Why /g/ hate us?

Why /g/ hate us?

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Yea Forums is one of worst boards on Yea Forums, saved only by the occasional on-topic videogames thread.

Because Yea Forums thinks that /g/ is the tech support board, and 99% of the time Yea Forumsirgins go on /g/, it's obvious that they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Not like /g/ knows that much anyways.

A bit off-topic, but is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

insdall gendoo :DDD

Yea Forumsirgins don't read the sticky and shit up the board with unnecessary threads, plus they use and endorse non-FOSS applications and operating systems

Because a lot of people mistakenly believe that knowing about videogames = knowing about technology.

Tbh switch threads shouls go to /toy/

I've seen people on Yea Forums call us Yea Forumseddit, when they are by far the most reddit board on this website

Boomers that larp as programmers because they installed linux

wow op u should've installed lenix

why should we care?

every board outside of Yea Forums hates Yea Forums?
good, that's the way it should be, this place is aids


absolutely the worst board thanks to the sonygroes

it's the new Yea Forums

As it should be.

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Is there a single board that is universally loved on Yea Forums?

Its nice there





/an/ maybe. I don't think anyone hates /ck/

>expecting /g/ to know shit about fuck
>expecting /g/ to willingly be your tech support
>expecting anyone on Yea Forums of not trying to trick you into doing something stupid
>expecting anyone to respect Yea Forums after how many shitposting techniques have been pioneered here

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It's almost as if trannies had something against gamers.


/g/ loves me so I don't know what you're talking about.