Massive Mordhau Banwave

>There's currently an ongoing, HUGE amount of players getting manual game bans by the developer.

>As of right now, i got no idea what's going on but my theories are either a compromised game developer account and/or the developers are mass perma-banning people for profanity in chat.

>Regardless, if you own the game and don't want a permanent game ban on your profile, you may want to consider manually deleting the game off your Steam via Steam Support.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This wouldn't have happened if it was on Epic. Just saying steam drones.

the fact that a shitty "game" like mordhau even got popular in the first place further proves how pc gaming is reddit-tier.
the fact that it's run by snowflakes who ban their whole userbase for no reason is just the cherry on top.

LMAO dodged a bullet

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Same, this game fucking sucked.

>didnt get banned
>called someone a nigger at some point
thought i was a goner

what dont you like about it? we also have no idea why theyre banning people, for example, i wasnt, as seen here

Oh shit, at work right now. I've called people niggers before, so I might have gotten the axe. Its been an honor playing with you all

Fucking good. There's too many cunts on it that downright deserve to be banned.

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>usually top the scoreboard
>call people niggers all the time
>no game ban
As always, cheating losers got caught thinking they could get around VAC lmao

it's a game ban you idiot not VAC ban

Wait really? Might be hope for me then, as I haven't touched any of that shit, not even lutebot.

Game uses EAC not VAC

someone also said in the forums that the devs have acknowledged lutebot and said it wouldnt cause a ban.

No shit, retard. You tried getting around VAC and got a manual ban. Enjoy your ban, Russian cunt.

Probably the people that are using the toplmod to use the lutebot kit to be able to play music sheets on their music instruments in the game you get like playing the music through the fires and flames while in the middle of combat through the instrument.

Yep, everyone is fine. This shit happens all the time with banwaves and the cheaters come up with every excuse in the book, sometimes causing hysteria that legit players will get banned. In the extremely rare cases that people have been wrongfully banned on Steam, it's been corrected and bans were lifted every single time.

>schizo speaking gibberish

did you try playing off being retarded to going full retard

>bowniggers banned for aimbotting


>english is gibberish
Not surprising coming from a disgusting, cheating slav

This. You can't be banned if you're not playing.

As usual cheaters trying to make it look like these bans are a bad thing
>tfw haven't been banned because I'm not a faggot

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take your meds chink


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Anyone hacking or otherwise misbehaving can be reported to admins in their official discord. They probably built up a list over the last week or two.

i don't play shitty online games by shitty devs, crisis averted

see loser

seek help mentally ill gook

Me neither user

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I don't need any help, I'm not the one that got banned LMAO

So i can still call my teammates niggers?

ITT: For Honor/Chiv cuckolds complaining about cheatniggers getting banned
enjoy your dead games lol

i don't even own the game retard, takes your fucking meds retard


probably, but keep us updated on your nigger-calling experiences

Not anymore you don't ROFL. Retard indeed!


>if i keep repeating things its true

imagine being a sperg, take your meds tranny

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I get a kick out of the ones claiming they didn't hack when they already have multiple bans on their account. And now they're trying to spread rumors that lutebot gets you banned.

People say nigger on the forums and the devs don't give a shit, so I doubt you are going to ever get banned for saying it in game

>he can't stop projecting
Tell us more about your mental illnesses! Are they what drove you to cheat?

>no reason
>they literally said 3rd party cheat software
get out brazilian faggot nigger

Why do people who cheat in games always try and act like they didn't do anything wrong when it's obvious as fuck they did?

>thought he could get around VAC
>he did but then got permanent banned
now this boi is a salty


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>retarded hackers use the excuse of everyone saying nigger and shit on the chat for getting banned
>mfw I literally play screaming "gas the kikes" every game and still not banned

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but can they prove you were using such programs?

based kikeslayer

so this is why every player was either a retarded guy who couldn't even parry a simple stab or a god who was 360 parrying and chambering everything

How the fuck do u even cheat in this? auto parry?

take your meds tranny

Yeah, there wouldn't be any players to mass ban.

Balance patch fucking when? Getting real fucking tired of horses and fighting nothing but two hand weapons that two shot people in full 3 armor.

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while i don't doubt a lot of these are genuine I have once in my life been banned from a game and it was from fucking paladins by hi rez for "cheating". Ironically this happened just after my account was compromised. unfortunately the dev staff are too incompetent to put two and two together and thought after playing their games for 5 years I would suddenly start cheating in paladin's beta. oh well another person who will never ever play one of their games again.

Cheaters are cowards, they spend their entire lives trying to weasel in and out of shit for their own benefit.

Begone lute players!

>chinks get banned for cheating
>chinks use it to shill for epic

Yes, that's why 2000 cheaters got banned

>game comes out
>daily hype threads
>daily discussion threads
>nonstop webms and videos of gameplay footage
>endless memes
>constant discussion and praise
>people get banned for hacking
>"lol fucking shit snowflake reddit onions buzzword game for faggots"

Fucking clockwork, every time.

What game?

Because they spent money on the game or used it on their main account. Most F2P games that have a ban wave don't usually have a ton of people crying in the forums about being banned because they just make another account.

Boy am I glad I never bought this game



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This game needs balancing quite badly. Holy shit, most maps are imbalanced or at times can be exploited. Pic related, and no, shit like that is not intended you fucking mongos.

Then almost all games are also a fucking stomp, either you or the other team wins 0-600.

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a bad one

Bruh look at this dude

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Because when I cheated in BF3 I got banned for having my emblem be an offensive edit of the Israeli flag, and not actually for cheating

When has a massive number of players getting banned ever been anything but updated anticheat?

take your meds and dilate tranny

>Says lootbot isn't affected

t. never played Chivalry
It's meant to be on the "realism" side. In real life it didn't take 5 hits for someone to murder a knight in full plate with a war hammer. Armor is meant for glancing blows, smaller shit like knives and the kinds of shit peasants had. Platemail did fuckall against a full on horseback charging stab to the face. Hell, even arrows would shred through it at close enough range. Look up bodkin arrows, that shit didn't fuck around.

Cheaters BTFO
>b-b-but it was a compromised account!

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Glad I refunded this piece of shit.


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Because swords aren't hammers

Everyone in that comments section complaining is clearly a cheater. If they actually wanted a review they would just submit a ticket or something. Seen this a million times

that's why you get banned

if they were honest and honorable they wouldn't likely be cheating to begin with

Every. Fucking. Time. It never gets old. It's like they think eventually their whining and crying about their hacking will eventually lead to them to be unbanned. "My brother was playing, he hacked!" "Someone stole my account!" "I never used any hacking software, this was a mistake!"


lmao every time

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Uh oh, he's stuck on a loop!

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>calling other niggers
>you can't play as nigger

devs are based and banning cheaters.most of them probably dont even speak english, whats the problem

This guy is some mook, not a well-trained, muscular ass knight who's life has revolved around learning to fight.

Fuck off Chivfag, that game is clearly meant to arcadey and the shit weapon balance is hurting it.

They should just instaban slavs, chinks, germans and brazilians right after taking their money.


>How did you know i like speedrunning


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For those retards claiming they probably got banned for using LuteBot once or so, no, it's not true, I used that piece of shit once to see how it works then quickly just gave up on it since I didn't actually like sitting around like a retard and being useless.

I used LuteBot and I'm not banned, can still play just fine.

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Just say nagger or nugger so you don't get caught in filters

You wanna know how i'm not banned user

i don't play shit games

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the devs straight up said lutebots don't get you banned. if you're banned it's because you're a faggot and cheated. if anything this is an extremely positive thing for the game. GTA V has had an unchecked hacker problem since its launch and it's ruined the game for me and my friends.

>he won't stop obsessing about trannies
>posts a picture of himself
>he's a fucking tranny
you can't make this shit up L M A O

for existing

The only thing that needs balancing is the bastard sword needs a speed boost for 2 handed mode. Right now two handed mode is objectively worse than one handed mode. It should be 50ms faster for wind ups compared to one handed.

Other than that your complaints are moot. Should short spear, rapier, arming sword, and shields get a buff? Are you fucking retarded?

edgy.... i like it

I've seen a few streams of this game and it seems very honorable duel system is that the case for the most part?

that's clearly you in that pic
your tranny dad sent me the email
they gotta take you to the tranny asylum
because you won't take your meds
there you can HRT in the padded walls
and dilate free with the other broken soimales


yeh on duel (deatmatch) servers ofc not in the clusterfuck frontline team modes

Stop it, you closet faggot. You are obsessed with them. Nobody else brings that topic up or has even pictures of them saved on their desks unlike you.

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>I don't agree with your opinion
>get banned
This is the future you cucks chose.

Imagine not using hldj

What is the appeal with cheating in online games
Attention? I dont get it

Dark Souls 2.

Holy shit the people crying on their forums, steam forums, and reddit is fucking hilarious. Serves these sacks of shit right lmao.

That steam thread is a goldmine kek

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Not talking like a child means not getting banned. Seems simple enough. Not sure why there'd need to be a whole shitty thread about it.


Good. Fuck these faggots, even lutebotters. If you're too much of a shitter to learn how to play the loot but still wanted to be le ebin lute player then you deserve to be banned. Fuck off rebbit attention seeking faggots

how do you even cheat in this type of game

game doesn't have voice chat though

oh no the tranny is gonna shoot me because i didn't say the correct pronoun, quick now haul its freak ass away to gotham asylum

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Auto block/parry/kick, aimbot for both bow and melee, esp


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>yesterday my friend was whining about some faggot instakilling him with crossbow every single time he spawn
>maybe you just suck ass at the game bruh

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>This post
Giving niggers human rights was a mistake.


I'm honestly happy that these ''people'' get banned, it brings me joy.
It's almost as if Christmas came early this year.

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>tfw refunded this kike game because it is just a chiv/M&B FOTM clone

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major cringe

>game gets popular on Yea Forums
>banwave for cheating
>haha incels you're getting banned for profanity!
like clockwork

Should I just pirate it bros? Least if I get banned I wouldn't have payed a damn thing.

get a room and have sex

Oh okay, lead by example, kill yourself.

Have sex Tranny.

W-what? Where in the process would we have time to do that?
What happens is: we get Bob, sit him on an office chair blindfolded. We spin him around real quick-like and once he's nice and dizzy, he tosses a handful of darts at our playerlist ban wall. Wherever the dart lands, the banhammer falls.

It's a pretty great system, don't you think? We usually have drinks and a good chuckle at all the schmucks that bought our game.

Yes, you should pirate the multiplayer only game.

seething trannies

>they're only banning cheaters
phew, I was phoneposting and you got me so worried I had to get up, turn on my PC and check steam and mordhau to make sure I didn't get caught for spamming "knigger" in games

thank goodness I can keep doing that

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very smart very smart you got me there i'll slit your throat now

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only if you beat me in 1v1

This must be an EU thing. In my 100 hours or so, I've seen one guy spinbot parrying and that's about it. Go to cheat happens/ w/e and look at the forums for whatever the hax is and see what they're saying

3/3/3 Executioner

glad i refunded it after 50 min and bought mogstation shit


This must be a US thing. In my 100 hours or so, I've seen one guy spinbot parrying and that's about it. Go to cheat happens/ w/e and look at the forums for whatever the hax is and see what they're saying

>guy states he's got hacks from Yea Forums in chat
>proceeds to spam chat with edge shit
>tks, trolls, gives enemy our horses and catapults
>talks about torturing,disemboweling, and hanging people from street lights in what he calls a day of the rope
>gets kicked/banned from server

Why are we fucks so autistic whenever we out yourselves?

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Yes. Cheat detection is a thing.


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What anime is this from? I swear I've seen a hentai gif in the exact same style

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Of course. Epic store would never have a shitty game like this.

Because most of the people that are like that are literal children

Day of the Rope is actually a /pol/ meme, not Yea Forums.

hope that fucker got banned fucking death threats to a tribe leader

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Not my case because I don't even have the game, but now I'm curious about something.
A friend of mine got banned for using autohotkey in the game.
I do use AHK as well, but only to control volume while i use headphones because my keyboard lack the dedicated buttons.
Do you think I would get banned(if i had the game) for this?
If so, they absolutely need to fix their methods of detecting cheats because there's a lot of software like AHK that COULD be used to cheat in games, but it's extremely useful for other tasks, s banning someone who's not cheating just because something like AHK was active is absurd

What sword is that?

>hackers and Russians getting banned
Why is this a bad thing?

They also check your game stats, if you block, parry and chamber 99% of the time you get the banhammer

easy little guy, beat the tutorial first

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looks legit guys im going in dry

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Day of the rope is something that was around long before /pol/.

Longsword with the alt skin.

>Shells peddling their shitty game as redpilled and non sjw are no where to be seen
Fucking kek that that Mordhaufags

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yeah that sounds about right

Yeah, but let me make an example:
As i said, i don't own the game, but i assume there's some combination of keys that is used in game, so if action X is performed by pressing 2 keys at once, having AHK set with a macro so that i only need to press another single key to make the 2 keys for the action X seen as pressed, that's cheating.
Can they detect this? If so, they do it by simply checking if a AHK action is performed while in game, or do they check what AHK action was performed?
The latter seems unlikely, as they'd need to know the script you're using and see what it does, so i assume it'd the former, and if thats the case, if i play and press my combination for VOLUP or VOLDOWN, that would also trigger their detection of "cheats", even if i did not cheat.


LOL was playing last night with a friend who just bought the game and he said "I was just spectating someone and they were swinging like crazy but their stamina never went down, what the fuck?" probably cheating I said..

>ban wave next day

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These tears are delicious

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People only say that because there's no chat moderation, which is still the case. All of these bans were for cheating, which was becoming a problem.

>2h bastard needs a buff
>taiga needs something so that red doesnt constantly have control of the camp without blue just being a much better team
>kicks need some sort of buff
shields could probably do with having hp, making them breakable after taking a lot of damage
>rapiers could probably use a nerf on speed, but then they might just be useless

or a lot of these might not be necessary at all if different weapons used more or less stamina for attacking and blocking them depending on their weight, and shields used more stamina when used to block outside of a perfect block

AHK is detectable by EAC, so yes.
Although this does vary on what settings the developer wants EAC to use.
I had a friend banned from fortnite for using an auto-repeating script to fire semiautomatic weapons fast.

I believe this is, most likely, because he set the repeat to fast and so the game said "humans can't click at 40 clicks per second, retard". So you might need some level of randomizer or to make commands in a more human level of speed.

They always have the same kinds of responses. If they actually believed they didn't do anything they would be emailing the devs or another formal way. They just whine on the forum post and leave nonsense negative reviews.

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The salt from ban waves is the best kind

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the tears are delicious

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Calling the cops, you're going to jail now faggot.

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you can say nigger all you want, you just cant cheat

All you faggots saying you will be banned for profanity got banned because of cheating. Fuck you faggots, you got manually shafted by a dev since somebody sent proof on discord. That's how it works so enjoy your ban you smegma russians

cheaters are the only group that castration would fit the crime. especially the ones that try to justify it

Kick already got buffed hard against shields and rapier stab speed got nerfed. In general they need to re-balance with the goal of encouraging more weapon use variety. Starting to see less and less.

I have never heard of people getting banned for AHK on EAC based games unless they are doing things directly ingame.
Usually this is because their scripts are spam-macros or shit like that.

If you aren't doing anything nefarious, you aren't really in trouble. If you are using things that would create artificially fast reactions

Someone post that cap that goes something like:
"yeah, my brother/cousin downloaded a hack, can I get unbanned?
>Good news, it appears your account is in good standing!
"Cool, so I can keep hacking?"
You know the one.

im the first quote there. get some reading comprehension

that's my post there retard

This. Saw crazy variety at launch. Now, all I see on FL is zweis, execs, and mauls.

>infinite money
that's it right there, case closed.

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fuck off you piiesnigger

shit, I'm the one lacking reading comprehension in this case

Based devs.
Rejoice on cheater tears

Based. Anglocucks on suicide watch

So I assume that my volume control script would not trigger their detection, but that also mean that cheats such as the one i mentioned(pressing one key to simulate multiple key presses) would also get unnoticed, because a human can indeed press up to 10 keys at once if he so desires.
I know it'd be something trivial and most likely unneeded, but if someone does this, using simple macros for multiple key presses or human like speed key sequences, that's still cheating, but would not get detected.

So that VAC ban means they've been banned from another game too, right?

I wish the devs of Payday 2 did this as well. I’m so sick of seeing zoomers with their “trainers” going through walls or instaspawning the lootbags into the van just because they think they should be able to reap all the rewards without any hard work.



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so you're saying Epic doesn't allow bans for cheating?
I guess you're right but that doesn't really help your case

Usually mass bans come from people buying stolen CD Keys on shady websites.

Taiga needs both team spawns moved up by at least 25% if not 50%. You spawn almost twice as far away from the enemy flag in taiga than the other maps (grad, camp, mountain peak is 70-80m, taiga is 120-130m). Notice when you play it. It's why taiga is such a fucking drag, it takes a full minute to spawn and reach the next goal.

Fucking lel

There's no filter server side, devs said something about client side filters.


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>call someone a dick sucking faggot who needs to stop sucking dick at the truck stop and git gud
>votekick fails

Based. I cannot wait for the tears of crying children about how it's "unfair"! Hahaha!

EAC works on varying levels based on what the developer wants it to. It isn't entirely known what it can or can't do.
EAC will ban you for things in fortnite that it won't in, let's say, vermintide 2.

So...hard to say what you can get away with or not.
My understanding of it is that it looks for things it considers impossible to do otherwise. If you are clicking M1 at 50+ times a second you are obviously doing something.
So it depends on the macro and it's function.

So I imagine one might be able to get away with an auto-clicking macro if they randomized the time. So you may fire at 8shots per second, but the time between them was 100ms, 50ms, 75ms, etc.

first sekiro, now this. why can't pc mustards play games without cheating?

Meh, I don't trust that. I know devs are based but all it takes is one dev who care about that shit to implement server side filters and/or keep chat logs for review later. Would take one dev to throw a wrecking ball through the entire community like this.

3rd worlders and brainlets

>People are fake
At least he got one thing right

devs only just added anti cheat on the 21st, i refunded the game before then and didn't see it in my files when i uninstalled, so its either untested and they don't know EAC has a problem where it detects third party unsigned drivers, i'm banking mordhau devs are retarded.

Red base spawn on Camp is the same, it's so far back from the neared point and cart locations that's its basically GG if blue gets that last cap point.

I use my unlocked scroll wheel to spam stabs. I hope that never gets picked up as a cheat. It means that I will never, ever lose a timed stab battle.

>perma-banning people for profanity in chat.
>tfw I've used the N-word with a hard R at least a thousand times
Scared of logging on desu.

The funny part here is that these people were not VAC banned.
He was vac banned in 2017. So he now also has a VAC ban and a game ban.

The community is trash anyway because devs are pandering to the Chivalry Dancers.

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If you're gonna be opening racist like that...you gotta be creative and/or educational.

How must life feel like knowing that your account is flagged and you look like utter shit to anyone. Or even worse, never be able to play a valve game.

To be honest, I do not doubt that it's obvious you do that.
But...you also don't do it as consistently as you think.
If you were to check an input log, or something akin to it, you'd find variations from when the first one appears to when the second/third/etc attack. Macros are really good at doing something precisely the same everytime.
It makes them obvious as fuck.

>The Official Mordau Server Rules are as follows:
>Racism, prejudice and offensive content: Use of derogatory, offensive terms on official servers is not allowed. Conduct yourself in a polite manner or you may be temporarily/permanently banned from official servers.


I cheat all the time and if I get banned or vaced, Just make another account in 5 minutes and continue on.

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Oh fuck I'm actually gonna get banned.

that's actually pretty useless, and easy to counter by just shooting the daft bastards

Are cheaters actually the most diverse group in gaming?

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how so? as far as ive heard, the main reason they made the game was that torn banner wouldnt update chiv to get rid of the exploits like 360 swings and reverse overhead swings

Good thing I focus on the game rather than typing in chat

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dubs of truth

you're fine

user why are you discussing videogames in a /pol/ thread?

going up against cheaters is fun, getting #1 on a server against a guy using an aimbot is the best challenge you get get in a game

the fact that games are designed in a manner that someone who cheats gives people a disadvantage that actually makes them mad means that you're probably playing games that are manipulating you

so far hasnt been enforced


All the racist fags I've run into have been griefers and all around shitters.

Its not eac idiot

then what is it idiot

>Every single post is a RUS or chink
I haven't felt this good in a long time, and I don't even play this game.

What's up Boris?

racists getting absolutely BTFO

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>Armor is meant for glancing blows, smaller shit like knives and the kinds of shit peasants had
This guy's talking out of his ass .Plate armor was completely effective against swords, axes, spear and other cutting/stabbing weapons in general. In fact, it was virtually impossible to actually kill an armored opponent when he was standing upright because any blow strong enough to kill him would be absorbed by the armor and knock him over. All the real killing of armored men was generally stab wounds to the nasal passages and eye sockets. You'd need something like a Lucerne hammer to kill a knight in one blow standing up.

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since slavs, chinks, and brazilians can't help themselves that's already how the system works

i called people the n word a lot , should i contact the steam support?

It's, mostly, since actual heavy armored vs heavy armored fighting rarely occurred.
The modern concept of the "knight" barely existed. The majority of all troops were lightly/medium armored and usually just focused on the key areas.

Try reading the thread, my dear redditor furfag.

>not knowing the any% bad ending run.


Dragging is not nearly the same as the chivalry 360 swing. What needs to happen is a slight nerf to the ability to drag on a few of the heavier weapons.

wow i cant believe i literally got banned for NO REASON fuck this gay ass chivalry clone with no maps anyway

Talking out your ass again. During the War of the Roses there was a ton of dismounted armored combat, they were just men-at-arms wearing plate rather than knights.

There are varying levels of plate in history user.
If you think the entire war was fullplated head to toe soldiers, you are mistaken.

The devs confessed in one of their announcements that they made armor unrealistic in order to serve the gameplay. Heavy armor back in the day would stop damn near anything, and the only effective ways to kill a fully plate armored combatant were to find gaps between armor pieces, or go ham with heavy blunt weapons, especially on the head.

This is what happens when you get all your info on medieval warfare from Chiv

I only ever got permanently banned once and it was in Ring of Elysium because I was streaming with OBS while I had the anti-cheat compatibility hook disabled. I heard it gave better performance but it didn't really help. I emailed tencent a million times and they never answered me. Still kinda mad about it because I was actually pretty good but fuck those gooks.

>playing popular games filled with third world hackers

Attached: 1532562085536.jpg (780x927, 595K)

Are you using scripts of any sort?

It really wouldnt, you'd be banned while you were trying to buy the game LOL

Lutebot Redditors B T F O

Attached: 30 yo boomer garbage.png (624x951, 891K)

very cringe post my man, maybe go back to /pol/ roflmao

girl knights when

they weren't banned

Well played.
Received my refund to on debit card today.
Who knew the "pros" who made the game would be such little bitches?

Yikes maybe resetera is more your speed

>cannot make a functioning chat
>cannot make a fucking team chat
>kick feature and self-moderation are half-assed and awful
>no report button

they can't be possible retarded enough to manually look at chats and banning people for actually having fan with some sick bant. my bet is on some software or human mistake. they wouldn't be the first small dev to go on a drunken banning streak.

my brother

Attached: Untitled.png (808x117, 5K)

>say words
>money stolen

What should I spend my Mordhau refund bux on.

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Why would you ever go up the sides of the mountain map? There is literally nothing there. All the points are in the center.

Jump Force

it's for cheaters, some false positives might have happened.

it only takes the smallest effort to dismantle Yea Forums misinformation brigades.

Attached: Discord_wUk486MTb7.png (649x584, 88K)

plate armor was mass produced from 1500 onward, retard.

All the fags I've seen who get butthurt by the word horsefag either are shitters at the bottom of the leaderboard or fags with furry avatars using longbow.

Which ones?

>all these fags who have never played the game pretending these were bans for banter in chat
Why do people do this? Do they just hate the game for absolutely no reason?

Nothing. If you were banned from Mordhau you were using a cheat client. Play single player games or don't play at all.

>literally installing a spyware that searches for the third party software
Jesus, steam is truly a jewish malware cancer.

>Do they just hate the game for absolutely no reason?
First time on Yea Forums?

Tortanic fucked this place more than gamergate and election.

What? I wasn't banned, I just refunded it because I didn't like the game that much. It felt like M&B with 4 maps.

>decided to kill some time and play some BR
>4 games in a row spawn nowhere near a chest
>instead spawn by 2 guys who are literally standing near chests on spawn
>alt f4

this is why people cheat

dunno, get some opiates or something

I should give this game a try. Is it like arena PvP shooter but with swords?

I've been on here a while, but the types of games I like have only started to get targeted relatively recently. Do these people just hate Yea Forums and anything that gets popular on here?

>mfw I actually cheat and haven't been banned
Lmao, get fucked cocksuckers.

Attached: 1446911940488.jpg (2560x1440, 1.04M)

I recognize that game. Time to search you up in recent players :)

>perma-banning people for profanity in chat
People seriously believe this? People getting permabanned are probably shitters using the few cheating tools that were already out for the game

This. If they banned for profanity they'd be banning about half their userbase. I see "fuck horseniggers" about 10 times a match by different people.

>Yea Forums filename
I believe you :)

>the developers are mass perma-banning people for profanity in chat.

yeah basically.the most played mode is frontline, where you just throw your body 2 times/minute trying to capture te enemy base in a 32vs32 madness.

what i like is that there is space for virtuous players to get freaking high scores (horses as rare spawn, killing heals you back, it's easy to outskill faggots and get 1 hit kills), as well as place for shitters as me to shit all over the place (crossbow, bow, firebombs, catapult, playing the lute, building useless barricades)

Don't forget to cry like a bitch when I'll headshot you with a bow from the edge of the map.

Absolute retard

Found a newfag.

Attached: 1513589438788.png (247x52, 3K)

There is no source. They announced why the bans happened and it was because of cheating.

>>cannot make a functioning chat
>>cannot make a fucking team chat
So you mean Y and U for chat and team chat like it already is in the game?

It's literally a dark souls mp level bans when innocent people are getting banned and actual cheaters don't give a shit. Incompetent devs think that anti-cheat software is easy.

looks like wataten or something like that

No one is getting banned for profanity lmao
2/3rds of the playerbase would be banned by now if this was the case

Yes, they do. People here enjoy seeing things fail and will anxiously wait for something to die, no matter what it is.

t. cheater

Are medieval games just cursed? They always seem like they can't exist without some kind of controversy.

Boy, the Mordhau forums are just like steam's VAC forum right now lol

You set up ballistas and can spam directly into spawn

Rocket League codes to resell after they move it to Epic and stop sellong in Steam

I never understand the mindset of cheaters in vidya. Especially something like Mordhau thats just running around swinging swords at dudes.

Darksouls games are infested with cheaters who never get banned, and I never get what is so fun about invading people for 8 hours a day with invincibility so you can just kill helpless players over and over again.

Attached: i dont even know.png (640x480, 439K)

What said mostly
The only people on the sides are archer faggots, balista faggots, and people clearing out the former two. Depending on the current point it can also be a spawn point.

It shouldn't, the timer of 0 days means its most probably the ban for the game in question unless Steam delays the record for the most recent VAC bans by a bit.

That should be illegal.
A permanent ban should imply a refund.

They're mostly just shitters angry that people with skill are having fun with the game.

>have friend who upon getting a new game will always fire up cheatengine and give himself unlimited currency and max out his level right away so he can breeze through every game he plays
>wont play multiplayer anything because it "stresses me out"

Attached: what nigga.png (600x512, 298K)

Please give a negative feedback so people stop buying it.

Mordhau isn't VAC though. What those profiles
Say is
>Zero days since last ban
>The last ban was the "game" ban
>BTW this person has also been VAC banned

you signed a tos :^)

To make people upset for attention. It's no different than the motivation behind 99% of the posts here.
Bad attention is better than no attention.

>skiddies cheat in game
>get banned
>t-the SJEWS did this!!!
Every time.
>using the fact that you're a sperg who spams nigger in normieland as a defense

Attached: smuggefox.png (373x304, 187K)

>cheaters getting banned and screaming "WOW WTF DEVS I WAS RANDOMLY BANNED FOR NO RAISIN???"

Attached: hahahahaha.jpg (340x371, 50K)

why do cheaters ALWAYS act like they did nothing wrong? Now you're trying to make it look like the devs are at fault because of shit YOU did?

Just fucking suck it up and admit you're a pathetic piece of trash.

>Rarely go below first place
>Usually really fishy things going on when I do
>Cheater banwave
Time to top the leaderboards EVERY time, baby.

Attached: 0e9.jpg (499x499, 26K)

The amount of buttblasted fags is glorious. Reminds me of the lmaobox purges.

Attached: 43513241.gif (150x150, 56K)

people don't understand that actions have consequences
people think it's the punisher's fault for catching them violating rules than it is their fault for violating those rules
subhumans gonna subhuman

why are zoomers like this?

there are so many games where so many faggots get banned and they claim they dindu nuffin, yet it all apparently turns out to be that they cheated

how do so many of these faggots lie through their fucking teeth like this?

zoomers are genuinely sick

>Still trying to pretend the people getting banned are le evil racists
Fuck off fag. The chat has nigger in it more than ever now.

Yes, I only realized a bit later as I continued through the thread that VAC bans and game bans are separate. Oh well. Strange that they're all 1 VAC, 1 game bans.

>muh zoomers!!!
it's been like this for as long as cheating has existed, moron, it's just more widespread now because there's more third worlders/chinese with internet access

give me a rundown

Sounds fun. Next paycheck.

guys give me a straight answer. are people getting banned for cheating or are they getting banned for being "toxic"?

probably referencing the "i beat the final boss of sekiro with cheats and i feel fine" article
he's baiting essentailly

>look through people complaining about bans
>nearly all third worlders

Attached: EdeaSmile.png (400x400, 300K)

no it hasnt, there was never any case of a large amount of people being banned from a game all claiming they did nothing until GTA V

zoomers have no honor or self respect, they're like jews and women

they posted that this ban wave was only cheaters

Which is fine. What's funny is people claiming they were banned because they said nigger, instead of admitting why they were actually banned. Frames it as a political free speech problem against the leftists instead of taking personal responsibility. By the way, try hiding your power level, faggot. Only underaged don't get that.

>Yea Forums misinformation brigades.
I'm pretty sure it's two anons at most spreading this while everyone else btfo's them.

Yes and?

so why the fuck are we discussing it? who gives a fuck if cheater subhumans get banned?

like League of Legends. If you have an editing programm like ArtMoney of Cheatengine on your Computer you get autobanned. those retard fuckers

>Why would I cheat on a 15 years account with 100 games
why do cheaters act like this is a valid defense? It means literally nothing

Cheaters won't be missed

>walk into thread and talk about things that didn't happen
Why do people do this? Do they just want to get (You)s for absolutely no raisins?

>Yea Forumsirgin cheaters BTFO

Attached: 1558023781886.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

>two anons
3/4 of this thread is nothing but "banned for toxicity! Fucking SJWs strike again! "

The only people trying to claim that are the people in this thread and that's because it's a bait thread aimed to start political arguments. The actual steam threads are all the usual "my brother was using my account" and "I've never touched a cheat engine". I'm guessing you haven't played the game.

because everyone on this site is retarded and has the reading comprehension of a 3 year old like this guy

get fucked

It's falseflagging. For some reason this game has attracted the attention of the Yea Forums anti-Yea Forums brigade who hate games and the discussion of games.

The former

>banwave for cheaters
>99% asians, europeans and slavs
>banwave for racism
>its going to be 99% american and australian

Why do europeans hack so much


Fair enough, I'm just laughing at this thread. By the way, is this game actually fun? Been meaning to try it.

Wtf do you mean it means nothing? It's a statement about money/time invested and the unlikelihood that they would risk such an investment.

Yeah I've been enjoying it. Since steam has a refund now I'd say try it for a bit. Make sure to play the tutorial first.

>false-positives don't exist
Reminder that ArenaNet issued a mass banwave on Guild Wars 2 players last year with no appeals allowed and had to apologize publicly after people found out their algorithm was hashing an empty string if it couldn't read a file/folder resulting in lots of innocent suspensions.

You can literally cuck horsefags by putting an unfinished wall in front of yourself, even at last second.
It forces the horse to turn around and to build up speed again so you can kill the fag on top in that interval.

Well it was about time I uninstalled the game anyway, at this point it already got stale and boring as fuck, if there's a chance that the ban wave was actually really accidental on some people, I won't take my chances with it, fuck that, I don't need a ban on my account for god knows what the system would consider a cheating software.

Attached: 1550870461896.jpg (742x691, 83K)

>footfag thinking he's above cheaters

>join duel server for practice
>keep narrowly losing duels against people doing noticeably worse than me
>not necessarily using broken weapons but lots of greatswords, estocs and billhooks
>get hit in ways I can't predict
>fags looking a whole 90 degrees away suddenly instaturn and head shot me
>this happens
Well, glad to know I'm not complete shit

Tbh you could have said just "slavs", and lumping europeans with them is just like britbongs calling muslims "asians"

kys cheater scum

forgot to mention i'll be boycotting the game from now on haha

1-5 of May marathon chad here. game became stale and boring as fuck in a week after release, also seen videos of hacks somewhere around 7 of may. glad I've got the most fun the game have has to offer before it shat the bed. imagine being a cuck who plays a solved, meta-heavy, cheater riddled game. uninstall and move on, this ban wave won't do shit.

Attached: welcometomordhau.jpg (960x640, 248K)

>gamers cant stop being racist
Death to all gamers when?

>giving a shit about "meta" in a medieval yelling simulator

>nickname is Sky eagle
lmao, deserved it

Anyone else with packet loss issues?
I'm a good second behind everyone else in 8/10 servers, Makes the game impossible

it's useless, but fun to fight there. Basically like mini arenas

>half the playebase gets permabanned by the devs

Attached: 15404837235656.gif (255x235, 498K)

Me. Had constant packet loss problems on every official server for the past few days, makes it literally impossible to do anything, only servers that seem to work just fine for me are the custom ones.

if you open any post with 'hello' then you're up to no good

>>half the playebase gets permabanned by the devs
>game peaked at 65k players
>2k banned
American education

Not sure why companies are allowed to just ban people outright.
Should be forced to implement another method before stealing customers money.
Flag them all as cheaters and let them play in cheater only servers.

Most fun I've had in a multiplayer game since TF2.


>cheater only servers.
not worth the effort
cheaters should hang

Attached: 1526285882032.jpg (225x225, 7K)

same results ("wtf i wasn't cheating why am i flagged reeeeee") with the added consequence of them still taking up server hardware and money to play a game whose rules they've proven they don't give a fuck about
don't cheat in multiplayer games if you don't want your multiplayer taken away
you are not entitled to using a service if you cannot abide by that services rules that you agreed to abide by

>have money to buy game
>buy game
>enjoy game but refund it because i'm terrified something i want more will come out and i won't be able to afford it
am i autistic?

>Use Cheat Engine in single player
>Get banned because always online bullshit

Remember that debacle when Starcraft 2 came out?

Wouldn't have been a problem if the god mode cheat was just like SC1 and only made units invulnerable. But nooo, they had to go ahead and make it also multiply damage done by 10 as well.

no, just poor

Glad you did too. Cheating bitch ass mother fuckhead snuggle up on a bag of dog shit haha k ty bye bye

a bit that, also poor

Found you. Reported.

it's not likely that a game you'll want more will come out very soon without you knowing about it way in advance, unless money is that hard to come by for you

Believe it not, most people who use hacks are dumb kids

Less than 5% of players finish the game they've bought. What makes you think more than 5k will play this flavor of the month shit for a long time?

Imagine supporting corporate theft.

Why should I fucking care a bunch of third worlder cheaters got banned when servers are still populated and people actually play the game?

Damn i wonder what new boogeymen will be added to your list in the future

I refunded too, mainly because the oceanic servers were dead

Now you mention it, it is custom servers that seem fine. Do devs know about this? It's frustrating


oh no this fun casual $30 game will be dead long after ive gotten way more than $30 of fun out of it what a disaster

I'm not justifying cheaters, I'm saying that 65k peak means nothing for this type of game.

>imagine cheating in a medieval autism simulator
this is literally the most casual game on the planet, what the fuck is the point of cheating

Attached: 1515703776253.png (258x544, 130K)

ImmigrantTerminator is that you?

Read the fucking thread, retard.

>subhumans gonna subhuman
This. Just clicked through some random moan threads on the steam forum. Out of 7 threads;
>4 were asian/russian
>1 was literally "it was my brother"
>2 already had VAC bans on account
>One of the VACs was also russian so there was 1/7 people who didnt have an immediate red flag
Looks legit guys

How long until reddit starts protecting "less able" players for cheating, as in a form of social justice?

Gives me too much of an uncanny valley feeling user.

Thats the ban he just got

>Damn i wonder what new boogeymen will be added to your list in the future

the next generation of trash kids produced by a trash society obviously. every generation has gotten stupider for the last century

me was banned but was in school in morning. come i home from school but brother says "we banned!". wasn't me, I kill stupid brother, won't happen again, can u help?

Attached: rusian kid.jpg (311x238, 8K)

>tfw you hit age 24 and realize youve been raised by idiots to be an idiot

Attached: me in 30 years.jpg (1000x751, 1.06M)

Cheaters are the male, incel equivalent of thots with bpd

Because most of us are literal children
not being 18 has never once stopped anyone from posting, and now that Yea Forums is more popular than ever, a vast majority of the people you have replied to, or has replied to you in the past few years, has been 12 years old

>Game that requires autism is also casual
Fuck me, learn what your buzzwords mean dumb frogposter

he gets it

Attached: 1554140196570.jpg (850x910, 139K)

I mean, you could probably just make an autohotkey to say get perfect feints, or get perfect drags/accels. I don't think autohotkey is VAC bannable tho. Beyond that it would be actual hacks looking at weapon traces and models to aim your shit perfectly.

>because it's funny
>because it's the truth

All of these people are making me feel like this community is way too toxic.
I had no idea this game was so toxic until the bans this morning "You deserved it retard" "I bet you hacked before realizing they had implemented an auto cheat!" Jesus Christ it's starting to make me hate the game even more. Getting unjustly banned is one thing, getting called out for being a cheater when you are clearly not is another. If you really think I'm cheating just look at my profile, not one thing screams "I am a cheater". Made my account back in 2013, 1 game ban (today). 259 games on my account, level 23, people +1 repping me for good trades. Now answer me this, why would I cheat? Even if I didn't think cheating was wrong why would I cheat on this account particularly?

The smart get smarter and the dumb get dumber. One thing you could argue too is that people have moved from being self sustaining generalist to interdependent specialists. Gone are the days of the man who could do his own piping, landscape his own property, maintain his car, and do his job. Nowadays, people are autistically good at the one thing they devote their lives to, but can't do shit else, even with a wealth of information at their fingertips.

Honestly, Im mostly fine with this
Its not like most modern games where you just cant play the game at all anymore, custom servers are still up and thriving so if you fuck up you can still play

>will lutebot get me ban?
>>it's literally pinned on the official forums since the middle of alpha


>tfw classed into generalist
>can't move up because everything is hyper specialized now

How do I refund a game if I have over 20 hours on it?

Not very appetizing but people will bite anyway

>Turning real money into Steam monopoly money
Always refund to original payment method

Attached: 1532872685274.jpg (284x384, 70K)

From my experience, cheaters are often literal children. Sometimes they're only mentally so. Occasionally you'll find cheaters that are just out to grief until the very last. In pretty much all of these cases you'll encounter whining when they get banned, although it's least genuine from those just out to grief the popular games.

>doesn't read thread
>bitches about censorship in the wrong place at the wrong time
This is the present you've created.

If you pay through paypal you get the refund back to paypal and not the steam wallet.

They're just fags who want the game to fail deliberately trying to trick people into thinking this was a censorship thing and not a cheating thing. God knows what motivates them.

>furfag: go back to pol
They got banned for cheating not racism, retard.

he talks like English isn't his first language.

asian detected


Nigger are you for serious? Why the fuck would you lie about stupid shit when there are entire documentaries on YouTube showing just how amazing plate mail was. A plate could be shot 5 Times under 30ft and have only an inch of penetration which would be taken up by the gambeson.

Plate mail ain't no joke, it effectively made swords into clubs and proved European blacksmith technology to be the best of the world at the time. Hell it was even used early in the blackpowder days.

>20 posts after somebody posted the actual information on the ban, that is was for hackers not lutebot or chat
>ugggghhhhh grug cant say nigger shit game
hmmmm what other group on the internet finds ridiculous, petty and often times completely false reasons to be angry

Attached: 1558362280531.png (384x555, 440K)

Combo macros, feint inputs with one press, wallhacks, aimbot for ranged

nice, no more 'people' one shotting me with spear

ive been cheating since day one
still not banned 8)

Attached: vlcsnap-2018-12-31-01h45m02s314.png (476x406, 313K)

I hope they were compromised and this isnt something they did intentionally

This. PC Gamers are braindead zoomers.


Attached: 1558321511668.png (640x468, 380K)

Morality is a spook

Every time I see someone bitching about racism in the chat it turns out that they have a furry avatar. Funny how these things work out.

You probably haven't been reported. You've got the touch.

Attached: 1381269221198.gif (330x275, 1.99M)

What's your cheat?



Which one of you faggots tried greentexting on steam?

>Hear from friends how great a game this is
>Buys game for 30$
>Enjoys the out it
>two days later get banned for no reason
>Great Gamehandling
>What a slap to the face. Worst than ing EA.
>30$ to get ed

What are cheater containment servers like, anyway? I'd imagine people doing their best to out-cheat each other, but I can also see how it would be very boring for a cheater since he obviously would not have the unfair advantage over others.

you can still play the tutorial and with bots, fag

>say bad word in game
>money stolen
Like cockwork

Attached: 1540620400988.jpg (599x501, 40K)

What is even the point of cheating in this? The only thing I can think of being slightly useful is ESP but knowing people are behind walls doesn't really do shit for you. You can't even one shot most people with arrows and the arrows have drop + travel time so aimbot doesn't really work. Does it perfect chamber/block for you?

Easyanticheat used to kick me from xenoverse 2 for my midi synthesizer software running in the background, havent played mordhau but eac is really shitty and gives false positives

I'm still convinced not just them, but many devs do this kind of shit
>release game
>release public cheats a couple days later
>ban everyone who used them a couple weeks later
Weeds out the idiots who google for cheats


>think im doing bad
>#3 on scoreboard
every time

That takes away the sting of the word you nigger

Aimbot in games with project drop calculates projectile arc and distance to target when adjusting the crosshair.
Macros can allow you to perform complex morph and feint sequences with one button instead of several with good timing.
I'm sure there are many other ways to cheat effectively by spoofing various junk to the server.

>macros to perform complex morphs and feint sequences
I literally cannot see how this would be useful. You would become retardedly predictable

>try playing with an actual build
>middle of the scoreboard
>take off all my clothes and start running around the battlefield punching people to death
>move up to top 3
Why does everybody just choke and forget how to block or kick or swing their weapon when a naked dude with a high pitched soiboy whine gives them a solid left hook to the face?

To someone with brains, yeah. But multiplayer games are filled with npcs

Literally just running up and feinting a swing so you can do a stab will trip up 90% of players in non-duel servers. If you can do it consistently with one button and also have your stab always hit them dead in the face every time, you can dominate the battlefield with near 0 effort.

depends on the game
in one like this you'd probably have a lot of people getting dumpstered by memehacks that instakill everyone always even though most of the people in there got in through using scripts/macros and softcheats, making it pointless for most of the softcheaters to keep playing because of the dumpstering by blatant memehackers, it'd probably devolve into obnoxious hvh style bullshiterry

Got banned like that on RuneScape. Logged in for the first time in years, checked my bank for like 5 minutes, logged out, logged in the next day to a permaban for ""botting"" that I couldn't even appeal because, and I quote, "we do not make mistakes".

The aimbot is blatantly cheating yeah
But just the macro seems useless to me, instead of 3 clicks in like 5 seconds you now click once. It almost seems like a drawback because it creates bad habits

no, everyone is getting dumber, smart whites barely reproduce while the dumb ones are above replacement levels, not to mention the dumb races in general breeding like rats for the same reason

Try firing a bow in the real life, probably would cut yourself on the feathers since you sound like a faggot. Enjoy your ban though.

>2000 people got banned with a notice that will show up on their steam forever telling everyone what a shitter they are
Fucking kek, if there are false positives that would suck assss

>all these lads crying about "n-no appeal?!"
>dev posts literally states they'll unban you if you appeal it reasonably
How will cheaters ever recover from this anal blazing

Attached: 1540670375682.gif (320x240, 130K)


I got banned for using cheat engine in Starcraft 2 single player.

>retardedly uninformed opinion
>like clockwork
like clockwork

Notice how nearly everyone complaining about a ban is slavic

This, no one can post good appeals because they did fucking cheat. I figured at least if I got banned for my autohotkeys I could just send the ones I used to the devs to prove they just spam voicelines and emotes but I don't even have to because I didn't get banned. Feels good not being a retard.

compromised accounts are usually banned because the person who steals the account will use cheats.

You can usually get the account reset and unbanned, but if they won't give unban you it's likely because 1. you were an ass when you asked to be unbanned or 2. they don't trust that you're smart enough to secure your account

>65 hours played
>played lutebot a ton
>not banned
why do cheaters never fess up?

my guess is that its a lot harder to anticipate a morph or feint when its done on the last possible moment, where most people will already assume its committed and block or chamber

i usually get like 35-40 kills a game, going to be even easier now lmao

apparently there are cheats that give you max damage on any weapon, would explain those rare one shots that happen sometimes.

Steam forums are a salt mine
Get blown the fuck out you cheating subhumans


Are there any programs that could possibly trigger the anti-cheat that aren't actually cheating? Asking for a friend.

Attached: D5-siXzWAAA1tRJ.jpg (720x859, 70K)

I'm pretty sure that's not possible considering damage values are server side. The only cheats that exist are shit auto parrying and aimbots for the bows

How can be that there is 56k players... if there is only 7k people... in the world!!??

this question cant be answered without a comprehensive list of every piece of software you've run on your computer in the last month

yeah, if you're constantly attacking and they keep panic blocking then you can take them down easy with fists
the big counter to fists is remaining calm and riposting

I'm legitimately asking for a friend who says he got banned for no reason.

Anyone that says otherwise probably cheated

LOL why? Would you have cheated?

>say fag and nigger
>never downloading cheats
>not banned
great thread dude

what kind of cheat would you even use in such a game besides wallhack
sounds boring

In that case call your "friend" a big fat liar who got what he deserved.

hes not a real friend if he has to lie about dumb shit like this

>Left IDA pro running
>money stolen

Attached: 1556991603105.png (1000x622, 412K)

BoTh GaMeS hAvE sWoRdS. sAmE gAmE.

how do you misrepresent something to such an extent? what a small-brained virgin.

Attached: 1512331196127.png (645x729, 59K)

There is a reason they are called PCheats and cucks. They ruin everything. You cannot give that community something that they will not ruin.
Things like cheaters and modders drove me off the platform eventually. Gaming on a pc is a waste of time and money. 120FPS isn't worth the trade.

auto hotkey

i've seen some people post about auto hotkey.

It's just this year's edition of the annual medieval melee tdm that adds and expands upon nothing.

There are fucktons of aimbots for games featuring projectiles with trajectories. People even make aimbots for games like Worms. Just saying.

>pwease hewp. I wuz banned for cheatsing ;_;
delicious fucking salt. fuck cheaters

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>playing hi-rez games in the first place
glad you learned your lesson

you want to refund a game u played for 20 fucking hours? wtf if i was a indie dev this would piss me off, game is cheap u dont think u got your moneys worth?? 10$ an hour is min wage so you got more than your moneys worth


>buying indie games
>buying steam,games
>playing online games where the devs even care about banning

this question cant be answered without a comprehensive list of every piece of software they've run on their computer in the last month

but its not even steam dumb nigger they use EAC which has nothing to do with steam small IQ brain

I hate how all the anons I've run into in this game are such lamers, whiners, and/or tryhards. Like they're the only people I've seen who take scores in Frontline seriously.

Did you not see the last sentence?

>There were a lot of threads so that means everyone on Yea Forums loves the game
Literally retarded

Several r*edditors: "why would i cheat on my 10 year old account with no prior history"

Am I getting stupider and softer or is there a chance devs got it wrong?

>all those retards that just panic refunded
fucking morons

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I got banned and haven't as much as said "nigger" in chat, let alone used any cheats. These devs have no idea what the fuck they're doing.

>t. cheater

Rockstar ruined GTA V long before the cheaters did

>Use matchmaking
>Only get a room with 3 people, then nothing but an empty server
Did everyone move to server list only?

There's always a chance and there's been several instances of developers making mistakes when banning people and claim they can't give a reason on why exactly you were banned. Ubisoft and Arenanet come to mind. Valve had a big case about it once.
I think the frustrating part is that if you're falsely banned, no one will believe you and customer service won't provide you with any support until the ban is found out later on to be erroneous. They won't give you any details on WHY you were banned or what applications were triggering the anti-cheat function with their argument being they don't want it make any easier for hackers to figure out how they got around to it.

Does this mean I can release a game that uses VAC and then just give thousands of players global VAC bans for lulz?

It’s tiu you fucking mong

i said nigger a couple of times and i am not banned

is it cheating ?

uhhh please go back to stormfront lmao we dont accept your kind here


wat is thsi from pls

>writing "nigger nigger faggot gas the jews" and other shit is supposed to be acceptable outside of 4chins
people must be really fucking retarded to think such things.


If they're gonna just leave it unresolved I'm gonna wish I had actually cheated.

It is in this game. All these bans are for cheating.

YouTube comment that

OH the SJW bullshit is also strong in Mordhau. It was the same with Chiv with all the PC bullshit. How many times did I get banned from games for calling for the day of the rope and cleansing the Earth in atomic fire. And then today I was kicked for having a pepe avatar.

Games like this attract do nothing, low IQ redditors. Low IQ redditors like political thought and theory that supports degeneracy and handouts. It’s just a self evident fact, and you can see it clear as day if you pay attention to the news for 5 seconds. Big games bring out more of these types. The basedboy/bugman meme really isn’t a meme, it’s real and documentable.

Just looking here and at their official forums, there is several threads about adding wamen knights models in combat. totally cringe by literally a handful of pussies and wannabe contrarians. Hopefully most the kids that were in Chiv have actually had their balls drop, taken the red pill, and grew up and matured a bit and will roll over to Mordhau and make it ourspace.

Currently the dev team is too small to handle mass censorship via mod teams to protect archers from being called faggots. The real threat would be 10 hour noobs demanding idiotic changes, but the devs are ex comp boys so there’s no threat there. They can spot shitter opinions a mile away.

read the thread. say nigger all you want in mordhau without cheats and you are fine. OP is clickbait you not only fell for but contributed to. cunt.

have sex

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>this post

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Any way to check the ban without logging in to the game? I've called people idiots and thrown around my fair share of fucks but I doubt I did anything banworthy.

This is a top tier post.

I have a furry avatar, nigger is one of my favorite words because of how fast it sends people on a downward spiral.

Steam should give you a notification if you get banned. I was in-game playing a completely different game when I suddenly got notified of it.

What cheats did you use?