Can't turn off the dub

>can't turn off the dub

Attached: 1531380509362.png (832x868, 371K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off weeb piece of shit.

>Cannot turn off the subs

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>can turn off the dub
>turn it off
>immediately switch back

i always play the undub version if its available

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>can't turn off the voices

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Brown > White

Fight me.

Attached: 1556957958139.jpg (553x413, 96K)

Why not both?

Attached: 1eff9a3f2f2552ec50aed92d9da8e458.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Miyu > Brow = White

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wtf you can't post this

Good thing most game offer dual audio these days.
As a non-anglo, I'm glad I don't have to listen to this god awful language in my vidya anymore.

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White > Brown except on Tuesdays

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what anime? is it worth watching? Im not into anime at all but i like cute lolis

Fuck off Fateniggers

Never happened

Boku no Pico is the title

very funny

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Can't stop won't stop

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dude looks based
go dilate



>Game has dual audio
>Unskippable intro plays before you can change the audio settings

What is it that makes dubs so shit? is it the dialogue?

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Fate Kaleid

Attached: drug deal euro.jpg (1000x667, 44K)

who are they

Game devs know that dubniggers eat any shit as long as it's in english so they find the cheapest 'voice actors' they can to save money

Ornstein and Smough

Me and user

Attached: 1405610237790.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

Effort and attention to detail
As a whiny "original audio only" fag I will admit I am a hypocrite sometimes because I play metal gear in English.

yeah thanks i found out thru yandex search but anyway

They're not shit.
They're better.
delusional weebs won't understand tho.

Hate this artist. His anime pussies are drawn so realistically, it clashes with the anime style

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Isn't English the original audio for MGS?

what are some other games like this?

Attached: dance.webm (854x480, 2.92M)

>His anime pussies are drawn so realistically
How do you know that?

Nope, alot of people think it's like a Resident Evil or Devil May Cry situation but it's not.

The dub must be really good or i just refuse to buy the game.

low effort
bad z tier voice actors

in germany, dubbed anime and weeb games are literaly the same 10 voice actors who dont even know what they are doing

dubs in more well known videogames and movies are betters because they are voice actors with good amount of experience and know what the do (example, witcher 3 and spongebob squarepants sounds amazing in german) while in animes you have people who has no experience, literally just random people from the street who get payed 50 euro for this shit

Surprising considering kojimbo

Heard it from a friend of a friend ;^)

Kuro best grill

American VAs suck, yet they still ask for huge amounts of money and people give them those amounts so they try even less.

God I wanna destroy Megu

t-think of the advertisers!!!!!

>mfw P5 with dub

Attached: 1538515925883.png (754x770, 511K)

Kojima is probably the reason the dub is so high quality, he probably pressed Konami to make sure it got proper directors and funding.

so is there gonna be a new season or nah

I need to see Illya, Miyu, and Kuro fight over Shiro

God I wanna smash Miyu's tight anus

jesus christ why would ilya dress up in such whorish panties like that? I thought she was the pure one


there's an OVA coming out later this year, but no new season announced

Attached: serveimage.jpg (300x460, 31K)

It's just a swimsuit, and she's wearing two bottoms so she's double pure

pure slut, more like

What's so whorish about it?

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tfw don't even know what that sounds like

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I think they ran out of material after the last season aired and they did the movie. I haven't kept up with the manga but it's only been like a year since the movie so probably not enough yet, especially since it's much more plot driven now than the early seasons.

>these are 11 year olds

What went wrong?

Obesity and mental diseases in the west.

don't you mean what went right?

wait, isnt she supposed to be gay

Gentlemen, I have come to say the C-word.

Looks like it went right to me. What appears to be the problem?

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she's canonically bisexual

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Kuro loves young girls but Shiro is the exception, everyone is attracted to him not matter their gender or sexuality

It's as bad as you'd imagine 30 year old burger hags playing japanese school girls would be.

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gotta get dem likes

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kuro's slutsexual

absolutely nothing

10-11 is the prime age for lolis

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They're dressing like sluts.
Illya is wearing a thong and no just because it has two layers doesn't make it ok.
And you just need one finger to pull down Kuro's top not to mention her hand is gesturing holding a massive cock.

This is wrong.

I want to be a slutty gay little girl that jailbaits for MILFs and teases fellow slutty little girls ;-;

>They're dressing like sluts.
So like any woman?

>This is wrong.
nah, you're just gay

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Here's a picture with some more decent clothing, just for you.

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>i prefer to read annoying subtitles instead of focusing on the visuals and gameplay

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Is fate lolis worth watching or should I just keep jerking it to the art without context.

She would suck off a dog for mana.

stop being a massive faggot just embrace your lolicon

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Its legit the worst dub I've experienced in a while, its not even the entertaining so bad its good like Xenoblade its just obnoxious to listen to

>Can't turn off voices altogether

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Miyu is going to win the Illyacup

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She's pure cute

Attached: 8851bcb6c437828de3b6eaad8f582981.jpg (1920x2708, 320K)

Yes, it's a fun show, great action scenes as well.

god I wish that was my hand

As is every animeposting sissy LMAO

Say the word Yea Forums.

Switch sequel for their game when?

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>It has no dub

Attached: tenor (5).gif (220x174, 261K)

No. I will not abide by this slander.
A child's youth should not be spent dressing up lasciviously when they themselves don't understands their own sexuality. This is an affront to the morals and ethical values our forefathers have placed. And while society itself has gone down a slippery slope of hedonistic indulgence, I will continue to stand by what is right.

This is how they should dress. Prove me wrong.
You can't because you don't have the Lord on your side.

Attached: proper christian attire.jpg (1920x1080, 1.2M)

>dub is actually better than the sub...
>...for the MC and a few other characters, but the rest sound terrible

Attached: illya dance.webm (854x480, 1.1M)

no man. how do you expect western woman to act like a high pitch japanese school girl in english. there is no comparison. dub will always be terrible

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bend over

>can't enjoy cute and funny young girls
it seems you were the faggot all along, user-chan

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>classy sunday dresses


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Thank god p4g let me mute the voices. I'm eagerly awaiting a rerelease with dual audio.

that's always the case for every "good" dub, why are dubfags so deluded?

wtf i love jesus now

>the dub is done in UK

Attached: 1551730072247.jpg (500x486, 22K)

not nearly enough slutty business attire lolis

>A child's youth should not be spent dressing up lasciviously when they themselves don't understands their own sexuality.

Firstly this is fiction, secondly I am pretty damn sure the girls in the show understand their own sexuality pretty well especially Kuro.

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I usually just leave the dub on. Nowadays they hire some pretty seasoned talent, and the directors are anime fans themselves, so they know how bad dubs used to be and try to prevent theirs from being like that.
Won't ever be as good as the original, but it's something.

Reminder to check any loli pictures you save in a text editor for hidden links to actual cheese pizza.


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Serious question here... How is imagery such as these legal? Please criminalize it, governments.

I just like bullying you. Animeposters are alright in my book.

wot uh buncha jokahs

but user

defilement is the best part of being a lolicon

I just want my beeps and boops back that change pitch and speed for each character.

You'll never take me alive.

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Kuro yes, but Illya has been corrupted by Kuro and Miyu is just a really confused lily that barely understand those funny fluffy feelings

because it isn't real faggot, its fiction

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After spending a long time consuming media with subs, I've noticed that there's always some kind of disconnect between the subs and what is being said verbatim on screen. And I don't think it's in a mistranslation kind of way. Japanese seems to use condensed words and phrases that have different contextual meanings and subs often attempt to capture the gist of the context in the translation on screen. There's a huge variance in effectiveness, but I think a lot of people prefer subs because reading and processing the written text gives them more of an abstract impression of what's being said, and their mind fills in the blank spots with more natural sounding dialogue in their native tongue.

I honestly find that I enjoy a good dub a lot these days as they're less susceptible to "anime-isms"; you know, the handful of phrases you'll hear in just about everything from Japan. You know what they are. Unfortunately, good dubs are in short supply.

Fuck the police

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>extremely competitive VA industry
>random people in Texas
Yeah I wonder who will be the better voice actors

This was already settled and there is no point fighting over it

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bcuz it's not real

Obviously not him, but is there any way to mod jap dub into P3 and 4? Does 5 have multi language? i still have to play all them mostly, just two months into 3

That would be fun to have in something like a big budget modern FF game. Cutscenes play and lips move but all that comes out a beeps and boops

Ghost Stories is the greatest dub of a Japanese product in existence and that was done in Texas

Noooo i am in NOFAP.

>Gilgamesh based as fuck
>always jobs and never gets much screentime
it's not fair bros

Letting old Yea Forums come here was a mistake.
Now, they hide links to child porn in loli images instead of sink images.
Same shit, different asshole.
Anyway, y'all enjoy your 3 day bans.
And dont save any images. There's CP links hidden in them.

If you have a cfw ps2 or an emulator you can download and play the p3 and p4 undubbed isos. P5 has dual audio as free DLC.

That ass is unreal

yeah nah I'm cumming deep inside that little slut

simply epic

prove it faggot

Attached: 1554585667528.png (384x360, 130K)

I dont know about 3 and 4 but P5 has the sub as something you download separately for free but it doesn't add subtitles to certain random dialogue in cutscenes. it doesnt matter thou its honestly worth the minor risk for the sake of not hearing the dub voices

Embedded data gets stripped from images uploaded here now m8

Absolutely based. Now I have to download them all!

>I honestly find that I enjoy a good dub a lot these days as they're less susceptible to "anime-isms"; you know, the handful of phrases you'll hear in just about everything from Japan.
Almost had me

C _ _ _ _

Attached: 1432566566225.jpg (341x460, 41K)
Doesn't even change the original loli photos that much.

I love hangman
Is there a U?



and how is this proof anyone is doing that in this thread?

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> honestly find that I enjoy a good dub a lot these days as they're less susceptible to "anime-isms";
This, a good example of this is in the first episode of the Desert Punk; they translate a very Japanese insult into "your mother's a dirty whore", this makes it a lot more convincing when the villain gets angry and Hulks out

you can think it but dont say it

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We wont know until we open every file as .txt in notepad and scroll to the hiding spot, but Yea Forums used to do it all the time with the "post sinks" thread, which is how I found out.

I couldn't turn off Infamous god awful portuguese dub. It doesn't happen just to weeb shit.

>he hasn't gotten his pass yet
lmaoing @ ur life

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C U _ _ _

We're all at the mercy of user now

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>ilya's untied panties

>this is official art

what the fuck japan

>this is official art
god bless japan.

cringe & bluepilled

>C U _ _ _
I got this Yea Forums. I'm thinking Indian right now.

Give me an R lad.

What kind of games do you mean?

Attached: 1506979874155.webm (626x360, 2.5M)

>ilya's untied panties
She doesn't know


>lolis in micro bikinis
why is it so good bros

Attached: 1552825285809.gif (418x480, 1000K)

>lolis banned from Yea Forums
>they relocate to Yea Forums

Even better. It's a movie ticket.

Imagine having that as your movie ticket Yea Forums.

Hellsing Ultimate is the best dub of all time

That's how you sell millions

The past three Prisma threads there have been hounded by the hot pockets. We're laying low for the mean time. Yea Forums is fast enough that the mods and jannies here get flooded by other shit and only see a cute and funny thread before it's too late.


I'll take Y and seal it.

Bad actors, both faith and talent

Who say this? i give this thread one hour

Good. Japanese voices are among the most annoying in the world. Even more so when they speak Japanese. Its grating.

I love my wife

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I'll give this thread going into bump limit.


C u _ _ y
You got this
Mods have mercy on our souls

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you will never ever be a woman

objectively correct

I want Kuro to use her mighty loli strength to pin me down and molest me

Unioned voice actors create for low effort work at higher cost, especially for an industry already strapped for resources. Never support unions

prisma dub is VASTLY superior to the jap version. The original voices are incredibly annoying, with every character having a forced high-pitched voice. In the dub the Illya has a raspy cracky voice that's really cute and sexy at the same time.
c for urself

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Attached: my wife 3.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

What modern shows have good dubs?
I've been watching old shit like Trigun and Ghost in the Shell, and the voice acting is pretty good. Is it just that the shitty ones got forgotten, or did it get worse? I haven't seen anything dubbed since Space Dandy.



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Is this koitaku? How's the VR support?
Oh, they are definitely still hiding things in these images.

>Grandma Ruby
what the fuck

dubs are just cringy to me. It makes it more obvious that normal people just don't talk to each other that way and anime dialouge isn't the best. With the sub I don't mind it, and can excuse it as a japanese thing.

Based jannies

Maybe you should read up on 4chans history and why it was created on the first place newfag cancer

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>encyclopedia dramatica

This is fucking hilarious, poor Illya needs to lay off the cigarettes and whisky holy shit

Attached: 1506882557519.jpg (326x324, 22K)

Better than high pitched ruby from the original. Hearing them talking with high-pitched illya and kuro makes my ears bleed.

but japs don't talk to each other like that either.

>dub has all native speakers of their languages for the various nationalities of characters
thanks Punch-Out, Bald Bull is so great

>they use japanese honorifics like -san.

Attached: 1546283182572.jpg (407x394, 46K)

You don't like Ricky Grover, user?

Attached: Yangus.png (921x1030, 1.09M)

There's only one place to go if you want to learn how to break Yea Forums's rules

Yea Forums?

I know, but since I can't really understand the language besides catching a few words and phrases its easier to disregard that.

Biggest Disney shill on youtube

English speakers use honorifics when appropriate, like Kojima-san or Miyamoto-san

we're not on Yea Forums

anyone have the darkened webm of kuro humping herself against ilya

I hope you're not serious.

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You know what I mean.
At any rate, posts are disappearing and the tide of loli has been stopped, meaning mods are no longer on lunch and only keeping the thread up to catch and ban more posters. I'll probably catch one just for posting here

Imagine being so emotional and weak that the literal transfer of information from pixels into images onto your retinas is enough to make you angry

Attached: smug anime 1.png (654x702, 415K)

I know, I KNOW!


Uh oh

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>the game has subtitles
>they're always the language the game is set in
Why do games do this? What's the fucking point of subtitles if they're the same language the characters speak in?

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I'm talking about a dub, not someone referencing real world people.

When I visited Tokyo, there were two girls next to me on the train that went "Ehhhh!?" every other sentence it seemed.

I don't think anime is too far off the mark.

Sex with Kuro

mods are fags, they aren't gonna ban anyone.

Attached: 1558410354839.jpg (1817x1055, 159K)

>ntr shit
get out

Me on the left

The mods fear the cunny

Attached: 1443077701084.png (1135x1452, 2.38M)

>ntr shit
Please stay.

>all these based cunnyposters
>not a single milfposter

Attached: milf 1.png (2893x4092, 1.11M)


Make your own thread you reverse pedo.

ew, fuck off disgusting roastie.

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Embedded files are no longer supported on Yea Forums baka

He is not if that were true i would know It already after all Yea Forums Loli threads are a little diferent.

They're just shadowbanning as many people as possible and waiting for the really nasty stuff before they 404 it. The cockroaches scram once posts start to vanish.

Undub P4G has been around for a long ass time now.

I love this artist a lot!

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Attached: milf 23.jpg (1280x704, 69K)

milfs belong to their lolis

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Attached: anon thinking about girlcock again.jpg (125x91, 2K)

>Bans doing anything
Oh no no

You want to fuck your mother? you sick piece of shit.

>probably the reason the dub is so high quality,


>he will never wrap his arms around his thicc mommy and hear her whisper into his ear "you try so hard everyday and I'm very proud of you"

Attached: milf 2.jpg (756x887, 139K)

Seriously redditnigger?

Imagine how hard Abib is fapping to everything posted ITT. Then he's going to ban the OP for 'being a pedo'.


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nice video game thread

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>broken web pages occasionally append HTML to the end of the images they serve. In most cases, the contents are unremarkable. But several images from the diaper fetish website contain the login credentials. These images are often reposted in diaper fetish threads on Yea Forums with the posters unaware of what's in them. You can find this information by opening the files in a text editor such as Wordpad, and searching for "password".
Just hide a link to the website and password, no need to hide the images themselves.
It's not hard, t b h

Nope, just yours

Attached: milf 4.jpg (1000x1500, 390K)

Based chars


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Yeah why the fuck do games do this? Why do i have to download a patch to play a game with its original voices? Is a contract thing? Do English VAs hate the idea that people don't want to hear their shitty voice acting in a weeb game?

Attached: 1e93a559-e608-4752-87fb-0934f72e01c5-920x584.jpg (920x584, 53K)

>forced original japanese dub
>but the OST is 100% english lyrics
Is this kino?

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Stupid fucking phoneposter

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That's not nearly enough to satisfy my degeneracy, i just want to contribute to a cute and funny thread.

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I've always liked the idea of games doing "voiced" dialog like Moon: Remix RPG Adventure, where all the voices are chopped and screwed samples of actual people talking in various languages. Like Banjo-Kazooie, but less cartoony.

Attached: 3.jpg (1280x1845, 599K)

Reduce file size, since most people wont use it and don't care?

Like the way Minda speaks and to a lesser extent Animal Crossing animalese

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Would you let your daughter dress like this?

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Sounds Slavic to me

Funny image, but who knows if it'll become a reality and the giggles are over.

Attached: despair.jpg (380x380, 50K)

no, engrish is cringe

No but my wife(illya) dresses like that

Man, I thought people were just posting cool sinks in those threads.

Too many people care for that to be the reason, especially since audio doesn't take all tah much space. They usually have the files still in but force you to change the entire lingual set up, including text

post more pictures of my wife please.

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Is this the best Prisma Illya doujin?

>play any persona sub
>can’t understand what they’re saying in combat

Attached: BF27D1D3-E6CA-4630-9D06-19B2B794B103.png (1280x720, 372K)

I'm pretty sure Midna's voice clips are actually fully translatable english equating to what she says in-game.
Animalese is sorta close, but the way that works is that it's just a pitched up/down voice reading out each letter individually.
I think the grandma's voice clips are some old Slav lady, yeah.

Japanese voice "acting" is really bad. To the point where I'll drop the game if there isn't a dub. Even the shittiest of dubs are better than Jap VA.

I fail to see a problem.

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I would actually LOVE more of this. Care to give examples? I dream of marrying a bubbly british girl since I was a kid. They are just joy made flesh.

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>modern devs ever caring about reducing filesize

She is such a slut.

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>Even japanese artists are in on the joke.

Attached: gffghf.png (214x396, 77K)

>no u

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>hypnosis shit
It's trash. is the good stuff.

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I actually got an IP range ban on uploading images for posting too much loli. Can only post text now.

No but I'd let my daughterwife dress like that.

Attached: ANTSIZE BEGONE.gif (49x41, 95K)

That's what you get for being an ironic weeb

>being retarded
okay then

That wasn't for loli. They've been doing that for all mobile users in the US recently. Not that it stops anyone from spamming or rping as /pol/ or a tranny.

Excuse me

I've come to a point where I don't instantly get an erection when I see loli's. It's become such a big part of my life it's just a regular everyday image. Fapping stays easy tho

The simple stuff they say as random battle quips should be the kind of thing anyone into japanese games or anime should have picked up on already.

My entire country is range-banned

I can't imagine my daughter to be dressed any other way.

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