>Other user on Yea Forums makes compelling, well-written argument
>Respond with "have sex"
Other user on Yea Forums makes compelling, well-written argument
>respond with 'have sex'
>am a virgin
>Other user makes off-topic frog cancer thread
>Fuck his sister and mother
>See two posters arguing
>Jump into thread, pretend to be one of them and say something retarded
user, i truly respect you, but i really think you should stop making threads like this one. With the due respect, they just worsen the quality of this board and shouldn't exist.
This is how it’s done right here.
have sex
That's literally what I do whenever I see an argument on this board
>pretending to be retarded instead of backing up your fellow user with superior opinion
>losing an argument
>user on my side jumps in and btfos the other guy
This is now a SNEEDS FEED AND SEED THREAD. Post your Sneeds.
Based, I do the same thing
>OP thinks he makes compelling, well-written arguments
we all have our delusions
the cancer saving 4chins
cringe and yikespilled
please have sex
My man
I mean, that goes without saying. Only someone extremely sex deprived is that obsessed with other people's sex lives.
>write down a sincere post about how i feel about something and why
>wish everyone that replies to me to get cancer
have sex
and remember kids, there is a funtion called "sage" which helps not to bump threads like this, not to be confused as a downvote
I'm 30. If I was capable of having sex, it would already have happened.
I'm not even mad or sad that you kids keep reposting it in your retardation, just a bit bored of the fact you can't think of anything original.
Based gigachad
user, please, you sound like an unironic boomer now. This isn't you, snap out of it.