7 gens in and they still can't replicate the feeling of adventure that the first 2 games had

7 gens in and they still can't replicate the feeling of adventure that the first 2 games had.
What went wrong lads?

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go to /vp/ you nostagia having furry fuckface.

Why is the MC jacking off in the train?

T.5 gen zoomer

You're not a kid anymore

He's not jacking off, Eevee is just too short to be seen

You grew up and became a cynical asshole

t. Nostalgiatard

You're not 9 anymore, so that's why.

The low res graphics allowed more of your imagination to fill in the blanks.

don't forget
>the only gen where they let you skip the shitty catching pokemon tutorial
gen2 is peak pokemon

5 gens after and it's still the most boring Pokemon game.

You grew up

Pokemon was never good

Pokemon was never good, you only like it because of nostalgia

Eventually all Pokemon fans will stop caring about the franchise. I stopped caring at gen 5 and haven't cared since about anything after. I simply just didn't see anything that could keep me hooked. When you've played a franchise since the original and it's still pretty much similar and not changing shit up for the better, you get bored and move on.

Hopefully everyone here has moved on to. My good memories won't die though Gen 1-4 was kino.

Did Sonic Mania kill the "sonic was never good" meme? It seems some people have moved on to a new series

you grew up

Im a huge gen 1 thru 3 fag
Hated gen 4
Never played 5
Soul silver is ok
But the 3ds games minus gen 7 are the most fun ive had in a long time

When pokemon first came out it was a cutting edge RPG, the graphics were basically the best you could hope for at the time and were abstracted enough that your imagination could fill in the gaps and you could really immerse yourself into the setting and the adventure.

Unfortunately the series never evolved and was happy to stagnate for easy money. Now in RPGs we can have fully realized to-scale worlds to explore, but even the next pokemon games still only have tiny, cramped routes to explore...while at the same time it's not abstracted enough for your imagination to kick in.

There's no sense that you're actually in a pokemon world, it's plainly obvious to your brain that you're playing a game at all times. An outdated game.

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>that kid that bought Japanese Gen 2 Pokemon cards at the flea market
>everyone says they're fake
>Gen 2 comes out
>find out they were real the whole time

>the graphics were basically the best you could hope for at the time
In what fucking universe?

The internet is more widespread my guess. Sure there was internet back then but not everyone had it unless you’re a richfag. I still remember being trolled in gen 3 by going to the computer at the library with my friend and finding stupid (((tips))) on how to catch mew where you would beat the elite 4 x amount of times and all the hitachi in the space center rumors and how if you do x you will fly on the spaceship and actually catch it

on Gameboy? they definitely were

>Now in RPGs we can have fully realized to-scale worlds to explore
With 99% of them being empty and devoid of anything. Really good use of the full scale worlds, eh.

Ruby/Sapphire also had that feel but I get your point.

All Final Fantasy games on GB look superior. Not to mention games like Link's Awakening.

I can not understand how there are some people who don’t see Gen 5 as the absolute peak of Pokémon from a gameplay perspective.

It was a combination of everything that worked well in the 4 generations before it and had the best QoL improvements. Everything after it hasn’t come close.

While I don't agree completely, I do think Pokemon being woefully behind technologically plays a big role.

>hitachi in the space center
bro I think you mean jirachi


They can't make you 12 again, user

I was that kid. Though I didn't get them at a flea market, I got them at China town and they were probably fakes too, just with the real Pokemon.

The pokemon games always looked better.

Other than the obvious you getting older, the games have actually gotten easier. I played Ultra Sun recently and got so bored I had to stop, the game is just being handholded through a straight line.

Why aren't you playing the MMORPG then? It's been out for a while.

Attached: Route_28_720p.png (1280x720, 1.01M)

the difference between those was negligible

at least compared to Pokemon now vs any other modern rpg

Why is the train going backwards?

I am in the middle of replaying Crystal for the first time in 12 years or so.

Gen 2 is slow as all fuck, everything in the game crawls along.
Battles take an eternity, levelling up takes forever, even moving around the overworld is slow.

Gen 3 is peak pokemon, a huge jump up from gen 1 and 2, then all downhill from there.

he isn't, he's trying to pull away from the window and his eyes are physically glued to it

>gen 3.
Too much water.

MMORPGs are fucking gay.

in case you're not trolling, you're probably retarded. Seek help.

Not any more though? This is from the Switch...and it looks the same apart from resolution/AA on the PC version

Attached: Route_20_720p.png (1280x720, 845K)

gen 5 is peak pokemon, and this is coming from someone who hates gen 4 and loves x/y too

best answer in the thread, good graphics don't leave anything to the imagination

also remembering the actual game/forgetting all the bad bits with time

It's the right thing for you then

Never thought I’d actually become bored of Pokemon.
Sword and Shield doesn’t interest me at all apart from the girl protag. Maybe more gameplay and feature footage will change that but Im not getting my hopes up.


You grew up user

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neat how it works either way

This is my fetish

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right in the feels user

That feeling of adventure was because you were a child with imagination, instead of a dead eyed unimaginative adult that will commit suicide at 35

DAMN i forgot about the train ride. The nostalgia of gold/silver/crystal could bring me to tears. Man that game had a special place in my heart.

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Gen 3 replicated it pretty well

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>there's already an MMO

Alright user, fucking give me link right now.

Gen 5 is so bland dude. The layout is bland and the pokemon are just rehashed versions of older ones, they look like chinese rip offs

You can skip it in gen 1.

>muh nostalgia goggles fallacy.

Have sex.

You grew up faggot


*breathes in*

This but unironically and less autistic.

>that UI
>five moves
>the arena
>the models
>screenshot from the Switch
no it isn't



Nobody who is an actual gen 1 fan likes those games, the Pokemon Stadium and Collaseum games are superior in pretty much every aspect.

Those were gay af

>that UI
if you don't press buttons it disappears in normal gameplay
>five moves
replaced the old 5th move Struggle with a high-use Normal move. Also, you must have at least one move from each type, so water and dragon
>the arena
>the models
seem to be up-ressed 3DS models

Some smart changes in there, it's not a 100% remake warts-and-all, it's not sacred so some things have been fixed/improved over RBY/GSC

>What went wrong lads?
You grew up.

you can't
you are forced to watch that old man catch a pokemon

Its still not on the switch faggot. that looks nothing like Sword/Shield.

>zoom zooms unironically defending nu-Pokemon

This place really went down the shitter.

It went from being about you and your adventure, to being a grand epic fantasy where you and YOUR FRIENDS and IMPORTANT PEOPLE save the whole world.

It stopped being humble and tried to top the others when it was already fine just the way it was.

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>t. Never been on /vp/
You talk anything about Kanto and those retards start to yell that "KAAANTOOO" shitty meme.

it's not sword/shield, so I dont know why it would look like them?

You got older.

>the graphics were basically the best you could hope for at the time
That's fucking false. Pokémon has ALWAYS been shit on graphic levels.

>le zelda clone

I'm 22 and I was just introduced to pokemon through PokeMMO with my gf and I'm having an absolute blast

Oh, you're that pathetic shill from /vp/

Gens I and II have something special, but imo gen III is the best for the sense of adventure.
The jungle routes are some of the best in the series, and even if the water was shit it felt like you were exploring new territory.

The hell that shit is still alive? I remember I played through the elite four on it but a lot of moves outright didn’t work.

You can play Pokemon Black at the moment and all the moves work perfectly, the only functions that aren't available are wifi features and BP stuff which is useless anyway since its online

This. And despite the "grand" scale the stories have now, the world certainly doesn't feel that way. The railroading gets worse and worse every generation, and at this point you can't explore at all.

5 > 4 > 3 > 7 > 2 > 1 > 6

Maybe yours did, virgin.

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You've been playing the same game for 15 years and can't figure out why it doesn't feel new to you anymore. Figure it out

you never graduated to playing online

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They became handholdy as fuck. You can't go one route without an NPC stopping your gameplay to tell you what a good job you did, you should go over to this cave next because they saw something inside and the road ahead is blocked off anyway
Also this

lol ANGERED zoomer

The setting became an established formula instead of evolving into something bigger, which is what happens when you're simultaneously the largest-selling vidya franchise and competency-wise the Japanese equivalent of Bethesda.

thank god, because the first two gens sucked at it. 4 and 5 were the peak.

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Is there anything in the 3DS games that that recreates the comfy feelings of gens 4/5? Or is it a case of needing to be there on launch to get anything out of it?

Really? You're going to pretend gen 1 and 2 didnt' have cutscenes and road blocks?

>When pokemon first came out it was a cutting edge RPG
the only "cutting-edge" aspect was the trading system. the game itself was always just dumbed-down megaten.
>the graphics were basically the best you could hope for at the time
not even close. pic related shows what more competent studios were doing on the game boy years before genwun came out.

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it's simple

in gen 1 you went to gen 1 land
in gen 2 you went to gen 2 and 1 land

they've never done it since because people who consume nintendo games are literal retards

You grew up.

The reason it felt like an adventure was because the internet didn't spoil everything for you, you learned things from rumors and stories from school about the games giving them a sense of wonder and mysteriousness

3-5 were best, and hold up the best. 1 & 2 have a boatload of issues that make replaying them now a pain in the ass.


You are not a kid anymore, your brain worsk different now.
There still is a way to replicate that feeling, all you need is mdma and ketamin

just smoke weed.

mdma is garbage.

they've never done it since then because adding kanto was a huge undertaking that caused gold/silver to be delayed for years. by the time the games finally came out, the pokemania fad was over.
it also wasn't worth it in the end. johto was gimped as a region of its own. kanto was just a glorified boss rush. gen 2 would have been better off without kanto. all it accomplished was creating a generation of entitled genwunners who expected to be catered to at all times.

/vp/ is full of nugen zoomers though

i PLAYED gen 2 at launch and he's right

>the pokemania fad was over.

in what dimension? literal first time i've ever heard of pokemon dying during gen 2 in my 25 years of life.

you need to go outside.

satoshi tajiri stopped being director and game designer after gold and silver

Nah man, gen 5 was peak. The cities and towns were very aesthetic, seasons, actual characters and the peak in terms of design, the music is the best in the franchise, battles were fast, the Pokedex was all new mons until the sequel which had a balanced representation for each gen, infinite TMs and it gave some shitmons a time to shine thanks to HAs. It also gave us a sequel and not a half-assed 3rd entry.

Mdma is fucking magic, the first and maybe second time you take it, in the right setting and with the right people. After that it's trash. And you fucking pay for it the next couple days

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Gen 1 and 2 have been surpassed since Gen 3, only reason kantocucks and johtospics like them is how old they are. Cope.

pokemon itself hasn't died. but by the time gold/silver came out, it wasn't nearly the fad that it was in the late '90s.
as pic related shows, there was a big decline in sales from gen 1 to gen 2. lots of people just stopped caring about pokemon because the sequels were getting delayed so many times and the anime was stuck in filler hell.

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Why is he shaking?

hoes mad

Let's get this thread started

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I've read enough doujins to see what's going on in there.

Whatever you say zoomer. Even though pokemon went downhill at 5.

Getting stuck in the S.S. anne in pokemon gold and silver was part of their plan?


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Genwunners still clinging to a broken first version of a game and the pandering we are festered with even on this day.

I'm just gonna sit here next to my female Eevee, and whatever she decides to do is her business.

Attached: eevee 4.jpg (800x800, 57K)

You grew up.

Post more cute pokemon

Attached: eevee 3.png (700x735, 434K)


Gen 5 peak character design

Uh hu... Yeah no. The only thing it did right was protag designs.

>city aesthetic.

Every fucking town looked the same.

>muh PETA plot

Nah, was cheesy and cliche af

Gen 5 honestly made me quit pokemon

Attached: eevee shaved legs.jpg (768x800, 83K)

You grew up

What feeling of adventure does Gen 1 have? Its just a wonky Dragon Quest ripoff.

They achieved perfection 6 generations in.

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You grew up. The kids playing it now surely feel a sense of adventure though maybe they don't since everyone in this generation is overstimulated and has too much options for entertainment

Gen 2 is overrated, basically feels like an addon to Gen 1
>that fucking pokemon distribution

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Oh I forgot to include this shitty pic related design. Best designs my ass. And don't call me racist. All of them look wonky and stupid.

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Have Sex

Gen 1 was "non-linear" after the 3rd gym. Lots more room for exploration

>Almost no johto Pokémon in fucking johto.
>Shitty level curve.
>Barren as fuck Kanto.

The second gen is shit.

>my gf
I hope you both get killed and die. Fuck you.

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>N and Elesa won a popularity poll completely shitting on Cynthia, Lillie and Red
Yes faggot, they are the best.

There's nothing wrong with cuddling your pokemon

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>liking Kalos for a bunny in tights

Wow, you're dumb

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>here derr muh polls

Polls are extremely biased, you know that right? The results will change drastically depending on which audience / demographic is taking them, what time it was taken (was it right after the release of gen 5?) and how big the sample size is. Anyway, I don't give a fuck, not going to change the fact that I think all the gym leader designs look awful in gen 5

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>was it right after the release of gen 5?
It was for this year's valentine's day. You have shit taste, man.

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It's a Crystal gets molested on the train episode.

not an argument, everyone played those shit games with emulation already
>Even though pokemon went downhill at 5
Only way is down when you hit the peak

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kids grew up and started wanting to fuck their pokemon

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the internet happened, RPGs are just not as mysterious when you have all the info you need at your fingertips

seething incel, go outside and let the sun kill you

/vp/ is infected with mentally ill furry zoomers

go back to facebook

Nothing's wrong with 3-4, 5's issue is streamlining and some railroading in the maingame (but opens up and feels better in the post game).
3D games just feel cramped in terms of 3D enviroments

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The only bias here would be which gen is their favourite. The fact is that even in 2019 the 5th gen character designs are still more memorable and favoured over the others, point blank. Just accept you have abysmally shit taste and move on.

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Don't have sex, you're too young.

yeah honestly I should have actually looked at the art before posting it. it's garbage

>every second/third game of the same generation sold much less than the original one
>except heartgold/soulsilver
Great game even to this day. Pokemon following you is cozy as fuck.

>He admits he emulated it.

Yikes. Zoomer alert.

>zoomer is not le argument

Neither is nostalgia goggles you fucking retard.

GF stopped caring about putting in real effort after gen 2

>doesn't get how polling different demographics works

Based retard

>gen 5 is still most memorable in terms of design.

Okay now that's just a flat out lie.

>have genwun constantly shoved down their throats
>it still can't fucking win

They put no effort into gen 2

>not being a poorfag from a third world country that his only way to enjoy gameboy games was to play them in crappy ancient looking emulator

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Jerkin' it on the train

You still haven't even shown where the source of this poll is.

>When pokemon first came out it was a cutting edge RPG, the graphics were basically the best you could hope for at the time
Pokemon came out on a 10 years old portable console that couldn't even do NES graphics


It was on twitter, Elesa and N won.

You're not a bairn anymore.

Satoshi tajiri direct first two games, huge aventure plus pokemon as main idea, pokemon league was intro for add more content, team rocket as some mafia group, tajiri want finish pokemon after 2 gens but nintendo money ...

But since 3 gen, oh pokemon formula is evil team,pokemon league/gyms and capture more pokemons

Literally every part of RBY and GSC has been done better in every game after. The only thing they have is age, nostalgia is the only thing you have.

Ok so, the demographic of the poll takers is Poke Times readers, mainly the Japanese.

And fucking lol. This isn't even a favorite character poll. It is "would would you want as your Valentine?" Poll, with very limited choice of characters and no iconic Kanto characters like Red as you claimed earlier. This evidence is trash.

Gen 3>4>2=5>7>6=1

T. 23 year old poke fanatic that probably loves Pokémon more than all of you. Sorry boomers, I love Kanto and the OG 151 too, but RBY have aged like fucking shit.

>done better in every way

Subjective. I personally hate hand holding, shitty pacing, and tedious EV training that accompanies newer gens, but whatever floats your boat I guess.

Hand holding and pacing issues are a 3D problem, even /vp/ despises it, but 3,4, and 5 don’t struggle with that at all

EV training is completely optional unless you’re going online, you can steamroll every main game with route 1 shitmons easily

What the fuck do you think the point of Valentine is in the first place? Clearly it's for people to spend time with their significant other. The poll is literally another way to say "which one do you love the most". Also, including Red would mean including every other protagonist. Meaning that he would have serious competition with both Hilbert and Ethan. Hilda or Rosa would still come out on top for the girls.

That was mostly Iwata XD


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dios mio...

If you want an actual answer it's because the earlier gens didn't have people shepherding you around like a fucking special ed kid from town to town
Every time you hit a new town in the later gens there's an unskippable cutscene where your "friends" run up to you and run their fucking mouths and drag you to the nearest landmark. In a sense, those gens aren't about your adventure, it's about theirs.

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