Battle station thread. R8 and h8.
Battle station thread. R8 and h8
ill get new pics soon
Communist block
>white monitor
>gaymur chair
>all those other nintenjew products
>2+1 """speakers"""
>tiles giving you cold feet and that precious bathroom look
Absolutely despicable
What the fuck are you on about user
I'm looking to get a new chair, matching monitors and some pictures on the wall
christ user, you really fell for that Yea Forums culture shit, didnt you?
>that tiny bookshelf in the corner
>only one row for this gen games
I bet you're glad you got a PS4
>the walking dead
Here’s one part of one of my book shelves
why's your room look so much like an unreal engine render?
Part 2
To be fair I normally buy digital games
no bully, that was a gift from my girlfriend
>To be fair I normally buy digital games
It was a no games joke user :)
And 3
Just the lighting and shit camera
post cat
bad posture
This room is the antithesis of comfy.
inb4 meowie
What's that called on the wall to hang things up? Not the shelf, the thing below it
Comfy view
What headphones are those?
Post more
Beyerdynamic DT 880 PRO
nothing is comfier than this
I had to look this up, the comments were shitting on him and his wife, made me happy
kill yourself
planning to upgrade my PC to Zen 2 16 core CPU when AMD releases it. Getting a few 14 TB hard drives too.
nice programing socks
What are some good chairs for desktop? Some chink chairs have so little padding it sucks.
amazon basic chair is just fine
The rest of my shit (like 99% of my cool shit) is out of frame. Wew lad.
More of the cat
good cat
post butt
Absolutely disgusting legs.
Nice pillow. Need it for your rhoids, faggot?