Did Germans ever make a good game?

Did Germans ever make a good game?

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Did Germans ever make a good something?

Bernd und das Rätsel um Unteralterbach

me ! ^^

They made WWII so they are indirectly responsible for all the WWII shooty games.

it's time to talk about the greatest RPG ever made

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Anno of course.

The Anno , BeamNG, The Surge, Gothic, Cube World, Deponia, The Settlers etc.

Oh fuck I forgot abut that


we can argue about the surge but the rest of the games you named are solid.
they invented V2A and V4A steel.



sequel when? has fuchur gone into hiding again?


based sseth incoming

they made an excellent one

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Gothic. I'm pretty sure Enderal is German too.

Literally what I was going to post

Also Robin Hood The Legend of Sherwood, Giana Sisters, Spec Ops The Line and unironically Mystery of the Druids

they invented deneration

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>be german
>make game about asian

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Aaand also X1,2,3

Japanese people are honorary aryans.

look up the origins of "made in".

If there's any game you like set in World War II you should thank the krauts.

yes developers make games based on foreign cultures. crazy i know.

looks interesting
should I buy it?


No but they UNmade a lot of bad people

They did.

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Bro morrowind fucken sucked

it's my game of the generation. it goes on sale often but it's even worth full price.

Autobahn was pretty good. Most of their cars are too fucking heavy and needlessly complex. Not out of refinement, but out of engineers not knowing that more moving parts means more points of failure.

of course they made a lot of good things! here's some

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Anno 1602
The Settlers 1,2,3


It's alright, user. You can go now.

Czechoslovakia is like a BETTER Germany

Also read The Good Soldier Svejk

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