor's route, but there's some dialogue with the Kain's on Day 12 that had me a bit hung up. I recall the dialogue leading to them revealing that you were speaking to Simon and that his soul had entered their bodies and taken over. This gives credence to the reincarnation idea and that Simon is immortal, but why do both Gregory and Victor both have the same dialogues? I suspect they were just short on dev time and the ending was rushed like most things.

Game Bachelor needs that hair style and not the mop he has.

People are autistic enough to waste time doing this...

I like this post.

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Nikolay couldn't handle how daddy he was, so he had to tone him down a bit.

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Threadly reminder that the real Anna Angel is a disgusting circus freak who should be locked in a cage for the remainder of her wretched life.

Grace > rest

Starting a family with Lara, being her "cub" and adopting Murky > All

I played it years ago so I don't really remember much beyond the Gregory acting funny and later learning why
I think the female Kain also has the soul of her mother enter her body by the end?

>ywn mating press Lara

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>no Bachelor
Regretting my preorder

Aspity > all


Retard lover.

Oh, how I wish I was in the town already!

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What are the odds that the Bachelor has a Polyhedron shaped butt plug?

The polyhedron stands up, despite its physical attributes perceiveably making it impossible.

The opposite of your dick, butcher.

Cute boi

It's an academia thing. I wouldn't expect you peasants to understand.

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Doesn't stand up to shelling you fag.

who is the most based and redpilled character?

Same odds as he being pegged by Maria on a daily basis.

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But will endings remain the same?

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>Want to preorder it for the extra 10% discount
>Not sure if they changed the gameplay enough for me to enjoy it
I'll probably wait for reviews.

You can always try the demo
ice-pick com/en/pathologic-2-demo/

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i hope not, considering most of the people playing have either beaten the first game or watched a review of the game w/ spoilers


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Does it run on toasters?

Yes, shelling is your main goal, is it not? To have someone else dig you a hole so you can finally celebrate your marriage with the earth.

But you, absolute reprobate, are too stupid to understand that those shells will leave craters!

>tfw you start paying attention to the NPC voice lines after the secret Theatre session

Attached: cutedolls.png (602x594, 788K)

OS: Windows 7/8/10
Processor: i3 (8/9 Generation) ~3 Ghz / Ryzen 5
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 25 GB available space
Sound Card: Integrated

>family man
>doesn't take shit from Saburov or the Kains, controls the entire town and the industry
>strong as fuck
>he's a big guy
>takes responsability for his actions and commits seppuku

Attached: NPC_BigVlad_b.png (488x579, 931K)

Combat's more indepth. Plague needs diagnosing and has different treatments. Tasks are spread over multiple days.

At least based on the Alpha.

I was hoping for personal experiences, minimum requirements are never right. Thanks for the help anyway.

Plenty of bodies to fill in the holes. How about we start with a faggot from the capital?

Might even be useful for once growing some herbs off your decaying pansy ass.

Aglaya is a weak ass hoe, she is the worst doll

Shut the fuck up you city dandy, you'd kill hundreds of people for a shitty paper building. Get lost before I draw your blood in the circle of suok. Faggot.

Is there less walking?

She's one of the few that has an inkling of what's going on.

damn, i just realised this is true
does reverse loli have better name?
you can run now and there is fast travel between boats

>you can run now and there is fast travel between boats
I'm sold, thanks.

There is fast travel and sprinting. Also town events to keep you busy while walking.

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Honestly it depends on how you play the game. If you wander around like a retard and get lost then you're going to be doing more walking than you need to. For the most part there's less bullshit and needless walking now. You go places and get stuff done which gives you more time to trade and gather resources - which admittedly is walking, but is at least productive.

Wait, Pathologic 2 comes out in like 2 days? How the fuck did I miss this??

With me? Last time I was stricken by the stench of the habitants, I saw you being accosted by the townspeople. Can you not even fit in with animals? It is no wonder you so adore the steppe. Twyrine soothes, is that it?

And will you then eat your own feces to place a curse upon my herd? You gawk at things you do not comprehend, so at least have the decency to stand aside.

Is it pc only?

Do you have a minute to talk about the Void?

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For now yes.
Linux, PS4 and XBOX releases will take a bit more time.

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Faggot obsessed with eating shit. Sneers at steppe traditions yet brings their degeneracy from the capital. No wonder they're obsessed with their polyhedral dick substitute.

this game is reddit tier shit
hurr hurr it was all in a child's imagination hurr hurr

anushead in a wheelchair

Post tits or GTFO.

>you do not comprehend,
You useless faggot, you are an outsider. You do not know the history, you do not know the culture. You got manupilated by a girl who has fucking nipple buttons. Talking about feces, maybe you should get your head out of your ass.

the game isn't even out yet and the latest demo build is 2-3 months old and the game has been optimized since then, how would anyone even know?

>He fell for the false ending.

Congrats for missing the point this hard.

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Found the coon who didn't play Clara's route.

Cool! Looks really interesting

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>only finished bachelor in the original

Do I do the other characters or wait for 2?

Right away

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>how would anyone even know?
It's clear from the context that I was asking about the performance of the demo, not the final game.

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Bachelors route gave you surface shit.
Haruspex gives you the town and steppe history
Clara's route gives you the skinny on what's going on.

Play Clara's if you want the core of the original game, otherwise wait for this remake/reimagining.

and the demo is 2-3 months old and the game has had several optimization passes since then as stated by the devs.

IIRC, Ire is the only one who already flashes her tits without even unlocking any hearts.

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Still the best IPL game

I wonder how far along the other characters are in production? How long will we have to wait for their release?

I was asking about the performance of the demo because I wanted to try and play it before the game came out.

this game is just drivel written by adults who write like 14 year olds

IPL has that mf tiddy pass

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they might never come out
depends on the sales
>by adults
are you sure?

Consoles when


Thanks Yea Forums for such a beautiful thread.

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>they might never come out
they will come out, their prices depened on sales.


>build v.0.9
Wait, is that from the demo?
I didn't play it past the intro to not get spoiled, but DAMN
Let's hope the mods are sleeping

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Based bachelor only player

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I can tell you this because I've got a [REDACTED] copy. Why? Why not.

So it's running a lot better than 3 months ago, but even with high-end hardware expect choppiness. It's garbage optimization but at least it's pretty unity garbage.

>[REDACTED] copy
You know what to do actor.

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Hold up, we're getting steppe tiddies?

Any slavs beside me here? I was thinking of playing Pathologic but not sure if Rus version is better than Eng (in terms of being coherent and easier to understand), the HD versions supposedly fixed the translation issues.

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You even feed their period blood to the earth.

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Buy it so we can get more routes asshole

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Faggot, I've backed this game, been waiting for it for 5 years. Can't wait any longer.

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look at this cocksucker being all high and mighty. I bet you like to think of yourself as Proust incarnate.
go on, let's hear some of your eloquent prose.

I'd imagine most of the work is done and we're getting Bachelor later this year, at the very least.

Right so I've gone through the first in both English and Russian, thinking that a lot was lost in translation.

It wasn't. It's as retarded and incoherent as the other.

If you have the option and understand the language, I'd always go with the original version, wether its games, books or movies. No matter how good the translation, something is always lost.

Don't get defensive because your game isn't very good.

>not sure if Rus version is better than Eng
Why wouldn't it be? Even with a perfect translation, english version will be inferior because russian is a better language.

You've drank way too much Twyrine actor, please leave the stage.

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Press preview?

I'm playing the demo and I have a feeling that any action I do won't have any effect in this infected reality.
I have no fucking clue about this universe nor played the first game, met the Bull God and it all feels so chaotic, so weird.
Am I onto something?


You're only on Day 1, prepare for a rough ride.

how long is the demo?

It's only the day one until 2 PM

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~2h, it ends at 14:00 of day 1

Come on you cunts, get posting!

This play has ended, user. The actors need their rest before the next one.

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I am

Yes, I'm feeling a bit feverish too. It's probably nothing though. Gonna lie down for a while.

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The actors are going to need a lot more stamina for this performance.

Superior ludo coming through

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Anyone try using the guns in the game?

Have had this as my wallpaper for years now. Top tier.

They're pretty good for Bachelor if you use the starting one and just shoot bandits every night for money.

should I

For the remake I mean.

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>decide to play game in preparation
>still on Day 7 Bachelor
Fuck. Great game though I can't really bring myself to play it in big long doses.
That Inquisitor entrance cutscene was pretty cool though.

>the first time you see the brown angels
Freaked me the fuck out. Didn't expect new plague monsters and had no idea the correct response to avoid it.

Oh I have no clue then, sorry.

Maybe. I just got this even though I haven't played the original (yet) because it looks like something I'd enjoy and I want to support games like these being made. The world needs more atmospheric existential slavjank.

You can spawn the rifle, shotgun and revolver using the console. Not sure if I like the sounds for them.


Holy fuck
The hour is almost upon us, I thought this day would never come.
I think Marble Nest in my steam catalogue has morphed into the actual game? I can see a few achievements that definitely look like they're from Pathologic 2, but clicking the + to see all seems to be a dead link. Is this an everyone thing or do I have Insider Access (tm)?

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>had no idea the correct response to avoid it.
Why avoid it?

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>you can hear a cat in the kids' warehouse but you still can't see it anywhere
cheeky slav fuckers

Marble Nest changed to Alpha for me, then changed again with the achievements.

Day 7 is definitely where shit hits the fan. The rest of the game is a ride.

tfw no Devotress gf

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Soul and a halves


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She has nee hair now.

Loved the animations, but hated the sounds.

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>the Void is supposed to be allegory for depression and you giving up or surrendering is expected


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shouldn't he have to use his thumb to hold down the rounds when he pulls the bolt back to reload it while there's still ammo in the magazine?

I got casualfiltered so hard by this game Yea Forumsros ;_;
What can I do about it

Fire it from the hip. It ejects casings with the bullets still in them.

Try again in a few months. You need to be in the right kind of mood to get on with the game. Jagged Alliance 2 was the game that I had that feeling with.

so uh, whose half-soul is the cat then?

Probably the players...

How come the player always sees the Polyhedron as the Bachelor describes it, as paper with writing on it?
Khan says that everyone can see it differently, but a lot of adults just see mirrors.
How come all the characters see it as made of paper?

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This is giving me some serious Stalker vibes.

So to those who played the demo
Did you see the veins in the ground itself? I only found one but it was a big one in an abandoned lot that I could interact with. As if, y'know, the ground itself were alive.

How come there's no projectile impacts??

>Sister Death is borderline impossible to ascend without a guide or knowing exactly what you're doing
I'm not sure what draws me to her so much, I think it's her sultry voice.

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hahahaha you are fucked actor good luck

>paper with writing
It's made out of the design documents/blueprints for itself.
I think he means what you see inside it. It works for kids but not for adults, so as an adult actor of course you see nothing but paper and fancy lights.

Titty monster by Lara's house has one and a tutorial on what you need to do with them.

oh I know all about it, I'm just fukken hype thinking about the fact we might physically operate on the Bull himself this time around. Gotta cut them lines.

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because making a unique polyhedron for each character is hard

Those reload animations look great, fucking slav magic, man.

The issue is that IPL are scrunging for pennies due to the Russian Economy collapsing, that's probably part of why they took the publishing deal with TinyBuild, so they could at least get the game out and hopefully recoup in game sales.

it's just two different assets, it's not hard at all

Oh damn, I didn't even get that far. I wasted too much time wandering around checking out the sights that I didn't actually do much proper story stuff.

All for the best I think, I saw enough to know it's gonna be some good shit if they can just fix the optimization oh god the demo chugged like mad

probably didn't have enough money to develop it properly, like the abattoir and the steppe.

Does it have fast travel? I dropped Pathologic 1 when it expected me to slowly crawl across the entire town to do anything.

>b-but it's supposed to be slow to make you feel the atmosphere of the town and witness events and so time can pass in real time!
1. I'm willing to sacrifice immersion for time saving.
2. If someone wants to fast travel through events, that's their fault and they should just miss the events.
3. Fast traveling can take the amount of time that it would take to manually walk from Point A to Point B.

Pretty sure they won't be DLC. The only reason they aren't in the game right now is because IPL needs more money and time to finish them

t. zoomer pleb

No, adult with limited time for games and an enormous backlog

Does this reply mean "no"? Do I have to modify my character speed and cheat the game instead?

there's a sprint button (it makes you thirsty) and there's river ferries (that cost tokens). so yes you can but no you can't warp around the town as much as you want.

I'm drunk and never finished original Pathologic, what was the deal with the giant fucking weird shaped structure made by the old man? Was it even real? Should I just replay the original in prep for this?

Feels like the game could be epic but it's just so goddamned obtuse that I stopped caring when I tried. I always wanted to like it though because the aesthetic is kino.

Actors means that you should at least read the play first before screaming for the prompter, actor. This has been discussed before during rehearsals. Please stop bothering people about it.

It uhhh... symbolizes that no amount of gunfire is going to change your fate.

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the Polyhedron?
local artist/architect got drunk off his ass on twyrine and built a thing, out of the blueprints for itself, that defies the laws of nature and may or may not have extradimensional storage space, which the local kids use as an imagination station and might even be able to house a person's soul.

there's more to it than that but honestly it's better for you to find out on your own, if there's even the slightest chance of you playing either the original or the remake.

this now an official enlightened art thread

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yeah that thing. I guess I'll check it out again, is HD just a reskin of the original? if so I'll just get that

Smooth recovery.

HD is some minor graphics tweaks but more importantly the translation isn't somebody's fever dream ramblings, it actually makes sense and is understandable. I mean it's still pretty obtuse but at least only when it's meant to be.

There's Pathologic Original which had a spectacularly [as in actually worth experiencing for how fucked up it was] terrible translation. Then there was Classic HD a.k.a. Classologic which was retranslated, has limited controller support and some extra graphical options. Then there is the remake/reimagining "Pathologic 2" which is split into three episodes of one character each.

the HD version has some better visuals but more importantly a real translation

Oh boy!

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>the release date is estimated to be Q2 2018
how optimistic

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My beautiful box art!

How are my actor bros tonight?

>was able to redeem the full copy of the game to gog
Phew, I was thinking it would be like Wasteland 2 and my beta/alpha key would lock me in to fucking steam.

>electric Menkhu

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they said they might charge for them depending on sales, backers would still get them free tho

consumed by hype, can't fucking wait. have a bottle of vodka set aside and everything.

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At least we get a few weeks of good threads on here, missed the threads from when Marble Nest released.

>305 / 94 / 70

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aye, there's been a shameful few leading up to it but hopefully it'll snowball once the thing drops. hard to say what makes threads stick on here, i'm reminded of the weird Rain World thread boom around winter. you never know what'll get people talking.

maybe all it needs is a switch port.
translator's note: that was a joke.

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Then hopefully it sells well. It's still incredibly niche but a lot more people are aware of it now, plus they might get some kind of commission from Microsoft for having it on their Game Pass too.
I'm a backer though, so my only regret is not having the board game.

I remember when there were a few people pleading for a Switch port. To be fair, if it can run it and they're willing... why not...?

>back this game with $200
>still no info of when i get my shit

>planning on buying the board game after the game released
>it sells out

Attached: all_mine.png (1139x584, 71K)

Oh, are we posting our wall of shame?

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How long till the game comes out? I know it's in 2 days, but dunno exactly the time

>missed out on the physical map
regret can change the nature of a man

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the OG translation of Pathologic was cozy, it's like the engrish in Souls games where half the battle is figuring out what the fuck these nips are on about

It runs like shit on modern PCs, there's no hope for a Switch version.

What shame? I'm going to frame that poster and hang it in my living room, everyone will think it's some obscure art, when it's really a video game poster.

post fanart

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I wonder if the backer-exclusive content is in universal codes or if they're unique. Because the code I got for the basic level of that looked like a cheat code more than something you'd redeem.

Use the debug controls and get into Anna's house. Lots of interesting posters in there.

"Chronicle of the second outbreak" probably is just a nice tagline for showcasing the art of it being a reimagining, remember that the sand plague in game has already happened before and that in the events of the original and seemingly this game

the plague is just returning for a second time, probably doesn't mean that the events in 2 are separate from the original



funny you say that, word has it for the Souls games that miyazaki wanted to emulate the feel of reading English fairy tales as a nipponese kid and not knowing what the fuck was going on.

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Is your event-code cat-related?
If so, they're probably universal.

Yeah, looks like they are.

The demo starts with an allusion that this is a repeat of the original play after it ended in tragedy the first time. So it isn't quite the original but it isn't quite a sequel either.

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Maybe something about the cyclical nature of rebirth, and video game sequels.

*not shown - the part where he takes it up the ass from the Odongh behind him.

It wasn't cat related but it was a phrase the page told me to punch into settings before I start. I was only an early bird backer so I only get the "in-game item" whatever it is. But if what you said about your code is true then they may just be universal cheat codes

This feels like one of the few fanbases that can acknowledge the flaws in its revered game rather than just spewing hyperbolic praise nonstop about every aspect of it

Didn't start with either of these??

i'd bet actual money on a theme of "doing it right this time" considering how Pathologic the game has a major theme of creating something, and the makers are literally re-creating it with the intent of "doing it right this time". and the demo starts off with the last day and you having fucked the poodle, figuratively speaking, and are offered another chance to "do it right this time".

but i'm also a professional wanker so feel free to call that the wank it is.

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thats assuming that the demo wasn't altered from the story we are going to get when the game actually comes out, which seems unlikely as the opening for the demo would be incredibly confusing to new players

I think the demo beginning/ending are more so an allusion to this being a reimagining and that OPs statement about the art book quote is more focused on it being a second coming of the plague in-game (which is on point to the events of the original), not necessarily the fact that it is an ADDITIONAL coming of the plague which would mean that the plague has come back twice in-game (for a total of three times which seems even more unlikely)

It's broken in places and while the tedium can be seen as intentional, it's still fucking tedious. This is a game that's covered in barbs to the point that one thing in the original remake Kickstarter pitch was trying to make it somewhat less of a chore. You'd have to be the most pretentious person in the world to act like this game is somehow perfect.

mine was also cat related. Maybe there's a small pool of options or something?

It starts with that first line, so I assume that at the tiers that include the Polyhedral Room that you'd have 3 cheat codes, then two for the non-polyhedral tier and then one for the basic tier (The one I got)

it has plenty of flaws and 2 will probably still have some flaws, but its still an incredibly interesting idea which most of the community revolves around

Would probably be the Clara playthrough. I reckon they'll have Haruspex go deeper into the Town history, Bachelor be r/atheism tier intellectual wankery and Clara be about getting things right.

This game is too niche to get e-points for claiming it's perfect, the next time you see someone on Yea Forums claiming games like Planescape or Innocent Sin are perfect you'd be shocked how a little prodding reveals they obviously never played it


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here actor...

Attached: Capture.png (949x305, 24K)

where are you even from? You're not from v or TV, you must be from 9gag or the sort

how is it

Not that guy but thanks, I was kicking myself about not being able to experience the in-game backer event too. If only we had the code to the Polyhedral Room too, we'd be in business.

I'll trade you an item code for bandages, a lemon and some coffe beans.


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>Theodor Bastard

>mfw I literally just now found out Theodor Bastard is making the soundtrack for this game

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makes sense, but makes it a little more suck that Haruspex comes out first. Going from Bachelor who snubbed all the steppe lore as backwater tribal superstitions to the guy in charge of all of those superstitions was a really cool shift in perspective, I hope they manage to make going the other direction as much of a paradigm shift.

Clara I don't even know. Her route was basically huge reveal bombs spread out over days of nothing or days of hide and seek in infected slums. I know IPL wants to do better by her but I suspect hers will probably be the most dramatic revamping.

no please tell me this isnt true. i want that map so bad

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The outbreak in the first game was the second outbreak too.

have you not heard this shit yet, brother?

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I know it's not by the same band but I absolutely loved this track from the demo. It sounds exactly like something you'd expect from a Steppe ritual, but it's also an eerie forewarning of what the town holds in store.

is it hard

Please don't talk about my game okay thank you.

Ice Pick probably can't restock anything right now until they make enough money to even finish the game and backer rewards, let alone sell extra merch that needs manufactoring

I'm just ecstatic at this news.
I honestly couldn't think of a better composer for the world of Pathologic. Used to listen to the band nonstop some 12 years ago - damn, how the time flies.
I avoided all information for Pathologic 2 up to this point.

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okay bby

You can easily mod the time limit and the walking speed in the original. The translation is pretty good in the re-release.


Will the soundtrack be as kino as the first one's?

I can't fucking wait.

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Can't wait for the games release and full zoomzoom time hits where every thread goes "L M A O L O O K A T T H I S!!!!"


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Are people meming or something? Pathologic was one of the worst games ever. It had a cool story but that wasit

Shit yes, I wouldn't mind at all if this ended up being the main menu theme for the real game.

>not liking late for work, busy day simulator

What if the game turns into a Twitch Meme and loads of zoomers starts streaming it.

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this game looks like zoom repellent

Doesn't exist yet you mong.

It's probably reaching that level of "haha look at this!!!!" of weird games.
Enjoy talking about the game while you can its gonna get fucking cancerous soon with epic references about each actor.

Albino fart on cock when?

they'll lose a shit ton of viewers, there just isn't that density of "shit happening per second" that twitch expects and demands

at most you'll get a couple of slower folks do a day or two to point out some weird shit. and honestly IPL could use a little bit more exposure so that they don't fucking starve to death. just a little though.

>have sort of wanted to play the game at some point
>bought classic hd on gog when it was on sale not too long ago
>haven't touched it
>pathologic 2 comes out in 2 days
>know the original game is decently long even if you only plan to play as the first character so not enough time to play and make an assessment on buying 2

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>they'll lose a shit ton of viewers, there just isn't that density of "shit happening per second" that twitch expects and demands
Weird games like yumi nikki and off are stream bait, not exactly popular but big enough to draw in the zoomies.

yume nikki is very visual though. Pathologic 2 has 250,000 words in it with only Haruspex's route. That amount of reading drops the tempo quite a bit.

if you were feeling adventurous you could do 2 when it comes out, and then switch to back to the HD game for Bachelor's route. absolutely no idea what that would be like but i bet it would be a pretty interesting experience; you'd know things about the game but wouldn't know whether they apply to the older game or not; you'd be constantly in a state of thinking you knew what would happen but also not being sure.

>Pathologic 2 has 250,000 words in it with only Haruspex's route.
I shitpost more on Yea Forums in a day.

Neat game but boy is it boring to have to basically visit every npc every day to see if they have anything interesting to say. 6/10 really liked the story and dialogue but fuck walking sims and fuck plague clouds

I just hope I can run this shit with my i5 8400 and GTX1070. It's over the rec requirements but you never know

>boring to have to basically visit every npc every day
what? You don't have to do that actor, just follow the quests.

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Pathologic is a russian walking simulator, it's not really streamer-bait worthy.

I think someone doing a blind letsplay would be comfy kino though