You did save him right?

You did save him right?

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With the most silent takedown

Who else killed Anna early on their first playthrough

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all you had to was walk out the door instead of the window

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My first time playing I didn't even know it was an option. The MIB scared me shitless so I didn't even try. I just instinctively jumped out the window.

They're actually easy to deal with thanks to their self-destruction. Plant an explosive at the door and you can take out most of them in one go.

No, didn't know I could. Did what he said.

you did get something for his cough, right?

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>want to walk out the window and then head back through the door to flank them since they'll be expecting us to be in Paul's room
>nope, you abandoned him
This is bullshit, man.

Yeah, it was really cool that it let me. Went out the back, got apprehended by Gunther, was uipset that they said Paul was dead, so I loaded game and holy shit it's letting me fight out of the complex.

I like you obedient like that.

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i love how you can just yeet past simons every time he tries to kill you

I remember freaking out because I didn't know how to give the ambrosia vial to tong

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The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms.

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too spooky in hindsight

This entire dialog is kino. Very few words but the subtext is amazing.

Greatest conversation in the entire game.

>Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms.
I find it strange that despite all the warning being there almost two decades ago, people still dont fully realize the dangers of this shit and only started realizing it in recent years.

Two decades ago it was a conspiracy theory. The devs wrote the dialog believing that, too.

>Two decades ago it was a conspiracy theory
not really a conspiracy theory if data-mining AIs existed even then.
if anything it was a warning at how things could escalate in the future with all the technological advancement.

it's okay if you don't data mine my exhentai favorite.

Actual cyberpunk has always been known for being prescient, it's largely why the (speculative fiction) genre exists
It's less impressive when you take into account how hilariously wrong cyberpunk gets it too
DX wasn't that ambitious though, it went for a lot of low hanging fruit (not that that's a bad thing) so no wonder it holds up. But note the suspicious lack of actual cyborgs or 2A fags actually putting their lives on the line.

>walk in the door thinking I can place LAMs in advance
>gamebreaking glitch triggers where Paul disappears without you having met him

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>first time playing Deus Ex
>place a LAM next to the door and gun down the MiB
>Paul just sits back down and the situation is over
>"Go JC"

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I love GEP gun

>Actual cyberpunk has always been known for being prescient, it's largely why the (speculative fiction) genre exists
Could be just the Pygmalion effect. it has happened many times in the past. someone reads/sees an idea (like Star Trek PADD) and invest something similar (Tablet)
>But note the suspicious lack of actual cyborgs or 2A fags actually putting their lives on the line.
Deus Ex is set in 2052. so give it time?

was he secretly part of MJ12?

Why does everyone have a Deus Ex avatar now?

It's a zoomer meme. Fortnite streamer told his fans to use it as an avatar and it blew up because people are stupid.

I hate kids so much

if you close and hide in the secret bookcase paul kills everything


i vanted O-range!

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It's a shame none of the sequels ever came remotely close to reaching the quality of Deus Ex.

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welcome to the coalition PROD

I killed everyone and then went back and left through the window because I didn't want to go around the building. He died, but I didn't even know you could save him.

thats a very biased comparison. IW was panned because of stupid design choice (unified ammo) bad AI, tiny maps with lots of loading screens.

i didn't realize i could

>the story changes organically depending
on the choices you make and the alliances you form
Oh c'mon, that's bullshit and you know it. You can spend the whole game siding with a faction only to betray them at the very last second. Hell, you can join with the templars on the last mission even if you've been mass murdering them the whole game.

I locked myself in that closet and when I came out after the shooting had stopped everybody was dead and paul was walking around. I didn't really save him.

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I love these videos.

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>IW was panned because of stupid design choice (unified ammo)
Sure, but Human Revolution is even more dumbed down, as that image highlights, yet it's praised to high heavens. It's a very weird double standard.

The stupidity of universal ammo pales in comparison to regenerating health/energy, QTE takedowns, sticky cover system, radar, removal of interesting augmentations, atrocious boss fights, etc.

>Sure, but Human Revolution is even more dumbed down,
sure, it was simplified but the simplification worked. I am not saying HR was good, just saying IW was worse and deserve the flak. it was really bad.

Not in my very first playthrough.

>or 2A fags actually putting their lives on the line.
WACO. Then Bundy Ranch, but the government didn't want any trouble after the first time around.

Cyborgs are also starting to pop up nowadays.


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HR is the best in the series. I say this as someone whose first Deus Ex was IW and played HR in his mid twenties so it's not nostalgia goggles either. The melee combat in deus ex was always extremely fucking abysmal thanks to the fucked up ambiguous viewbox.

Story's better too.

The thing is, Paul himself is invincible, so you can just hide in his secret compartment or wherever as he kills everyone that comes in, then leave through the door and endure that he lives.

Yeah, no, wrong on both counts.

>Paul and JC had th same VA
Still find that weird.

Deepest lore.