Horror game

>Horror game
>Setting is scarier than the plot

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Other urls found in this thread:


European here, what's wrong with Ohio

American here, what's wrong with Ohio


Isn’t Ohio the worst state?

Imagine if the Netherlands were flatter, all the flowers were corn, there were deer herds every ten feet and they all hated you, and there was meth absolutely fucking everywhere.

But also two decent theme parks and a nice zoo.

The scariest thing about ohio is the mongoloid amphetamine addicts that inhabit it

I've thought about living in Ohio. Where are the nice areas?

I wanna fuck ohio

Ohioians are the strongest race in the world.

That's why we made heroin cheaper for our crack heads. Can't bother anyone when you can't stay awake more than 5 seconds.

Nigga please, Ohio is the most fuckable state.

Ohio is comfy

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I live in Columbus, AMA

How bad is Cleveland really?

Terrible. Of the three big cities, Columbus is the only one that is moderately okay, not to say that it's great. Cleveland and Cincinnati are both hell holes filled with violent crime.

An accursed land of bears, wolves, meth, heroine and corn. Anyone from Ohio is trained spartan style from the age of six to kill wolves with their bare hands.

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I don't know how to explain it, Ohio is just weird. There are potholes everywhere, niggers crowd the cities, amish people and hicks that say "warsh" instead of "wash", and college towns like Columbus that are just depressing places full of suicidal students and hobos. It's almost like if you took the whole country and put it in a blender and quarantined the abomination into one small heart shaped border.

Ohio I think has an estimated bear population of 150 individuals.

It's the nowhere region between Chicago, New York, DC and Pittsburgh. Everyone goes through Ohio but never stops.

it's one of the most shitty and depressing places to live in the US

How expensive is living there actually? I'm a student at OSU and am thinking of actually just moving up there instead of commuting.

Aye and each bear is the size of a bus.

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You can easily get an apartment within a 20 minute drive of campus for less than $800 a month.

Rumor has it the Dayton has some of the best quality heroin

Lived in Ohio for 29 years and have never seen meth.

Cities are for faggots.


Don't forget the endless barrows of native Americans that are haunted. Windigos and skinwalkers etc. etc.

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Are there even any games set in Ohio?

I'd dare say that you couldn't live anywhere for 29 years without seeing meth. Perhaps you have no life and cannot be said to be really "living".

God i want to fuck Ohio again

Or perhaps I don't associate with degenerates and don't live in shithole cities like some npc.


so you're an L7

>game takes place in commiefornia
>it sucks
just like in real life

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try living in Maine.

that's an interesting way to say nigger infested.

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I think the white trash is the bigger problem honestly.

is this some city boy term. stick to your gay bars, queen.

>lots of wilderness
>nothing ever happens
seems comfy to me

Sure you do nigger

>Gf offered me to move to Maine with her
>Said no to stay in Ohio where I grew up
>Now I'm single, all my friends are dead and the thing I see on the streets at night has been getting closer to where I live over the last few weeks
I have so many regrets

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Not sure about other places, but here in Charleston Ohioans are a fucking plague the won't stop coming. I hate all yanks but these Ohio niggers are everywhere you look, fucking up the marshes and hiking property values up.

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>live in malibu
>feels great

Daytonian here, the amount of heroin addicts and the fact it's right on two major highways corroborates your claim

>nothing ever happens
that you know about. Go live out in Lovecraft country and you'll understand.

I'm a white as fuck neet living in my parents' house, but okay.

I work about five minutes from where the highways all intersect in Dayton, it's true. There's a huge enough operation there you could call it an industry.

White trash only hurt themselves

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the eternal ohioan strikes again

that's the cool stuff though

Shit my dads job got moved there a few years back. I feel bad for you guys, all the old money tech firms are moving there.

Are there any Horror games based around Florida? Particularly the North Florida - Alabama line?

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Not as bad as California

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globalists ruined sweden

>The LG isn't about Florida Man
What a garbage chart

>ohio people thinking they have it bad
Boohoo you don't live in Indiana, it's so much fucking worse

A self-hating white cuck is even worse than a nigger, congratulations

>fellow Daytonian
My nigga

i was on a train that went through gary and it was like post apocalyptical

Buy a gun and make better friends

I'm not self hating, or a cuck. Just a neet.


the feeling's mutual

Mad cuz we beat you in football? ;)

It’s kansas for noobs.

You're just mad we cucked you out of Toledo.

Yinz never seen Philly

Fucking finally I get to use this image I had on my PC for several years

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I just left Ohio for the great state of Tennessee, where I can almost guarantee at least 75% of you have family as well, and you all take vacations to Hilton Head South Carolina.

Ohioan here, AMA.

imagine if half the state was like southern Ohio except more meth and heroin, and the only major city was more boring than Columbus but with Cincinnati tier crime, and of course Gary.

Americans, rate these places:
>Los Angeles
>New York

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White people

Damn, you half right. Vacations in Hilton head all the damn time.

Nah my family is from Ohio and the other side is from Virginia.

Probably no one has even been to all of these, much less for any significant amount of time.

Lived outside of Cleveland my whole life, send help please

Detroit is a fucking mess. That's the only one I can really comment on.

I've worked all over Cleveland, and it's not as simple as most people make it. There are nice areas, and horrible areas, but all in all it's bad because of lake effect snow.

Birthplace of flight. Pretty much every flight milestone for Americans was accomplished by someone born in Ohio. The desire to leave is just that strong.

Louisiana is according to the latest study, but I don't think they spent enough time looking at Mississippi

Lived in Cincinnati for all my life, it's boring here and full of dilapidated areas but has a nice zoo, a Casino and a pretty cool amusement park (King's Island). The city has recently started gentrification with neighborhoods around the downtown area so if you live nearby, expect to see more lower class black people in your area.

In Detroit there is a giant mural of a pimp slapping a naked whore on a building across from Ford Field, that should tell you everything.

Lived in Ohio all 22 years of my life

This place is fucking mediocre at best, Cleveland's a shit hole, my apartment complex got shot at my first year of college. No one got hurt but the fuckers got away amd got right on the highway right after the shooting.

The amosh fucking suck too, the horses slow traffic and shit all over the place and their children are little fucking assholes.

Pretty sure I saw a used needs laying in the grass on my way to the grocery store once

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I lived in California for 5 years and went to Vegas all the time. LA is somehow worse that Vegas. At night in LA every building was surrounded by homeless and I'd imagine walking around alone is asking to get fucked up.

>doing yard work for the neighbors to make up for raping them

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Amish women are either hideous Helga man beasts or the cutest thing to grace the planet that you want to fuck into oblivion.

I have no sympathy for people from Ohio saying "our state is so shit, I want to leave so bad, there's nothing here." You don't know a state having literally nothing until you live in Indiana, people from Ohio don't know how good they have it compared to here.

Chicago is the only one of those I've been to, it's a cool city


Indiana is the even more boring Ohio. I lived about an hour from the Indiana/Ohio border for about 25 years and the pictures I used to see on MySpace and Facebook during high school showed it for the flat, suburban styled hellscape most people lived in. An above ground pool in the middle of a yard without trees should be on your state flag.


You see, sometimes i think stuff like that too but then i question their hygiene

Do they wipe properly? What's their plumbing like? How often do they shower? How much do they walk around outside barefoot all over animal shit?

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I lost my virginity in Ohio. It was the first and so far last time I had sex with anyone. It was about 6 years ago. I'm now dating a femboy crossdresser who has a bigger dick and wants to put it in me.

Don't go to Ohio.

One less child molester.

Good man

0, 0, -3, -5, -2, 0, -10, -20

>will, we have to get out of here
>i'll get the tree branches

try living in memphis or something if you think one gunshot is bad

either way they reek. i was waiting at an amtrak station early in the morning and there was a family of amish in the small empty station itself. i decided to go in because i wasn't dressed properly for freezing rain at 5am. it was locked but one of the little girls let me in. i guess she hadn't been taught about the evils of outsiders yet. cute. i sat down next to one of them and the stench of rancid BO was enough to make you vomit. then they started ripping huge farts. they had to have been doing it on command somehow. like a defense mechanism. they were also all speaking dutch or some shit. i just wanted to get out of the rain you woodcucks.

Also, when i lived in Cleveland for college, I remember getting emails every other day from the school about robberies or people getting held up for their shit

Id always go "gee i wonder what skin color the suspects were"
>Black male
"Oh wow, didn't expect that"

Literally every time, it was so common

Atlanta here.
It's not too bad but there's nothing to do and I hate how the south is crawling with insects.

Then again the APD is the most corrupt police department in the country. We're also #1 in human trafficking. And last year the entire airport "shut down" and a single plane took off. Nobody knew who was on it or what it was. But hey. FORGETABAIITIT

There is nothing to do and we have no culture at all in Indiana besides "muh amateur sports". We are an embarrassment, our only amusement park has too small of seats to hold most of our morbidly obese citizens.

>Extreme Poverty/10
>Drugs and Homos/10
>Everybody is rude as fuck/10
>Gambling and legal prostitution/10
>Detroit but not as bad/10
>Black man graveyard/10

I heard Atlanta has black people.

*hits ur cow*

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Poor rundown city that has all been abandoned by the country due to the American boatmobile industry dying to compacts in the 70s. Once was a prosperous town but it's poor and extremely dangerous.
>Los Angeles
Vapid smog filled dumpster with terrible traffic and cancerous people. Capital of the film industry and apparently has good Mexican and Korean food?
Don't know enough. Formerly the jewel of the south till it was burned down in the Civil War. They grow peaches there?
>New York
Simultaneously the most hated and liked city in America, it's either for you or not. Things move in a rush and people are rude because no one has time for bullshit. It's the safest city in the US but also the 2nd most expensive after SF. There is constantly stuff going on and people don't really care what you do there because they've seen it all. It's also filthy.
Gambling city in the middle of the desert, saved by Mr.House in 2077. Don't know enough.
See: Detroit but a little better
Rather clean city full of people who eat a metric ton of food, has a lot of tall buildings and a lot of violent crime. It's a pretty cool place to visit though.
Not really a major city, just a black area near LA. Infamous for gangster rap and high crime rates during the crack epidemic.

330 here. What's everyone playing? I recently reinstalled nuPrey.

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>Jamie Simpson posting on Yea Forums
I'll never see something more obscure. Met him in third grade, someone asked him how much he made as a meteorologist, and he without a seconds delay said "more than you'll ever make".

Oh no not black people.
Whatever will we do.

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Sounds metal as fuck.
How many wrestlers are from Ohio?

Also a lot of gay people. But it's not like you see them about. Atlanta is very decentralized as a city. Everything is spread out strangely. It doesn't feel like a city except for midtown

440 here, playing shovel Knight mostly right now. Shantae pirates curse on the side with Mega Man legends 2

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For once, Oklahoma isn't the butt of the joke.

It used to be 4, and then it became 3. Fuck cedar fair.

No one knows you exist.

Why are Ohio threads so fucking funny?

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Shut up Oklahoma

Oklahoma makes me glad I live in Indiana, and I hate Indiana.

It has some nice parts and then absolute trashy areas. It’s fucking hilarious, go two streets down from the hospital and the area is fucking abandoned and you suddenly feel like you could be shot for 2 dollars at any given moment.

We're all sick of this shit hole and only have survived by coping through comedy

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937 rep, FF14 and emulating Super Monkey Ball

What states comprise the US shithole alliance? Indiana and Ohio are inaugural members, who else is in?

>Whatever will we do.
Move away from them, if possible.


Biggest international airport in U.S.
Rapidly growing film industry due to going easy on the film taxes
Newly formed soccer team best in the league
Nice people, opposite of NY
Traditional/conservative means less crazies
Peaches and peanuts

Biggest international airport in the U.S.
Big obesity problem
Highest sex trafficking area in U.S.
Traditional/conservative means more Trumptards

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State of Decay, Walking Dead Season 2 and the game based A Nightmare on Elm Street. Apparently Ohio is a somewhat popular location for horror themes.

While we are on the topic of horror """""video games""""", Man of Medan got the release date

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I dreaded going on walks to get to places because of get bothered by the homeless every 20 feet for change

Also went to the mall there once and was walking out of the bathroom and two black fellows were standing near the exit and one tried tripping me. I don't normally say this unironically but those were fucking niggers. I was so fucking pissed, fuck cleveland

all of the ones with significant populations

Looking towards the horizon in Ohio gives me the same feeling of looking down into a bottomless ocean. I could start falling up at any time.

Then move 30 miles north east of Atlanta. Cheap property and friendly folks.

Anywhere in the south is primarily black so just stay up in ohio

It's the gay mecca of the south and would be for the entire country if SF didn't exist

Get violent crimed

Are you literally me? 937, on a break from FF14, just emulated Super Monkey Ball about 2 weeks ago.

you mean sexier

I hate living in America because I hate driving everywhere. Japan and its railroad systems seems pretty comfy desu.

none of them. lived there for 20 years and can singlehandedly say it's an abysmal place to live. everyone is miserable and the houses are massively overpriced in any remotely urban area. Also the summers reach over 100 degrees and the winters are below negative 30.

Man I thought I hated cities until I went overseas to cities with little to no niggers. Then I realized I just hate living around niggers. Are there any cities in the US without a significant population of niggers?

the amish are based, fuck you

only the top part of it is flat because glaciers
but then the glacier was like fuck this i'm going back to the arctic
too much meth

How are you using a computer Ezekiel? Get outta here before you get excommunicated.


keep hating while I hit up my amish acquaintance who lives down the street for some bomb ass food

look on the bright side
it has distinct seasons

The islands are their own special version of purgatory, though.

I've only ever been to New York City and I fucking hated it. 5/10 only because there's places that cater to every single niche interest. Still not worth living there though. I must say it's still better than Philadelphia.

Honestly I'm from NY and black people aren't really bad. There's a lot of black people here so you do get a mixed bag, honestly I hate teenagers(of all sorts) way more since they're fucking annoying.
Anyway, west coast cities aren't very black. Seattle down to San Diego.

Never been but maybe I should check it out next time I have some saved up vacation time. I have heard that island living expenses are fucking huge though and I'm not sure how much my specific skillset would get me paid there.

What are the comfiest states?

Have fun consuming third world parasites because those bastards don't wash their hands after shoveling horse shit

very distinct. one day it's 80 degrees, the next it's 20. makes everybody sick. miserable state. don't move anywhere near the midwest/rust belt. the most based states are maine, washington, oregon, and texas.


I'm from Atlantic City and lived in Philadelphia for a few years. Nothing made me hate black people more than living in majority black neighborhoods for most of my life. I don't want to doom my kids to attending a school with a large black population.

Oregon, California, and Washington. Washington is easily the most comfy state, just stay out of the eastern half.

Maine seemed pretty comfy when I visited. All of New England sans Connecticut honestly. Connecticut is shit.

Seattle has a fair amount of black people, but they still feel more like a minority. Still depressing wandering around the Chinatown district though.

>Florida Man
>anything other than chaotic

Fuck Connecticut for having that "c" in it's name that no one pronounces

>ITT: Ohio ERPs try to fit in by hating on flyover kino
You're just afraid of our snowplows.

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Northeast ohio is the most average place in America, nothing to complain about except the banality

937 rep too. emulating pikmin 1.

What is the best place to live in the US? asking for a mexican friend

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Northern California sure, but that state quickly goes to shit when you go south of Sacramento.


I guess we're all Gamecube faggots. It was the biggest console in my town, and everyone played melee for years.

Also, DragonCon for both pro and con depending on how you feel about those. It's the comic con of the southeast

>all the people who think it's a furry convention because of the name

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what do you want from braums?

Do not fucking have your friend come over here illegally god. I am perfectly fine with legal immigrants but illegal ones should not fucking come over here. It's just a bad time for all involved.


Texas, it's basically yours, sorry your mexican freind's, anyway.

Same area code. Trying to finish up Hollow Knight.

I like SC.
I got inbred boomer genes, but I just can't stand cold weather.

It's both. I have a gay friend who has the same humor and political beliefs as everyone else, he just takes it up the ass every once in a while. Kind of reminds me of Yea Forums(nel).

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614 Gods unite.

We put chocolate and cinnamon in meat sauce too and call it chili, just to show the rest of the world we make the rules.

It's good if you're a shut in. Shit's generally cheap, if you live in Cincinnati then Kentucky is right there for cheaper alcohol. You get so many different seasons in one month you'll forget what time of the year it is. 4/10 it's great.

I was joking, I just never went to USA but I like to travel a lot, recently I started visiting some EU countries and this thread made me curious about US.
I'm brazilian and the folks here either love or hate america (I can tell most are jealous) So it's kinda hard to get a good picture just by friend's opinions.

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>most Astronauts have come from Ohio
The fact that people from that state hate it so much they're willing to leave Earth entirely

Ohio, home.

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Nice suburbs. It doesn't all that much what state you're in. Just don't be a poorfag

Try Mississippi. "Supposedly" the Ku Klux Klan actually get along well with blacks in that state

Bong here, I made Cincinnati chili one time. It was alright! I didn't have the raw onions or oyster crackers but I served it on spaghetti with a ton of grated cheddar. It's an odd taste but decent once you get past the surprise.

From Ohio can confirm

440 here, been playing distance and planetside 2, not much else really besides Lobotomy Corporation.

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If he doesn't like niggers Mississippi is the wrong place to go.

Not Ohio but the thread has kind of gone off track anyway. Been playing Mordhau and Lobotomy Corp. Looking forward to the Pathologic release though.

The raw onions are SHIT anyways. It's good for what it is but it has the tendency to give me fucking heartburn. I find it better to not overload your three way with cheese so you can mix it in with the rest and let the cheese melt, but that's sacrilege here because heroin is rotting out brains.

Being on the interstate in Ohio is like being trapped in a gigantic gm_flatgrass map.

everywhere in the US sucks
florida’s okay.
not miami or jacksonville though

Did you visit before? There's lots of different chili places around here you would probably enjoy.

>Live in Missouri
>Meth lab down the street blows up almost everyday

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I've met several people online from Ohio and they all share the same thing they were either immensely depressed or just wanted to get the fuck out of their state.

California isn't as bad as most of the southern states
Of course, I've never actually visited California, but I've seen what Alabama and all those other trash states are like.

>florida’s okay.

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No, never been. Would like to but I'm too feckless and bad with money to save up for a trip, and if I could I have no idea where in the US I would want to visit. I've always low key wanted to move to America, though, go to one of the states where you can just have a comfy cottage in some forested small town that gets snow in the winter, have a truck and a basement full of guns, that sort of thing. It'd be what I'd do if I won the lottery.

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me too

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California is shit. Weather is nice though. I'd never ever want to live in the south, but I'd take most of the shitty southern states over California.

Florida man here, nearly all my friends are from Ohio. I don't get it, I know at least 10 people currently in my life from Ohio. I'm pretty sure Skatopia is in Ohio though, that's pretty cool.

>tfw live in florida
>want to leave but can't

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Greetings from Indiana fellow methhead state

it's because we beat up little bitches like them

This is an incredibly good image with an incredibly good filename. Thank you.

you sound alright

If that's what you want it probably won't be too hard to be accepted in the areas you would want to be.

>florida’s okay
lol. That state has some of the dumbest people alive, and that's probably because of all the cocaine people snorted there during the 80s

>state of decay
I've heard this before and I could see how Undead Labs would probably be retarded enough to think Ohio has arid, rocky desert regions.

everyone drives like an asshole

Well if you want to visit, I'd highly recommend visiting out west than coming around this area. Best places I'd recommend that I personally visited are Zion, Bryce Canyon, Arches National Park, Yellowstone. All of Utah is pretty out of this world to be honest. Also seeing the night sky filled with stars in Moab, Utah is one of the most beautiful things I've experienced as most places are filled with light pollution.

Portal 1 was originally in Ohio but then 2 retconned it, IIRC.

I don't really live in Atlanta but I'm only about 30 minutes away from being officially in Atlanta. I've gone for a few concerts, really only reason I go. Every time I go its just black people, or black crackheads trying to scam me for money or trying to tell me their life story when I'm just walking away and tell them to fuck off.

Michigan can have Toledo if we can wall it off. It's been a nog stronghold for years.

Ohio is a mixed bag of fuckery
Part of it is normal
Part of it is Kentucky
Part of it is run down drug slums with feral niggers
The only thing that Ohioans all have in common is that none of them know how to drive

Depends on where you go. If you go around the suburban areas you''ll find nothing but white methheads running around. I knew a grandmother who lived near me who was running a meth house and we had no idea. If you go towards the cities, it's full of feral niggers. Rural areas have corn. Lots of it.

There's just nothing here. Try not to go to the dangerous parts of Cleveland.

>The only thing that Ohioans all have in common is that none of them know how to drive


Thanks. You need a shit ton of money or a good job to move to the states though and I have neither, nor any family connections. Sucks.
I'll try and remember those for if I do ever scratch up enough cash for a big trip. What I've heard of Utah does make it sound like a nice place.

Thread theme:

Also, why is it so hard to meet good people in an area of the US that is so densely populated? I fucking hate living here.

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Ohio here, your roads are shit

Big populations are bad for developing communities. Small towns are better for this kind of thing because they have to get to know just a few people and are forced to engage. A person can only keep so many meaningful relationships active at once.

Depends on the area. It's on the upswing recently. I live out in the suburbs and it's comfy

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Ohio's roads are shit as well.

Even here in Kentucky they are better.

because Ohio has a wicked sense of humor.

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This map is more accurate than you could ever imagine

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Alan Wake, but instead of writing about creepy shadow people he writes about a novelist growing increasingly paranoid about a creature in the woods just behind his cabin. The game details the writer's increasing disconnection from his wife as he becomes obsessed with this thing, his novel turning into a rambling journal of the hunt. He starts to take several hour walks into the woods every day to track the creature, finding fresh remains and odd prints in the undergrowth. Eventually he becomes a tetchy mess who wanders the forest at night with a shotgun hunting this mad monster that can disappear at will and continually fucks with him, sometimes knocking on his cabin window while he writes and scraping his wooden door in his sleep as it utters this unearthly gurgling sound.
there is no monster, it's a metaphor for procrastination

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So are yours

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Summit County here, this is extremely accurate. The corn fields and the ghetto are all within arm's reach. Also meth.

Listen, when you have to share the road with deer you either learn to drive like a maniac or you buy three cars a year.

This. My mother was driving 5 mph once worried about deer coming out at night. One did, rammed into our van and she started crying thinking she killed it. The lil' nigger just got right up and starting running off.

Someone I used to get drugs with back in high school ran into a fucking deer and had an accident so bad he had to get his leg amputated. Delete these faggots.

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i wouldn't mind living around a lot of jews

>share the road with deer
The fucking deer are roaming the neighborhoods night and day lately. You have to keep gardens just outside your door or the deer sweep through and eat everything before it's half grown.

Fuck deer I'm about to start poisoning them. It's like the local hunters can't shoot for shit or something.

in 2000 years historians will scratch their heads, asking themselves what we meant by this

>walking to the store at night
>there's a big fucking deer just walking back and forth across the road for some reason
>clearly notices me but isn't running
>whole area reeks of zoo smell
>every time I crossed the street to avoid it it'd come to my side of the street
What is their goddamn problem?

>used to love in trophy wives area
>moved to immigrants
It's not so bad.

The pilots are in Greene you fuck

W-what thing, user?

deer are literal brainlets

It's nice because you can expect them to keep the diversity out.

can confirm

Extremely cheap cost of living and some of the worst american style food you've ever eaten

Literally every fucking state says this, fuck off.
Every state says it because humans weren't meant to drive.

>come back from wally world around 11pm
>hear thumping noise approaching behind me as i unload groceries
>"so my time has finally come..."
>3 massive asshole deer tear between my house and neighbors
>they vanish into the wooded spot on the other side of the road
It's happened more than once and I'll never get used to it.