ODST had a unique direction while Halo Reach is cliche.
Halo ODST Is Better Than Halo Reach
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Halo after reach is trash and always will be
ODST's the second best halo, so yeah.
Better campaign sure, but reach has high quality multiplayer and the most quality forge mode.
they both had unique direction but ODST was more lighthearted and it felt like all the joe staten halos
nothing cliche about Reach, its probably the most "serious" Halo has ever been under Bungie and it was a breath of fresh air in retrospect even if I thought it was humorless/dull at the time.
>reach has high quality multiplayer
Excluding Invasion it's barely better than Halo 4
Reach was (rightly) criticised because the multiplayer sucked compared to 2 or 3. I liked the campaign a lot though.
No. ODST was shit. Campaign is just one stupid slog of firefight. What is there to do after campaign? Firefight! ODST fags are literally the worst. At least Reach let you customize armor and had a good progression system. ODST has no redeeming features. The only reason people pretend to like ODST now is because Halo 4 and Halo 5 shit the bed.
Nah ODST is comfy and has great atmosphere
they got dat sexy armor
Yeah but 4 played like ass (The forge was dogshit both in the user experience and the maps which could be utilized, and the campaign was so fucking bad that I wiped it from my memory), the core gameplay of reach is good enough to make most of the modes enjoyable. The gunplay and movement are solid enough that even removing weapons and vehicles it's fun (i.e. SWAT, which I've put hundreds of hours into). And let's not pretend that the forge mode wasn't spectacular. Countless quality infection maps, I remember one called Alcatraz that the lads and I would play for hours. And for some simple fun, you had writer's mind v2 (I don't know why it was called that) where you'd ride a warthog or mongoose at lightning speeds down a ramp while a zombie with a sledgehammer tries to smash you. Magnifique. And there were plenty of other unique modes like the Indiana Jones maps, which were fine little Amuse-bouches to add some variety to you and your bros afternoon game experience.
ODST had a mixture of vibes and tones. There was something relaxing seeing the city and the Jazz saxophone (which was unique) and there were times the fights became ferocious with war drums or techno music.
Halo ODST did a good job with its direction.
Halo Reach was just bland.
Master Chief Collection beta was suppose to start last month, get back to work.
Firefight 2.0 > Firefight
Bungiefags should really shut up and stop trying to fit in, no one that like Halo like ODST or Reach, we liked Halo CE-3 and bitched about Halo 4 and 5 because 343 mde some mistakes but we all agree that ODST and Reach were shit, only contrarian that wants to fit in with Halo fans would say Halo AFTER Reach is trash instead of after Halo 3 from 2007.
I always say that everything after 3 is a downhill
you are entirely correct, reachfags btfo
Thread soundtrack
Damn I loved Invasion but fuck was it hard to get a decent match started some times
Halo: Combat Evolved was better than all of them.
Also you're comparing the two worst Halo games to each other.
>Halo ODST us garbage because I said so and it's mine collection.
Nice argument there,
I love the Halo trilogy CE-3 and considered 3 to be the final but ODST was original on it own. ODST should've been a standalone honestly instead of a prequel to Halo 3.
Everything is better than Reach. Even Halo 5.
>but ODST was original on it own
Like more a Halo 3 asset flip.
I started with CE back in 2001 and liked all of the bungie games. Youre the only contrarian faggot I see here claiming that 343 only made a few mistakes but call reach and ODST dogshit when it was the other way round
Which sci-fi military game do you k ow that incorporates techno, war drums and jazz saxophone music (Cowboy Bebop has this) altogether?
Go on,
I'm waiting...
Reach is mediocre
ODST is a masterpiece honestly, they do the whole squad thing way better than Reach ever did
Fucking ODSTfags and Reach fags are more annoying than Halobabies
>only contrarian
How ironic.
Would it make Halo more interesting to have a lesbian protagonist?
>ODST>2>1>Reach>3>4>didn't play anything else
>3>2>1>Reach>didn't play anything else
ODST was an asset flip released and made in a year, it was crap and unneeded, you're just praising it because it wasn't a 343 game and nothing else.
Yes, we
Read above, you do this because they're not 343 games, you're contrarians.
Never thought I'd be this excited for a re-release of a nine year old console shooter but here we are
Halo 5 is the superior game, and Halo 2 isn't as good as everyone makes it out to be
>couldn't find any examples.
I rest my case.
>you're just praising it because it wasn't a 343 game and nothing else.
It's music direction, art aspect of the city, the character development and so forth. Your just using 343 because you know your wrong. Your also speaking in circles.
Yes, contrarian
what if we had a new weapon for Halo as a secret unlock weapon?
I thought that was the game plan, originally it was meant to be an expansion to 3 until MS stepped in and forced that $60 pricetag on it.
No, you're just dense
Reach is nothing like the other Halo games
Your right its trash
Yes, it is, ODST's music was boring compared to Halo CE-3, when it came to the art direction bot ODST and Reach were pretty bad, ODST may use Halo 3's engine but it ruins it and the art with that stupid film grain filter and bloom lighting, Halo 3 was a beautiful game, I don't know why Bungie didn't think it was. Reach's music was the worst of Marty's and the art direction was shit, not Halo 4/5 shit but shit compared to Halo CE-3. Character development is a joke in both games, I gave no shit about any of the characters in ODST and Reach. Even 343 gave Chief and Cortana better character development than whatever the fuck was that in ODST and Reach. MC barely says shit in Halo CE-3 and Bungie gave him and the people around him better character development.
Yeah. The contract Bungie had with MS required they make two more Halo games after 3 so they went along with it.
Kill yourself lol, you're not a real Halo fan if you don't like ODST and Reach.
I wanna go back to when the elite sanghelli were in there own version of "medieval times"
one man's trash is another man's treasure
First you said ODST was trash and told me me I was a 343 shill (which I debunked). Now your shilling for 343?
>Even 343 gave Chief and Cortana better character development than whatever the fuck was that in ODST and Reach. MC barely says shit in Halo CE-3 and Bungie gave him and the people around him better character development.
Chief was way better in CE-3 than 343 Chief.
Your not only speaking in circles but your also moving the goalpost.
Just admit ODST was good and quit shilling.
i never played ODST but when i was in college i borrowed halo 3 and reach from a guy in my dorm and finished halo 3, enjoyed the heck out of it, and started Reach and it was really bad. They tried to follow the Call of Duty War Is Bad type of narrative and Halo is fundimentally not the type of game where you feel bad about what you did and what is going to happen.
i don't have problems with those ideas, they can actually help strengthen a character in people's eyes considerably when used well in a story, but the Master Chief is a jesus archetype whose struggles are viewed as virtuous rather than pointless, and they pretty much had to fundimentally change the narrative direction of the franchise with Reach and it explains why the new trilogy is just mind bogglingly unlike the game i remember
>halo reach
>war is bad narrative
>They tried to follow the Call of Duty War Is Bad type of narrative and Halo is fundimentally not the type of game where you feel bad about what you did and what is going to happen.
The game doesn't even attempt to make YOU feel bad for ambiguous things or shit, it's cataloging how pointless and hopeless the war was for humanity until Master Chief and Cortana shifted the tide on the first discovered Halo installation. You completely misinterpreted the entire game's plot.
i'd reckon this is the worst post on Yea Forums right now
You're not a real Halo fan if you like, you Bungiefag.
I never called you a 343 shill, I called you a Bungiefag, reading comprehension must not be your thing. Also, ODST was a boring ass game that would have been better off not getting made.
we need a new alien race.
I agree, the turds that came in with ODST and Reach defend it religiously when even they know they're full of shit, they do this to fit in.
Do it in a spin-off, if it has no connection to Halo CE-Infinite, then it has no place in a Halo FPS game, that's like adding a new enemy to 2D Metroid with no connections to Metroid ES-Fusion.
is your bar for good dialogue just final fantasy type bullshit where the characters have to explicitly spell shit out for you? because the master chief has a pretty well defined personality that is shown consistently through his actions rather than his words. and when there are words, it doesn't spell it out.
>Master Chief: So, what sort of weapon is it?
>Cortana: What are you talking about?
>Master Chief: Let's stay focused. Halo: how do we use it against the Covenant?
>Cortana: This ring isn't a cudgel, you barbarian. Its something else. Something much more important.
what the fuck happened to make contrarians of ODST, Reach always had people complaining about it since day one but jesus christ you'd think it's bad to prefer anything pre-343 that isn't Halo 2 at this point
>I've never sai-.
>Read above, you do this because they're not 343 games, you're contrarians.
says the person who clearly does not understand the thematic direction of the first three games in the franchise. have you even played halo 1 or halo 2?
not bad, but what type of alien will it be?
not an argument, doesn't mean anything. At best, it is a compliment
bungie halo is the only Halo that matters. ODST and Reach are good games whether you like it or not.
nobody played it so people are pulling opinions out of their ass. especially because everything after it was so bad, i sure as heck never revisited it even though i should get around to it.
Based OP
Make it very hyperactive and fast and uses sharp blades and can crawl surfaces and also use blasters.
ODST I remember being disliked for being somewhat dated visually and because it was too pricey for what it was, but I'm surprised since I thought Reach was fairly loved, especially with 343's early patches.
What the fuck are you even trying to pull here? What, Reach is bad because it doesn't fit the "thematic direction"? Piss off, it's clear you can't enjoy individual games for what they are and are just pushing some retarded narrative about what you think they are onto other people.
lol, retard
I like both. Why can't we be friends?
he look damn sexy
Honestly the only thing I wish ODST had was a difficulty above legendary where you had conditions on par with an actual random soldier being stuck in a sieged city full of hostile xeno filth like having to replace body armor parts when they get fucked up by plasma and having to scavenge for what few guns might be left. Maybe have the security failsafes on the covenant weapons like some the books so any human that isn’t a spartan would just get burnt at best or exploded at worst if they tried to use their stuff.
What would their skin be like and faces?
I want a Thicc sanghelli male to hold me.
Are you trying to be dense and retarded, I never said anything about Chief having a bad character at all I said Bungie barely gave him one yet Bungie gave him a far better character than the cardboard cutouts of ODST and Reach. Why do you keep doing that? Every time I criticize ODST and Reach, you bring up Halo CE-3 and try to make look like I said anything bad about them. I'm ony talking about ODST and Reach here, not the far better Halo CE-3, stay on topic.
Do you have ADHD?
Anything that doesn't look like a human would be cool.
That'd be nice.
Me to desu
Reach was perfect while odst was just a trashy 60 dollar dlc for halo 3
>Bungie barely gave him one yet.
He did had one in CE-3 brainlet. Good job exposing yourself.
It's a great argument for calling you out, the only Halo games that matter from Bungie are the first three, anything they make after can easily be ignored
Remember how every one fucking hated how much of a rip off and a let down ODST was?
Why the fuck does everyone love it now?
Yes, and it made the characters from ODST and Reach look like preschool writing in comparison, just goes to show you that maybe less is better.
cuz we're better than you
Reach is Combat Evolved, but better.
Halo 3 is 2, but better.
ODST is just a weird fluke that managed to be quite good within its limitations.
Because it's not made by 343, they can't even come up with any reason why it or Reach are good just keep saying the same shit, muh soundtrack, muh noir, muh atmosphere, muh Objective: Survive.
Good job backtracking after being exposed braonlet.
>Reach is Combat Evolved, but better.
Not even close.
ODST is the best Halo story and I wish we got more of it
I never backtracked, Halo CE-3 completely shit on ODST and Reach.
it did though
it's just a closed beta
Exactly. 8 years worth of improvement make it much much better.
CE-3 had far better stories.
You mean 8 years worth a regression to make a terrible game.
First you pulled the 343 bullshit that you had you exposed. Now your desperate and using Halo CE-3 as a last desperate attempt to save face. ODST is a good game on its own. Quit moving the goalpost.
Post valid criticism beyond
>muh armor bilities
>Muh bland characters
>Muh lack of color
how bout actually play them game?
Stay mad
Terrible gameplay, story, characters, slowest base movement in the series, lowest jump height in the series.
Quit gatekeeping dumbass. He said ODST is a good game. When did he said Mr Halo CE-3?
I think Halo's the first series i've seen besides Sonic to create counter-counter-contrarianism.
And I said it was a rushed game Bungie put out with no effort in making, Halo CE-3 are far better games and the Halo series would be far better without shit like ODST and Reach.
The fanbase use to be okay until ODST and Reach happened, then it brought the retards, these dumb fucks got louder once 343 took over. They're very small but loud like SJWs.
>, these dumb fucks got louder once 343 took over.
Why are you using 343 as a scapegoat? Their games were bad but it has nothing to do with Halo ODST being better than Reach. Your speaking in circles..
That's when ODST and Reach fas started to push their shit down everyone's throats.
most people IRL love Reach and ODST
I think you're the loudmouthed retard heh
>most people IRL love Reach and ODST
That's a straight up lie.
There ain't enough halo Spartan cyborgs.
>Terrible gameplay
It's CE's gameplay with more variety/versatility.
>story, characters
Again, the same argument always thrown, when no actual narrative or literary comment is given "its bad because I was unengaged with the characters/retconned the book"
>slowest base movement in the series, lowest jump height in the series
Barely an issue. Increased in certain playlists and in customs. Works well within campaign level design. You're given vehicles/jetpack/sprint to compensate
Are you Larping?
Halo 5 is the best Futuristic Call of Duty that I have ever played.
But it is the worst Halo out of them all.
What an excellent way of putting it. Infinite Warfare might be a bit better story-wise, though.
The casual audiences may not unquestionably love Reach, but they don't bitch, complain and shit themselves over it like "real fans" do. There's a reason why Halo Reach for MCC got such a huge positive reaction, and even the user scores on Metacritic aren't that bad. ODST actually held up worse critically on both fronts, but nowadays it's not as big a deal since you're buying it for cheap either by itself or MCC and can treat it like the expansion it was.
Yea Forums just loves the validation they get from being snobby little shits in their echochamber. Then they pretend one loud shitty opinion is the popular one.
It's literally a small amount of retards from reddit that love ODST and Reach, most fans would rather have Halo 3 hurry up and release on PC already.
Are you?
Is that why Yea Forums is so anti odst because of the full price tag?
I was so confused because in the UK it launched at £30 which is much more reasonable for the expansion pack that it was.
I want a different variation to the plasma sword.
Gatekeepimg again aren't we?
It's not the worst when ODST, Reach, and Halo 4 exist.
this is the most honest post in this thread. ODST and Reach are bad.
>It's not the worst when ODST, Reach, and Halo 4 exist
>it's not worst.
>He think Halo 5 is good and better.
Found the shill
if you're going to try to debate and make people look bad on an anonymous image board, learn how to fucking use autocorrect
>It's CE's gameplay with more variety/versatility.
CE was faster and better.
>Again, the same argument always thrown, when no actual narrative or literary comment is given "its bad because I was unengaged with the characters/retconned the book"
Even without the retcons the story was terrible, te characters were all one-dimensional walking cliches.
>Barely an issue. Increased in certain playlists and in customs. Works well within campaign level design. You're given vehicles/jetpack/sprint to compensate
It was a huge issue, it felt like you were walking through tar.
>one letter equals bad grammar.
>This sperging.
Also quit Larping,
I'm starting to see your patterns
Better gameplay than all three, better multiplayer than Reach and Halo 4.
>It's literally a small amount of retards from reddit that love ODST and Reach
lmao this delusion
such an oddly specific thing to fantasize about too. Did Halo Reach fuck your mother?
Oh your a Halo 5 shill! That explains it! The game was trash.
It's not delusion, instead of fixing the MCC, 343 added ODST as some kind of apology when adding some more BTB maps to H2A would have been more appreciated, now they adding Reach because about 200K redditfags cried about it, this isn't even the Master Chief Collection anymore.
>defending ODST and Reach's gimped gameplay
>defending Reach and Halo 4's COD gameplay
>defending Reach and Halo 4's multiplayers
Kill yourself
define larping
I loved halo reach customization, SWAT and Forge. But Halo 3 was the best for overall multiplayer and campaign.
>COD gameplay
kill yourself
>Online-only multiplayer and co-op with microtransactions
>lol its da bestest XDDD
Hang yourself, shill.
All this gatekeepimg and being triggered over the fact that your MCC was shitty and you wanted it better. If you was a real " Halo Fan" you still keep the original discs and not give a fuck.
Yes, COD gameplay, kill yourself
Stop abusing the term "real Halo fan". You're not a fan, you're a sperg bitching about people liking things you don't like. You're not even using gatekeeping correctly. Gatekeeping is trying to exclude other people out of things, while you're trying to oust everyone who disagrees with you.
>this isn't even the Master Chief Collection anymore.
no one cares because only fake Halo fans own the console version of MCC anyway or would play H2A multiplayer. Real fans quit after Reach, sold their xbox and waited for the PC versions of bungie halo games.
MCC is also a terrible, autistic name for the collection. They should have just named it the Halo Collection lol
Seriously this shit feels like only 3-5 people are in this thread, cuz you all sound the exact same.
Holy fucking Hell, please chillax dudes.
Why are they bad then besides saying they are bad? I can explain why Halo 5 is the WORST with such ease
>Req Packs
>Forced squadmates that when they die, you die in Campaign making Legendary a chore because you gotta BABYSIT the fuckers. No Split screen Co-op to help with that either.
>Lacking features at launch
>Game plays like Call of Duty instead of a Halo game. Everyone is heavy as shit, there is none of that fun buoyancy that the series had before that had you super jumping around. You gotta SPRINT and use Jumpjets a bunch to get around because PARKOUR IS COOL
>The story contains only 15% Master Chief when we were promised atleast 50%. The devs even forgot he was the main character
>80% of enemy encounters is against Robots with 2007 Naruto RPers programmed into their databanks that make them jump around the map when they get slightly grazed by a bullet to heal up before shooting you again.
>Out of that 80% encounter list, 30% of them will include a boss fight with the same boss that you must defeat the dude 15 times before you complete the game.
>Main Covenant villain at the time is executed in the first mission.
>Iconic vehicles from the game are missing and replaced with trash looking vehicles instead.
>Customization in the game is ass where you have 200 sets of helmets and armour to unlock and most of them look the same really
>Spartan Armor in this game looks fucking rubbish
>The only likable characters in the game are fucking Buck and Exuberant Witness. There is nothing quotable or likable at ALL in any scene and it feels more like a chore then anything else.
go back
>defending Call of Duty gameplay in Halo
If I could stick my hand through this computer screen I would slap you silly.
I never got rid of the original disc, I have Halo CE-4 all on me, I also have Reach but it collects dust.
fuck you prick I don't need to listen to your triggered ass.
We were talking about Halo Reach and ODST then your sperging weird was came in gatekeepimg and complaining how it doesn't matter. Then you use Halo 5 as your last attempt. Your pathetic, you know that right?
Also, Halo Wars 2's "The Banished" are way more cool an idea then 343's Mexican Jumping Bean robots.
> we
Fuck off kid
>after Reach
>real fans
Kill yourself, you're not a real fan, if you were you would have known that Bungie's days were numbered after Halo 3, that was the peak and Bungie couldn't get any better.
We're talking about multiplayer specifically.
You're mixing up several different posters and lumping everyone disagreeing with you as one person to make yourself sound sane and reasonable.
I do agree Bungie fucked up by trying to make a character-driven story without fleshing them out. But in its wake, they manage to make the plot setting-focused. Reach is what's important. The battles, the stakes, fighting a losing battle for that small glimmer of hope and survival.
Narratively, it's pretty fucking good because it shows a lot and says only the bare minimum necessary to get you on your bearing. It plays much like a dreamlike sequence: a lot is forgettable, but the experience is still there and the whole sensation of the events linger on. The advantage here is that you can replay as much as you want and more will stick with you.
I'd only really complain about performance. FR drops and blurry fucking cutscenes/ghosting are why I'm excited to play on PC without old technology hindering the experience.
That's what ODST and Reach fans do.
yea you're literally just retarded.
What about the gameplay, they fucked that up, I was expecting bigger battles than Halo 3 and I was left disappointed?
>He plays Halo 5 though cause it's better.
With how mad my post made people in this thread, it's clear I hit the money in the pot.
It was simply said about the games, not multiplayer only. Now, I would say Halo 4 is the worst because it is the worst Halo gameplay.
But Halo 5 is worse in my eyes because it wasn't even Halo Gameplay. It was a mockery of it and how it played. That is why it was the worst.
ODST Multiplayer was fine since it included all the Halo 3 maps into one disc and allowed people to play from that. Halo Reach had a pretty fucking fun Multiplayer that was different but maintained that Halo 3 MP was still played and people had a choice what MP they wanted to play. I enjoyed many of the maps and vehicles and options that Reach gave us that the other games squandered and ruined.
Cause your post and yourself is full of shit.
Probably also technical constraints so all you get is lots of background npcs fighting in the horizon on certain levels.
I do feel the amount of enemy AI you fight in any given encounter is actually higher than in 3 but I have no numerical analysis to back it up.
Oh wow, farming [You]'s that you are gonna invest in a [You] bank and earn you enough to retire with enough [You]'s that you don't have to post again. Forgetting the fact it means nothing and you are a fucking idiot,
halo coming to steam is the only reason im alive bros
Reach has a lot of enemies, but most of them are basic fodder that you tear your way through while a few tougher enemies lead the pack. It does it more than the rest of the series until 5, though 4 wasn't lacking on that shit either.
No its not.
Take off your faggot nostalgia goggles and understand it's just a cash grab that we all fell for and some retards including yourself are trying to pass for Kino.
The campaign amounts to nothing but firefight-esque skirmishes, no importance to overall story or any grand set peices.
Hope you are mad as fuck reading this realising your taste is awful.
>Only Halo game without local multiplayer and co-op
Yeah, it has the worst multiplayer because it doesn't allow multiple players to play together without each blowing $400
How do we make Halo funner?
t. Holy shit you can smell the bullshit from this user.
If there are any game devs in here.... Could you maybe add a sex scene with sanghellis in it that are a straight couple?
ODST doesn't have multiplayer, that's Halo 3's multiplayer from Halo 3. Halo Reach and 4 had terrible multiplayers that Halo CE, 2, 3, and 5 all shit on.
You now realise it wont have half the mass of players it did in its heyday and you've already done everything before.
Just going to be a bunch of 30 year old boomers wishing they were back in time and now playing a game for memory sake.
Dude it's Halo not Mass Effect
Pretty much, less is more.
Got em :^)
Your point being?
Damn, you guys are mad.
in terms of campaign, by actually using enemy mixing to the level design's advantage again instead of the same fights over and over, figuring scale =/= fun by working out proper sandbox and linear mixing without overly relying on just a bunch of fodder running around in open spaces, removing the stupid failure of a squad dependency, and figuring how to make the wide variety of weapons useful again instead of just "best gun for this section"
multiplayer-wise, no Halo game should be without clambering because no one likes slipping off a ledge from a tight jump, but Sprint needs to get more than a recharge-stopper balance measure because honestly it's just not very fit for the overall Halo gameplay as is, maybe rework it into a forward thruster acceleration that can overheat or have problems for abusing. 5's Spartan Abilities can otherwise stay with 5. there isn't much fundamentally wrong with the map-weapon-spawn setup, but if modernization really needs to happen, at least test classic playlists to see how the playerbase scales between modern and classic to see where preference lies.
I don't disagree with stepping Halo beyond its 00's gameplay, but 343 have done it in almost all of the wrong ways without a consistent or coherent vision.
Still farming for some (yous)?
The rest of us real fans don't think like you do. ODST and Reach are different, but worthwhile experiences. Better or worse is irrelevant, they're still essential because a) Bungie made them (it shows) and b) they all bring something new to the table. And lucky for us, they were both massive successes and NOT flops (both inside and outside the fanbase, critically, commercially etc). That's about all there is to it.
Was Halo 3 the peak? Sure, I'd be inclinded to agree. But I also know many people that think Halo 2 was the peak, not to mention the CE purists. Where we can all usually agree however is that it clearly went downhill AFTER Reach. That's where we can all find common ground. People that think Halo went to shit after Halo 3 is such a small minority, I don't really think about them. They may as well not really exist.
it's just unrealistic to call ODST and Reach shit games by any metric. I may as well be arguing against a flat earther.
Play Mass Effect
Remember when Rookie got killed like a little bitch by a random chick in a novel that nobody read?
still mad, especially since i didn't learn that until so much later
Please don't bring up that bullshit that spawn from 343....
Post page
Don't know what you're talking about user, Rookie went to become a highly praised soldier and had a good end (As good as you can make it in Halo anyway)
and Mickey went Insurrectionist despite the Innies being responsible for Rookie's death, and the Rookie's death was a fucking flashback solely to set up Buck becoming a S4 for H5.
upon which he basically contributed nothing besides Nathan Fillion remarks because the co-op of 5 was shit and the characters that were not Locke or Chief didn't matter
Fuck 343,
That's all I got to say...
Microsoft weren't hounding their ass and it was clear as day that without the people running Halo CE-3 watching their ass like a hawk, they couldn't make a good Halo game, I'm sorry but ODST and Reach are shit. Bungie died after 2007's Halo 3 and that's a fact, you need to get over it.
I can't even remember who the fuck the Rookie was, ODST wasn't that popular.
I'll tell my friend to shut the fuck up, I'm gonna say whatever the fuck I want and there is nothing they can say or do about it.
You have shitty friends.
No we dont, play more games.
>343 writers
>reading the shitty comics
>not just playing the games
It's just not a fact. Not even close. I think you just have a stricter view of what Halo should or can be. I have my own preferences too but since I didn't develop Halo, they are irrelevant. ODST and Reach are worthwhile experiences and most Halo fans would agree. I'm expecting Reach to feel like a brand new game on PC since it won't be a 20fps slideshow anymore.
4 and 5 were just as bad.
If anything, the forerunner books were the most competently-written material they shat out, and those still took a huge steamy dump all over the lore.
>entire portion of the halo cracks
>broken portion doesn't fit the rest correctly and magically repairs itself
>rides this onto Earth
what the fuck this is almost Iceman You're Gay levels of bad
Dumb 343 shill
Dont bother with this retarded tranny , this tranny comes in every thread to shit things up about muh reach, muh odst.
He 100% started on Halo 4
You sound uneducated, get out.
Escalation is a fucking gem.
Imagine making a character so hated (Palmer), you shit out a comic trying to flesh her out and make her likable.
It end up being hilariously bad and outright insulting for the reader.
Shush you twit.
No you
>most Halo fans
Some, a small amount actually.
You're not going to like this, but trannies love ODST and Reach, so when you defend it and call it the best even say Halo died after Reach, you might as well consider yourself a tranny. These guys are handing out on reddit and they own resetera, I never see a tranny talk shit about ODST or Reach, they praise to the heavens.
flock off clingy feather face
I really don't get what the deal with Palmer was. It's like 343 really wanted her to be a big new character for the series and they failed every step of the way. Meanwhile one of the novel writers treats Halsey like a fucking nazi right down to Mengele comparisons, and suddenly everyone in the universe hates her to the point that the story tried to make ONI look like the good guys after years of build up of how fucked up they were.
Fire every single one of these writers, stop trying to make Halo a multi-media franchise without some serious refactoring, for god's sake.
No you mass effect nitwit
It sucks. It's like these fuckwads didn't even read the Halo Bible and just thought "it's a videogame, no one's going to care what liberties we take with the plot and characters".
Brian Reed was trying to push her and his Spartan IVs as a replacement to Chief, it failed so he moved on to Locke and Osiris and that failed after that 343 fired him and put all focus back on Chief.
get your dick out of my ass and talk halo.
What the fu-
What is best Elite Covenant armor fellas?
Outta the way plebs.
>In Great Journey you can rescue 4 (four) of these badasses and have them sodomize brutes with their energy swords.
Badass look.
what is the most coolest vehicle?
based and correct-pilled
this is basically a flawless list
Come at me
Maybe it's an unpopular opinion here, but I loved pretty much all the Halo games though I was not a fan Halo 5. I got Halo CE as a launch title for the OG Xbox when I was kid, and loved it. Got into XBL with H2. I liked H3, but as a casual the skill gap online was just too much for me to handle. When ODST came out, I liked it for what it was, which is really just an expansion for H3. I think of it the same way I think of "Thy Flesh Consumed" for Doom. Cool, more or levels to shoot things in plus some additional story. Now personally, I loved Reach. It thought the story was compelling for an FPS game. The customization was better than any previous Halo game. Also it was great to play as a Spartan that you created which I think helped add weight to the story. As big fan of Halo CE, it was interesting to play a prequel to it a decade later and I thought it was cool how they made it a throw back to the original game. Armor lock sucks though and I felt they should have just kept the power up system from H3. H4 was ok, I didn't love or hate it. I thought 5 was fun but had a shit campaign and mechanics that just weren't very Halo. Overall I think the Halo series changed too much too quickly after Reach and that's why a lot of the older fans hate it now. Playing Halo 5 compared to Halo 2 is like playing two different series. They really shouldn't have changed the art style and the over all tone of the game. There weren't any characters like Sergeant Johnson to provide comic relief in a story where all the odds are seemingly stacked against you. Obviously in Reach the tone had to be somber and I thought it was done well in that game, but it just didn't really work in 4 and 5.
Was pretty bad, but Rookie was a shit character nonetheless. The silent, mysterious protagonist formula got boring after Chief. Fuck Rookie. Miranda Keyes death was also unnecessary
Infallible. Good man.
Classic Pelican.
3 > CE > 2 > 4 > 5
The rest don't matter.
Gauss warthog
people that dislike reach have no friends and never knew what the real glory of reach was
Chief was a better character than that literal brick, don't know why Yea Forums pretends like he's some amazing character when no one even knows who he exist. I couldn't care less that 343 killed him because ODST within in itself was completely irrelevant.
Play more games, covenant dont need to be shoved aside for yet another boring humanoid alien race.
Halo CE-3 already did Reach better. Reach's glory days was everyone leaving it for Halo 3 and other shooters.
You lack any sense of coherent thought.
This, Humans, Covenant, Flood, Forerunners, that's all I want in my FPS Halo games. Just like with 2D Metroid and Humans, Space Pirates, Metroids, and Chozo, keep it simple in the main series and only expand on aliens in spin-offs.
Youre retarded
Its the problem with mass consumerist NPC,s, they always want more no matter how shit it is.
More alien races dont mean anything when they have barely done anything with the existing ones.
explain why it's a good idea to not get creative o wise one.
Based post. Sorry Reachzoomers
post alien babes.
Youre clearly lost, here let me help you.
reddit dot net
Play Mass effect
Halo Reach Marines and Troopers are my favorite.
Have sex.
no one ever goes deeper than nebulous critisisms of reach effectively reducable down to "soul vs soulless" arguments. this board is a farce, actually explain how halo 3 was better than reach
for context 3 was my favorite but i'm tired of retards
Play more games you retard, jesus christ youre so retarded.
You actually think 343 can create anything worthwile, just look at that pathetic excuse of an ""alien"" from Nightfall and the prometheans.
Because it literally does everything better than Reach, Bungie turd, Reach doesn't almost nothing better than Halo 3.
find a good girl friend
Again, 5's multiplayer and co-op being online only makes it the worst by default, sorry. There's no argument here, it just has half the functionality every other Halo game from CE on PC onward has had.
ODST had firefight and the campaign still had local co-op. Get fucked, shill. Stop defending the removal of core features for no reason other than to push more micropurchases and XBL subscriptions. They even left BTB out at launch because they knew it would compete too much with Warzone and their microtransaction money.
Find a hobby instead of wanting to cram more artificial diversity into an universe, learn to think, have an imagination.
Do you always sound like that when you talk?
Get a job.
Firefight was boring, campaign sucked and only lasted for 3 hours, I would never defend COD gameplay, most of the fans consider Halo 5's mp to be better than Reach and 4, get over it.
Get hired
>most of the fans consider Halo 5's mp to be better than Reach and 4, get over it
Says who?
Shut the hell up shill
Post some Spartan babes.
Halo: Reach was less cliche than ODST? I love both, but in regards to its narrative, ODST is definitely more cliche.
Says everyone, you shut the hell up, Bungiefag. Defending CODshit in Halo.
>most of the fans consider Halo 5's mp to be better than Reach and 4
Numbers say otherwise, shill.
No one liked 4's MP, it dropped to 20k after a year while Reach still topped 900k after its first year. MS won't even let the public see how many people are playing Halo 5, and judging from where its been relative to other games on XBL's most played list that do provide numbers its fucking nowhere near Halo 3 or Reach numbers.
For the third time, Halo 5's multiplayer and co-op being online-only make it the worst game in the franchise by default, when servers are gone so is the game's multiplayer in its entirety. End of fucking story.
call it baby's first fps or something but why does this view in particular just stick with me?
that whole open feeling of that second mission on halo: ce I don't think I've ever put as much time in for as little content as I have with that map, just exploring it
would've been amazing if they had done more stuff like what was in the E3 2000 trailer
regardless if ODST was good or bad, it did do something unique with its campaign. Definitely fell short but it was a good attempt.
Marty did a phenomenal job with the music to set the atmosphere, and it was interesting to piece together the story.
The way the narrative was presented (i.e. retracing steps and exploring while stumbling upon clues of the past), was a great way to tell a story in an "open world" environment. Most games have an open world but end up telling you where to go and what to do anyways, completely defeating the purpose of an open world game. In ODST, you could go wherever you wanted and played the actual "missions" in the form of flashbacks gathered from clues across the city. The only direction it gave you was "here are the clues on your map". ODST tried to make it work but since it's only a fuckin' Halo game it was too shallow to do something really interesting with it.
Halo Reach had a decent campaign and I liked the rugged atmosphere they were going for and I appreciated everything from the the documentary styled cutscenes to the art style but overall, nothing really interesting happened. the only character I cared about was Jorge. His sacrifice was the highlight of the campaign; a noble last-ditch effort sacrifice which ended up being meaningless as the entire covenant fleet showed up. Wish they captured that feel more often in Reach.
Firefight wasn't for me, so Reach takes the cake with Forge, Custom Games, multiplayer, armor customization, etc. and it even has the one thing ODST had going for it beyond its campaign which was firefight.
As complete games, Reach wins any day, but for the campaign alone, its hard to tell. I think they both faltered with what they were going for. They both did a good job but could have done better. ODST beats Reach for soundtrack tho.
I would do a better job of making a alien design for Halo.
Shut your 343 lying bullshit shilling self up. Your not even trying...
Found the brainlets.
how did the UNSC get away with this
Idk but it's tactical and hot.
It just has to not play like dogshit. A safe way out would be to have it play like the one from fifteen years ago, since the new dev is hilariously incompetent.
Most people left Reach when they played that garbage multiplayer, fed up with Bungie's lying asses after the beta, when Halo 4 largely had the same mp with more COD people said fuck it and left. As it stands today, Halo 5 has far more players than Reach has today. Reach fucking sucked and many agree except some contrarian ass Bungie faggots.
You shut your lying revisionist mouth, fucking Bungie faggot.
Post it, i want to see the generic robo man designs and humanoid reptiles you think should replace the elites and grunts.
Wait, you dont draw but youre an "ideas guy"?
Let me laugh more.
>You shut your lying revisionist mouth, fucking Bungie faggot.
You 343 creatures make me fucking sick. Rot in a trash can brainlet.
By coincidence I actually can draw and even very detailed too, even in watercolor paint.
Post a sketch or something, its not like we will recognize it and ruin you.
You Bungie turds make me sick, ODST and Reach were the games to shit on before 343 were even a thing, don't try to fit in with the rest of us now as a way to bring up Bungie.
>people said fuck it and left. As it stands today, Halo 5 has far more players than Reach has today. Reach fucking sucked and many agree except some contrarian ass Bungie faggots.
No they don't you fucking shill.
Say the dumbass shill who shilling his are off on a game that destroyed Halo. Halo 5 is trash dipshit.
Not him, but a good lot of the designs for Halo were very generic, along with having a cliche plot with cheesy 80s-tier one liners. The elites were originally generic lizardmen, but were heavily altered because of issues with their tails. The grunts were frog-like as well. The most unique designs were the engineers and hunters.
Speaks wonders of 343's incompetence when ODST and Reach are being praised as masterpieces compared to the rancid dog turds 4 and 5 were.
>still bickering over the past like faggots
>No they don't you fucking shill.
Yes, they did you fucking revisionist, with Reach and Halo 4 fans went right back to Halo 3 because both mp sucked.
>Say the dumbass shill who shilling his are off on a game that destroyed Halo. Halo 5 is trash dipshit.
The only time Halo came close to dying was during the ODST and Reach era, those sales were pathetic.
Bungie IS Halo, stop the larp immediately. You're either a Bungie Halo fan or not a Halo fan at all. 1-3 only fans don't exist. You're not real, kid. Either you enjoy ODST and Reach or you're a 343 shitter. It's that simple.
That's the small amount of Bungie turds doing that, for the most part Halo 4 is seen as Campaign good, mp bad, while Halo 5 is seen as campaign bad, while mp good.
No shit, nothing special about the elites body, it just acts as a base for their armor.
Their armor is the true design which was perfected in CE
Fuck off shill
I'm pretty sure Destiny 2 and Rainbow Six Siege both have sprinting and loadouts. Does that mean these games are COD?
The original Halo CE borrowed heavily from Goldeneye 007, the seminal console FPS game, which popularised both the mission-based, story-driven campaign, and the split-screen multiplayer. Does that mean Halo is Goldeneye?
You're so stupid it hurts.
>That's the small amount-.
You said this multiple times in your post.
You obvisiouly full of shit.
Microsoft is Halo, what was Halo at Bungie was long gone after Halo 3, Bungie IS shit now. I would love to see Halo CE-3 Bungie return but they're never returning. I like Halo, I don't like Bungie like I used to.
I disagree about CE being 'perfect'. Halo 2 expanded upon the designs greatly. I wish 2A didn't fuck up both their basic anatomy and armor sleekness.
Shut your tranny ass up, I will never accept ODST and Reach as Halo game, I don't even consider them canon.
Destiny 2 is dogshit, don't even know why you mentioned it.
Then why are the sales figure and general conscience giving me a different story over some mentally ill Bungie faggots?
Stop moving the fucking goalpost you fucking SHILL. You already appraised 343 bullshit and now your doing the same act.
Enough with Larping,
Enough with the backtracking,
Enough with goslpost,.
>superfluous scifi circles
>LED strips everywhere
>one half is a sword, other half is a techno shitlog
hey as long as it doesn't look like your pic then sure
>Halo 4 is seen as Campaign good, mp bad, while Halo 5 is seen as campaign bad, while mp good
It's always the same two 343niggers saying that
The biggest consensus is either praise for CE or 3
>Then why are the sales figure and general conscience giving me a different story over some mentally ill Bungie faggots
>says the shitstained shilling for 343.
I got you.
3 - Ascetic
Reach - Officer or Ranger
all else combat
what's good nigga
When does master chief get a Spartan girlfriend?
2 has more variations and detail, sure.
But it made their armor look like plastic and removed the golden effects and made their helmets look a lot less imposing, CE zealots wore crowns while 2 elites just had normal helmets, CE elites also have this awesome armor plated face when their mouth was closed while the 2 elites has their face exposed.
Its CE > Reach > 2 > 3 for me
>tfw long time Halo fan
>the Eric Nylund books (Fall of Reach, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx) are the stuff of legend. Not coincidentally, they're what the new Halo games are pulling characters and story beats from
>Halo: Reach which was, if I remember correctly, the first piece of canon media to really contradict with earlier information (The Fall of Reach and Halo CE).
>Kornman is helping fix MCC
>see the canon be destroyed and raped into a ditch by 343i
>Karen Traviss completely butchered her trilogy. Makes sense why Halo 4's and 5's story is so bad considering the Traviss books lead into 4 and 5. She has super genius Dr Halsey, the Mother of the S-II program, think it would be a great idea to get into an argument with, and draw a gun on a S-III with the intent to threaten and/or possibly actually shoot the S-III.
>Spartan Ops as a whole was bad, no one wanted Spartan IVs
>The Librarian cutscene itself is a good example. Rather then just gradually introducing that information, it dumps it on the player and the explanation they give for what a Geas is is so poor it's no wonder people wrongly think MC is a chosen one
>343i have been trying to replace Master Chief since Halo 4. Palmer was the first candidate and she failed, Locke was the second attempt and failed
>343 boss Bonnie Ross can't go two seconds without screeching about wanting stronk womyn in STEM
>Frank O Connor is literally a member of Resetera and regularly posts tons of self-hating anti-white garbage. And when Halo MCC was a broken mess, he mysteriously stopped responding and posting on NeoGaf and twitter.
>tfw can at least take pleasure in the fact that no matter where the series goes it can't be as bad as GOT
>plasma quarterswords or w/e they're called
they felt more original just being metal since they're an ancient design
It certainly wouldn't be safe to make a game play like one from fifteen years ago, because nobody wants to play a game that feels like a fifteen-year-old game. Very few people would buy that.
And no, the new devs are pretty good, which is why Halo 4 and 5 got strong reviews from basically every reviewer - they've got an 87 and 84 on Metacritic respectively.
For modern FPS games, that's pretty good. Destiny 2 got an 83, 85, and 87 across its three platforms (and it has a way lower user score on each platform than Halo 5 too). And yet Destiny 2 is a pretty popular game.
Black Ops 4 - that got an 83, 83, and 85 (so a lower average score than Halo 5), and again it has much lower user scores than Halo 5, and yet it's also a popular game.
Rainbow Six Siege is also a very popular game, and it got a 73, 74, and 79 across its three platforms (so, a fair bit lower than Halo 5, of course). Its user reviews are similar to Halo 5.
I think Halo 4 and 5 have great gameplay and they have been praised for this (the writing might have been criticised, and I understand that, but the gameplay is solid). I've been playing Halo ever since CE back in 2002 (when it released here in Europe). And I'm glad that 343 are pushing the series forward instead of releasing the same shit every year, which would have made me bored of Halo by now.
And I just find it funny that nostalgia fags go on about sprint and loadouts, when Bungie themselves literally put these features into their next games, Destiny. Lmao, not even the people that you idolise agree with your brainlet opinions.
Thoroughly and effortlessly triggered.
I'm fine with curveblades having plasma variants. There were burnblades as well.
Halo ODST is superman 64 levels of bad user.
t Jesus this shilling...
Yes, but it lacked multiplayer.
And when they finally put Firefight in multiplayer, it was the shitty Reach version.
I'm still mad.
I've not played ODST but Reach is a really fucking good game.
And my point with Destiny 2 is that people play that game, and they don't say "oh my God, it's COD", just because it has sprinting and loadouts".
You fucking brainlet.
Also, ironically, Destiny 2 is of course made by Bungie, the very people that Halo nostalgia fags idolise, and Bungie themselves clearly think that a modern shooter benefits from sprinting and loadouts. Lmao, nostalgia fags are even BTFO by their own idols.
destiny is made by nu-bungie aka non-factors
all the good guys left before destiny 1 was even released
You have FIVE FUCKING SECONDS to explain to me why you can't place AI Marines, Covenant and other enemy types in Forge and assign them basic objectives and behavior types to create the firefight of your dreams.
Who said we wanted Destiny? If anything Bunch a should be remaking Marathon (The Original Halo)
>Frank O Connor is literally a member of Resetera and regularly posts tons of self-hating anti-white garbage.
go figure, Fireteam Osiris screamed "diversity team with an old face plastered on to force people to like them"
>if someone says something that makes me butthurt, then they're obviously being paid to say it!
Do you suffer from paranoid schizophrenia? I have met paranoid schizophrenics and this is how they think. Apologies if you do, it's obviously a serious thing and can have devastating consequences, I mean that in all seriousness.
what are burnblades?
as much as I enjoy reach and ODST I mean
a different halo can't beat H A L O
good thing we finished the fight in 3 right guys?
>Frank O Connor is literally a member of Resetera and regularly posts tons of self-hating anti-white garbage.
Source? I don't go on that site, although I think I saw he posted things on there to do with the game (e.g. denying that Infinite would have battle royale), but I didn't know he posted "anti-white garbage", and that surprises me to be honest.
They were metal blades that are far more brutal.
>I've been playing Halo ever since CE back in 2002 (when it released here in Europe)
Where are you from? How popular is Halo in Europe?
Where did those "good guys" (in your opinion) go? Surely they would have been predominantly young, right? So I doubt they would all just be retired now?
>i'm SO much of an originalist that i don't even like halo! marathon or bust!
I'm talking about Halo 4 and 5, not the two best Halo games in the series which are Halo CE and Halo 3.
>can't even answer the question.
Couldn't agree more, man fuck D&D.
Reach was terrible and led to Destiny which is shit because it's shit, not because it's COD, why are you even bringing up Destiny anyway.
Chill...I like Halo I just wanted Marathon instead of Destiny. It's literally proto-Halo.
Glad they failed and getting removed.
>Halo 4 and 5 got strong reviews from basically every reviewer
Oh great,
He's back for another shilling.
marty got fired
joe stated probably got fired etc
a lot of them seemed to start indie studios
some went to microsoft (but not for Halo)
I can't remember them all
not him but Halo is very popular in europe, no less popular than in the states I'd imagine. A lot of the same shit that's popular over there is popular over here.
Also insanely popular in Mexico and Australia.
I hated Reach too
>no lone wolf shit
they said
>it's a fuckhuge war going on
they said
so why does 90% of the game have you traveling around alone or with one other teammate at best? even the regular marines are almost nowhere to be seen.
Bugie made Reach,
Halo 4 and 5 were made by 343. There a difference.
Why can't we have like a weapon modding/customization workbench?
Every fucking thread with this retarded faggot.
Proving my point. Bungie's most ambitious, yet polarizing release was still better received by both players and reviewers alike.
343 reeks of misplaced priorities and incompetence. Too much ambition, no specific goal.
It just baffles me how anyone thought it was a good idea. I know Master Chief can't last forever, but they bring back Blue Team with essentially no context, so the only reason you'd know they're personal friends of Chief that he can trust is because of books from over a decade prior. They bring in Fireteam Osiris, and they get a goddamn Avengers opening as the plot mostly focuses around them in 5 for poor reasons besides "yandere Cortana kidnaps the Chief", a sentence I never wanted to have to type in my life for a canon plot, and what does Osiris bring to the table? A tough black survivalist girl, an alien-speaking nerd that probably wants the Sang dick, Nathan Fillion with basically no oomph or things to do, and a guy from their failure of a short online series that essentially has the barest minimum possible of characterization for the sake of having a strong badass black guy in charge - and they couldn't even keep the actor consistent for the big debut game of the character, because said actor had to do shit for Luke Cage. Thorne was originally intended to be in Buck's place but the actor couldn't make it, so they killed off the Rookie to get an excuse for Buck to be a Spartan-IV.
It's just one of those things where you see it all laid out and realize that not a single cohesive thought went into any of this or considered how it might not go over well, like the devs had absolutely no hindsight. And that's not even touching Halo 5's campaign gameplay.
I never left. Bungiefag, hope you don't start shilling Destiny and Destiny 2 as much as you shil ODST and Reach.
Halo Reach was great, so go and glass yourself.
>Destiny and Destiny 2
Fuck them games and Fuck you
The only Lone Wolf level is the last level.
Brian Reed literally wanted this to be like the Avengers, I'm glad he got fired.
>And that's not even touching Halo 5's campaign gameplay.
What was Halo 5's campaign like?
I'm from the UK, and yeah I think Halo was always just as popular over here as in the US. I'm not sure about countries like France and Germany, I think it might not be as popular over there, but in the UK its popularity is basically the same as the US. Most games are, really.
>A lot of the same shit that's popular over there is popular over here.
Mostly yes, apart from sports games. FIFA is incredibly popular over here, while it's obviously not very popular at all in the US. NBA 2K is not very popular over here at all from what I know, while Madden is played by some people, but it's nowhere near as popular as FIFA.
Glass yourself
I agree and fuck you too.
>I'm from the UK,
Did you know that Cortana was originally British?
Force squad bullshit with a crappy reused boss fight and 2 second levels where you do jack shit.
>Reach was terrible
I couldn't disagree more. I think it's a fantastic game.
>why are you even bringing up Destiny
Like I've already said, the original person I was responding to was talking about "COD gameplay", and I brought up Destiny (and Rainbow Six Siege) as two examples which use sprinting and loadouts, to show how common those features are to modern shooters. And I also mentioned how the original Halo borrows heavily from GoldenEye 007 on the N64, which was the seminal console FPS game, and which pioneered both a mission-based, story-driven campaign, as well as four player split-screen.
Monotonous waves of fodder to slaughter so you feel good without any cohesive design compared to battle composition that even Reach, with similar fodder problems, at least understood. Vehicles somewhat downplayed in favor of Spartan Abilities besides specific sections and a Scarab retread. Bits of characters standing around expositing info dumps both in cutscenes and in gameplay, with no grace or subtlety. Everything being designed with co-op in mind since your teammates are always present in solo, and thus you had to babysit AI if you didn't have friends available. A plot that reeked of rewrites late in development, as the entire advertising campaign was false advertising, and sloppy rewrites at that; H2A's intro and outro to hype up H5 basically didn't work anymore. And to top it all off, a really crappy boss fight that is not only recycled over half a dozen times in the endgame but also even has you fighting multiple of him at once.
Even those who praise Halo 5's multiplayer never praise the campaign. It's just that fucking awful, and is easily the worst campaign even if the gameplay is passable until the endgame slump.
>And I'm glad that 343 are pushing the series forward instead of releasing the same shit every year, which would have made me bored of Halo by now.
I'm from the US and I agree with you, I started with CE so I'm used to change, these "Bungie fans" seem to be stuck in the past, they're like 2D Metroid fans that like the games Gunpei Yokoi had "some" involvement in.
Fuck off
Fair enough. Can't blame them for wanting to make new IP though; Halo was new IP after all.
I personally think Destiny looks cool, and I played a bit of it, but the always-online requirement pissed me off, because the internet in my house is a bit shit and it cuts out sometimes, which would kick me out of missions and lose me all of my progress from what I remember. So that sucked. I've got a new router now though which doesn't cut out as much so maybe I'll try it again.
I brought up COD gameplay because it didn't fit with Halo, they're ways to evolve Halo (Halo 5 mp) but Reach and Halo 4 weren't one of them.
No Fuck you
This fucking shilling holy shit.
Why are Bungie fans so mentally ill, when did they actually start Halo?
>still no flights
>0% chance the full game will release during E3
Thanks for abolutely nothing microshit and announcing it way too fucking early.
>if someone says something that makes me butthurt, they must be paid to say it!
That's how paranoid schizophrenics think.
So Halo 4 and 5 are really not that much lower at all, and the only reason for the mixed user scores is because nostalgia morons are butthurt. No biggie, nostalgia morons should be ignored, of course.
This is the most pure, unironic shilling I've seen on Yea Forums in years
Really? Source? I didn't know that, I know she's always been voiced by Jen Taylor, so I assume you mean some idea Bungie had before they got Jen Taylor.
Shut the hell up,
How fucking new are you?
Paid shilling has been happening for years.
Fuck me? Fuck YOU.
No fuck YOU
>Really? Source? I didn't know that, I know she's always been voiced by Jen Taylor, so I assume you mean some idea Bungie had before they got Jen Taylor.
In the original draft of the Halo: Combat Evolved script, Cortana was supposed to have a British accent. Cortana uses several British idioms, such as "Sod off!
>Moving the goalposts when presented with cold, hard facts
>Tossing ad hominems
>self-titled psychiatrist
You really are a pathetic creature.
Also, money means reviewers are generally paid. I'd believe the basement-dwelling incel's evaluation of how bad a video game is before some Mt Dew sponsored "journalist"/reviewer
I agree. Obviously I like the Bungie games. But I like the new games as well. I haven't played through 5's campaign though so I can't comment on the story, which I know has come in for criticism. But I have played a bit of 5 on someone else's Xbox One, and the gameplay was solid. And I've played through 4, and a lot of 4's multiplayer, and I think it's great. The story perhaps isn't as good as the Bungie games, but it's still perfectly serviceable.
>getting butthurt and having no argument
So you think Halo 5's multiplayer is more Halo than Reach? This seems to make a departure from most of the nostalgia fags whose "argument" boils down to "Bungie good, 343 bad".
I think Reach and 4 both have great multiplayers. In fact they are both my most-played Halos on Xbox Live. That's partly because I didn't have Xbox Live until around 2011 (I had Xboxes since 2002 but as a kid I couldn't afford Xbox Live). But I felt no need to go back and play Halo 3 online that much really.
And I don't think it's right to say sprinting and loadouts (which nostalgia fags claim are the "COD features") are bad for Halo - I think they work exceptionally well. Like I've said in a few posts now, MOST modern shooters have sprinting and loadouts: Destiny and Rainbow Six Siege are two examples. Yet the players of those games don't go "OH MY GOD THIS IS JUST A COD REMAKE, FUCK THIS SHIT", do they?
Quit larping
lol @ this boiling mad 343i shill
yes most Halo fans are old Bungie fans. Are you going to cry about it? If I had to take a guess, most people that post in these Halo threads were probably active on Bungie.net back in the day too
I started with CE thanks for asking
>if someone says something that makes me butthurt, they're obviously being paid to say it!
I'm not joking, this conspiracy shit is literally how paranoid schizophrenics think.
Been here about 10 years. I've never seen hard evidence of "paid shilling", only unsubstantiated (and therefore most likely bogus) claims.
Hey FUCK you buddy! I'm talkin here!
Fuck off shill.
It's a known fact that Yea Forums has paid shills.
Keep lying...
That's cool, just googled it and you're right, never knew that. Yeah, in this Vice article, Marty says that lines like "sod off" are still "in there" although I think he might be talking about Windows Phone from the context? I don't remember "sod off" being in Halo, but maybe I just missed it.
I'm not moving the goalposts, I'm giving you the full context you fucking braindead cunt. I even gave scores of other modern shooters to provide even more context. Halo 4 and 5 got good scores, period. Sure, not quite as high as previous games from some outlets. IGN gave 4 and 5 very good reviews though, 4 in particular. So some outlets did give them very good reviews.
Yeah where have I done that then? Are you accusing me of being a paranoid schizophrenic now? Please do point out any part of any post where I have demonstrated belief in a non-existent conspiracy.
>criticises use of ad hominem
>uses it straight away because he's that much of a fucking brainlet
Lmao, slither away, you pathetic little creature.
>And I don't think it's right to say sprinting and loadouts (which nostalgia fags claim are the "COD features") are bad for Halo - I think they work exceptionally well. Like I've said in a few posts now, MOST modern shooters have sprinting and loadouts: Destiny and Rainbow Six Siege are two examples. Yet the players of those games don't go "OH MY GOD THIS IS JUST A COD REMAKE, FUCK THIS SHIT", do they?
Halo fans only want more Halo 2 and Halo 3. Nothing more and nothing less. See: Halo Online
I like 343 games, and I think ODST is amazing. Halo 3 gameplay with a good cast of characters who you actually care about (unlike in Reach). Also, the soundtrack adds a lot to the game, it's adds a great immersion, to what is already a very atmospheric scenario anyway. It was a nice break from the invincible feel of Master Chief, and it had one of the best game modes, Firefight. Also, from a lore perspective, it had some great nods to the other games, as well as giving you an idea of what the battle for earth was really like.
I'm not larping mate, I'm sorry that my posts make you butthurt but there's nothing I can do about that.
>most Halo fans are old Bungie fans
There are tons of fans of the new games mate, they sold pretty well (5 not as well, but the Xbox One only sold half as many consoles due to Microsoft's shitty decisions, so on a per console basis, it sold as well as Halo 4, which in turn sold about the same as Halo Reach, which in turn sold better than Halo 2).
I started with CE too mate, you're not the only one.
>no arguments
>butthurt as fuck
>believes in conspiracy theories
Fucking lmao, this is gold.
How much they paying you motherfucker?
Truth. Halo Online is everything we wanted.
No those are nostalgia babies and casuals - they never were and never will be Halo fans.
Halo Online is popular because PC players haven't had a Halo game in donkeys years.
Uhhh well, Reach and ODST ARE a part of the Halo series y'know
>No those are nostalgia babies and casuals - they never were and never will be Halo fans.
>Halo Online is popular because PC players haven't had a Halo game in donkeys years.
Neck yourself fucker
>I don't remember "sod off" being in Halo, but maybe I just missed it.
Two Betrayals
While I agree sprint is good for Halo, I also understand why people would say it's a bandwagon kind of thing. Halo 3 felt fine as it was without it, so it didn't necessarily need it.
People say it copied COD because Halo never had it, whereas Destiny and Siege are both new, so them having it from the beginning doesn't make people complain.
At the end of the day, the game doesn't force you to use sprint so fuck it, just don't use it.
That might be what you, a butthurt nostalgia babby moron wants, because your PC platform has been starved of Halo for years and you'll take anything coming.
Meanwhile, console players can play all the Halo games under the sun. And Halo 4 and 5 sold pretty well from what I've seen - 4 was basically the same as Reach, which were both higher than 2, and 5 was less - but that's most likely because the Xbox One has sold so poorly. It's shipped about half as many units as the 360. So on a per-console basis, 5 did basically the same amount as 4, maybe even slightly better.
Stay butthurt though, it's hilarious.
Fucking lmao, stay butthurt you absolute fucking faggots.
I played all the Halos up until Reach. Halo Online is more Halo than anything 343 shits out. Even allows for mods and crazy custom maps/gamemodes unlike your soulless console garbage.
Honestly, what if Sprint was less modern shooter and more "you continuously accelerate in the direction you were moving but have to manage a gauge" style with trying to divert the direction made more difficult while it's active? It'd essentially replace the Thrusters for something more logical for accelerating a Spartan without sudden mobility bursts with an awkward timer.
343 shills are pathetic dude
Every single Bungie game is deservedly boosted by nostalgia, including reach. Halo 4 came out only a few years later, where's the nostalgia for that?
fucking nowhere to be scene kiddo. You know why? No one likes Halo 4. There will be zero nostalgia for Halo 5 either.
Reach had some cool moments, but the "gimmick" of the game was having a bunch of interesting teammates that you slowly lost one by one, and I never had a personal connection to any of them. None of them were characterized enough, so when they died, I didn't really give a shit. The only character I gave a -little- shit about was Jorge, that was a good scene. The final mission was also peak video game kino.
>we all agree
ok buddy
Well it makes sense that it would take a spartan a little more effort to turn during a sprint. I think sprinting is good overall because it means maps can just be bigger without feeling like a chore to walk around.
Hey guys, should 343 make an entire game with a female Spartan slaying a bunch of covenant and given her own unique melee while having her own same old rifle and pistol and her having like a helmet with most of the top being her blue visor and her being super buff and having silver plated armor?
Oh yeah, she even says "your pal" and "your chum" which definitely strike me as more British sounding words. Maybe you Americans use them as well, but they seem more British to me.
And yeah, the "sod off" sounds odd from an American voice.
Maybe they should have rewritten that scene once they decided Cortana wouldn't be British, because it does sound a bit weird.
Sprinting is shit
thanks for your well informed opinion, retard
Gauntlet type weapons with blades on them and projectiles sound badass.
>People say it copied COD because Halo never had it, whereas Destiny and Siege are both new, so them having it from the beginning doesn't make people complain.
True, they had it from the beginning. But they still used it. And like I've said in other posts, Halo CE was pretty derivative from GoldenEye 007, the seminal console FPS, which pioneered the mission-based, story-driven campaign, as well as the four player split-screen multiplayer. Also, COD only allows you two weapons like Halo, right? Which was indeed an innovation for Halo CE, from what I know. So everything that goes around comes around.
>Halo 3 felt fine as it was without it
On smaller maps it's fine, but on bigger maps it makes me wish I had it.
Sprinting is shit and is one of the few things I hated about Reach.
i bet you dont sprint IRL you fat cunt
>some fan hacked together garbage is true halo
Lmao, nostalgia babbies are the most pathetic people in existence. Enjoy your scraps though.
being fat would feel awesome.
>On smaller maps it's fine, but on bigger maps it makes me wish I had it.
It was good on larger maps because it allowed you to appreciate the aesthetics around the architecture and so forth without it.
viral. more like vinereal
Reach, at least the campaign, is pretty mediocre. The entirety of Noble Team minus Jorge are fucking cardboard that only exist to die, die in a "cool" way and give a memorable quote. Jorge wasnt even protected from this.
Repeating Oni Sword Base three times and the forced Firefight sections were terrible, they were bad in ODST but not as bad as they were in Reach.
The brown/grey colour palette was shit
Nightfall, Long Night Of Solace and Exodus were just bad, boring levels. Exodus annoyed me the most as the city was just completely fucking empty and exploration was met with disappointment unlike exploration in every other Halo game.
Shilling really is huge on Yea Forums
Halo 4's a great game and a bunch of butthurt babies doesn't change that. I don't see why I should pay attention to the insane ramblings of a few butthurt morons.
It's sad when fan hacked together garbage is better than anything 343 makes.
Shut up shill
Wow, you're right, some "literally who" game like "Heavy Gear Assault" from the obviously HUGELY famous company of "MekTek" totally shows that "shilling" for AAA games happens on Yea Forums all the time, right?
Guys how are they gonna fix the story in Halo's canon lore?
What do you think they should do with this, and keep it out of the box.
But it isn't, unless you're literally a braindead moron who can't get past 2007 because your adulthood is so shit.
>if someone says something that makes me butthurt then they're obviously paid to say it!
Are you an antivaxxer and a flat Earther too? Because those guys believe in bullshit just like you.
Huh... The Perfect Dark game is finally being released...
Good lord
The quick, dismissive replies reek of desperation.
Can Master Chief's armor get any worse?
Don't give them any ideas
yeah in Reach and 4 it's not great, but it works perfectly in Halo 5
How would we as fans make our version, is what we need to know....
because they made your player model into a manlet compared to the map size and now it's a chore to move around without sprint?
I started with CE too and I use to go to Bungie.net all the time.
VGChartz again, Halo 4 sold about as much as Halo 3 and Halo 5 sold 2 million short of Halo 3 and 4, Halo: Reach sold less than Halo 2.
Reach was great and you're all 3 babbys.
Any design outside these is trash.
Maybe Mark IV from HAAH WAAW could be considered passable.
A whole new suit entirely, but it needs to feel good to wear. Or at least let him try a different one before he reverts back to his old style.
literally sound like a manlet when complaining about sprint in a fucking fps
I always liked the idea I've seen that all the armor variants and customization is due to dozens of different companies creating prototype suits as pitches to create the "official" Spartan armor. Mjolnir won, but smaller batches of the other suits still existed as surplus that Spartans might incorporate due to scarcity of replacement parts for their own armor.
It would be interesting...
Thanks for letting us know you have no taste
> He's self reflecting himself.
wow it just hit me that the Onyx cover does indeed contain the only worthwhile mjolnir variants (excluding h3 mp mark VI vartiants)
and yes hah waaw mark IV is pretty good in retrospect. So are the marines and the spirit of fire. The designs mesh with bungie halo pretty well.
Halo 2, now THAT was a multiplayer FPS experience
stuck in the year 2007 by the sounds of it
Have you ever played the second level of the first Halo game?
Those could just be sadact fans, you do get a lot of sad weirdos on Yea Forums, take a look at the Alita threads on Yea Forums as exhibit A.
I just googled "do big companies conduct viral marketing on Yea Forums", and I came across that image (posted on Reddit) myself. But is it really plausible, just because someone says it? People on Yea Forums say bullshit all the time like "my dad works for Nintendo" or "I'm a journalist, ask me anything" or some stupid unsubstantiated crap like that.
I'm still sceptical that it's actually a thing because I haven't seen hard, credible evidence - e.g. a reputable news organisation talking about it.
Just been googling it to find out some more truth. Came across some Federal Trade Commission pages talking about how important it is for celebrities to disclose any financial endorsements if they're promoting something, which you could say is similar to paid viral marketing on Yea Forums. Because surely paying to spread a message, without disclosing that you paid for it, can't be legal. Anyway, the FTC says celebrities should disclose endorsements, and although it says that this advice isn't necessarily the law, it says that it's advice to stay within the law, or something like that.
In any case, saying "you're paid to say that" in response to a post that makes you butthurt, when there's no evidence whatsoever that that poster is paid to say that thing, is not an argument.
Your denial of paid shilling is disgusting. Holy shit....
In physical copies, what do you look for in covers and additions?
Have you played Reach recently?
>Halo 4 sold about as much as Halo 3
Really? I would be surprised at that since 3 was hyped so much. I doubt Reach had anywhere near the marketing budget that 3 did.
>Halo 5 sold 2 million short of Halo 3
Really? Just looked on Wikipedia and these stats have sources from Microsoft and Frank O'Connor: Halo 5 sold 5 million units in its first three months (according to Frank), and Halo 3 sold 8.1 million by January 3rd 2008, which is literally just over three months since release on September 25th, 2007.
And I'm not aware of any more recent figures for Halo 5 sales apart from Frank's announcement? I still think Halo 5 did pretty well, considering the Xbox One as a console didn't do that well (due to Don fucking Mattrick). It's the second-best selling game on Xbox One, after PUBG, according to Wikipedia.
I agree. I thought Reach was awesome. Really good game.
no one cares.
Someone on Yea Forums claiming that they're a shill isn't exactly credible evidence when people bullshit on here all the time. I will see if I can find that thread with the alleged EA guy and see if he posted any credible evidence.
I'm not going to believe something without credible evidence. To me it just seems people say "shill" because they're too stupid to formulate a counterargument.
Then why the game not only fell hard but they now have to do a soft reboot SHILL?
Based Spartananon
Frankie said that way back in 2016, game has been selling since.
What if Hawwo but it is an open world RPG and Republic Commandoish and like the original first 2 Halo games at the dopeass same time??
Go ahead and keep it up...
Open world isn't a good thing.
I decided to look into the idea of "shilling" more so I searched this guy's - - tripcode on fireden (Yea Forums archive).
Came across pic related. A post where he literally admits to pretending to be a shill. Fucking lmao.
I can't find the original thread from 2012 where he claims to be a shill, presumably because fireden doesn't go back that far.
You can see all his posts from that tripcode here: boards.fireden.net
The one where he admits to pretending to be a shill is at the bottom.
That samefag could be so butthurt that he trying to look big and tough by larping, like, dude, we're just having convos about games, no need to larp.
I wonder if it may have anything to do with threats and lawsuits for exposing corporate schemes.
Yes it probably has sold more, but without credible figures, we don't know how much more.
(You) #
Okay we might just keep the open world part of it out and make it more semi linear instead, but the rest sound pretty cool.
Which is the toughest Halo boss fight?
Nope wrong guy.
make a thread about that
Don't have to answer... Just being nice.
3 Warden Eternals on Legendary. Actually fighting them instead of just jumping past them is a fucking nightmare.
Fighting legendary in Halo 3 when trying to rescue Cortana.
Then it's a good thing I never liked a Halo game until ODST and Reach.
That sounds like fun.
sniper alley on ledgeculty
If Halo 5 brought the series up to 70 million by 2016 after MCC brought the series from 60 million to 65 million in 2014 meaning MCC sold 5 million and Halo 5 sold 5 million in 2016, and now the series sits at 77 million, how much do you think Halo 5 sold now?
Halo Reach Pillar of Autumn LASO. Fighting the elites on the way to the gun.
Kill yourself
I'll never get over how horrible nuMJOLNIR looks.
Fucking ugly.
>talking about "Bungie" fans
Bungie literally died after Reach.
Many key Bungie staffers went to 343i, and many others left (story director) or were removed (O'Donnell) during Destiny's troubled development.
Modern "Bungie" might as well be a different company.
>Modern "Bungie" might as well be a different company
This, sorta like Bioware (who's death is incoming)
Bungie died after Halo 3, and barely any Bungie employee went to 343.
>2019 and still pushing this lie
Fuck off
5 > Everything else, suck my fucking dick bungie trannies
>Halofags think they're accepted now
Fuck off!
I really hope they dont nuke Warzone for Infinite. REQ system can go, sure, but Warzone was fantastic outside of the shit some spartan companies could pull. Theres a place for both Warzone and BTB.
Give me the most aesthetic scenery screen caps.
You're not trying anymore..... I'm starting to worry, user.
This fucking thread still up.
>Asking me for a example of music components
>Telling this faggot that ODST uses same engine as H3
>Faggot calling ODST """""original on its own"""""
It has different music thanks to Marty, but fucking using the same engine as the predecessor game, and only 4 hours gameplay at $60 doesn't make it any better.
Nice larping
Try again
>only 4 hours of gameplay
Closer to 5 hours actually, on normal as well.
Feel free to check his Waypoint yourself
>I've been playing Halo ever since CE back in 2002
This fucking shill fits the list
Ending this thread because the 343 shiller is very pathetic
My thoughts exactly
Firefight offers more than 4 hours of gameplay.
>Ive been playing since Halo CE, and Halo 5 is a good game
This is the consensus among people that were old enough to actually play the series since CE, though. People that enjoy 5 are most likely to call CE or 2 their favourite game while the people screeching about 343 always just rant on about 3.
Then the boomers will share their stories and have fun. Zoomers out!