Rage 2

What went so wrong?

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open world meme


Felt like it was made in 2011.

They let a mediocre developer to design the open world.

>feminist trash

Nothing. Its a shooter with good Shooting.

You posted why I didn't want to buy it
Bright neon doesn't go well with ugly

It's another fucking open world game

I'm really glad that people are getting sick of this shit.

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Avalanche is shit and has been getting worse with every game.

It's a sequel nobody asked for to a game nobody played

>getting sick
Shitting on open world was the big thing before shitting on MOBAs became the new big thing, which then turned into shitting on BR games.

the promotional images for this game are eye cancer, like what the fuck is that in the OP?

These. How in the everloving fuck DID Rage get a sequel anyway? It wasn’t even a cult classic, and was about as generic as they come.

>honk honk

This. It ruined the game.


Open world games are more alive than literally ever

Avalanche keeps thinking they can get away with open world game #1567787, same shit with Just Cause 4

>all the side quests are literally just outpost take over missions
not a single one requires you to even pick up an item or go back to the npc who gave you the quest

avalanche has no idea how to make a game

This game would of been good if it wasn't open world

This image made my stomach churn for some reason. Who wanted a sequel to rage anyway?

Too much sci-fi laser mutant garbage, not enough Mad Max

it's not linear.

Nobody wanted this

I thought Yea Forums hated linear games?

Trying too hard to come as crazy and wacky. Too much focus on punk women, especially the cover. Too colorful.

Ya all nigas aint even playing it
open world is majestic form of gameplay where game as fun as you are
so this means you are all dumb monks bitchin about fun you aint having cuz you cant

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it doesn't even need to be explicitly linear. that semi-linear hubworld connected to stages has proven to be the best setup for these games. System Shock 2, Dues ex, Mass effect (hell, all early bioware is a good example)

I pirated and played for 2 hours and honestly I like the gunplay. I'll wait until all the DLC is out and then buy it at a sale, 40$ with the entire content seems fair
>if a game isn't open world it's linear

Great gunplay overshadowed by empty expanses between points of interest and unsatisfying vehicles.

It's just games in general. compare w1 to w3, yes the latter has mass market appeal but it's so fucking boring world design wise, and it makes sacrifices to the rest of the game to accommodate the open world

honestly, besides super hero games or games that have fun navigation gimmicks, I can name about 7 or 8 open world games that are truly good. most devs just can't design open world games

>navigation gimmicks,
real fair point. an open world is only as fun as the means to get around it. Look at Crackdown.

I've told you a million times already
Really bad marketing and artwork direction
It looks like a Ubisoft game

>good Shooting.
what game did you play that didnt have anemic guns with forced auto aim

well it's crackdown, infamous and just cause 2 that I had in mind. also something with lots of destruction like hulk ultimate destruction, red faction guerrilla or mercenaries also does things for me.

if an open world game doesn't have the above, it better be near fucking perfect content and design wise otherwise. something like G2 or Bully or San Andreas or SR2.

even RDR1 felt kinda boring once you got to mehico, should have had more treasure hunts and less generic random events

also lol forgot prototype and the older spider man games (haven't played the newest ones yet), those games are just fun to fuck around in, the world itself isn't anything special but the navigation gimmicks makes it work

Rage 1 and a sequel nobody asked for being made.

Exactly the same as last time. Awesome gunplay with mediocre everything else but this time with color. Story is weak, characters are weak, driving is weirdly bland, I didn't give a shit about anything except shooting assholes. You'd think they'd try a little harder this time.

And pay locking the BFG was so fucking bullshit, I didn't even want to know the gun was in the game.

it's a strong womyn you virgin

i feel as though games like GTA SA and bully get by with an open world because the open world isn't a selling point, and the devs knew that because they were pushing a story/characters.

I can't name one character from Rage, or even a memorable mission. Hell, I don't even remember what they looked like save for the desert raider with mid drifts aesthetic.

I'm glad so many open worlds are fucking up because maybe AAA gaming will have level design that isn't a fucking kindergarden sandbox.

Scandinavian Marxism at work

>devs wanted to make a sequel to the Mad Max game that came out a while ago
>couldn't get the rights this time
>dug up Rage because "it's close enough"
>did what they wanted without regards to the first game
And all the other shit other anons have said in this thread already. It was a shitshow from day one.

no one, fucking NO one has skin features that deep and gross.
Why the fuck do devs put skin pits like that on models these days? Like its over kill,

its funny how quickly the 'cyan/yellow/pink' color scheme died in videogame marketing. everyone must have thought it was the new orange and blue.

No third person

yeah but SA and Bully also were packed full of content and things to find, and were well paced to boot imo which isn't easy to do in an open world game, I also liked the video gamey approach to their world design rather than ''realistic'' ones from nowadays. well nostalgia might be speaking for SA, but I only played bully in 2017 and shit was fucking perfect, it felt like a jap game at times that's how good it was. kinda easy tho

Trailers made it look like the missing link between NuDoom and Borderlands - frenzied post-apocalyptic shootan with a good sense of humour about it.

Turned out it was Mad Max with worse car combat and, admittedly good shooting. But because your tools are tied to exploration and the open world is dull as shit, you wind up with a limited arsenal for way longer than you should.

everyone getting mad at the covergirl looking punky in a post apoc game are absolute retards who spend too much time looking at anime

>spend too much time looking at anime
unlike you who watches blacked.com videos all the time lmao. kill yourself cuck

Scripted set pieces make such a fun game yes

>admittedly good shooting
>Awesome gunplay
>Its a shooter with good Shooting.

what fucking game are you people playing

the world of SA and Bully were pretty heavy handed satire worlds, that kinda stretched familiarity is a lot of fun.

What is rage, or even borderlands? dirt?


Literally no one asked for this. How come some mediocre series can get forced to stay alive while legendary series people actually want just fade away.

It was ridiculous
That far cry 5 spinoff and rage 2 looked identical and were announced at the same time
Also cyberpunk pulled that same pink shit
The only place I've seeing those hues used decently well is in the Hitman 2 promo stuff

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>Wanted a sequel to Mad Max
This game plays nothing like Mad Max though, the only thing similar is the location and inclusion of cars
The best part of Mad Max was the car combat and driving around, Rage 2 has some of the worst driving in a game you date I don't know what the fuck they were thinking.
All they had to do was steal the gunplay from Wolfenstein TNO and expand on Max's car combat in a good open world, super fucking let down. This games a 15 dollars purchase at best

what kind of retarded nigger babble is this

watched shards of streams
looked like Far Cry 3 in the Borderlands 1 starting zone. Didn't want to buy it.

yes, literally lol. I actually liked BL1 and the worst part of it is downtime in the open hub levels or open world or whatever you wanna call it, even worse than the cheesy humor


More than half the characters are strong punk wymim. Dropped it after the intro sequence.

>More than half the characters are strong punk wymim

Loosum (who isn't 'punk' at all), your mother and Lily. That's three. Unless there's only 2 male characters in the rest of the entire game, you're either insecure or full of shit.

No porn of the cover girl

Avalanch fucked up giving Mad Max 2 to Bethesda
id software doesn't give a fuck because they are balls deep into Doom
People wanted a Mad Max 2 game. It was not perfect, but it has reached cult status. It always has 2-3k players daily no matter what

do you talk like this in real life?

>sequel to a mediocre game is mediocre
Who could have even imagined this happening?

>he actually played this shit

There's has to be of some girls who looks exactly like her.

Mass Effect is a good game.

It looks like they mashed together a generic ubisoft open world with the aesthetics of destiny.
In short, its the most generic game possible and I can't watch footage of it without getting mildly irritated.

No one asked for a fucking sequel to that shitty game.

Their marketing is fucking retarded, their cover looks like shit.
They were better off trying to sell a madmax character in a shitty wasteland with some generic cool looking white dude rather than whatever the fuck those gross ho's are supposed to be.

AS far as I can tell, the world is very reptetive and boring. Brown and yellow. Did not appeal to me at all

Bethesda marketing is over the top and cringeworthy regardless of the game

Too much exposition
Boring open-world

Full of shit it is then, thanks for clarifying.

I played for a few hours last night and I couldn't find any pretty girls. The first game had plenty.

Pressure of expectations.
Something like Half life 3 will never come out, purely because it's been built up as 2 was built up as the "best game ever" by it's fans, Anything short of that will be a disappointment.

Rage can come out and go both ways, if it's average, well it doesn't sting that bad. However it could have ended up being amazing, in which there's plenty of upside.

Clearly lack of trannies

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they somehow came out with the cliché "women are strong too" bullshit that gets shoehorned into every story in every game and movie and dudes who actually play the games are getting tired of that kind of lazy writing and politics shoved into their games.

The more I play the more mediocre it gets. I was having fun at the start but now I got the helicopter and just flying from area to area killing stuff is fun but it's just repetitive. Unlocking stuff doesn't feel great. It feels like now I have to memorize more buttons. To be honest I forget I can do the shield break dash until I see an armored guy but most of the time I just rocket him into oblivion.

It seems like they wanted borderlands kinda with some of the whacky stuff but didn't want to commit. Which is a shame.

>man, you know what our zany high-octane adrenaline-pumping ultraviolent shooter REALLY needs?

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>open world to pad the game out
>shitty driving
>pausing the game to show you bars fill up
>break open shitty boxes instead of just walking over them or having enemies drop it
>click on all the objectives to complete the location
too much time wasting open world bullshit straight out of a ubisoft game and the shooting isn't even that great because the enemies aren't fun to fight, they just stand around and wait to die even on hard difficulty


Turned the cute girls into hags

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iron sights

I played it. Combat is decent, but the lore and world-building SUCKS. The whole story is that old granny got killed by a terminator guy. That's it. I don't care about the different communities that it used to be, or how the world represents themselves through narrative. They should have different sects of people (kids too) with different backgrounds. Instead of GUD GUIS and AXIZZ of evil. Way too binary.

back to CoD retards

>he bought an Avalanche/id game and expected a good story

Its a fun arcade for chill playing
People nowadays rage about everything they can

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Are the shootan sections all hit scan?!
All the gameplay I have watched feels like cowadoodi