How do you deal with rage when you lose when playing vidya? What game made you rage quit the worst?

How do you deal with rage when you lose when playing vidya? What game made you rage quit the worst?

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is chocolate milk dlc?

You too

I dont rage quit
I may get a bit frustrated or annoyed but at the end of the day its just a game and I'll beat it eventually

What did you think of the video?

its fucking retarded advertising itself as a 2018 compilation with more than half of the footage is old camcorder recordings and shit that has been in other compilations years ago

Attached: mia dis nigga.jpg (253x199, 8K)

it was okay, the wwe one seemed faker than wwe though

Pretty rare for me to rage at a game, although I did more so as a kid. I usually take a break if I'm stuck/frustrated.

I hate milk. Chocolate one is fine though

I take a break.

I get angry, contemplate smashing my controller for a picosecond, then don't because I'm a sensible human being. Then I try again, because I'm also a stubborn jackass. If I continue to be that level of frustrated after like ten more tries I'll ragequit and play something else, because I'm clearly not having fun and just needlessly stressing myself over a video game. But that also depends on the game, and if I feel those tries are "unfair" or not.

I have sex


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see you at the hospital when your bones break

When I was younger I used to just cuss a lot. Nowadays I still cuss but I also laugh and repress my rage until it eventually explodes, like an adult

You misunderstand me! I drink a full cup every morning, i just fucking hate its taste


Strawberry is the superior expansion.

First time I tried to play Overwatch competitive, I kept getting disconnected in the matches I was actually winning. I'm not gonna pretend I'm good at the game but fuck that absolute bullshit. Never had that issue in QP.