Discuss amongst yourselves

Discuss amongst yourselves

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discuss what
they're not even remotely similar or in the same genre

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How about you go fuck yourself.

>open world adventure game with crafting, stamina, weapon degradation, and horses
>not the same

Both shit

Still mad Sadie didn't die

Seething nintenlets better learn to cope
You can't lean on that "it's fun" crutch forever

Top = Most acclaimed game of the century, will be remembered as a timeless masterpiece
Bottom = Overrated piece of shit that only reviewed high because Metascores are inherently inflated towards what mainstream reviewers score their games. It was forgotten after a month, lost all GOTY’s to Sony again, and will age horribly like all games that tries to be realistic

It's a waste. I see that now. It's a waste. You can't fight nature, anons. You can't fight change.

I don't even own a switch you shitposter retard.

They have the same score

toy vs game

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top is fun, bottom isn't

i have both and i enjoyed both

>Minecraft is similar to RDR2
>Rust is similar to BOTW

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Then maybe you need to start fighting for the winning side

>current year
>Yea Forums is still whining about botw


T. Brainlet

How come no-one ever brings up the fact that Firtnite ripped of BotW? In short, BotW reinvented the battle royale genre AND as well know, was the cause behind RDR2's long delay. Rockstar never expected Nintendo to drop a game as good as that. Although in hindsight given their history of taking from Mario and Zelda on 64, they should have.

link's boipucci


They didn’t have the same goals in mind, sorry.

I don't like Botw, and I haven't played Red Ded.
None of which are relevant to figuring out that OP is a faggot.

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What one minor change to RDR2 would have made the game a less scripted experience like BotW? Other than "get rid of all the people."

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Imo the visual design of BOTW is better than RDR2, even.

It's that dog!


>game about a cuteboy twink perfect for fascist homocuddling
>game about ugly characters
>literal cuck protagonist
>screeching feminists
>complaining niggers



>beat rdr 2 three times, one good one bad and one good but never become marston.
>realize there’s not a whole lot to the game once you don’t give a fuck about the story

Botw has much more fun potential and more gameplay to it. Rdr was a far far better first playthrough and spectacle but botw was a better “game”.

pay a hooker

>BOTW was a better “game”
As expected from Nintendo. This tends to be their first priority

Only valid opinion in this dumpster thread

Check em

its beautiful the amount of detail and work rockstar put into all the animals models.
This is shit the player will like encounter dime in a dozen times, and even less will kill and get a close look at. Yet they detailed it that much.
also check this 5

you arguing for zelda or red dead? Or making fun of people who use that argument?

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>MFW this is considered meaningful content worth exploring a giant empty sandbox for a hundred hours for.

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The exploration is the value

RDR2 already won. Sakurai admitted defeat on Nintendo's behalf

Both my brothers thought Red Dead 2 was boring as shit. Zelda looks like fun in the webms I've seen but im not going to buy a no games switch just for it.

>Both my brothers thought Red Dead 2 was boring as shit
and your bothers are fucking weeb edge lords with no friends

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The exploration is boring and the reward isn't worthwhile, so fuck me I guess?


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Pretty good selection

>tfw the Zelda team will never adapt Steel Ball Run

Kek i had forgotten rdr2 existed. What a forgettable game. To be remembered it has to actually be compared to botw, a game that's still diacussed by Yea Forums because Yea Forums got so buttblasted by it that it cannot stop crying about it. I love it.

Only bad games on here are TLOU, RDR1, Skyrim, HL2, Halo & Witcher 3. Everything else is based

>2 different games with 2 different designs


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Only one of them is a massive weeb, the other is a normie. Nice try Rockstar but your game sucks shit.

It’s a classic “who are you trying to convince” situation

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top: focus on gameplay
bottom: focus on cinematics and grafffix

RDR2 won. Get over it.


Rockstar won the minute BotW was announced to be an open world game. They made them jump on their bandwagon.

She probably got raped again after the ending

Who are you trying to convince?

I hate you gays so much

I’d say BOTW did just fine considering Rockstar is estimated to have spent twice the amount of the development cost of BOTW on marketing alone.

2 great games. Have a great day OP!

it's almost like making an open world game play like a movie makes it a shitty open world game

>one talked about to this day every week and will be remembered for decades
>the other is so forgotten even normies don't give a shit anymore

Horizon was better than both.

One is for fags. The other is for megafags.

Get out.

BotW is the best game released since it released

I'd unironically rather play Skyrim than either of those two boring games. At least I could mod Skyrim to be interesting.

So actually enjoying an interactive experience is totally inadequate in describing why one thing is better than another? Ones a cowboy simulator and dare I say it a fun video game.

Why can’t you like both? I did.

This board has ruined BOTW's reputation. It's a fun game but these autistic Switchfags keeps spamming the same "I can't think for myself so I spam other people's opinion" Nonsense. While we got console warring faggot like OP making the same threads over and over again. I'm not even gonna look at this place when Nintendo inevitable show off the next game.

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Why? Sadie was based

fuck ""photorealism"""

that shit can never be good

Top is actually fun and gorgeous in its art style.
Bottom is boring, monotonous gameplay and opts for a realistic art style on a console that barely runs it at 30 fps yeah real impressive

>GOTY winner

>lost to a movie game


Are Final Fantasy VI & Chrono Trigger really THAT much better than every other RPG?

They are quite good. Definite standouts. I wouldn’t skip on Chrono Trigger if you have any appreciation for the genre

>better than every other
Maybe not, but they’re the ones that showed what the genre was capable of producing

Yes, but Chrono Cross is better than Chrono Trigger

ff6 is. ct is popular in the us. not so elsewhere i think

Japan voted Chrono Trigger the best game of the last 30 years, it's popular everywhere

no,only retarded nintendies think this


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>BotW took insperation from basically every open world game ever made, including RDR
>OMG why does BotW have similarities to RDR?!

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Don't listen to the seething Snoyboy, they really are masterpieces


Chrono Trigger yes, FFVI, no. But even then, I'd say Suikoden II and Dragon Quest VIII are tied with Chrono Trigger for best.

But reviewers and ratings are just based on popularity, not game quality. You can and should ignore them.

Isn't the entire point of video games to have fun?

>I get to walk around
Gee.... t-thanks Nintendo....
And yet you fuckers take a shit on other walking simulators where your only "reward" is the exploration

>Japan voted Chrono Trigger the best game of the last 30 years
Where? Sadly, most polls I see just list the latest Pokemon/Final Fantasy/Monster Hunter at the top. Then the next spots go to nostalgia games like FFVII, Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest III, Soul Calibur, etc.

>the last of us
>that high
People make me sick


>Mass Effect 2
>Bioshock over SS2
>Wind Waker
>HL2 over the first game
That image is a great indicator why those rankings mean jack shit.

Imagine having fun
With video games

These games are both amazing and im very happy that i have both of them and can play them whenever i want. I love video games.

I fucking love BOTW. RDR2 was pretty decent, though.

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Rent-free, how's e3 looking this year snoy?

Star Ocean 2 is a slept-on gem

No it didn't, but you might like being such a big movie fan and all

>Attributing any poster to any other poster
No sir, you are the retard

actually lol'd

I can and will. The whole point of video games is fun you autist

Today, I will remind them.

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In that case maybe or is more your speed

Not everyone needs achievement pop ups to motivate them, unlike you


At least BotW is actually a game though, RDR2 is a movie

Not everyone has autism and can walk around an empty map and get fulfilment from it

>moviefag can only think of gayshit as an alternative to his "cinematic experiences"
Absolute State of Play

I played BoTW for like an hour or so on my little brothers switch, and I found it boring as hell. I had never really played a Zelda game before, and I really wanted to like it because of how much hype and praise it got here. It just felt simple.

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>I'll discover if I have enough stamina to climb a cliff or not
or you can just eat some food mid-climb to refresh your stamina - even on hardcore - because they completely overlooked how game breakingly easy it all becomes when you can pause time to heal and regain stamina practically infinitely given the abundance of food sources. I love BOTW, but I really hope that they sort that shit out in its successor.

You’ve got that backwards. An autistic person would probably need a specific reward to justify doing something, and would not appreciate the feeling of exploration

You might like the other Zelda games more, they aren't open world

Underage b&

I was really hoping they’d use the BOTW tech to make a pseudo sequel like MM

this threat is shit so im going to post my puerh cake.

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RDR2 Looks great, really impressive. Too bad it's really fucking boring.
Haven't played botw, but I assume it's more fun than RDR2 at least.

serious question, why doesn't nintendo invest in graphics?

Famitsu, 7,000 people were polled & NieR Automata, Chrono Trigger, BOTW were the Top 3
All of those games are good except Skyrim, keep seething boomer.

I'm almost 22 years old. How is not liking a Zelda game underage? Jesus Christ.

Played through the first few areas of windwalker, didn't really like that either. The gameplay is smooth, but it's easy. The puzzles weren't that hard either from what I remember. And for what ever reason, I really don't like the writing in a lot of Japanese games, especially the RPGs. I don't think the ones I've played are bad games, I just don't like them personally.

Because they know gameplay is more important.

Being good =/= greatest of all time, in fact those games are quite flawed.

t. seething switchlard


Because it’s worked for them since the game boy. Also, It’s cheaper to invest in good artists and art directors that can make good looking games despite hardware limitations, and the games look good for much longer

Keep seething, nobody cares about outdated pieces of shit like Doom or System Shock

And that's exactly why 90% of all new games are trash

COPE more


No Sanandreas, The best gta and best selling game on PS2, This list is wrong.


And Famitsu polls before that had stuff like FFXIII at the top. They're a joke. Because 7,000 voters is nowhere near a big enough sample size. And a company could easily rig the election as cheap marketing for their game (which is most likely how FFXIII got to the top of the poll for three years straight). A company like Square sending in 5,000 ballots for their next game is both cheap and easy.

Try replaying RDR 2
The game is 99% spectacle and 0,1% gameplay

Soulless trash


Sales are irrelevant, nobody cares how much a game sold. Just how good the overall quality is, and GTA games have always been garbage

I tried, Gave up in chapter 5. Think i will play it again on PC if it ever comes out

Keep coping, they literally were all voted on by Magazine Readers & Normalfag otaku's

Have you guys never heard of a thing called an artstyle?

>Sales are irrelevant, nobody cares how much a game sold
You're a fucking idiot. Nintendo jumped open world because of rockstars success.

Open world is the natural progression for a game series like Zelda. RDR had nothing to do with it.

funny that you mention that, while that image has some of the highest best selling games of their time, that image is more about popularity (read: sales) than quality

I tried replaying BotW because it becomes boring as fuck after the main story, didn't even get to the same beast. Just the same shit all the time, the game becomes stale fast.

Are you fucking retarded? Ocarina of Time was the first open world game, Rockstar themselves even flat out stated that GTA III doesn't exist without Ocarina of Time & Super Mario 64

Chrono Trigger sold like shit & it's ranked #2. Clearly sales mean nothing

>Just how good the overall quality is
It sold well and got high scores, Highest in the series, By both critics and users, Eat shit.

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Wonder how much Nintendo will copy Rockstar next? Now that RDR2 has sold 15 million more copies.

RDR2 is incredibly boring and the "great story" is merely a shitty derivative of a dozen different western movies amalgamated

rdr2 has nice draw distance but my god its fucking ugly in most areas

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And yet it still didn't make the image, almost like nobody gives a shit about sales & Rockstar games are just fucking terrible

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*farts loudly*
Nice argument... kid, try again

Your fault for playing furrymon

>one looks better visually
>one is more fun to play

If it's more fun to play then that should reflect in weekly and monthly sales. So I guess RDR2 wins.

This list says otherwise user

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Cope, it's pathetic that this is the only argument rockstar drones can come up with

>they literally were all voted on by Magazine Readers & Normalfag otaku's
You have no way to prove that. A company like Square buying 5,000 copies of a magazine and sending in the voting cards? That's less of a cost than one billboard ad.

Outdated & irrelevant image, nice cope though

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>Chrono Trigger sold like shit
No it didn't. The only way you can think this is if you take the Square approach and think anything selling less than Final Fantasy is a failure. Chrono Trigger sold far above the average SNES RPG.

He has a point. If it's not more fun to play than the player base or something should reflect that, but currently nothing does. What we do know is more people continue seeking RDR2 or GTAV for entertainment word wide over any Nintendo game.

>shit celshading
>wow it's beautiful

last year it was number 10, looks like opinions are subjective or something.

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both good games, but neither is on pc so why give a fuck. no janky emulation doesn't count

Wrong again faggot

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lol Yea Forums‘s top 100 list was better than Yea Forums‘s my sides

It's sad because you are unironically right, Yea Forums has better taste

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Nice merchandise sales. With 1 more GTA game the franchise will be in the top 3

> Bbbbut merchandise
Jesus christ continue coping

He's not wrong, Another game and the series will bump up the list

RDR 2 is the game of the generation, BotW is ok

There both overrated.

Definitely some reddit-tier games on here, good to see RDR high up despite it being a newer game. If anything this list makes clear what a niche market RTS games have, which is sad.

>RDR 2 is the game of the generation,

RDR2 couldn't even win game of the year. BotW is still topping GOAT lists.

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>Mario 64 that high

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Nobody with a brain cares about gaming journalism, NPC