Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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The gays

What the fuck, I thought his name was spelled Reed, not Read.

What was the episode about?

you, as always


looks like someone didn't read any of the Arthur books

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it's spelled Read because they want kids to read

Post the episode loser

What's that moron thing where people think that the universe is wrong instead of them misremembering? I'm POSITIVE that his name was spelled Reed but I'm clearly wrong

Arthur and Buster rose up.

Mandela effect.

I don't know how I feel about this
but hey, at least kids these days can still grow up watching arthur
but it's not the same arthur I watched

>Alabama refusing to broadcast the wedding episode
Damn, censorship is based

>Arthur and Buster track down and rape kid for stealing fortnite win
Woah too far cbs

>arthur is still running and coming out with new episodes
Excuse me?

tv subtitles always said reed but whoever does the CC is probably a volunteer and doesn't know their Arthur lore

Buster calls Arthur the n word

in his defense tho, it was a heated gaming moment

I thought it was Sneed

This show is still going? How?

do you suppose there's a chance people aren't sincere about the whole "alternate timelines" thing and are just having a laugh over something silly or nah

>gay marriage in Arthur
>Arthur and Buster rise up
What is this building up to? Will ArT and BuStODkA shoot up with their school?

I'm sure it's both

They're still making arthur episodes?, how long has it been running now goddamn.

It's PBS, right? They get tax money to make this garbage.

wtf? how did this show keep going after I stopped watching it? aren't I the main character of reality?

>mr ratburn is gay now
can sjws leave anything alone

I never watched this show and I don't understand why it's a meme. Then again I'm not a peasant that had to rely on Public TV for my childhood entertainment, but I guess having access to video games from a very early age possibly lead me down the wrong path in life. If only I had grown up watching Arthur I would have been a normalfag... maybe.

you got Mandela-ed boyo

clown world

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If you've ever watched the show you'e know Ratburn was gay already

>confirmed bachelor for 22 years
It was your fault for falling for the meme that is male celibacy


>gay people: *exist*

have sex

thankfully based alabama are censoring children's cartoons. no doubt other based countries will follow suit

>gay people: spread degeneracy to children in the hope they become gaycurious
>normal people: please stop that

Based discord trannies

Go to "episodes" on the bottom, then "Mr. ratburn & the special someone/the feud" then skip to timecode 10:57 (a little over halfway through).

>become gaycurious
I seriously hope you guys don't believe this

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THIS. All of a sudden they make Arthur's teacher gay and had the season open with an episode where his teacher marries another male character.

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Shut the fuck up retard. Arthur was made for US not fucking faggots and trannies. (((They))) are destroying our childhood and people like you are just sitting around with your hands over your ears, screaming "EVERYTHING IS FINE". Well it's not fine. We need to rise up and put an end to this clown world.

That's not how homosexuality works
In most cases the opposite produces more people in the closet than anything

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Also gays and discord trannies
>you need to accept us for who we are!(while denying that they were born a particular gender)

>limied edition Blue Forza Xbox S
>Playstation controllers through ChronusMax

Arthur is hardcore bros...

You do realise the US has like triple the amount of gay people than the most LGBT european nation like Germany?

i don't care if thats how it works but it is absolutely their goal

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I thought the scene where a frustrated Arthur punched Buster in the back of the head and then repeatedly sodomized him was a bit much for PBS, but what do I know?

Aren't you a faggot tranny yourself?
I mean, you are posting on Yea Forums :^)

Little kids can be encouraged to do almost anything with proper sugestion., look at the drag queen kid or those annoying lil shits from extreme left parents.

How effective an episode of an old as fuck show towards kids is another topic, tho.

This post best post. It's like when that faggot new writer decided to claim Ernie and Bert were always gay but got quickly shutdown by all those who worked on the show and were close to Jim Henson.

You can't make a someone gay. You can make them wonder if they are gay and to explore it, but that's not the same.

Would be totally hot if you could be made gay though haha. Just to see what it's like

There's a difference between sexuality and cross-dressing

No matter how many attemps you make to make someone gay or whatever it won't work and vice-versa.

Not even meming, if you feel like you could be "convinced to turn gay" you probably already are gay, or at least curious. I've been around lots of gays and gay shit and it never made me question my desire for pussy. Maybe the problem is with you?

Like my anime, what if I could be turned into a cute girl haha.
Honestly, Fuck being trans/transitioning, but I would be interested in some isekai level bullshit where I turned into a girl or black or something.

you can convince children to do or become anything, especially autistic children.

They are extremely imprintable

The problem is that children don't have any resistance towards this pandering. As a grown adult you're perfectly capable of knowing what you want.

They're all in flash now

You have to be deaf and blind to think he wasn’t gay as fuck.

To me it's less about censoring and more about properly presenting the topic to kids.
Just don't threat sexuality and relationships as something you can just mix and match however you want without repercussions. It's a complex thing that needs proper explanation. Not homosexuality, but relationships in general. I haven't seen the Arthur episode but it feels it does a better job than other shows, like Steven Universe.

I doubt those draq kids and shit are gay either, but that doesn't mean it can cause some confusion for some time to kids. Sexuality may not be modifyable but it sure as hell ain't something easy to udnerstand and deal with, specially when you're young. All I'm saying is that if we can present and talk about it properly, the better.

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not really, but regardless I'm talking to the adults (or at least purported adults) posting in this thread.

So you go around using your adult power of will to resist the desire to suck dick because you've decided it's not what you want? user, I...

Grats you figured out that you don't have to be gay to crossdress.

Formally Chuck

WHO the fuck watches it. why do you expect that we do? is if for like 6 years old.

>Arthur literally had no control over if the game froze
>Arthur was winning
>Arthur gets his team of bitches to back him up
I’m no expert, but Buster definitely seems to be in the wrong here

The Arthur episode really is 95% about the kids trying to stop the wedding because they think ratburn is gonna marry a bitch that will make homework more difficult.
The wedding happens literally at the last minute and no one mentions that it is another man.

if you fags were't so easily baited, we wouldnt see that type of low-quality bait every fucking day

I am very gay. I am dating a nonbinary person who was born male. I myself am pretty much a basic guy who enjoys beer, sports and all that jazz.

If you have anything to ask about video games, I will be happy to discuss.

its nu-/pol/ they get easily mad over tiny things

That is incorrect and you should kill yourself for peddling homosexuality as a good thing.

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It's a show for kids. You have to argue from the standpoint of influencing children through pop culture.

>Hey Arthur?
>Yeah, Buster?
>Are you going to keep spamming that move over and over again?
>It's not spamming, it's called zoning. I'm trying to cont-
>It's literally all you do. I didn't know it was called Hadoken Fighter. Hadoken hadoken hadoken, when are you going to use your other god DANG moves?
>Look Buster, we can just play another g-
>C-calm d-
Who was in the wrong here? I can't believe PBS got away with this.