who here Vader Immortal?
We just gonna ignore those hot sweaty abs?
post more sweaty abs
should I buy this, or I'm gonna regret it when index comes out?
Texas user reporting in.
Bitches are hotter.
Beers are colder.
Titties are bigger.
Asses are fatter.
>Titties are bigger
Except on her
I made this thread to talk about Beat Saber! Knock it off!
people are also fucking retarded in texas
And now I miss my ex and how she was into me cumming on her abs. Fuck you OP
dont you worry. Im gonna beat my saber alright
Abs are sweatier.
Pussies are tighter.
Bikinis are stringier.
Hell yeah.
nigger you better deliver, i swear to cowboy Christ
>beers are colder
how? I don't think so
It's baby/tanning oil you simp
I got one. Bought Vader pretty much just for the lightsaber dojo.
This shit is awesome, and I've had a Vive for 3 years, so it's not just novelty.
This guy gets it.
ive never had an urge to go to texas. dont make me go there to verify this myself
like 3~4 of my coworkers are from texas and they allll praise california
You forgot people are browner and blacker.
And the infant mortality rate is also the highest in the developed world
>are from texas and they allll praise california
they're probably faggots from austin.
Except you're wrong.
Also keep in mind that the biggest cities only make up about 1/5th or 1/4th of the population. So either our hicks are intelligent too, or the cities foster highly intelligent people averaged by the hicks.
But either way you're wrong
Also wrong and retarded.
Get fucked non-texans
>And the infant mortality rate is also the highest in the developed world
>Babies born to Black mothers had the highest rates of infant mortality.
I don't see the problem here.
>caring about kids
Let em die
source: infowars.com
>California third lowest
>VR so irrelevant Yea Forums would rather talk about Texas
So the stupid Vader thing is for Quest, but not for regular Rift?
>California third lowest
it's not that funny when a lot of those shitters are moving here.
I came THIS close to tracking down a Rift S today, but decided against it in favor of just waiting until Black Friday, to see if Valve might put out any deals for Index.
Since op derailed his own thread post musclegils.
>only moderately lower rates than shitholes in the deep south
Trust me, not a single Texan except those in Austin which is full if out of state implants like California. We all know it's a garbage can
>midwest on average has a higher IQ then south, east, and west coast.
>Texan except those in Austin which is full if out of state implants like California.
I live in the DFW area and it's starting to fill up with cali shitters.
Muh dik
Those are great abs, a shame her thighs are shit.
What this user said:
They're from the people's republic of austin where the dykes are uglier and the dudes live off onions.
Is this the musclegirl thread?
Based Wisconsin. It's all the cow juice, boys.
Coming later.
>That flood of deep south niggers after Katrina.
>All the Mexicans.
>The damn near monthly Texas furry conventions.
>That homo population explosion.
>That exponential growth in homeless populations over the last 5 years.
Texas is set to become the next California at this rate.
281 here.
The fact that NASA is here automatically makes every other state shit. Get fucked, stoneage fags.
I think it's because Texas has so many opposite sides of the spectrum. Lubbock has one of the best public school systems in the country with Texas Tech and its globally renowned medical community. But go like 90 miles southeast and you get to Abilene which is just a fucking hellhole by every metric with the worst Air Force Base and a bored methed up population. And then go just about 120 miles east and theres DFW which has all of that just bordering each other. You get ghetto fuckholes like Hulen and south Fort Worth bordering just drop dead gorgeous and prospering areas like Grapevine. And once again go like 90 miles south and you hit Waco which, when the feds aren't interrupting prayer, you have Baylor University with another globally renowned medical community. Which is not far off from Kileen which is just a den of Army rejects and their Dependapotamus'. It's like that all over the state.
>Texas is set to become the next California at this rate.
The influx of cali fags moving here just proves this more.
Heck yea!
For as much shit as people talking about Arlington being stab city, atleast all the gangbangers there aren't a bunch of whiney brats living in tents on campus while majoring in jack shit degrees.
Houston is practically the same as this. Within 10 miles you have a suburb with 3 story houses and their own private communal lake, a suburb with lower-middle class houses, and a fucking ghetto with run-down trailer homes full of sketchy looking niggers, spics, and rednecks.
>All the Mexicans
Texas was founded by americans and mexicans.
The true enemy is califags.
Look at those vagina bones
Honestly Texas is what California wants to be. It's just Texans see government as another business where as California sees it as a moral duty. That's why shit politicians in California never fuck off because they'll just find another heart string to pull, whereas Texas if they don't get results they'll find a way to kick them out. That's why California will cry all day and night about Green energy, but then get all butthurt when its pointed out that West Texas is a giant windfarm that makes Texas the national leader in green/renewable energy.
The Quest is a self-contained VR headset, as such it's graphically pretty damn poor. The Quest's sister headset, the Rift S would be the comparison point as that one is meant for PC proper and your buyer's remorse would depend on if you could even afford the Index to begin with.
The Rift S is $400 and uses no external tracking, it has inside-out tracking using five cameras on the headset itself so while it's better than the Quest and the WMR line of headsets, it still isn't quite perfect. The Index is $1000 and uses two Lighthouse 2.0 sensors, while the Index and its Knuckles controllers are inpressive you need to remember how bleeding edge the tech behind them is and decide if being first to something very few titles will utilize is worth an extra $600.
>West Texas is a giant windfarm that makes Texas the national leader in green/renewable energy.
the renewable energy thing would be bigger if oil companies didn't have their way
Keep seething.
True, but the more oil companies here realize they can make more money exporting they've been backing off. It's really nice to have a "high energy usage" month still only cost me about 80$ while living in a large city simply because the company uses the windfarms.
I keep hearing from people how based Katy, Texas is. Should I move there or just leave the country?
Yes you thirsty beta cuck
I just want to solar panels on my shitty home in waco without spending too much
Why on earth would you want to leave the best country in the world?
Because I live in the anti-American country known as Commiefornia.
>tfw no qt whataburger gf
Once I save up enough to buy some land and build a house I'm fucking off back to east TX.
I'm sorry.
>buy some land and build a house I'm fucking off back to east TX.
land in texas is fucking expensive and inflated
I know only black dick is allowed in but I I'd still like to hold her hands!!
Just go anywhere else. Katy Texas is apart of the Houston Metroplex so it's a mixed bag. If that's your thing then go for it. But actually look into what kind of an area you want to live in and work in before you pull the trigger on it. As great as Texas is, maybe for you personally going to like Tacoma Washington or somewhere in Montana would be better based on whatever reasons.
*gazes up at the big texas sky while sipping some sweet tea from my ten gallon hat*
Looks like rain
>land in texas is fucking expensive and inflated
it helps if you know people, my brother in laws parents own a bunch of land in Grand Saline and are willing to sell to me. The downside is the only internet access I'll get out there is through sat.
In general, I don't want to be crowded by people and I love nature. I'd be fine living 20 miles away from the nearest store provided I had a decent enough job, internet connection and acreage. But on the flip side, living in a big city makes me really wish for some sense of community.
I've literally heard nothing but good about Katy, from people from Texas and from people who live in Katy. The people I've spoken to from there were all friendly Christian Asians/white people, so it seems like a nice and welcoming community, and at this point I'd rather commute to a city than live in one.
I gotta get out fampai
>In general, I don't want to be crowded by people and I love nature.
maybe move to west texas like Midland
>I've literally heard nothing but good about Katy, from people from Texas and from people who live in Katy. The people I've spoken to from there were all friendly Christian Asians/white people
they're souless rich people, we have a shit ton of them in north dallas
how could californians possibly make texas worse?
As someone who has lived in Katy for almost his entire life let me give you a tip: Don't come here unless you can afford to live in an area where you're zoned so your kids go to the good schools, either Cinco, Seven Lakes, or Tompkins. Avoid Morton Ranch and Mayde Creek like the plague. Taylor is okay. If you don't have kids then don't come to Katy, our property taxes are climbing every year to pay for more stupid shit for these high schools, like the $70 million football stadium chron.com
There's a lot more brown people moving in here as well over the past few years, along with aggressive urbanization and apartment complexes popping up over every single strip of grass that's left so I wouldn't really expect Katy to keep the "nice town" image for more than about 10-15 years.
Definitely don't come here then.
>4 burgers
wtf man
>implying Midland has nature and isn't crowded
There's dust, hail, and petroleum, and fuckall else.
>and fuckall else.
Big Bend is pretty nice
They're already trying by electing a commie DA in Dallas that said theft below $750 is a-ok.
Now overlay that with the White population.
IQ is a meme
Fuck t.u.. Raiden is the best MGS character solely because he killed a faggot from that school
Wow, how homophobic. How does the People's Republic of Austin let this wrongthink persist?