Are you ready for the GOTG?
Are you ready for the GOTG?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it gonna be another roll or parry all game game?
worse: autoparry
Guardians of the Galaxy?
Are there any Yea Forums-fags here?
I'd say in general, Martin does a fine job of writing dialogue and creating interesting characters.
Fantastic languages and cultures are not really his strong point, though.
He's also like, really big on a certain period of English history, right? I am wondering if he has even delved into ancient Nordic culture/mythology much.
>already ruined Yea Forums and Yea Forums
>now he's coming for Yea Forums
work on your book you faggot
he is dumb as hell
>dark souls x games of throne
I can't think of a more cocksucking combination than that, fucking shit the fanbase is going to be awful
Wow I can't wait for 5/7ths of another mediocre story.
>going for Yea Forums when he should go for Yea Forums
ASoIaF would work much better as an anime.
Anyway, the Kings Landing finale had a real Dark Souls feel to it.
(((George R. R. Martin)))
God, no.
I'm not going to touch it because I'm a retarded contrarian who doesn't know how to make my own opinion on things.
I had lost interest in THE WINDS OF WINTER and A DREAM OF SPRING but watching the trainwreck of Season 8 made me become interested again, with a little bit of hope that the characters and story have some meaningful closure.
gotta love E3 leaks
can't have any fuckin surprises, god forbid
Yea Forums has enough with the DBspics and the BHAspergers.
One of the many things Steve Jobs did right.
No fucking leaks. Leakers get the stick.
Leaky journalists get banned for life. Their publications get banned for life.
Make Product Announcements Exciting Again
no after reading the leak ..hype deflated
gonna look like cheap shit
>Frodo: "They are going to the harbour beyond the White Towers. To the Tax Heavens.
>Sam: "They are thieving Middle-Earth."
>Frodo: "Never to return."
>Sam: "I don't know why, but it makes me mad."
the closure will be martin's death and your knowledge that he ordered to have all of his notes burned once he has passed away
It's basically going to be the same shit with a better leadup, can't really get excited for it.
I disagree with him automatically believing supposed Gamergate victims but he's right in saying that threats and slurs have no place in civilized discourse.
thats right buy our game written by this fat piece of shit hack stupid gaijin
Fromsoft just can't into in-depth and well-designed technical action gameplay.
Name a company that can.
The end points are fine, the lack of reason for getting there is the problem. That "better leadup" will make all the difference mah nigga. ANd i'm sure the final state of the world won't be so fucking nonsensical and ambiguous either.
Vocal Souls fanbase + GoT fanbase? Sickening.
Oh boy a game about tax policy and diarrhea
monster hunter is better than any meme 2-button action game Yea Forums pretends is good
Team Ninja
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Ninja Gaiden 2
>Made souls combat but actually good and with far more depth than any From game with Nioh
>Bayonetta 1
>DMC 1, 3, 4, 5
I can't wait to hear about the thrilling tax codes of viking era Nordic society
>some old ass games from 00s
and that's all folks. Why are you pretending FS gameplay is bad while it's one of the best in business?
Cultures are absolutely a strong point of his too
>'Great Rune' is From Software new title [Open World, Norse mythology, GRR Martin, premiere at MS E3 Press Conference]
>George RR Martin has apparently joined forced with FromSoftware, creators of the git gud Soulsborne collection of videogames like Bloodborne, Dark Souls, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. But don’t assume it’s going to be set in the world of Game of Thrones, as rumours have it that this game - titled Great Rune, supposedly - is set in the Norse world, exploring Norse mythology and all its dark legends.
>Whisperings began circling on the internet in early 2019 and went into a lot more detail about what players can expect: you’ll be invading kingdoms and stealing the powers of their rulers after a FromSoftware-style battle, which will then serve you well when you have to fight other kings. All I can say is that I hope Martin hasn’t forgotten that he’s also got the Game of Thrones book series to finish, as after that Game of Thrones ending there’s a hell of a lot of things people are going to want to Martin write (and justify) in his own words…
>a writer who excels at creating worlds and character storylines but can't write endings
>most people don't finish the video games they buy
It's a match made in heaven.
Are his books the biggest fucking meme ever? They're shit
What was Gwyn's tax policy?
incelgate BTFO glad to see he's an ally.
I just hope From innovates more on their combat, give some more diversity to it and more ways to tackle combat encounters and hopefully some environmental interactivity.
I can dig the Norse myth stuff though, I loved listening to the stories when I was a child.
Is it about the Norse? The Ironborn in Asoiaf are easily the worst written part of the books. Their whole society and islands make no sense
heh, first he got HBO to finish his book series, now he got From to start writing his new books. now that's a bait and switch scam.
Doesn't at all sound like it's related to Asoiaf.
it's fucking hilarious how Yea Forums went from loving dark souls to shitting on it only because it gets more popular.
You guys are the same kind of cock sucking faggots like normies
This man has no experience in video game industry and probably never played a single game. He is literally less competent in that field than an average user.
this desu
>implying the ironborn are norse
The only questionable thing about that statement is his point about believing these women no matter what.
Threats and slurs have no place in a civilized society.
meh, obese hack writer who wrote an overrated trash series filled with sex and violence
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning.
>Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelt fouler.
>By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water.
>The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.
Can't wait what masterful work the new Tolkien will craft for From.
There are some differences, but they're raiders and famed navigators who use Norse axes and ships with an ornamental kraken at the front. Not to mention the kraken itself is Norwegian despite many people thinking it's Greek
Still bummed out this scene never made it into the show. With various angles, close-ups and slow motion shots.
>Diarrhea of the Old One
>really is
So... is he or not
pretty hilarious how often this passage is quoted by illiterate little queers who haven't read the books. can't you at least find a passage yourself?
>GOT normies will complain about difficulty
>Norse shit
>Open world
I think Game of Thrones is trash and I think Souls is overrated garbage
So no, you can put your unpolished rehash up your ass
It's a match made in heaven. Both have media that start out good, then end shitty.
Guess I'm done buying From games.
Him working with a Japanese studio is confirmed, he said it himself. The rumor of the game being Great Rune and the developer being From are the rumors.
Nah, nobody cares about those boring fjordapes
I think most people here including myself support Zoe and Anita now compared to in the past, so you won't see many people take issue with this. These woman shouldn't have been getting threats online in the first place, its disgusting behavior.
What the fuck would he be consulting about?
Threats? No, never. Getting called a dumb cunt? Ab-so-fucking-lutely. But you're a faggot.
I see, thanks user
So they are dumb cunts because they are woman? Good logic you have there incel. Call me a faggot all you want, but I'm not the one making threats to woman online like a coward.
Popular thing + popular thing will always be bad to you contrarian faggots
GRRM's strength as a writer is making believable, multi-faceted characters and writing le ebin shock value plot twists. I'm not sure how that's supposed to translate to a typical FromSoft game. He sucks dick at world building.
>norse mythology
jesus christ why
>I think most people here including myself support Zoe and Anita now
Miyazaki is a westaboo, and is obsessed with Dany. He will put an insert character of her.
>Falling for Yea Forumsirgins bait
they get called that because they are leftists,dumbfuck,same with antifa types calling right people,not because they are women,how fucking dumb
>say stupid shit
>get called dumb cunt
Hey anita, how's hanging?
Yeah, it totally isn't the second t olast scene oif dany which is why everyone still remembers it after waiting for 8 fucking years for her to stop shitting. Fuck off showfag, you have no power here and thanks to dumb and dumber neither does your show.
>And Brianna Wu
One of these things is not like the others.
No ones cares faggot.
Fucking hell. Go back and work on your own shit martin. I don't want you anywhere near stuff I actually like, and I sure as hell don't want your fans within a billion miles of me
Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichaean duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.
I'm glad the sekiro meme is over, even Miyazaki isn't interested in making DLC for it
Yea Forumsirgins just cant into the fact that sometimes simplicity is just as good as technical if done right
it's like the faggots who parrot how gorgeus Crysis is despite other games having ten times better art design
lol, is that in the books?
hi you're a faggot nerd
DING DONG, user!
Rolling isn't what's bad, it's the enemies that don't learn to respond to it.
If you can roll your way out of any danger it's a shitty opponent.
Pic related rapes your ass if you are constantly rolling mindlessly.
Nah I call dumb cunts... dumb cunts. Men, women, whatever pronouns they choose to use secondary or tertiary.
After Sekiro I think I'd actually prefer it if FromSoft stick to their one-trick-pony style of Souls game instead of making something that pretends to be different like Sekiro but actually just ends up totally muddled in a half-step to being different.
ahh whats that smell
A fucking coward. Combat is better solution always.
>so i don't really know about anything, BUT....
Why do people do this
Yeah, in her last chapter of Dance with Dragons. Should GRRM not finish WoW it's going to be the last thing she'll be remembered for since the only thing to happens to her afterwards is being found by one of her former Dorthraki riders.
As one of his characters put it, "All that is said before "but" doesn't matter".
>This is the brain dead mind of the alt right
You realize you're literally a Nazi right? You have no moral high ground in this conversation. Attacking woman by sending them death threats and trying to damage their reputation is something a coward would do. Now go back to sucking off your leaders tiny insignificant dick.
>Gets called out as incel, gives incel reply
He couldn't finish the books because of HBO you massive fucking retard.
No I think you just hate the fact that woman are online and have opinions. It makes your incel blood boil to the point that you need to send them threats and call them dumb cunts. You're so pathetic.
>meanwhile makes two blog posts that he's nowhere near the finish and does a shitton of other projects on the side then write the books
>Men, women, whatever pronouns they choose to use secondary or tertiary
Reading isn't your strong suit, just as expected from a dumb cunt.
One of the nazi's that didn't know what was going on inside the concentration camps and was just fighting for his country or one of the nazi's that is basically a villain from a Saturday morning cartoon?
HBO was hoping he'd finish his next book before the end of season 4. He didn't, so George supposedly gave a rough outline for how he wanted the story to end and then trusted D&D to write the rest of the story and fill in the gaps themselves. To this day he still hasn't another book since the series first started back in 2011.
That's not how that word works you dumb cunt
>main character is Bobby B in his prime
Man, that would be neat. Or at least give us his or Lyonel Baratheon's armour as a skin.
Oh I read your post sweetie, I just don't believe you. You're a liar and petulant child, why would I take the words of an abuser at face value?
Keep that impotent incel rage coming, that will really prove to me you're not a scumbag who threatens and treats woman like shit.
based and metaphysicpilled
>some lazy fag was consultant
>he's an actual newfag and thinks it's the same user responding to him
kek, thanks for the laugh retard.
>want to watch game of thrones for the comfy medieval atmosphere and cool CGI dragons
>too scared to watch anything with gore or excessive blood/frightening scenes
>no censored version of GoT exists
Never gonna make it, lads...
case in point
I love that (you) but I just joined this thread. I'm just making fun of you being the biggest faggot in existence. Literally.
Obvious troll is obvious. No one is this much of a liberal faggot cunt on Yea Forums of all places
pleas b nice fren
Are you fucking for real? I can't wait for faggots like you to actually see war.
>triggers Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /pol/, /his/, /tg/ and Yea Forums
Pretty based
GRRM is a shit writer and this next game by From is confirmed for shit
This guy looks like a total spook. Probably has ghostwriters.
this is the biggest and worst cope of all
it's time to face the truth, buddy, he'll never be done with the last two books
That's not how publishing works you massive retard
Hopefully it is a good as GOTS8
why, just to rush everything like D&D did?
>troll shaming
Fuck you.
based taxposter, Yea Forums is too low iq for this post
What the fuck has he even been doing for the last decade
Spending all that money on hookers cosplay as Dany
>Actually thinks I care which incel I'm replying to lmao
I'm a liberal faggot because I defend woman from a bunch of spinless cowards that have nothing better to do with their time than abusing woman who simply have different opinions? Sorry sweetie but you're on the wrong side of history, no one is going to see you as heroic for attacking innocent people. Anyways I'm done replying to you. Maybe try leaving your basement and going out into the real world sometime, talk to real people, find a real gf. Then you won't have so much built up incel aggression that you direct to innocent woman online. Just try it.
>the women get these insults by voicing an opinion
Yeah, like 80% who have an opinion and someone disagree.
Its not a mysogyn or female problem, its a general "who disagree with me gets my hate" problem.
not a single one of these companies does encounter designs better than FROM. What good is a combat system if you can only use it on garbage.
>normies will invade Souls like now
Thanks I guess.
Nothing else he has written is much better, a great deal worse in many cases
want to know how I know you're a woman?
>From cant finish their games
>GRRM cant finish books
>spinless cowards
Suck my dick bitch I'll spin if I fucking want to
you'd know about invading and shitting up communities with reddit shit wouldn't you retarded frogfaggot
What was his tax policy
fuck I hate this normie enabled fat fuck who thinks hes on par with fuckin Tolkien
No taxes, but you have to pay high on your electric bill.
Souls has been normie since the DS1 PC release you dumb frogposter
GRR makes fun stories, FROM makes fun game without any stories. Could be nice
Monster hunter combat is far worse than souls... feels like shit to play.
Fromsoft insider just debunked this rumor over at resetera
have sex
>Miyazaki is a westaboo
>and is obsessed with Dany.
post your work
I spin CONSTANTLY!!!! Who the fuck is this faggot to tell me how much I spin?!?!
but in all honesty you're an insufferable cunt just like all the "women" you defend.
>biggest hack of the writing industry joins together with the biggest hacks of the video game industry to create the most overrated piece of media of all time
Seems like a match made in heaven.
If I wanted western writing I would buy western games. No thanks.
But he's right in everything besides Brianna Wu being a woman
will there be seks?
can't wait
Why don't you stop being a white knight and let them stand up for themselves? It's not like the issue is any of your business to begin with.
Based edgy autist with the cool kid Yea Forums approved opinion
He actually thinks he's better
>biggest hacks of the video game industry
But Kojima isn't involved in this.
>i can't appreciate a story unless it's about a Japanese high school student saving the world from an evil empire
Epic strawman lad
Which game was I referring to
persona 5, obviously
>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
>btw dont ask me about where the missing books are and how they will differ from the show, how many children did Scarlet O'hara have? Eh who cares? *sharts*
Absolute madlad, banking in and chilling his balls off
Eating every single food item listed in a song of ice and fire. He'll probably be done in another 200 years.
>I can't understand a post so I write a nonsensical statement and look retarded
Yea Forums in one greentext.
what do you expect? he's an unironic Hillary supporter
They can't. Deep down the white knight knows this and uses his mysoginistic worldview to "help" in the fuitile hope to get some pussy as rewards for it.
It's over, let it go
>If I wanted western writing I would buy western games. No thanks.
Ah yes, because no western writer could top the riveting writing of the Souls games, right?
Based nu-edgy autist cool kid Yea Forums approved opinion
Will we finally find out what was Gwyn's tax policy?
Maybe he will
Game of the George?
I didn't even make any judgement on western writing in that post you obtuse faggot. Stop being so insecure.
Her cunt became the world.
>If I wanted western writing I would buy western games. No thanks.
>Japanese "writing"
>just rip off everything from western writing
If you're going to talk shit about a man who sold off his legacy to HBO and seems to refuse to give a real ending to his fans, at least throw out real shade.
He's always been extremely flattered by the comparison to Tolkien from some of his fans, and denies that he has anywhere near the effect on fantasy as he did.
Can he work on a book instead?
Basically old man Martin would work on ANYTHING before resuming the novels
I doubt people would remember GOT after 20 or 30 years, meawhile LOTR...
It's already been 22 years since it came out.
You people get offended really easily.
But it was still going until now (the series at least)
Nobody cares about lotr though.
>I don't know anything about the background
>but I DO KNOW that my female freinds get harrased from being female, so I do believe it could happened in this case.
Doesn't seem that bad of a take to me.
lmao this guy
It's an easy virtue signaling opportunity.
>I don't care whether some reviews were biased
You can really just stop after the 3rd sentence then. The whole point of it was about journalistic integrity, and he openly admits he doesn't care. All the virtue signalling after that point is just hot air.
If it isn't number one in fantasy, it's a clear number 2.
Game of the garbage?
hes not on the feminists side retard. hes saying sending rape and death threats to the lying feminazis was counterintuitive and retarded and only made the feminist side look better to the public even though we all know the story of 5 guys burgers and fries as well as the media campaign against "gaming"
gamergate was such a shitshow, glad its over.
A threat isn't combat with ideas, it's a promise or blackmail of physical violence.
-strained buzzing and whirring as his motorized chair struggles to remain functional- "Ah, ha ha, *munch, munch* ol' J.R.R., didn't, ah, see you come in! -burp- No please, please, [smack] sit down, sit down, there' something we, (pant) need to talk about. *farts* Heavens excuse me, oh ho! Well getting down to 'brass tacks' - or brass tax, I might say SNORT! - yes, well I was sitting, counting the money coming in from, slurp, my show - terribly taxing ah yes? - when the thought occurred me, watching that money from my award-winning show... [belch] from my, (siiippp) award, award, awar... sorry, I lost my breath, award-winning books, that I [chews] that I can't seem to recall you mentioning [more chewing] anything about Gondor's *blows nose* taxation policy. Surely I must have -releases one long wet smelly fart - missed it while glancing through the pages (cough). You did [scratches ballsack] say something about it, right? Sales tax? (sweats) Value-added tax? *licks lips* Don't just sta - oh my my heart - stand there my man, out with it! Surely the, the thought has crossed your mind?! -chuckles until accidental urination-"
miyazaki was making sekiro
so Great Rune is made by tanimura aka B team aka dark souls 2 and 3 which were trash so great rune will also suck
Legitimately insightful, user. The subversion/deconstruction relies upon something external to BE subverted and deconstructed. It's a parasite upon the real, substantive goodness of a work like LOTR that gets its kicks from mocking goodness and scoffing at nobility as "unrealistic" or "patriarchal". Badness has no power of its own, it can only gain ground by being "a good thing spoiled." Exactly as Frodo talked about in Mordor.
Excellent post, user
>In an interview that dates from a few years back, Miyazaki not only criticized Hollywood, but those who enjoy its films.
>“Americans shoot things and they blow up and the like, so as you’d expect, they make movies like that,” said Miyazaki at the time.
>“If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them,” he continued. “Lord of the Rings is like that. If it’s the enemy, there’s killing without separation between civilians and soldiers. That falls within collateral damage. How many people are being killed in attacks in Afghanistan? The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]. If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans. Those who don’t know that, yet say they love fantasy are idiots.”
This post made me physically ill.
Why is he saying that? No one on either side thinks threats are okay.
lmao get a new image tumblrs dead as fuck
grim fuckin times indeed
I feel like everyone misinterprets this. He isn't saying that Tolkien should of done that for LoTR. He's explaining the difference in their fiction. How he grounds typical fantasy to relate more to our world, how just trying to be a "good person" is never enough.
You laugh but I wouldn't be at all surprised considering he never missed any of the female role auditions.
>Gamergaters still mad dragon book man couldn't give a flying fuck about their petty bullshit issues that have nothing at all to do with him to begin with
Holy shit lol
>baby orcs in their little orc cradles
is this fat fuck srs?
It's the way he's saying it, and in light of his other comments, that seem to snidely suggest there was some kind of deficiency in Tolkien's work that he has addressed. Same thing with how he called Tolkien's depiction of war 'dishonest' because there was no sexual violence.
I don't even like either franchise but MH definitely has better combat than Souls. All of the "epic gamur skillz" dodging/reaction times/animation reading but with actual depth to the combat mechanics/character building on top of it.
He's literally right you fucking schiziod. I know for a fact that death threats were sent to them because some of my friends did it and bragged about it to me.
How does that even work, son?
Oh he 100% comes off as a snide bastard with the way he speaks.
His last update on winds of winter had him pissed fans actually believed he could of finished a book, and compared his not finishing it, with the world being round.
He's sort of a bitter old man, but I never felt like he was belittling Tolkiens work in that quote.
I can only comment on ASOIAF, but I hated the books--I literally read them as a tolerance/discipline exercise.
Here is what I recall hating:
The dialogue was all crutches and edge with shitty faux-idioms and cusses in profusion.
The plot is a weak mashup of Romance of the three kingdoms and the war of the roses with popsicle zombies.
George loves to use obnoxious onomatopoeia. Trumpets go haroo and shit like that.
He seems to have no spacial reasoning-- the ice wall is absurdly huge.
The prose is as flabby as George was, and he has slimmed down a lot in the OP picture.
All that said, it is not bad as far as modern fantasy goes. It's perhaps the genre with the most receptive and undiscerning readership. They happily chew on a plate of shit as long as there are dragon and wizard bits in the crapola.
I also feel sorry for George as he seems aware of his middling talent.
if you like GOT you're a retarded faggot
No because he’s a lazy fuck
Reread your post, you'll find the answer.
>le anyone can die any minute ebin randomness
ok retard keep defending this fatty and his "legacy"
[sickening putrid stench fills the room]
100%, palace economy.
>info came from a Yea Forums post
slow news day, huh?
Actually the gamergate side was pretty okay with it unless it was time to signal their virtue. You can't actually be so dishonest as to suggest a movement born of Yea Forums of all places valued civil discourse.
You weren't there at all you little shit.
This. Once again braindead leftists prove they are what they claim to fight against
I mean what you're suggesting is literally a logical impossibility so I guess it's no wonder you refuse to clarify at all and resort to vague dismissals but it would've been amusing to see you try.
looking rough even by GRRM standards
You imply Gamergaters are even a thing in the first place, retard. the drama has been over for years.à
That's your projection
>my friends
sure they did
Worst part of the books is his overuse of the word "loping". The direwolves always lope, everywhere they go. Fuck.
this, you should have seen thos gators, they were out for blood, it was a real massacre on the internet, it had never been such a serious bzns
Of course I was there. Gamergate's ability to deny the obvious remains baffling to me.
The main characters actually have plenty of plot armor. The main characters just aren't who you think they are at the start of the series.
this has been his writing method since day fucking 1
>You imply Gamergaters are even a thing in the first place, retard. the drama has been over for years.
What a sad "no u" attempt
The fact that you're telling me this itself proves you wrong.
Nah you weren't. People got obsessed over their image and that's what killed the entire things because of all those false death threats accusations
Imagine being this obsessed over a boogeyman that fucked off into another chan after a row of drama.
Gamergate really is the videogame Auschwitz. Can't let go of that horse huh?
>already sluring
you look so civil
>People got obsessed over their image
Yes, the virtue signalling I mentioned. Unfortunately it was an uphill battle for them because of the real actual death threats associated with them.
>People automatically assume it's GoT just because of him
fuck off
Oh yeah? Want civility?
Son, if they fucked off, then why are so many of them in this thread? It's not *my* obsession that's making them bitch about how Gurm told them to stop threatening women five years ago and how gamergate did nothing wrong out of the blue. Who do you honestly think those people are? Who do you think you're fooling?
>The real actual death threats associated with them.
Yeah, which had absolutely no substance because sjw got busted false flagging themselves with death threats and outside trolls fan the flames.
Game of Thrones is shit.
>More Nordic shit
Oh boy, good thing there's videos of paint drying on YouTube so I can do more productive things with my time than sit through another gay ass overhyped snowy shithole
>Son, if they fucked off, then why are so many of them in this thread?
Oh, so they were sitting alongside the nazi baby killers squatting in this thread? I didn't know!
>It's not *my* obsession that's making them bitch about how Gurm told them to stop threatening women five years ago and how gamergate did nothing wrong out of the blue.
Nobody talked about fatso comment at the time, you really weren't there at all.
>Who do you honestly think those people are? Who do you think you're fooling?
I love seeing how deep of a hole you're making for yourself.
I'll reserve all judgement until we can actually see the game but I'm not really a fan of his. What do you suppose Gwyn's tax policy was?
What game have they made like that?
there is no game
Yeah haha give me more japan weeb shit, it's not like that has not been overused for decades now!!!1
>sjw got busted false flagging themselves with death threats
Now this claim, on the other hand, is entirely false.
>outside trolls fan the flames
lol if you think there was any difference between gamergate and "outside trolls".
Dumb white women who have blonde hair would play his games.
They're dumb, short and whorish to the point of having AIDS.
They'd also confuse a Latino for an Asian.
>He isn't saying that Tolkien should of done that for LoTR.
I think he is, though. That's why he establishes that it's a "quibble" with Tolkien and not simply a stylistic difference.
He also said Tolkien made a mistake bringing back Gandalf, and that he should have remained dead.
It's not just his tone; he clearly is suggesting LOTR would be better if it was written according to his ideals.
>Now this claim, on the other hand, is entirely false.
Much like your own claim that GG did dead threats. Even after the fucking FBI investigated the entire thing and told people they were clean.
[citation needed]
kill all frogposters
Eh. We'll see. The guys at FS have an excellent track record in my book. I trust them. If they consulted this guy, it's probably for a good reason.
I don't particularly like GoT but FS (probably) knows what they're doing.
>literally read them as a tolerance/discipline exercise.
this is the most autistic thing I've read on here this year
>Oh, so they were sitting alongside the nazi baby killers squatting in this thread?
The who the what? Who's talking about killing Nazi babies?
>Nobody talked about fatso comment at the time, you really weren't there at all.
This is about what's happening in the here and now, but when it comes to back then, are you saying you don't remember? Or were you not there yourself? Do you think it makes sense to claim that no one cared at the time when someone is still carrying a grudge about it five years on?
>I love seeing how deep of a hole you're making for yourself.
Sure, I'm the one digging a hole, mr. not-a-gamergater-but-whiteknighting-for-the-honour-of-gamergate-for-some-reason.
It's from a retarded interview with Hayao Miyazaki, not Fromsoft Miyazaki.
>Even after the fucking FBI investigated the entire thing and told people they were clean.
Ah, that's a common misrepresentation. What the FBI actually concluded was that gamergate was in no position to actually carry out the threats, and then they washed their hands of the whole internet drama. But of course, in order to determine this, they first had to determine that the threats had in fact been made, and by whom. Gamergate wasn't cleared at all, but rather confirmed to have been making those threats. But they were also confirmed to be a bunch of doughy internet tough guys.
>great rune
but why now, after like 15 years?
>The who the what? Who's talking about killing Nazi babies?
How many layers of delusions are in stuck in to fail to understand your own logic? There's no GGer in here.
>This is about what's happening in the here and now, but when it comes to back then, are you saying you don't remember? Or were you not there yourself? Do you think it makes sense to claim that no one cared at the time when someone is still carrying a grudge about it five years on?
Nice attempt at moving the goalpost. There's no grudge to be seen about Martin comment anywhere, only mockery. The real grudge here is that fatman still hasn't released his fucking books, his comments were drowned out in noises at the time so it clearly doesn't matter today.
>Sure, I'm the one digging a hole, mr. not-a-gamergater-but-whiteknighting-for-the-honour-of-gamergate-for-some-reason.
I'm just calling you out on your lies sweetie, you're the one making bold assumption.
>Gamergate wasn't cleared at all, but rather confirmed to have been making those threats.
That's a big fat lie. It was impossible to determine who was making the threats but people still pointed fingers and convinced themselves otherwise.
hes a huge cuck. sam was his self insert
>There's no GGer in here.
There obviously is? I don't believe you're following my logic at all. See, my logic is that I make an observation and draw a conclusion from that. Yours seems to be to deny all observations and make up whatever you want.
>There's no grudge to be seen about Martin comment anywhere, only mockery.
That's your subjective interpretation but the fact is there is someone in this thread whose first thought when the topic of GRRM comes up is that he made a lukewarm anti-gamergate throwaway comment five years back and that this supposedly makes him "dumb as hell". Yeah, they're not mad.
>I'm just calling you out on your lies sweetie
Bit of a hypocritical thing to say when I have not lied anywhere, as that by definition makes you the liar.
Are the books any good? I watched the show til season 4 when I saw the dumpster fire approaching that was season 5
Finish the fucking books you fat bastard. From what I've read about the project, I have no hopes.
>Open world (which in itself is a bad thing) from a developer that has never done it and aren't technically proficient
>Writer is popular for writing edgy pulp that normies only give a shit about because it produced at terrible TV on HBO
No hope at all.
>It was impossible to determine who was making the threats
Oh, so it went from "we know the SJWs did it themselves" to "actually we can't know"? Regardless, it's not impossible if you're the FBI, and a couple gamergaters did get a stern talking to.
They're okay. Skip the characters you don't like, read the characters you do. That's what I do.
>There obviously is? I don't believe you're following my logic at all. See, my logic is that I make an observation and draw a conclusion from that. Yours seems to be to deny all observations and make up whatever you want.
You're the one making the broad claim there's GGers in here when the movement has been dead for 5 years. Stellar observational skills pal
>That's your subjective interpretation but the fact is there is someone in this thread whose first thought when the topic of GRRM comes up is that he made a lukewarm anti-gamergate throwaway comment five years back and that this supposedly makes him "dumb as hell". Yeah, they're not mad.
That's called a bait and you got hooked.
>Bit of a hypocritical thing to say when I have not lied anywhere, as that by definition makes you the liar.
Oh, I'm sorry. Being delusional isn't really lying, I agree.
>Just skip chapters you don't like
The chad way to read a book.
Good fucking lord try to stick out less you dumbass redditor
what is the context of this trash?
Martin wrote a few pages of Danny having Diarrhea.
High literature right there.
Gurm writing Dany having diarrhea. It gets posted when people think he's actually a good writer and not some edgelord ripping off history and adding in his fetishes and dragons and shit
so there is nothing to it
he just wanted to write some scat porn?
From Software owns my hole
>You're the one making the broad claim there's GGers in here when the movement has been dead for 5 years.
user, again, we can plainly observe that the movement is not dead as we can see the gamergaters in this thread with our own eyes. And that is what's so sad. Claiming that they're not gamergaters because the movement is dead is affirming the consequent and it's a formal logical fallacy.
Also, you should know that
>That's called a bait and you got hooked.
Oh, okay, when all else fails, they were just pretending to be retarded? But why pretend to be a gamergater five years on? And why pretend like me recognising what he's pretending to be is an obsession?
>Being delusional isn't really lying, I agree.
You're still a liar.
Pretty much.
GOT is the biggest sheep bait ever
>Also, you should know that
lol whoops got sidetracked mid sentence
You should know that definite confirmed gamergaters can still be observed to discuss gamergate-related issues on their known hangouts on reddit, twitter, and the other chan, so your claim that the movement is dead is not based in reality. It's sadly trudging on and the results can be seen in this thread even if you'd like to be able to deny it.
Yes he constantly brings up shit and shitting, when Tywin Lannister dies GRRM goes into detail about his bowels voiding, there's another passage where a ship creaks 'like a fat man straining to shit'
>user, again, we can plainly observe that the movement is not dead as we can see the gamergaters in this thread with our own eyes.
And that's plainly untrue, nobody is associated with GG here, you're the one making this bold claim without foundation. Talking about what happened back then isn't proof of being part of a bygone movement. It's pure projection on your part.
>Oh, okay, when all else fails, they were just pretending to be retarded?
How new are you? Are you seriously going to doubt someone is going to do some ironic shitposting in the hope of baiting retards on Yea Forums?
>You're still a liar.
No, sweetie.
The books are already finished.
>never played NGB
Literal fucking pleb
Why do people want another fucking souls game? There have been 6 released in the last 10 years and they all play extremely similarly. So many companies get made fun of for rehashing yet FromSoft is praised for re-releasing very similar games every 1.5 years.
Which makes it the perfect pairing for Dark Souls, the biggest sheep bait in vidya.
he went on record to say that's not true though, keep believing it if it makes you feel better
Everything in the list sounds spot on except Nioh.
>And that's plainly untrue, nobody is associated with GG here
How is it "plainly untrue" when plainly, people are seen to be associating themselves with GG in this very thread? That seems to be the opposite of plainly untrue.
>Are you seriously going to doubt someone is going to do some ironic shitposting in the hope of baiting retards on Yea Forums?
I am going to doubt that someone went to the effort of digging up a five year old quote for the purpose of pretending to be retarded now. No, he had that lying around. And you know why. Also, why would it even be worth the effort to pretend to be a gamergater if, as you claim, the movement is dead?
>No, sweetie.
More lies :^)
so true
GG was only a major "movement" for about a month. After that it was a tiny fringe group mostly on Reddit. By this point there are probably less than 100 people who actually still care about that shit and there are hundreds of thousands of people who come here.
>How is it "plainly untrue" when plainly, people are seen to be associating themselves with GG in this very thread? That seems to be the opposite of plainly untrue.
Onus of proof is on you. Point it out then.
>I am going to doubt that someone went to the effort of digging up a five year old quote for the purpose of pretending to be retarded now. No, he had that lying around. And you know why. Also, why would it even be worth the effort to pretend to be a gamergater if, as you claim, the movement is dead?
Are you insinuating that posting old pictures is enough to be lumped in some kind of group? Here's an old picture for you.
You really have no idea how chans work do you? Posting old shit to bait people is precisely what I and many others do.
>Cant handle the genius of a modern Tolkein.
its just going to be some mediocre 6/10 fantasy game. Licensed games are rarely good.
look at his bibliography
now sample ANYTHING he wrote before GoT and ask yourself "HOW the FUCK did this person get famous?"
I swear the series made the books not the other way around
It's just gonna be the 5th copy of dark souls and will receive universal positive coverage for it.
The tininess of their fringe minority is offset by how vocal and incredibly online they are. You still can't point out that Zoe Quinn did nothing wrong on Yea Forums without multiple people tripping over themselves to sell you their narrative.
>Onus of proof is on you. Point it out then.
I have, repeatedly.
>Are you insinuating that posting old pictures is enough to be lumped in some kind of group?
When it is associated with that group, yeah. You claim I don't know how it works but you clearly don't really understand how people work and what could motivate someone to post that picture in particular if you think they're all just interchangeable "old pictures".
It's been a decade and this image is still relevant
>a decade
This image has been made two decades ago user
I never participated in gamergate at ANY point and I have to call your bullshit out here. Zoe Quinn slept with reviewers to get them to positively review her shitty game. The reason why this is bad is because it means other indie game devvelopers who worked harder on their games lost sales and attention to her shitty half assed game. If you can't see how that is unfair and immoral you're being disingenuous.
>From story influenced by GRRM
>"The world is fucked and nothing you do really matters in the end but the taxes of the realm are surprisingly fair"
>Zoe Quinn slept with reviewers to get them to positively review her shitty game.
Factually false. If repeating gamergate's false narrative and taking their side on the made-up issue central to the entire movement doesn't make you a gamergater, what does?
yes thats why even the shitposters admit they just wanna finish reading the story
>I have, repeatedly.
Well then point it out for brainlets because you are clearly superior to all of us here. Point out the messages that clearly make people into death threats dealing gamergaters.
>When it is associated with that group, yeah. You claim I don't know how it works but you clearly don't really understand how people work and what could motivate someone to post that picture in particular if you think they're all just interchangeable "old pictures".
Oh, I clearly can't see what would motivate someone to post an old pic of Martin retardation in a GRRM related thread on Yea Forums in the hope of baiting someone into some kind of overreaction... Of course, it's a Gamergater! It has to be! Here, my picture implies that Turks are cockroach so that clearly associate me with some kind of white supremacist movement!
What makes you a member of a movement is participating in that movement, which I have never done. You're pretty dumb.
A fromsoft game with a good story would be disastrous. I wouldn't be able to take my time and explore everything in peace when I feel like the story is getting too thrilling or when the story urges you to hurry for some reason.
From games should always have a shit or next to no story like they do now
Worse: They'll blame this game for ruining their GOT.
I'm not sure if she ever actually slept with a lot of reviewers. I know she was friends with one or two, but the only mention I ever saw of sex for good review was from Yea Forums. Not to the mention she was uglier back then when she was a ham planet, so who would sleep with her?
The accusations were true, get your head out of the sand.
Beta males (video game reviewers) will take anything they can get.
>Point out the messages that clearly make people into death threats dealing gamergaters.
Speaking of moving the goalposts. There are gamergaters who sent death threats, and there are gamergaters here, but obviously I cannot prove they are the same.
>an old pic of Martin retardation
Tell me, who but a gamergater would consider "sending death threats to women is bad" to be retardation?
>Here, my picture implies that Turks are cockroach so that clearly associate me with some kind of white supremacist movement!
You're posting it now to prove an inane point but I do have to wonder why you have it, yes.
You're participating right now by trying to convince me how totally right and justified it was. Odd move for someone claiming not to be invested in it.
False, as even gamergate had to eventually admit. But by then of course their libel had spread far and wide.
Maybe but more fault lies with the "journalist". They're the ones with the audience and have the mouthpiece, assuming the sex thing is even real.
Calling you an idiot in a Yea Forums thread is not participating in a movement. You are mentally ill.
I agree with you 100%. I think everyone knows video game journalists are trash though. The only place anyone would disagree with that is in resetera.
>Speaking of moving the goalposts. There are gamergaters who sent death threats, and there are gamergaters here, but obviously I cannot prove they are the same.
I'm telling you to use your insight to point out the post belonging to GGers, but we both clearly know that's impossible because there's no one like that in this threat.
>Tell me, who but a gamergater would consider "sending death threats to women is bad" to be retardation?
Because fatman spoke about something he didn't understand. The good whole ''I may not be an expert BUT...''. It's a juicy bait.
>You're posting it now to prove an inane point but I do have to wonder why you have it, yes.
It's called vulgar Yea Forums humor. The thing redditrats like you have never been exposed to.
[Citation needed]
A great way to miss on important details you idiot
the Andals were the norsemen in ASOIAF, dunce
>Calling you an idiot in a Yea Forums thread is not participating in a movement.
It is when you are calling me an idiot over insulting your precious movement. If I said Nazis are dumb and people crawled out of the woodwork to say Nazis had many good points actually and the Holocaust is a lie, what kind of people do you suppose those are?
>I'm telling you to use your insight to point out the post belonging to GGers
Here's one ;^)
>Because fatman spoke about something he didn't understand.
Really? Gamergate is the best example you could find for that, and not, say, something about Aragorn's tax policies? Also, there's a difference between not understanding and not giving a shit. He doesn't care about the petty issues gamergate is ostensibly about but he does care when women are harassed.
>It's called vulgar Yea Forums humor. The thing redditrats like you have never been exposed to.
I'm exposed to it every day. You don't wonder why "vulgar Yea Forums humour" just happens to have a white supremacist bent to it?
You first.
I don't give a fuck. I read for the characters I like, not the "War of the Roses but with dragons and zombies" plot.
but there is literally nothing to this shit
they might as well just be labelled character 1, character 2 etc.
If anyone is not the Norsemen in ASOIAF it's the Andals. They brought faux-Christianity, they brought knighthood and chivalry, they brought a writing system that supplanted runes.
One of those women is not like the others
>Also, there's a difference between not understanding and not giving a shit. He doesn't care about the petty issues gamergate is ostensibly about but he does care when women are harassed.
Of which GG is innocent.
>I'm exposed to it every day. You don't wonder why "vulgar Yea Forums humour" just happens to have a white supremacist bent to it?
Given the vast amount of races on Yea Forums your overt generalization is a laughable display of self-sabotage. Good show, it's always fun to see how Reddit false intellectualism deflates so quickly.
What's up with fat guys not finishing their most beloved series before moving on to other video game related content?
To be completely fair to him I do not doubt at all that they got legitimate death threats. I don't think receiving online hatred is grounds for me to respect or agree with anybody in particular, but if you place online hatred on a pedestal it's an understandable position.
Of course, it's just indirect non-personal words online and none of it is really as actionable as you would typically view a threat to be, but you cannot sit there and tell me that some legit autistic retard never tweeted something even a little bit vulgar or threatening at Anita back in 2014.
You know exactly how far people are willing to go when it comes to saying stupid shit online to provoke a reaction, especially to a professional victim who they know will react especially strongly if their comment is violent or sexually charged.
I'm ok with this, From was always big with characterization and hidden lore in obscure places. In addition we know they can do shock twists well with sekiro. If we ignore the fact G.R.R.M. will inevitably shit the bed with the ending his shit actually works well in this medium.
mutts are really obsessed with twatter dramas and virtue signalling. literally every single one of them in the entertainment/geek industry is like this
>Of which GG is innocent.
Nice try GG.
>Given the vast amount of races on Yea Forums
You're making unverifiable claims about the demographics of an anonymous userbase. I am only analysing its output.
Incidentally, I think it's funny you continue to seriously engage with me when supposedly the fact that I seriously engaged with a gamergater showed that I was just a stupid redditor who didn't get that we bait people all the time around here. But the thought never crossed your mind that you had misjudged me, had it? If I were to claim now I was merely pretending, you'd consider it a cheap cop-out, and yet, when it's about gamergaters showing themselves to be pathetic, I'm expected to recognise it as obviously pretending. It's almost as if your stance on whether it's pretending or serious is influenced by your biases regarding gamergate.
They're fat because they're not on top of doing what they should.
It's banter when I do it but it's slander coming from you.
so viking souls confirmed basically?
Different user stepping in, gamergate was retarded in all directions, it was basically a massive shitpost fest from each side, and both groups did things in a dumb as hell manner aggravating the other side continuously. Basically Gamergate was a large cycle of trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.
>PS7 exclusive
there is literally no basis for the article
>You're making unverifiable claims about the demographics of an anonymous userbase. I am only analysing its output.
Americans and Europeans aren't the only ones on Yea Forums, sweetie.
>Incidentally, I think it's funny you continue to seriously engage with me when supposedly the fact that I seriously engaged with a gamergater showed that I was just a stupid redditor who didn't get that we bait people all the time around here. But the thought never crossed your mind that you had misjudged me, had it? If I were to claim now I was merely pretending, you'd consider it a cheap cop-out, and yet, when it's about gamergaters showing themselves to be pathetic, I'm expected to recognise it as obviously pretending. It's almost as if your stance on whether it's pretending or serious is influenced by your biases regarding gamergate.
There's that projection again, putting words in people mouth. Lying is what you people do best, trying for a cope out pretention won't work because you've already proven yourself incompetent in your judgments and claims.
Pretty much, it will be good.
have sex
Gurm himself has let people know he's been working with an unspecified Japanese game developer, and this was after a rumour that he'd been working with FROMsoft.
>Enter thread out of curiosity
>Well deserving threads get deleted
>This one stays up
Fucking 404 this thread already jannies fuck
>All these new fags getting baited by a leftist RP'er
>George RR Martin
>Americans and Europeans aren't the only ones on Yea Forums, sweetie.
I fail to see what point you think you have, here.
>There's that projection again
>Lying is what you people do best
>trying for a cope out pretention won't work because you've already proven yourself incompetent in your judgments and claims.
Isn't that when it would work best?
and nothing ever comes out of this shit
>These woman shouldn't have been getting threats online in the first place
They should
>I think most people here including myself support Zoe and Anita now compared to in the past
If you support either of them you should be thrown in an industrial grinder
He's an old men who doesn't understand shitty aspects of newer generations, it's not very surprising. At least the books don't reflect that.