Outer Wilds

So this come out in a bit more than a week apparently. Anyone played the demo ? Worth a pirate ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Played the alpha a lifetime ago, game was fucking great, if they've polished it up it should be an absolute gem of a game.

I'll pirate it

Syncs up with my time off, can't wait.
Please don't be no mans sky 2

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Actually looks pretty good. Can't wait to pirate it.

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It feels great to play. There's no "press X to hyperdrive" shit. If you want to fly your ship you actually need to walk into it, walk to the pilot seat, sit down, and engage. You can even flick on autopilot and then walk around the ship. Very freeform and immersive

The universe has an actual orbit and gravity and shit and it genuinely feels like your on planets. No mario galaxy tier "I'm clearly just upside down on a little floating marble" crap


Shame it's on Epic

It's not Epic exclusive, it will also be available on The Pirate Bay.

I miss the threads with Yea Forums during the alpha 6 years back.

>Playing the alpha
>Land on a random planet to explore
>I go under the surface to a lower level
>Discover a black hole at the center of the planet
>The surface crust begins to crumble and fall into the black hole
>oh fuck my ship
>run to the surface just as my ship falls into the crevice
>jump after it
>fall to the hatch, jump in, and crawl my ass to the pilot seat all while in freefall
>as I engage the thruster I get caught in the black hole's pull
>escape by activating the fucking hyperdrive and slingshotting my ass out of a opening in the crumbling outer crust

it's TECHNOLOGY: The game

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You're making me moist user, don't you be talking shit.

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>Escaping from a Black Hole gravitational pull, meaning you passed the event horizon.


t. brainlet
Once you get past the event horizon it's just harder to get out, not impossible.

>people saying they're going to pirate it
Good luck, it has EGS's shitty DRM

I loved the alpha to bits, top-tier comfykino.
Good times.
>all those anons going into dark bramble blind

>Go into Dark Bramble
>See a light
>"Oh haha it's one of the camper guys I bet. I'll send a probe to take a pic"
>Probe goes out
>first picture is just fog
>second picture is a black blob
>third picture is a grainy ass black and white full frontal image of the fucking creature
Biggest spook I've ever experienced

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>PC and Xbox exclusive

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this actually looks interesting

>Game lets you turn on autopilot while you fly and jump out of the driver's seat to read your lore files
>The only sound you can hear is the soft hum of the engines
So this... is the power.. of comfy

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Is this the same game that those old webms of the giant space monsters in the dark come from?

No, you cant. Learn your physics.

The one in the fog or the one where the ship in the dark is actually a giant crab? This is the fog one

>Worth a pirate ?
The dev's shitty behavior is reason enough to pirate it.

Light can't escape a black hole. Once you're in you're in.

The ship with the crab living in it. They're two different games? As much as I can recall vaguely, the original game was just a tech demo and it evolved into something different but similar, with this "solar system in time loop" thing.

You forgot to post the fog one though.

Alpha was fucking great, been looking forward to it for years. I don't really care about the Epic thing, I'll just pirate it and buy it on steam when it's out there.

Not buying it, obsidian lost all my trust making it an epic store exclusive. Looks cartoony and rick and morty esque. Might pirate if the reviews are good.

Not the same game

Epic? More like, not epic!

epic exclusive = one more customer excluded

Holy shit, that does indeed sound comfy. Day 1 pirate definitely, might throw money their way once the epic timed exclusive runs out if I end up liking it enough.

>Crowd funded
>Removed content that was originally in the demo so they'd have less work to do do
>Epic store exclusive
I'll pirate it thanks

Looks pretty good but my PC probably can't handle it well so I'll acquire it without having to pay for it.

The event horizon is the point of no return unless you have FTL travel. It's l the point where light cannot escape which also means matter can't escape

>Removed content that was originally in the demo so they'd have less work to do do

They scaled back the game from the alpha, removed some planets or moons I believe

>Once you get past the event horizon it's just harder to get out, not impossible.

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You can't find a much more immersive thing that a black hole

Nothing I'm that post implied he was passed the event horizon. Infact because he said he "saw a black hole" pretty much means that he was outside the event horizon as a black holes "visual" appearance is it's event horizon.


isn't this the shitty kikestarter game that was supposed to come out on steam but then sold out to epic?
imagine supporting a fucking sell out developer


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>Being a snoyyger in 2019
No excuse to not own a pc

Weird I remember the alpha seeming much bigger then that

I have a MacBook with windows 7. Will it run on that?

Everybody should have at least a PC and one console.
PC for playing games for free and console for supporting the devs and exclusive games.

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Wasn't Kikestarter, but Fig (You know, that Kickstarter clone owned by that piece of shit Tim Schafer), and yeah, the people behind the Outer Wilds give a massive middle finger to their backers by making this decision and telling their backers right AFTER they had taken their fucking money. This is the same shit Epic said they wouldn't do, saying they wouldn't make a game exclusive to their platform within a short time of the games release window after the mess that was the Metro Exodus shitstorm.

Yet another reason to say fuck Epic and fuck anybody who signs up for exclusivity on their shit platform. Pirate all their games. Fuck em.

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Yeah it was a student project before they ran to Fig (kikestarter wannabe except by Tim Schafer and people can actually invest with dividends). That was 4 years ago, and they only announced it was now an epic store exclusive in the last month

Also one of the Devs is Hiro from Heroes TV show

Gotta love the developers response:"Rest assured that we read all of your comments and our goal is to bring the game to your preferred platform as quickly as possible." They had the option to release it as soon as possible by making it launch on Steam and other stores like Epic at the same time, but instead they signed the exclusivity deal for some extra cash to pad their wallets, delaying it on all PC platforms outside of Epic Store.


Just steal it, Epic already paid for it.

so is this actually true or not


Hope this answer helps.

No, nigga. That's one of the backer rewards for the version of the game we're actually going to see, and if you've actually played the alpha you'll know its the same.

Was fantastic when I played the alpha after seeing it on Yea Forums years ago
Going to pirate it

>admitting to pirating software on a public forum
Yikes. Have fun in jail.

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Can't find the blog post any more so maybe I am misremembering. This was back in like 2014-2015 before they had even announced the Fig campaign

To be completely fair, I can't blame the devs. Being a small indie dev is a notoriously precarious job, fuck up once and you're basically done (although you might get away with ten year in mobile game purgatory). Epic from what I understood, provide them with the guarantee they will be able to make back their cost, which is an excellent deal no matter how you look at it.

And if it manage to make me pirate with even LESS guilt than usual, well then everyone's happy.

>Escaping from a Black Hole gravitation pull, meaning you traveled an infinite distance from the centre

seeing those old gifs of the anglers in bramble world made me install the old alpha
then the anglers in bramble world made me uninstall the old alpha
fun game

Then they should say that they were given a deal they couldn't refuse and that they are taking it up for job security. Yeah, it would still feel shitty but it would be understandable. Saying "Rest assured that we read all of your comments and our goal is to bring the game to your preferred platform as quickly as possible," is just a fucking lie.

>Ebin game store
might have bought it on steam, liked the alpha or whatever like 6 years ago (?)

Maybe. I wouldn't put it past Epic to do some fuckeries like "You HAVE to pretend you aren't motivated solely by the money we offer".

This all sounds really great but the time limit sounds like a turn off

i've been waiting for this game to be finished for the past 5-6 years and in the VERY last moment they sold out to EPIC and all the interest in it vanished... what a fucking waste.

If they're smart they'll add some option to turn it off, maybe as a reward for completing the game onc,e just for people who wants to chill.

Time limit? Wtf. The first few posts looked like a comfy space exploration game, and now this. I'm out.

Well, at least the "read all of your comments" part is true.
Otherwise they wouldn't ban people left and right on the Steam forums and delete one thread and post after another.

it's just modern youth habving no backbone or own opinion, as usual. Fuck generation z

you fucker

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Was going to buy it but now that they're epic exclusive they can fuck off.
Straight up pirate bro.
Other than that cant wait, been waiting for fucking ever

Your understanding of physics is below of that of a highschooler


I might be retard but
>Physical insight into the process may be gained by imagining that particle–antiparticle radiation is emitted from just beyond the event horizon. This radiation does not come directly from the black hole itself, but rather is a result of virtual particles being "boosted" by the black hole's gravitation into becoming real particles.[9] As the particle–antiparticle pair was produced by the black hole's gravitational energy, the escape of one of the particles lowers the mass of the black hole.[10]

Elaborate. Except if it's twitter drama, I don't want that shit now.

Devs switched to Epic exclusivity a few months before release.

I think you're misunderstanding. Every 20 minutes the entire system resets. There's no real progress to lose. It's trivial to get back to a position you were just in, and moreover allows for really interesting temporal mechanics like certain areas only being accessible at certain times.

Do you think Todd will just copy this game and call it Starfield?

Nah, Todd is using the best engine for his game

That voxel engine developed by Ken SIlverman?

It's dead on release. That's why the game drops in a mausoleum.

so Space Sub Nautica basically? shame its an EGS exclusive but really all that means is comrade China just paid for all of our copies. Thank you based China

No, as far as I can tell, the main gimmick of the game is a timeloop of 20 minutes you're stuck in, while in Subnautica you had to craft your way up to escape.

Hawking radiation doesn't allow you to escape a black hole. Maybe individual particles of you in trillions of years but you're still fucked as an individual now if you pass the event horizon.

Psst user, we are under the gravitational influence of a black hole right now, a pretty big one at that.

It's 10 bucks on the epic store, I'm really tempted.

I honestly think you should pirate it. Epic covers their cost, and if you really want to, the exclusivity deal has a one-year limit

Thanks for paying for my pirated copy, Timmy Tencent.

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This game was a kick starter. Plus it's now an epic exclusive so fuck them.

These threads sure bring out the newfags.

It started as a kickstarter?
Mid-major game dev/publishing companies these days are so fucking terrible.

macbooks are designed too look hip not efficiently remove heat. So no.

Not sure if I am digging that time loop thing. Will wait for user reviews before even bothering to pirate.

sounds like shit

This, I'll feel comfy knowing the devs are just as comfy as me while I don't have to pay a cent.

Getting the PP and Hades treatment from me. If it's good enough I'll buy it on a steam sale in 2 or 3 years

I didn't play the demo but I played the free version years ago and it was great. If it wasn't on the Epic store I'd pay full price for it, sadly I'll have to pirate it.

From the launch trailer it looked like they reworked bramble world. Maybe you won't get eaten every few seconds if you fly too fast. Which is kinda shit because it was tense as fuck seeing the lights go right by while you sit in that small ship with the engines killed. Instapirate, and would've been instabuy if not for epic exlusivity.

PP ?

Yea dude, look out. The FBI are on their way as we speak.

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Phoenix Point, knowing the devs were the ones asking for exclusivity money just makes me feel justified in hoping they flop and die

I know nothing of this game.

Does it have co op?

pheonix point. Another kickstarted game (raised 1 million) that signed an epic exclusivity deal.

We can see all the planets in the launch trailer so no.

>yfw you manage to land on the Interloper
>yfw the land is alive

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man just imagine just giving money away to get a game made. waiting years for it only to have it release exclusively on a Chinese malware platform.

Play the demo faget, it's a fantastic method.

yeah i remember learning all about quantum physics in high school


Timmy truly is the hero we need

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why didnt the black hole consume the planet long before you ever showed up?

They fucked over everyone waiting YEARS for this game by going Epic Store Exclusive

It shouldn't be possible for a black hole to even appear within a planet to begin with unless it was created artificially. Clearly not going for scientific accuracy but may still be enjoyable.

>scientific accuracy
for autists

basic logic isn't for autists you thot

Is this no man's sky 2 or something?
How dynamic is this game, or is it just a theme park?

since when do video games have to adhere to "basic logic"?

its a theme park
and no its not really NMS 2.0

>the game has
>a world where sand from one planet flows to another
>a huge aquatic world with tornadoes that throw the player out to space
>a fucking "planet" that's full of ship eating anglerfishes
>a meteor with quantum problems
And you bitch about scientific accuracy. Go play with real life you fucking autist.

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>quantum moon is unlabeled
oh dear

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Isn't that the interloper?

No its the greyish one slightly below and to the left of Giant's deep.

sounds nothing like what i’d want in an exploration game, because that kind of a mechanic removes a fuckton of player agency

>muh player agency

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since if they dont then they dont make any god damn sense and arent fun as they violate basic laws of reality that you should know about via common sense

learn the difference between fantasy and reality

Ah yes, I forgot about how that one time when magic existed, demons walked on land, we had suitcases that follow people around when thrown, people sniff materia to gain magic skills, etc etc. Just go back to your euro truck simulator.

It's shit nigger. You have shit taste and you are a nigger.

It's perfectly fine for a game to disregard real life logic as long as its internal logic isn't ignored

t. facetious faggots
theres a big difference between "hey these guys can throw fireballs because they have mana" and "a black hole will somehow violate all known laws of physics and only do anything when its first observed"

also the suitcase thing was a bug

We're speaking about Outer Wilds, silly user, not Outer Worlds. Obsidian have nothing to do with it.

Wait where's the gas planet with those THINGS inside?

Ah yes, I remember the time when one mage casted a black hole spell and everything just blinked out of existance. Such fun.

>epic exclusive
no thanks duder


>no pictures, webms, gifs
>handful of people in the thread played it
>the rest are people arguing about developer shits or piracy

Yea Forums is a hell

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go cry about it on tumblr

>Newfag outs himself
Love this episode

>>handful of people in the thread played it
Thank the 2016 election newfag wave for that.

Go fucking play it you moron, I just downloaded the demo again and it's great. Also the game is all about exploration so pretty much anything is spoiling.

Everyone played the demo back in like 2014, user

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Yeah you're right, the interloper is the small ice planet.

does this game have any replay value, or is it more of a one-time thing?

based second world pirates

The alpha is anything to go buy, you will be replaying the game several times until you manage to solve all puzzles. Not sure if progress is carried over in ng+, but you won't cover everything the game has to offer in a single play through for sure.

One-time thing at least with the alpha, but it's comfy as fuck.

not bitching just saying the game isn't going for that but may still worthwhile experience. Or it could go then No Man's sky route and be complete trash.

So wembs?

EGS exclusive so hardly anyone will play it anyway.