Games only you played

Games only you played

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Other urls found in this thread:

No one here played Oregon Trail in vietnam.

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the best Panzer Dragoon clone a true forgotten gem

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I played it.

this hidden gem

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Is that a girl's foot?

I'm looking forward to the Netflix series, the witch-her, where every 2nd person is from Ophir.

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>mr. mosquito
>only female mosquitos drink blood and male mosquitos are born without the ability to eat, they just fuck and die

immersion ruined

Call of Juarez Gunslinger. The greatest homage to spaghetti westerns imo

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>Mr. Mosquito
>Obscure in any capacity

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Very flawed but it has some great cutscenes and it is fun

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>still no dpad hack like what they did for Yoshi's Safari so I can play it on my 3DS

I remember this game, but that box art is something else

seems like child foot

shit forgot my pic

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>knowing so much about mosquitoes that it ruins your ability to enjoy vidya


>a budget tower defense game has a better story than 90% of games

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Creepiest point and click I ever played, even the UI was terrifying.

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mfw we bought the game but didn't know it needed a gun

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My nigga

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Holy fuck I remember downloading this from some budget game site expecting some trippy tower defense game but instead I got that and an existential crisis

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Even better

OP's image reminds me of how back in the day game devs would hire edgy PR people to market weird japanese games in the west and they came up with these really cool looking box arts.

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Mr. Mosquito is fucking weird.

>sneaking past the censor bars with camera angles.
>people on live using the game as a chat room

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This is absolute common knowledge for every child in a non-american educational system.

aw shit nigga
this pile of shit came as a demo with buying my first Xbox Live subscription

>dat second half the reviewers never spoiled

>that last boss hypothesis

here's another example, an actual advertisement for Sonic Jam.

It makes sense because rings, but it's fucking 2D Sonic, does it really need to this edgy? This ad looks like some punk rock bands flyer.

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Why are these thread always full of absolute common titles, probably everyone here has at least heard of?
Try me.

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>*whistles for magic horse*
>*autoruns on road to quest marker*
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>*guys in Drowner™ costumes appear*
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half*
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof" *shows flipper*
>10 crowns received

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>Head Decapitation
This was my Mortal Kombat before I saw actual Mortal Kombat

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pretty good soundtrack

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looks fun

>What will you do now that you've had your revenge?
>Does it really matter? As I have sold my sold for it and will never again walk with those I've lost.

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It honestly was pretty decent

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This is unironically the best pasta ever created on this entire website

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is this based on the books, or was a licensed game based on the jim carrey movie?

>lives for so long he doesn't really care when the planet he sacrificed his body for is destroyed because everyone he loves is already dead and the planet has forgotten he existed after millions of years

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Story of thor 2 or the localized name " the legend of oasis " 2D Godness

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The art looks fucking great,
puzzles were frustrating and made little sense most of the time
The weirdest part is that the dev (and some chick) tried to voiceover all the lines in the game and added some fucking unbearable reverb to all of the lines. This shit can drive you insane

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Not having a memory card for PS1 made playing this and the scooby doo cyber chase game an endurance race
Don't think I was ever able to beat it tho, my disc was pretty scratched and would freeze a few levels in

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It's based on the movie.

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my nigga, amazing game

Patapon 3
Over The Hedge on GameCube
Jaws Unleashed
Carnivores:Ice Age on PC

>It's been four years and this faggot still haven't released Episode 2

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Oh and Monster House on GameCube

I love this mess of a game so much

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For the longest time I thought I imagined this game.

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There's two things notable about this game besides having a relatively unique combat system:
>Main character is just Gackt as a space deity
>Before you even get a menu the game drops you into a room with one enemy and then uses the footage of you fighting it as the intro video

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I wish Saturn version was translated

Why was gackt in so many videogames?

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A very fun and charming point and click Scooby Doo game

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Isn't it odd how similar to Cameron's Avatar it is?

no daphne, no fun

I like this game but this has got to be the best fucking past ever

She is there tho

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dude ...this game and silvester and twetty of the genesis are mine and my brothers childhood

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looks neat

Ironic you should say that when you're wrong. Male mosquitoes drink nectar.

I´d say there must be some fan translation out there somewhere, but I´m not sure this game has fans enough for someone to bother doing that

probably the only game in this thread, that no one else played

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It was also yet another tie-in game where the PC version was completely different from the console versions.

He was a popular autist who wanted to be everywhere and everything

Game from the creators of the Mafia

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Motherfucker, Mr. Mosquito came along with the PS3 demo CD, along with ICO. Everyone except for the most purest of zoomers have played it even though most don't remember it.

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I feel like this was supposed to be the stealth giant qt thread.

You must be misremembering because after the planet gets destroyed the protag finds out his granddaughter and a few others escaped the planet and established a secret outpost on another world. You continue to protect her and basically start genociding the race that destroyed your world. Come to find out later your granddaughter and the people who escaped were figments of the protags imagination because he went totally insane from grief after the planet was destroyed and his granddaughter died millions of years ago. You were basically genociding people millions of years in the future who don't even know anything about the protags planet

One of the best Games I have ever played

I owned both of those games and played them a fair amount. They were pretty good for what they were, even though I eventually sold both of them. This on the other hand felt like wasted potential.

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any means to emulate this? it's not worth 10 bucks to mean but it looks fun from what i saw.

This is my favourite pasta

>xbox emulation
If only.

Absolute shit.

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Imagine a mons game, but the battle system is robo-billiards and post-apocalypse

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any other means to play it?

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>games only you played

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wasn't it a thing on PSP and online worked?

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is it fun without online?


Realtalk, when krauts make rpgs, they do it right. Albion is probably one of the best.


How are oddworld inhabitants still around anyway? Lanning didn't make a new game in over a decade

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Fun Fact: This is actually a spiritual predecessor to Endless Ocean for the Wii

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the single player story is pretty much the only reason to play the game desu, the multiplayer is ass

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I know this feeling. I to, have impaled myself to avoid having to go shoe shopping with my gf

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>that soundtrack
Pretty damn comfy

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I think that game woke something up in me when I played it

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fuck you for reminding me i still have to tl the dev diary for this. i hope you're still out there, request user

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This is just Acceleration of SUGURI on steam now, it's pretty much the same
Still worth the 90c i dropped on it years ago though, playing with a fightstick is genuinely fun and I love it


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My nigga

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>no sequel where you run around on all 4's amongst your indigenous homies
I've never wanted to ree harder.

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>bugingai? more like bujingirl
Thanks Adam Sessler.

It was actually kinda fun

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This and Elevator Action Returns.

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I thought this was always a dreamcast exclusive?

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I didn't liked it in my first try, i should replay it.

Dreamcast? As far as i know, it's exclusive to N64.

Sin & Punishment was never on the Dreamcast. You're possibly thinking of Bangai-O.

Those games don't look similar at all. Get your weebshit together, guys.

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Reset Generation, mobile online multiplayer game from era when Symbian reigned and iOS and Android were still just new kids on the bloc. It was actually really fun little action-puzzle game, with no annoying microtransactions or anything like that.

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Yeah but did you play the SEQUEL to Mr. Mosquito? Yeah didn't think so.

dont play it

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Is the Albion Online games I've been seeing recently related to this?

Not sure why, it was pretty enjoyable.

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no entirely different beast m8,this game needs a sequel or expansion

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>mfw reading the gameinformer magazine review about the game

I was so hyped because it had the virtua fighter name attached to it

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This reminds me, how many of those XBLA games are stuck on there now? Can I get this game somewhere other than XB?

>gritty patriotic cover
>actual game is about sentient cartoon tanks in fictional nations

>also ended up being plenty of fun

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Unless they were ripped, they will be lost to time entirely (unless a developer releases the files online). This one luckily was put on steam a few years ago.

It felt so weird seeing Civvie doing a video on that. I was starting to think I had imagined that game, because I couldn't remember the title of it for the life of me.


Half the people who remember Mr. Mosquito remember it because they masturbated to it.


user please I remember first seeing on on some obscure youtube video back in 2001 or 2002

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Youtube didn't exist until 2005.

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I bought this at a Walgreens for like 8 dollars it feels like 15 years ago and it's in my top 25 favorite games of all time. #bringbackchoroq

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Owned and played it quite a bit, but didn't finish it for some reason.

tactics clone?


it was fun at the time

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>Man, you console/arcade types got your Street Fighters and your Mortal Kombats, but we PC master race got One Must Fall, so suck on that

It's hilarious how hyped up and overrated it was at a time.

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One of the best early-Steam store indies.
Saddening it can't be purchased anymore, and there hasn't been any current systems/OS support.

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Short, but great while it lasts.

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If you guys were going for obscure you failed

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fuck off, bet you didn't even play the hidden mini game

Super fucking rough around the edges, but I enjoyed the management/battle/adventure hybrid mess that it was. Plus, the setting was pretty nice. A shame we won't see any more Birthright D&D games, ever.

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There was ZERO footage of it online for 9 years

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i'm pretty sure i'm the only one who played this game

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That damned cover tricked me into thinking it was a reboot

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There's no videos of the cartoon this is based on

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My own game that I made, but never released. In my unbiased opinion, it's the best game I ever played. I'm looking forward to what the creator makes next.

i once made a game in game maker where many clothed girls look at Link naked while he does tasks to please them, it died with my old computer but i might remake it one day or make a sequel.

Share that shit nigga

No, I don't want it to get ruined by a community.

Share it just to me then

I just finished this! Fascinating, very atmospheric game.

You can't be the only one that played it user, because I did too. still need to finish the Dreamcast version.

Oh, I was wondering if you were still around. Nice to see you user.

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Just imagine all those super obscure PC/Early console/Arcade games that have been lost to the sands of time.

Cute feet.
All 6 of them.

every time

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boku no natsuyasumi 4

I 'member playing the demo

This beautiful mother fucker was on Demo 1, everyone played it. But only I beat it.

No, not american. Worse, japanese.
I'll take burgers any day over the absolute idiot savants that are the general japanese population. They beleive such bullshit pseudoscience and basically ignore facts for folk sayings and stories that they could make a brazillian or icelander blush.

every thread should be the giant qt thread

looks really cool. I loved PD on saturn

>not having faith in folktales past through thousands of years

what's wrong with you user

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The meaning of the title in the context of the game made me chuckle a bit.

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New game fucking WHEN

Fuck that looks fun as hell

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Another old traditional saying is: if all your friends jumped of a cliff would you join them?

Morality is a spook nations doesn't exist Be gay Do crime

Anybody remember that time they remade Bioshock for flip phones?

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ka 2 was even better

I actually really enjoyed Call of Juarez: The Cartel

I've been looking for ages!!

Mr Mosquito was a weird game, I am almost certain some footfags got a giantess fetish too after playing it.

nvm reverse search gave it up. Digger, indeed.

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I can attest to this unfortunately

It's literally Deception.

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i have so many questions

ok duck

I want to learn Japanese just to play this game

Did you know that the best version of gauntlet is for symbian phones,neither does anyone else ;_;

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Metal beetle > Metabee

it came with the first windows pc we got

I thought it was impossible shit after the 1st level until I figured out you could actually move the tank

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Used to listen to the soundtrack more than playing the actual game.

Great album.

I'm learning for one year now. And I got hooked up right from the beginning. even though Im absolutely no interested in manga etc. English is not my first language as well but there's something very intriguing in decoding kanji and katakana signs. Totally recommended

>xbox emulation on PSP
Are you fucking retarded

this was on a million view dunky video you dumb nigger


Bitches don't know about Gameboy Zoop.All these years later and I still have no fucking idea how to play it.

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I have that game though.


No one played this game

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user it is you who is the dumb nigger for watching dunkey and not realizing OP picked a popular game on purpose to kickstart the thread

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I think I recall a Scooby Doo point-and-click, but I'm not sure if it was that one specifically.

Oh Vita, yeah there's a 100% working Xbox emulator on Vita. It even has online

There are some flash games I made when I was 12-14 that I am probably literally the only person to play. I had them hosted on my own webpage that had basically no traffic over the few years it was up.

One of my best works was called "fish in a barrel", It was a barely functional bullet hell that involved you avoiding several hillbillies firing shotguns at you while you dodged obstacles in the barrel. Another one had you play as one of the hillbillies shooting fish that moved at absurd speed. There was a game that involved you doing timed clicks to drink as much mountain dew as you could before mistiming a click and throwing up, and a few other shit games.

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Cool, hope this isn't satire.

Can you give me link?

Just tell the jap his ancestor's ghost will haunt him if he doesn't jump, and he'll seriously consider it.

This game is fun as hell, beat it a few times, even w friends.

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Was kinda hoping to see this here. Replayed it a couple of years ago. Sick game, but kinda striking how shallow the combat really is

Fucking hated this game, but also was the first PC game I ever bought. Was worth the $5 I payed for it.

I've seen this recommended a lot the last few years on Wii "top ten" lists

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I played it. Never got to try out the 2P mode though.

it was pretty cool when it's not being IWBTG

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I don't think I ever finished this

I didn't like the style of Patapon 3 compared to the other 2, but I still loved all the games.

I had MySims Racing on the DS if that counts

The Polite Force is pretty good too

Am I the only one?

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We had a thread on this recently.

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I had both that and it's first sibling MySims: Kingdom, enjoyed both quite a bit.
fuck getting the robot legs though
Viva Pinata 3 never ever

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Assault spy

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I've never met anyone outside my family who has played Soul Blazer

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>big tiddy albino twins
>stern glasses girl
>obnoxious pink brat
>genki punch lady in a suit

Picked up

It's actually pretty fun, I strongly recommend it. It's super easy to break though, and some of the animations are jank

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I think I was the only person in America who imported a Pocketstation for ff8

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