What would the gaming industry be like today if he chose a different profession?

What would the gaming industry be like today if he chose a different profession?

Attached: Shigeru_Miyamoto.jpg (800x1200, 400K)

the same

Hard to say. Probably worse.

A lot of muh childhood market would have gone sonewhere else

>Smash wouldn’t probably exist
Now thats a timeline id like to see

Much more niche
Just look at games pre Mario 64
Like it’s a day and night difference
Gaming would be no where as popular, fun nor easy to play without Shiggy

Nintendo probably would have never became a sucessful gaming company.

Sonic would likely never exist because Sega would not need to create a mascot to compete with Mario.

Nintendo could have still preformed well off IPs like Metroid or something else, but gaming as a whole would be different. Sega actually prob would have been king but not have created IPs like Sonic the Hedgehog or Nights. Other companies like Capcom or Namco would have really went into home consoles.

The western industry would be mostly the same and due to its success the Japanese market would likely emulate the western one. The exception to this would be that Dragon Quest would have still been a massive hit so JRPG would likely still have taken off as a genre. So basically the gaming market would be more early western style stuff but also JRPGs. Platformers may exist as a genre, but would be nowhere near as relevant or developed. It's possible there'd be another huge figure like Shiggy that made something else as big as Mario, but that's hard to put in scope.

not filled with kiddie shit

we also wouldn't have trash mobile games made for kids either

Sony wouldn't have happened or if it still wanted to get into games it would have partnered with Sega. Microsoft its a complete mystery based on how events went. Honestly you can hate bing bing wahoo but gaming wouldn't be the same at all today.

There probably wouldn't even be a western industry.

Just Mario not existing at all would have huge ramifications.

really hard to tell
people who think it will only about mario games are fucking underage, it was a huge fucking catalyst that lead to a huge chain reaction
for example the trinity of nintendo, sony and ms wouldn't exist

Stuff like Doom and it's offshoots (the FPS genre) as well as WRPGs (Wizardry and its contemporaries) would and did exist without Nintendo's influence. It's possible gaming would be more PC-focused since the vast majority of the early console market was Japanese and pretty much followed suit from the NES/Famicom's success.

We'd probably still play pong or some shit. That guy revolutionized gaming and set a huge milestone.

Attached: bro u post crinj.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

What would the gaming industry be like today if he chose a different profession?

Attached: 1szbdi8z3nzy.jpg (1200x802, 94K)

more movies maybe
and this is not a jab at him at all, he really wanted to be film director

serious question
do you post that picture ironically or not

Talking about the one on the left.

I could ask you the same thing

I didn't post the picture so no I don't post the picture you posted ironically

Are you being dense on purpose?

I could ask you the same thing