Make super attractive character

>make super attractive character
>give her a terrible voice

What was Namco thinking? I even like British accents 99% of the time.

Attached: SC6Ivy1.jpg (1920x1080, 706K)

>dub version

i am a simple man, i see boobs, i click!
Have an upvote my good sir!

I like Amy more but I'd fuck either

Attached: Amy Breast Envy.jpg (1024x724, 118K)

I honestly don't see the appeal of anyone who isn't Taki or Ivy. Tira gets a mention just for being the de facto crazy bitch

Why did you make this thread again? Kill yourself dumb reposter.

I don't think her voice is bad.

Taki's voice, or rather the delivery on some of her lines, is bad. I don't know why half of them are dark brooding assassin "DIE" lines and then she has random valley girl sounding "wooh" lines.

I just hear female Skyrim dark elf every time she talks.

Amy is cute and elegant. Also has the Lolita thing going for her.

Attached: Happy family.jpg (728x1024, 153K)

Stop playing in English then idiot.

Sorry I'll use an Ivy wojak edit as you're probably more accustomed to.


>Not using the jap voice

This. Jap Ivy is audio sex.

Her Japanese actress is Sawashiro Miyuki, so just listen to that and get eargasms.

Any other famous work she's done?

>make attractive character
>give her white hair and a short hairstyle
why did they give Ivy grandma hair

Dubs in general suck ass
Play with Japanese voices or don't play at all

This. I always use subs just because as a person I hate English fighting games as the small character quips get super annoying when I understand them. It's like in English SFIV every character just shouts "no way!" when getting hit with something, it gets grating after awhile.

I recommend committing sudoku


I don't understand people who think Ivy is attractive. Her tits are weird as fuck.

Japanese SC has always been mediocre but mainly REALLY fucking boring and generic. Just listen to SC2 Raphael VS Nightmare. Or JP vs ENG Azwel.

Though i do agree that english Taki and Ivy are shit regardless of game.