SSAO is a gimmick that should always be disabl-

>SSAO is a gimmick that should always be disabl-

Attached: ss ao.jpg (2560x1440, 805K)

Do you need SSAo if you use raytracing?

AO can be a function of ray tracing, so it depends. SSAO/HBAO is not too demanding and the results are fine enough.

In time all global illumination, shadows, reflections, etc... will move to realtime with the advancement of realtime raytracing.

SSAO is one of the most important visual options. I've never heard anyone say that OP.

You actually don't need any additional reflection settings or ambient occlusion when using SSAO, though the performance hit is obviously larger than using some form of either.

>when using SSAO
fuck i meant Raytracing

When the developer don't bake the AO you indeed need it.

>game that hasn't baked shadows and relies an SSAO is evidence SSAO is needed

>still worse than baked shadows with pre-rendered perfect shading

learn to make sensible arguments

13 fps loss for fake shadows. You know what's really fucking dumb? All those objects in that scene are static. They cannot be moved, and will always be in their exact locations. Tell me, why the fuck couldn't the developers bake shadow data into the textures like we've been doing for the past 20 years to at least get a closer visual approximation to the left image without the fps cost? There is objectively no good reason.

What's ACTUALLY happening here is developers are getting lazy and relying on shitty post process effects to do their work for them. Instead of continuing to work hard and optimize as best as possible, better taking advantage of today's available hardware, they choose to just throw everything together and slap filters on it and call it a day. It's literally the exact reason why games are soulless today. Fuck your AO post processing, fuck your motion blur, fuck your chromatic aberration, fuck your TAA, fuck it all. Give me Half Life 2 level graphics with higher polygon counts, sharper textures, and more unique objects. It's literally all you need for a visually stunning game that runs at 3840x2160 144hz.

Attached: hl2_2018_04_19_19_37_09_859.jpg (2560x1440, 1.19M)

Said no one ever

>There is objectively no good reaso
I think OPs pic is Rage 2, which is an open world game with day and night cycle. So baking in would not work

Attached: Unbenannt.png (1172x732, 581K)

baked shadows can be done automated too.
Really don't know why anyone wouldn't use perfectly raytraced shadows for static scenes.

When you have static objects especially in an interior space, it doesn't matter that you have dynamic day to night cycles. Those objects will always be in that location blocking light from hitting the darker areas underneath them. Having absolutely no baked shadows is pure laziness and being cheap.

Every now and then someone pops up and claims AO does nothing and halves their performance. They're a bit rare but they do exist.

>Bake everything
I hope you enjoy those 100GB downloads.

But OPs pic is a garage or soemthing thats open to the outside. And once you implement SSAO for the open world why bake in shadows for interiors?

>baked lighting
>time of day changes in real time or light source moves
What now

Baked shadows would look the same on scenery without performance hit.

Because AO does fuck all in an open world when you aren't near geometrically dense areas. It's just wasted resources. If you instead baked the AO where it's needed and simply didn't use a shader globally, you'd save that ~25% performance loss while still capturing the same or better visuals. Think about that, 25% performance loss for something that could have been baked and then made free. Fucking retarded.

Now actual path traced AO which doesn't have screen space artifacts, alright fine now we're talking and that's actually worth the performance hit since it can truly allow for completely dynamic scenes with very high quality shadows that rival baked ones with static environments. But that's not what you're getting when you set AO to HBAO/SSAO etc and throw away 25% of your framerate today. You're getting a garbage screenspace technique with tons of artifacts and that looks like ass.

>Unironically advocating for baked and non-dynamic design
That turned out so well for RAGE 1, huh?
Not every game can be Mirror's Edge. The complete abolition of pre-compution has tangible implications on the gameplay. Those walls in Rainbow Six Siege? You can destroy them.

how can it have a 25% hit when in a not geometrically dense area? I fits not used because of the scnerey its not used. there wouldnt be a big performance hit

>Waaaah waaaah i'm poor and my pc is a potato

>using screenspace effects ever
Stop gobbling down the laziness of the devs. They couldn't be arsed to bake down some AO for their copypasted outposts and attempted to mask it with SSAO.

Attached: 20190517010106_1.jpg (2560x1440, 644K)

>he doesn't force HBAO in Source games

Attached: HBAO.gif (1920x1080, 2.14M)

>Texture sampling has no performance hit

Attached: 664.jpg (558x614, 18K)

>Applying ambient occlusion to non-ambient lighting
Disgusting, better off just leaving it off.

>everything in this scene are static, They cannot be moved, and will always be in their exact locations
But thats wrong.
In this scene alone theres:
>4 paint cans by the dumpsters
>1 blue crate
>2 swings
>one of those tic tac toe sets
>A corral
>5 cinder blocks
>a baby doll

All of those are moveable non static objects.
hammer is a piece of shit though, fuck hammer and fuck valve for using something from 1995 that hasnt changed

Better poor than mentally disabled. You're stuck forever.

that literally looks the same and shit

t. brainlet poorfags

keep seething cuck
doesnt make it look any less shit

SSAO is actually fairly useful in open world games. It helps give the grass depth, works wonderfully with trees to give a sense of volume, and it pretty useful.

You're working on the assumption that the sample distance is small and locked. Multi-Scale versions (catch 5cm-50m details) of SSAO have been around for years, and most modern solutions are based on that.

>why does SSAO have a performance hit when nothing is rendered?
It's a screenspace effect. With deferred rendering, you get (among other thing) a depth and normal (direction of surface) texture for the whole screen as part of the lighting process anyway, and SSAO uses that. So that cost is already paid anyway. SSAO then does a set X number of samples, so you get a fixed cost in ms (usually 0.2-0.5ms) per frame to run those calculations.

GPUs are built to be dumb but fast. If SSAO was a CPU thing, it could be smarter, and figure out when to get away with fewer samples. But, by doing it with a GPU, and accepting a set amount of samples every frame, no matter what, is a better compromise 95% of the time.

>Let's just add an effect even if it isn't appropriate
No, ambient occlusion makes no sense under direct lighting, it's only bounced lighting that should be modulated by it.

Stuck forever in your cheap mom's whore cunt, poorfag troglodyte.

>>Unironically advocating for baked and non-dynamic design
You mean for those static meshes that have no physics applied to them and will never move? Yes I am unironically advocating for baked shadows around them. What the fuck is the point of making them static if you aren't going to go all in and reap the benefits (performance and visual quality) from going static over dynamic?

The answer is this developer and game is a joke project meant to churn out some profit but not with a high production cost. It's a turd of a game which is basically No Man's Sky for Mad Max. Just cheap copy paste game design reliant on shaders and post process effects to do the brunt of the art team's work. It's lazy and cheap and it shows.


AO actually does nothing and halves performance.

>it's ok to lose 25% of the framerate for less visibility

he's right though.

Even if you go ahead and sort out all the static objects and apply baked lighting to them, you still have the remaining geometry that cannot be covered by this solution. This leads to a this-bush-looks-different-than-the-rest cartoon effect as inconsistencies in shading show themselves.
This was often a problem in custom Source maps, where the characters looked brighter or darker than their immediate environment.

What a convincing argument, my good friend, you have truly made me reflect.

Left looks better. Dont mind 4 fps.

"only static objects have AO"
Games like Just Cause 4 have ambient occlusion in the jungle around plants and shit. You cannot have static shadows when there's a day/night cycle with objects that move with the wind.

>baking textures in 2019

Nice meme. Source is outdated as shit and the only reason baking exists in the first place was to make up for extraordinarily weak hardware. Some people actually enjoy things like:
>day / night cycles
>destructible environments
>dynamic light sources

Attached: 1536764989316.gif (500x500, 995K)

Ambient Occlusion is can increase the visual quality of almost every scene. There are limits, obviously, but I haven't seen and real time AO that was overkill.

No, I believe Nvidia's RTX tech comps it on along with reflections.

You could. It's a fixed cycle and you can prerender hours in a day and interpolate. The question is just how expensive it is. If you take 1 shadow texture/hour you would 24x the size of it. But you wouldn't need it all on the gpu. Considering harddisk space is cheap it might be entirely feasible.

>destructible enviroment
still not a thing, you got a bunch of token barrels and shit but 99% is static. There's exactly one game that actually allowed full destruction and it's from the 90's.

Gameplay took a backseat in favor of graphics.

Reshade and Unigine show SSRTGI is a better solution to the occlusion problem even if it does come with the same screenspace artifacts like SSAO. Though it'd be better if we could jump into metro exodus RT style solution with more bounces and higher samples but that'll kill even 2080tis

Ugly as fuck, and heavy as fuck game. Wasn't even worth to pirate

>get a situation where this objects look brighter or darker
This is a bit of a problem, but for the most part you can deal with this by using correct light and reflection probes; the object should be lit by the environment, if that lighting info is wrong, that causes the object to be the wrong brightness.

Yep, jungles are great examples of the benefits of SSAO and similar solutions. Basically, the more 'dynamic' and un-bakeable a scene is, the more use you'llget out of SSAO.

>No baking in 2019
That's actually a really really dumb idea.
In practice, the best realtime ray-tracing demos use 4 rays, over 2 bounces for primary reflections. And what do they reflect at the end? an unlit scene? no! It picks up a basic lit scene, WITH baked data, be it lightmaps, reflection probes, light probes, etc. That baked data serves as the 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc bounce of light, because using just 2 with so few rays doesn't work well for deeper, softer ambient lighting.

>>destructible environments
how can you enjoy a mechanic that isn't used in any of the games you worship every day?

Many games do pretty-much this! Gran Turismo (5 or 6?) used it for the 24-hour day-night races.

The trick is you don't bake sharp data. You do the shadows in realtime, like normal, but the lower-resolution, broader, softer, bounecd / reflected light, THAT'S what you bake.

That keeps shadows sharp, the blending between time-zones smooth, the effect of the lightmaps great and the disc/ram requirements low.

lol memes !