More censorship

more censorship

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Wtf? I thought Xbox was based?

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It would be pretty cool if they brought back the forced kinect use, and the console would shut down in case the player uses curse words or offensive language.

>buying consoles after PS2/Gamecube gen

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>playing popular multiplayer feces
>not playing obscure multiplayer games on your own servers with your own rules

When will you realize that you're the ones in the wrong, and not literally almost everyone else?

>at Microsoft we only allow men who act like women

kill yourself leftist

>being poor

I see they had the chance oppose Sony's heavy moderation hand, but completely squandered it. I don't know why I even hoped something better would come from this.

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why would somebody older than 13 even buy a console?

>Microsoft wanting servers to not be hellholes is the same as Snoy forcing companies to change their games if they have big tiddies

The problemas with Sony is mostly them being japanese, since all the sjw shit in the US they basically always play it safe and censor stuff for the West.

Now Microsoft is 100℅ american made sjw

>Why yes, I do wear a Kekistan t-shirt everyday. How did you know?

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Cause not everyone has the time to modify their computers just to play that one game that wants the latest specs you fat neckbeard

>playing multiplayer games on consoles
You deserve it.

more like polygon the alt right version


modify your computer? what? do you think you have to go in and solder shit and it takes days? jesus, stick to your kiddy toys, retard.

at this point of my life I don't pay more than 75% Steam sales price, modern gaming is rotten to the core, porn and shitposting is most of the times more fun/entertaining, that's the sad reality... I barely spend time nowadays playing games and when I do it's old or indie stuff

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oh wow is reddit bad at samefagging

rip so.ybox, we barely knew ye

This is hella yikes.

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>no more 2006-8 era Xbox live bantz
It's so soulless now

>xbox and snoy are the numale cringe platforms
>steam and nintendo are the based platforms

>mommy he called me a rude word during a video game it’s literally like the worst human suffering imaginable
>also what does banter mean?

>Now Microsoft is 100℅ american made sjw
Microsoft is nothing but women and diversity hires. Mass censorship and thought policing was the only possible outcome.

>everything I don't like is reddit

>le incel
Its nice that reddit so readily outs themselves these days.

everything I don't like is reddit

I'd never wear a shirt if I were this Chad

People that can't handle bants should be strung up.

>this will SOMEHOW get them more traction and more sales
Haha, yeah. Sure!

it's time to face it, the wild west days of the internet are over.

maybe you prefer Resetera?

I already imagine they'll remove the crouch on every online game because of teabagging.

as if people needed more reasons to not buy microsoft's shit lol


>muh trannyera boogayman
2016 was a mistake.

>the loud minority is everyone else
You might wanna speak with the average xbox user. Play a match on any game. The banter has always been apart of online games. You are the small few cry babies.

The internet is becoming safe and inclusive and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Better get used to smiling.

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You fucks are literally just like the fucking snoygoys
>advocating for censorship so that you can defend a company


no where near as bad as sony so for console exclusive games i'm still going top opt for xbox next gen

please have sex

>"people" pay to play online on consoles and get this


time to poison the well of civility.

>Xbox and Sony get together
>this happens

And how exactly are you going to do that?


>same way we know that was a white supremacist hand signal

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Look at how the resetard recoils when found out.

by letting this happen. You don't think people actually like everyone, do you?

People hate false kindness far more than any real insult.

>in b4 a bunch of predictably flippant responses featuring such classic buzzphrases as SEETHING and COPE

I don't give a fuck if you like me. Nice is as nice does, so as long as you behave that's more than enough.

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I would have a neverending smile on my face if Akarin could hold my hand just ONE time.

So people who keep sprouting things against white people will be banned too, right?

>even an ugly goblin like him has more sex than incels

Pretty sure if I got on my xbone and started preaching about the genetic superiority of the black race nothing bad will happen to me.

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No one said anything about trannies mate. Something you wanna tell us?

As things become popular they will always become sterilized. The people who dislike their speech and though being policed will create new places. It's how this shit has happened forever. You can't stop the unwashed masses from destroying everything good, you just need to create something even better.

>xbox is bas-

The false niceness will drive people to madness, so will the alienation of all those not pretending.

there's this new form of non-conformism where you preach you're against the system while repeating the mantras big corporations, mainstream media, campuses shout, claim to fight for the poor while being a good lil doggie to huge corporations who push for the exact same agendas, where you dye your hair in a way people across the street can spot but you get a booboo if people say you're an obnoxious attention seeker, where you get tons of tattoos but also get a very bad booboo if people say you look like an ex convict, where you claim to be such an original person but there are hordes of people who look and act exactly like you

With his dog maybe

hah, you retards thought microsoft and sony teaming up was a good thing

Remember when games allowed you to have your own server with your own rules/censoring

It's OK when Sony does it

>The internet is becoming safe and inclusive and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
and real life is getting more chaotic and violent

I predict a mass shooting in silicon valley in the next 5 years

>waah I can't call people n/ggers anymore

have kids

Being nice quite literally never hurt anyone and it's honestly a bit sad that you believe this. When we smile, we change on the inside too. Not straight away, but we welcome the positive in life by assuming the role of a happier person. You're so engulfed in this e-biterness and sadness that you mistake it for who you are. It is not. Smile, and you too can be the light.

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Calling someone else an incel doesn't magically drop pussy in your lap. No one's fucking that fat neckbeard no matter how hard he white knights.

Get lost Billy. It's entirely possible to not be leftist, hate censorship, and still dislike your shitty blog.

Meh what gives
Sony censorship only affects weebs

no, why should they?

>"I think my opinion doesn't matter!"
Ok, so I won't read anymore of your post, ever.


fake plastic world isnt real, people are cruel, deal with it.

sure, sure, I'll smile all I can when my ambitions are fulfilled. Until then, perhaps not.

Not even true fuckfat retard.

I always see this strawman from those defending censorship.
People have been banned for saying "gg ez", so that dog isn't going to hunt.

What if your ambition was to smile?

your opinion doesn't matter in a just society racist

Who actually plugs in the mic anymore, you never know what mundane thing you say will trigger someone to get you banned.

How will you moderate it and what constitutes abuse? "You fucking retard", would that get your online paid subscription yanked and stolen?

Notice how liberals can only go HURR RACISM THE N-WORD, but when the retard word would fall under a ban. Toxicity, the fuck, how do you defend that? That would be an umbrella for all types of trash talk. Liberals, THIS IS GOOD?

Brought to you by the Blacks at Xbox™.

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This simply isn't true. Sure, it's easier to remember wars and conflict because they are so intense, but human society that happens every day around the world is about the exact opposite. It's about people coming together and helping each other. Now, it might say in your pamphlet that the reason society exists is because of capitalism and greed, but that's also not true. Community predates all that shit.

A just society can't exist without freedom of speech, communist pig.

>defending sexism, racism and genderphobia
just minecraft yourself, you know, for the sake of diversity

Did they also weed out the games? I have like 50 xbox 360 games. What the hell happened?


all societies are tribalist, the best ones are racially homogeneous.

They sure love sniffing Anita Sarkeesian's farts all day and call gamers muh soggy knees.

>acting like an asshole on a private environment under a term of service is "censorship"

Have you tried keeping your opinions and comments on others to yourself, user?

Go dilate.

The r-word is a total slur so it's not very hard in that particular case. I can assure you that it's very simple to not get banned as long as you actually want to be a good person, and not some retard thinking you're smart for gaming the system. Instead of wondering what you can get away with, just decide to become a nice person on a fundamental level, and the rest just falls into place.

Are you illiterate?

well we can't have free speech because we always see people like you using it to oppress others, so your bullshit won't fly with anyone that can rub more than 2 braincells together

Basically you can't. "Retard" is already a slur, and because of the way SJWs work by always finding new things to virtue signal and be offended by to gain more and more power, they will keep pushing the line. One day "dumb" will be a slur. One day saying any wort of criticism will be a slur. One day it will be forbidden to walk outside without wearing the exact same grey, featureless clothes as everyone else.

Bend over.

I have probably read more books in academia than you will read in your life


Yes we can because there's this thing called "dealing with it".
Extreme wokeness and lack of free speech will breed far more oppression, you ultimate fucking retard.

imagine being castrated and thinking you can have a high ground on reproductive matters.


>I said incel it's LITERALLY the same as having sex!
The ABSOLUTE state of tranny culture.

fucking kek


It's not oppression, it's more like removing weeds that will ruin your crop from the garden.

Yet, you can't punctuate. Sit down, kid.
>harmless bants exchanged in an anonymous virtual setting are slurs
How the fuck would getting called a retard in a multiplayer match harm your reputation?

>it's not oppression, it's more like genocice.

Retard is a slur because there exists actual retards and when you use the word in a derogative manner you are devaluing the real retards. Sheesh, do people really not understand this? Not everything is about us able-bodied white dudes for fuck's sake.

>waah let me practice my nazism in peace

Being problematic is what you do, not who you are (even if you might honestly be confused about this).

>that COPE

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How does calling someone who isn't retarded a retard devalue actual retards? That makes absolutely no sense. If anything, you're diluting the word.
