Launch uncharted 4

>launch uncharted 4
>see 30 fps
>launch multi-player
>see 60 fpa

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You can't see fps difference retard it all looks the same. Pc fags love to make shit up to think their superior.

bad bait


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Anyone else unironically use motion smoothing software on tvs when playing 30fps single player games

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This is true but you will be ridiculed because pc fags are retarded monkey fucks.

get in

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Didn't she have blue eyes?

Proof one thing I said is wrong you cant.

Holy shit

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Truth right here.

I bet you just tried to see the difference in a 30hz tv/monitor. Otherwise you're just blind.


Both screens look the same to me. Just keep proofing me right.

this is a better comparison

Attached: fps.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

soulless vs soul

Well, we can't prove what you see, but i bet you'se seeing a clear difference, but is lying just to cause drama.

You just sped up the footage theres no such thing as 60 fps


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That mp was pretty fun though

Enjoy the cinematic experience

So your a literal retard them?

Blind tests already proved that most people can easily tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps.

Maybe some people are really just too slow in the head to notice the smoothness and decreased input lag that comes with 60fps.

So if you're convinced that there's no difference, then you just have acquired brain damage or have been born retarded.

Live with it.

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Eat shit ratbag

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There is another, very real possibility that the person might be just lying to cause drama.w
You can't prove or disprove it, so with a bit of careful posting manipulation, you get yous.

But they can't prove they're not lying either so.

She honestly looks cute here.
I've never played a single uncharted game so I don't know anything about the character and I don't want to ruin her for myself by listening to her actually speaking, but what I'm saying is I'd smooch the hell out of her big delicious schnoze

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What the fuck did they do to Chloe?

Im not trolling i see no difference it all looks the same. Enjoy your 10k pc with no games while i play my great ps4 with cinematic masterpieces.

Is that Eiji?

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