What class are you gonna play?
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What class are you gonna play?
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People say warriors tanks were in short supply in vanilla but in the beta everyone is playing warrior
Did you fuckers lie to me?
None, because WoW is a cartoonish piece of shit for babbies.
go play a real MMO: www.project1999.com
Nobody's gonna tank because they realize how shit they are at it when healer rips agro from all the mobs because cleave/demo shout spam isn't actually enough and when they finally get agro from the mobs running for the healer the main dps target will have killed 2-3 dps because they forgot to maintain agro on that one too.
tldr; there's gonna be a lot of dps/pvp warriors and few tanks
Nothing because shadow priest is unviable in PvE and I dont want to be a healbot
Paladin so my mates and I can steamroll Horde filth.
Hunter. Have fun trying to catch up to me while I let my serpent sting whittle you down.
Troll rogue and gank night elves trying to make the pilgrimage
Torn between rogue, warrior and shaman/paladin.
Probably not paladin, hate healing but do like tanking. No clue yet.
>not playing a paladin whos sole purpose is to escort these people when you see them
Itll be fun for a while but obviously people will stop doing it.
>playing a paladin
>playing alliance
I like the chill faction, no thanks
willing to go alliance just for Ironforge.
Undead rogue killing the Defias Traitor escort when it arrives at moonbrook, then going into stealth and giggling hysterically when eventually the 60s are called in and are running around in circles trying to find me
Gonna level druid with my friend and shaman solo when he is offline.
remove sorcerer
Warriors are great in dungeons, great in pvp, great in raids, great in world content. Both DPS and tank warrior were top-tier and wanted. Their only drawback was slow leveling and heavy gear dependence. It's no surprise that there are lot of them, how many are going to tank in raids? Not enough
>People say GOOD warrior tanks were in short supply in vanilla
I just started reading about demo shout tanking
Is it legit?
Tab sunder + cleave if you're swimming in rage was the default in my server
>deadzones u
Nothing personelle, amigo.
tab tanking, suddenly I remember and really do not want to play warrior anymore
>aspect of the monkey
>orc stun resist
>wing clip
bye bitch
You'll be hanging out with streamers and edgy kids high on adderall. Nothing chill about it.
>no heroic leap
>no 2xcharge
>no charge in combat
>no bladestorm
>slam has a cast time
>no victory rush
>no shockwave
>no titans grip
playing a warrior in mop spoiled me desu
Im sick or this shit, wow containment board when? There's dozens of threads about this garbage per hour
You think you want it but you don't want it. Dead within 3 months.
Priest so I can mind control horde off cliffs in thousand needles and instigate faction wars.
Is there any place besides thousand needles to use mind control?
Then it would seem to me that the solution there is to be the chill.
Be the one guy who doesn't get carried away. Be the guy who doesn't rage over mistakes. Be the one who can laugh it off and remind everyone it's only a game.
nearly all the biggest retail or Classic streamers are playing alliance though, so have fun with that.
no aspect of the viper in vanilla, fagboi.
you'll go oom too but only one of use can evocate
reminder that a lot of horde are rolling orc rogues instead of undead rogues because people have learned the value of stun resist
alliance priests and warlocks are saved
these are just the absolute more sweaty tryhard streamers. majority of players will still be undead on the horde side
Tab single target abilities is what all tanks have to do though, except for Paladin which is the least efficient out of all four.
*arcane bombs you*
nothing personnel
>go around the corner
>fd + shadowmeld + water macro
>but in the beta
It's beta for a 15 year old game. Everything has been theorycrafted and min-maxed. People know that warriors are the only tanks so they aren't doing stupid shit like trying to tank with paladins, bears, shamans or hunter pets.
in my free time I'll give thorns/mark to alliance mobs to mess with greenskins.
does this actually work holy fuck, I never thought of that
Sadly not, you can't actually target friendly NPCs with buffs or heals. Imagine escort quests if you could do that.
Roll mage and hang out in STV at max level. Sheep people PvPing to heal them to full. Enjoy faggots on your faction whispering you mad as fuck.
belf paladin
Was a human warrior in vanilla, gonna do troll warrior this time around (probably do prot and grind instances all the way)
t. legionbab
I don't like that Alliance is so much stronger in PvE than horde
And that feral druids aren't viable on horde
>every priest has an early quest where you have to heal an npc
>nah you cant actually heal npcs
Why the fuck would you play vanilla if you weren't going to roll a reckadin?
>I don't like that Alliance is so much stronger in PvE than horde
who cares, world firsts are for queers
Not sure whether I want to roll hunter or warlock, all I know is I want pets.
The most distinct memory of that I have is trying to heal the NPCs on Torek's Assault back in early 2005, and similarly trying to give buffs to the orcs in the lumber camp.
Alliance, Human, Male, Warlock
I'll have a slightly harder time winning in PvP, but I'll be highly desired in raids because Alliance Warlock is extremely underplayed.
it depends on the mobs. those kul tiras marines and whatnots in durotar are notorious for accepting heals from alliance. also warlocks can use max rank curse of recklessness on low level mobs to make them oneshot levelers.
I've settled on Druid because: I like tanking, and they can tank dungeons. For raids, they heal which is comfy and doesn't need much responsibility etc. Also they get comfy things like stealth and travel form.
Not sure on 2 things though; professions and faction. I wanna go either skinning/LW or alchemy/herb.
Also I like Alliance/Horde pretty equally all things considered.
What's it like to level a priest in classic? I kinda want to do that.
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
>put dot
>cast renew after
Priest or Warlock
Probably Priest, but I want to be able to summon people, because my friends are too lazy to walk anywhere.
I wanted to love druids but having gear not show on you 99% of the time because you're an animal.
Sounds like something I could do
like nigga the compass doesn't even work
Watch Ebbnflow's videos.
Druids are extremely good in wpvp.
>>Sadly not, you can't actually target friendly NPCs with buffs or heals.
someone hasn't heard of the paladin king.
tab targeting used to be good until blizz fucked it like everything they now touch
It's not as legit as cycling through targets and applying a couple of stacks of sunders when facing 2-5 mobs, but when you have to tank a bunch of small shit it'll give you that initial agro if your healer doesn't launch a big ass heal before you have a chance to shout at the mobs. I don't remember the agro values per shout anymore, but it was most definitely better than nothing. Ultimately you'd want to try and sunder as much shit as you possibly could as it's infinitely more threat than shouting, but throwing off a couple of shouts could give you those few extra seconds to build the required threat before healers would get fucked.
watching sodas stream right now is giving me hope that classic will still be comfy fun
getting ganked by the opposite faction in stranglethorn and having actual world pvp skirmishes mite b cool
Super torn but I think I'm gonna settle on Warlock. Already leveled a warrior in vanilla and it's gonna be over saturated as fuck with all the dps memes. Mage was my next choice but again it seems like there will be so many you';; just be lost in a crowd. So I'm thinking since my first character who was a lock never got to shine he deserves a rebirth.
Except now I'm up in the air about what faction and maybe I wanna try playing a healer since I've never done so
Don't dismiss warrior for bring overpopulated. Around half of the warrior players will drop it when they discover that it's weak as fuck without hit/crit cap and hard to level. Also 90% of the remaining warriors will be trying to go fury, essentially giving you free dungeon/guild slots if you want to tank.
>implying you'll be able to regen more than a couple hits with brokentooth chipping at you every half a second
Man, hunters were pretty based in vanilla
Whats a good class if I want to make other classes go boom?
Doesent actually have to be explosives just very good burst
80% set on going a Warlock although part of me wants to go a Shaman, the problem is Shaman's are unironically garbage outside of their healing spec.
>inb4 "b-b-but ele burst"
Nah fuck off, you get like 4 spells before you're oom as Ele.
I've never played wow before. Which class should I pick?
I would argue the opposite. I think that because the game is so old and people know it in and out so much, there'll be kooky specs like prot pallies and feral druids tanking shit in all but the most hardcore of raiding guilds
>And that feral druids aren't viable on horde
Feral dps or tank?
I can't see how paladins would help them in any case
there are going to be a fuckton of warriors, but only a fraction of them will hit 60, and there will be shitloads of them who "can't tank" and refuse to equip a shield because they're afraid of responsibility, because tanking actually requires a brain in vanilla. simply not being a little bitch and stepping up when people ask you to tank will get you invited places.
It's more that windfury doesn't help them
Oh, and I don't know the threat specifics, but warrios might generate more threat than druids too? in which case, horde lacks the buff that lowers threat so threat is more important on horde side.
how does that make them viable in alliance?
they lag far behind the good melee dps and share loot with them
Yeah I know that's very true but I also did the warrior song and dance originally so I feel like it would be good to mix it up. Like I said I'm super torn because I actually have more free time than normal and great work hours/days off to raid and do events but I really only wanted to focus on one character since once I try to keep up with alts I tend to burn out quick. I think at the end of the day I'm just gonna flip a coin or use a program to randomly pick for me since it's so hard to settle on one thing
Most of them really, everything is bursty as fuck in vanilla but the best is POM Pyro Mage and Ele-shaman. Just avoid Priest and Druid.
Alchemy will let you craft to making your own freedom of action potions for carrying the flag in WSG and transmutes will sell for good money for a long time
The gap is bigger on horde side. In alliance it's easier to justify/convince people to accept because the gap is smaller.
People in this general are delusional. As we've very clearly seen from the beta Warriors are fucking abundant, there's too many of them. In that embarrassing Tips Wailing Cavern run there was fucking 3 warriors.
Also everybody is picking Orc.
You're all faggots to be honest, I was going to play a Warlock but now I'm gonna play a Shaman/Priest/Hunter just so I can pick a Troll, suck my cock you try harding shitters, that stun resist will never save you from being dog shit at the game.
I'm deciding between holy paladin or another resto druid. I do like blessings a lot, but knowing that I will never use one of the tier sets to heal and run around in the same cloth dress like my druid, it's a bit of a downer honestly.
Druids generate more threat than warriors, maul is nuts specially with the shitty mace from gnomeregan with +50% attack speed.
Warriors need to go do dual wielding memery to catch up and they'll take a lot more damage than druid sdoing so
Can't decide between Warrior and Hunter.
Hunter is what I used to play, but raiding in FFXIV turned me into a tank main.
Warlock is probably the best choice. Super easy dungeon spots, not overpopulated, loved in raids and arguably the best PvP class in the game. Only downside is you won't be doing much damage. Mage is better if you care about your damage but everyone and their mom will be going mage, I think it was the second most picked class in that poll someone posted the other day. Shouldn't be hard to find a group as a mage since they're so good but you also have to remember, unless you're a mage god or the GM's girlfriend, you'll be fighting over class gear with like 6 other players. Both are solo gods and have boring rotations so that doesn't matter.
I fucking despite you
not classic. spam sense heading or use /loc like a man
>hating on /our gay/ soda
I'm thinking my first character will be a rogue. I want the Defias mask, whether I'm Horde or Alliance, and I always find it really easy to immerse myself into the character because they're so methodical and soulful. I've heard that they're also in good demand because their DPS is so reliable that raids will have upwards of 10 rogues, they're good PVPers, and can farm well with high damage. If I make a rogue with skinning/mining, it'll make it easy to build up another character to do whatever I like as well, without having to worry about whether they can farm for money.
I figure if I choose to go with Horde it'll be a Troll since I like their /sit animation and they're less common than Undead and Orcs, and if I go with Alliance, it'll be a Human or a Dwarf, since I like their models. I thought about making a mage first, but I did that on Nostalrius. I also want to try playing a druid, priest, and a warrior.
why are you So Mad?
They are great in raids, but don't expect that groups will beg to invite you. ANOTHER rogue that will roll on my gear? No, invite a clothie. That's how it always turned out.
Warrior or Warlock.
I definitely agree, but I still think that if I find it disagreeable to play a rogue at 60 in PVE, it'll be worth levelling simply for the PVP and farming opportunity. I really don't want to make a priest or a druid as my first character to find out that they're bad at level 60.
Being a warrior tank is easy. Being a good warrior tank that can bring a group of randoms trough a dungeon is hard.
Honestly, I'm worried about a few things with it launching on the naxx patch and the 15 years of math.
1. Alliance to horde balance: In vanilla almost no one played horde, belves were added specifically to fix this. Now that every vaguely ok player has been playing horde for the better racials for 5 years i think there's going to be a huge increase in horde players which wasn't true to vanilla.
2. Launching on the naxx patch means lock dps is viable and there's not debuff limit. this is going to artificially increase the proportion of locks to mages when in vanilla the mage was the king dick and rock bitches were kinda rare.
3. Warriors were not super popular in vanilla but they'll be fucking everywhere in classic because they are the only tanks and do bonkers dps on the nax patch.
Yeah that's pretty much why I was leaning towards it, decent enough damage with great utility and good PvP. The rather easy leveling and free 40 mount are just the cherries on top
Rank 14
#1 DPS in raids
Scarab lord
Tier 3
Be the biggest dick of them all
There will be a higher proportion of locks to mages in classic then vanilla. 1.12 lock dps is competitive with mages especially when you consider locks won't be gated by debuff limits in MC and BWL.
This. I still get nightmares of idiots failing jumps and running ahead of me round corners in WC.
The debuff limit was still in place in 1.12. It wasn't until 2.0.1 that they increased the limit to 40. They also confirmed 16 debuff limit at a stage event, I forget which one.
Source: wow.gamepedia.com
hunters got raped by mages in vanilla.
Demo shout threat is divided among those hit with it, if there are more than 3 mins then battle shout on the whole party is more threat
>Guys the hybrid tax is great it's just like my vanilla
>Meanwhile warriors are the only viable tank and the top dps spec in the game.
What do nost cucks mean by this?
Hybrid=able to heal
>won't be gated by debuff limits in MC and BWL
I'm confused, isn't 16 limit still in place?
What's your favourite meme from these threads?
Mine is -
>Shadow Priests are the best 1 vs 1 class/spec xD
Umm, no sweetie, that's STILL Warlock.
>warlocks can use max rank curse of recklessness on low level mobs to make them oneshot levelers
great at removing r*gues but they are still cucked by being kited
>upwards of 10 rogues
nope, gearing up is slow as fuck and they share a lot of equipment with warriors.
Also on top of what said rogues don't offer reliave CC so they're not looked after for dungeons, mages and warlocks are thanks to free food/water and summons
Shadow Priests are shit.
>Have a shadow resist set
>They're fucked and deal like 16 damage a hit
>They would go oom 5 times over before killing me
have sex
imagine equipping resist sets in world pvp
>tfw 2005 account no beta
Who would you ever give thunderfury to rogue?
Mage is the best pvp class. They shine in every situation. There's a reason every premade stacks mages.
Seeing all these warriors being so adamant about not tanking makes me want to play warrior instead of shaman
They arguably are and unlike lock dont need skill or gear
need to have active subscription for classic beta
genius really, some retards even will for a chance.
I fucking LOVE that since the beta dropped all fucking anti-classic shills have D I S S A P P E A R E D. It is not undeniable based on what the streamers said about it and the sheer amount of people watching streams and the pure hype about this. It's going to be fucking huge. All BfA fucking faggots are crying themselves to sleep right now because their game is going to be a ghost town. I'm so fucking glad you faggot shitters are going to get rekt. Enjoy your last 3 months before BfA is DEAD.
We are going home and nothing can stop it now. All zoomers suck my fat donkey cock. Btw chad human S Priest here
Cant decide between shaman/priest.
>I really don't want to make a priest or a druid as my first character to find out that they're bad at level 60.
Resto druids are the best flag carriers, if horde you might land a spot as feral tank since their threat generation really comes into play.
Horde priests are amazing healers for both pvp and pve, second only to paladins and that's only after being full decked in end game equipment. Shadow PvP is pretty good too but you'll be looked down for not healing
So I want to roll holy paladin. It seems right behind tanks, being a good healer (I’ve healed as hp since cats) is the next most desired thing and I already have guilds lined up wanting me.
My biggest issue at the moment is having to be a dress-a-din for most of classic though. BiS lists put two robes and the mantle of wild growth as top until literally fucking Naxx. Am I fucked or is it even feasible to try and get epic pvp chest and shoulders so I don’t have to look so ridiculous until reaching true endgame?
Why would you want to play that streamer infested beta anyways?
>shadow priest with pet > shadow priest without
no shit
They get absolutely destroyed by Warlocks in every single scenario
I have one.
>not being a 100% avoidance rogue tank
it can go both ways, if the hunter gets a couple good crits the mage is dead, if the mage gets into the hunter dead zone without taking considerable damage he wins
There's a reason every premade stacks mages.
>Why would you want to play that streamer infested beta anyways?
Check what class I'm rolling mate don't care about streamers
My heart says horde but mind says alliance for comfier zones and city.
home is where the heart is
Try writing that again
>They get absolutely destroyed by Warlocks in every single scenario
>counter spell
What now cuck wl?
Undead Warrior
>parents making me go to greece during classic launch
why even live bros
undead rogues will be more numerous, because they look cooler
>feign dead
>has a nice refreshing sippy while you're wanding because your critted twice in a row and now you can't do damage for 10 seconds without aggroing
I'm split on an undead priest or an Orc Shaman. Never played either, but I love healing, since I played warlock and a DK when wrath first came out. What do?
will I have any chance of getting into raids as a feral tank? I want to tank, but really don't want to roll a warrior.
Keep yer feet on the ground
Human Paladin, obviously, there will be far too many undead scum to purge
Troll Prot Warrior
alliance is by far the more popular faction for tryhards on pservers get your meta correct
roll a warrior
none, mmo’s are boring and not worth the time investment.
it used to be only within the frame, now it can target things behind you or 100 meters away, even tor has option for within frame now
>I want to tank
roll a warrior
Felhunter is what retard
Even Classic naysayers like Preach and Venruki are having a blast in beta.
Rule No1: play any class of the overpowered RMP trio and you're in for a good time.
You only wear robes in dungeons and raids. Don’t worry. You go plate for pvp and bankstanding.
>>parents making me go to greece during classic launch
>why even live bros
>nearly rank 11 in classic
>parents want to go on vacation for 1 week
I'm still mad about this and I told my friends to plays some bgs nobody did lost an entire rank and stopped doing pvp till bc
I wanna heal and play alliance since I played horde during vanilla. So I was thinking dwarf priest. But at the same time if I’m gonna be a flaming faggot playing alliance I might as well go pally. I know they’re good healers and they get a free mount, but I feel like a priest ha many more tools when it comes to healing and that seems more fun. What do?
Shadowpriests do a shitton of damage and have a decent upkeep, you can probably kill a dozen mobs without drinking if you play your mana right, they're also extremely powerful in pvp.
I really want to play a priest so I can get Benediction. I had it on my first account but I lost that.
i mostly wanna play a warrior(dps) but am open to mage, priest, and druid as well.
if i somehow end up on alliance i might try paladin, esfand is convincing and i like prot aoe farming
Try a druid, it won't be easy to convince a guild that even though you're taking more damage than a warrior you generate more threat so combats will be shorter.
Alliance has blessing of salvation so don't even try it as a night elf though.
it was infuriating being middle class rich as a child when WoW came out bros...
>spamming sunders hard!
Go Holy/ret shockadin. Get T2. Get spellpower trinkets and weapons. And demolish Horde in BG and WPvP while also being able to heal like a mofo.
Are druid healers in any sort of demand? I love healing but Priest and Paladin seem boring.
It's okay since you're a zoomer you'll probably have more fun watching your soigod asmongold
completely useless
mage, paladin or shaman
It's said most groups don't want a lot but Druids are rare so it should still be fairly easy.
actually a boomer...
Human male ret paladin with stun grenades and shit.
they're kinda meh in 5 mans because they don't have an out of combat rez, but battle rez and innervate will always get you a raid spot.
Paladin is by far the least fun class to play.
Priests are better healers and a lot more fun to play both while leveling and raiding
How are you planning on getting gear?
Then how can your parents "make" you do anything? Just say no, you're an adult
im torn apart... i mained paladin back in the day, and i still love it. but i also wanna try mage...
no. but its always good to have 1 or 2 in raids for motw buff and battle res. i guess there is always a spot viable... depending on the guild
>Gonna roll Lock
>Gonna refuse to summon people to the raid
Walk you lazy fucks, i already farmed shards for your fucking stones
threat management is challenging. keeping track of target specific threat and knowing when to switch target and when an mob has enough threat to not lose aggro before it dies is not something the shittiest tanks even think about.
they pay for my life
Should I go male tauren, female Undead, or female orc for warrior?
you will never get raid spots. ever
depending on your build, you could just focus on 1-2 and mark them and apply slows/shout so you have the app time to taunt if need be
And you can afford to lose threat and aggro at
I always played alliance, but I must admit when I played horde for a while I noticed that the bond is stronger between the people there. I was surprised as fuck, that they are generally more nice and helpful and talkative, while the alliance typically never talks, is more solo oriented or gives a fuck about others. Its not that ally is bad, its just that most conversation with them exhausts in a few words then they leave the party when their quest is done. Going back to alliance and the literal NPC tier people is making me question if I even want to play this game, because I like the aesthetics, but holy fuck its players are the typical modern MMO sociopath types.
You can't judge a book by its cover.
Go Troll, that's optimal.
Does sex have any influence on gameplay? Like, will being smaller make it easier for teammates to find the right enemies and click on them or something?
without lfg you actually have to talk to people, it's unbearable burden for retail.
Male tauren and female orc are the most based combinations.
It just depends on how much of a snowflake you want to be
>day 161 they still havent figured out that im not holy
>Does sex have any influence on gameplay?
extremely minor
there's like 2 spots in the game where (all)female models fit under, and males don't
>lead a party
>mark mobs and tell party which to target first and which to cc
wow that was hard
Thinking priest so I can get invites easy. Maybe mage though.
Did Paladin and Shaman in vanilla so I want none of that hybrid shit this time around.
sodapoppin said female models are smaller and can pass through a thing in Warsong Gulch, which males can't. Apparently ideal for when being chased as a flag carrier.
Troll for Prot
Orc for DPS
Troll for dps if you just wanna have FUN because troll > orc
i am getting SO much nostalgia. I might frikkin buy the dang game!!! How does it work, is it worth it to just play this? Is it gonna be 15 bucks a month, separate from retail?
you didn't play WoW recently, have you? it is very hard for retail players.
there's some shit in wsg the female human can walk through.
have you played WoW in the last decade? CC and marking is beyond the comprehension of any retailfag since wrath
what recommendations do you have for a vanilla rogue pve build ?
LFG isn't really that big of a deal. I did most of my leveling after BC was released and we still talked to people, whispered people and asked in general chats. The real problem is crossrealm and teleportation, the features that came before that didn't ruin the game.
No one bothers with stones in vanilla exept maybe tanks might want one. If you don't summon you are most likely going to get kicked out of the guild.
yea i tanked in every private server. i dont believe you. anyone with above 60 IQ understands simple commands.
LFG came out mid wotlk. I was a witness of how everyone slowly stopped talking.
imagine having to learn how to mark targets for CC and kill them in the correct order again
Original LFG was in TBC and it was actually good.
how many shamans does a raid want? i already know ill be healing on it
you are in for a discovery then.
every hunter I've ever encountered proves you wrong
You just buy the normal $15/mo sub and choose a classic server instead of a normal server.
>pay to buy and then pay to play
>he thinks i won't be an officer
only one answer
are you talking about LFG channel? I'm confused here, I don't remember any auto group finder before wotlk.
luckily im not a shitter and can hold aggro even if my team fucks up
>Titan's Grip
Actually, please, I beg of you, kill yourself. End your own life so you can't taint Classic with your horrifically shitty taste. It's taste like this that led OSRS into the sad state it's in now. Delete yourself from the gene pool, this is your duty to your species for the betterment of all mankind
Do you really need a sub for a beta invite?
it's not post mop aggro, user
you have to fight for every percentage over your group.
what's wrong with OSRS?
There was, it just wasnt automated.
2-3 at most.
One for every melee group, so 4-5. The amount of melee you bring depends heavily on the amount of shamans you have.
I know this retard. I already said I've tanked on every private server and had to deal with multishotting hunters breaking mage poly's and warlocks fearing mobs to packs.
It's a piece of cake.
I think it did place you in groups, but you still had to travel there
And I believe you were able to choose what role to play as?
that's not true? you want totems in more than 2 groups, and chain heal is goat. ankh is also very useful to have availible more than once.
>probably reportable in nu-blizz classic, and reporting to get you temp banned is just part of the bantz anyway
Best aoe build & items for paladin farming?
does the low fps make this unsettling
Female Orc.
> Orc Steroid AP racial for DPS
> Stun resist for PvP
> Gear looks amazing on them (they're basically male human build, and look great in plate)
> No retard hunchback male Orc bullshit
Sick combat animations
Fem Orc----> all
That's how my guild did it back in vanilla, and we cleared every vanilla raid dungeon.
I played only Warrior(once leveled hunter and 2 times leveled DK) since TBC, i think i will roll either warrior again or proto 5ppl Paladin
Fug I was so sure of picking rogue but all this talk about about the struggle to hold aggro makes me want to roll a war tank and fucking master it.
Isn't there a limit to what you can do? At some point the healer will run out of mana and you don't get health, and then there isn't that much you can do to live much longer
never used it, I just wrote " tank for ____ searching for members" in LFG channel or tagged to groups searching for tnak
damn, tanking is the easiest life in wow. I think I will roll warrior again.
I"m torn between lock and mage. Didn't play during vanilla, and have played melee since wrath so I want something different. I like the look of lock damage but the whole soul shard thing seems a little much, but prob not as bad as it looks. and if I'm playing with friends, I'll def want the mage portals and food to keep everyone moving.
>he's playing an alliance rogue
lol everyone is already max level after 3 days? how is this fun took no time
I'm playing with my friend who's a godlike healer and knows how to play those kinds of situations perfectly.
Yea Forums is for people who are at least 18 years old
I'm playing UD mage
Female Undead have the best animations but don't look very tanky so you won't feel tanky. They look fucking god tier in Warrior's Embrace though.
>he thinks he will be an officer
human rogues are the best for pve
A mage will never beat a good hunter pre AQ, after AQ if they are elemental specced with good gear they will win in non-open areas.
I noticed this too.
> Getting ganked on Alli
> Ask for help in chat
> Lol git gud. Who cares lmao. Etc
> Getting ganked on Horde
> Ask for help in chat
> full group formed instantly
> Everyone screaming Lok'tar as you slaughter Gnomes.
Horde is pretty comfy.
ask hobbs
>That water mark
The real game goes up to 60, it's a long time.
yeah, so why are you here?
Troll mage.
Cause magic and shit.
Was gonna go shaman, but it seems to be a meme class,and while I don't mind healing i also wanted to go enhance and I don't want to have to constantly respec.
Now buy my bags, faggots.
Free mount or fun. Hmm
mage cause i'm a casual, they do everything rather well, aside from tanking. otherwise i'd play warlock, but mages are usually more convenient to play.
>he thinks that he thinks
playing the ultimate vanilla experience with no streamers PRIVATE SERVERS
I found levelling nost, that ally would always gank low levels and camp whenever they could, but when levelling as ally, horde would tend to ignore but more often than ally would
Troll Priest.
I've heard people are getting invites without having active subscriptions. You will need to resubscribe to play the beta though.
Necromancer or Templar
Shaman has a lot of fun toys for leveling and fucking around in world pvp, but they're kind of shitty in raids.
Just play on EU RP server
>private servers
ok sure buddy you enjoy that
1 Shaman per group is BiS.
Do you want to heal? Templar all day every day. Tank? Necro, not becuase its the best, but because nothing is worse than templar.
dps? Same shit, do whatever.
> want to play this shit
> refuse to play on a server that has a streamer faggot, have to wait a month after release to see which realms have avoided the twitch aids
Shit sucks... maybe the EU realms will have less streamers?
modern horizon HYPE btw
fugging wrong thread
>3k players per layer
>infinite layers per server
yeah, that ONE streamer is really gonna fuck your experience
I have never understood why anyone would watch a streamer much less give them money. What kind of brain damage must you have in order to do this?
Is paladin tank really that inferior to warrior? I wouldn't mind playing pally so I can switch between tanking and healing
Totems are appreciated, especially Tremor
No friends teens/kids
Even if layering can stop me from running into them in the field. Imagine your disappointment when your server first legendary was specifically farmed for some faggot streamer.
yes its unplayable
>Asmonshitter "tanking" on stream
>half the time in battle stance
>don't even think he is prot spec'd
>this will lead to a rise people acting like this
based and taz'dingopilled
Which server will be better?
They are decent tanks. For 30 seconds. Then you are oom and can do nothing.
>Pservers were empty a week ago
>Log in now
>Absolutely fucking packed with new players.
We're almost home bros
no taunt
cant hold aggro for shit
goes oom immediately
And how do they have money?
Paladins simply don't have the right tools or the endless sustainability a tank needs
>Int/Spellpower plate is literally only avaliable in Healer based tier sets
>No Taunt
>Outrageous spell mana costs
You can tank dungeons probably but don't expect to use Prot for anything but farming and PVP beyond that.
>>don't even think he is prot spec'd
That actually is normal
Chances are we'll get a decent list of which realms to avoid thanks to the "name reservations" two weeks before launch if not sooner.
Gives them a sense of community, nothing like donating 30$ to see your name on screen and have your god thank you infront all of your "friends"
>don't even think he is prot spec'd
Wrathbaby spotted
You can tank dungeons fine in any Warrior spec as long as you bring a shield
K3 durotar had tons of people running around last weekend
>he's playing Male Orc SL Warlock
Human Priest. I 'ate Orcs, so I do.
Troll elemental shaman
I'll take a pally over warr in Strat UD.
And that's it.
One instance.
One instance where you are useful.
>>don't even think he is prot spec'd
drama whores show their true face again
fuck off reddit
>name reservations
This is such a fucking bullshit way to get people to waste money on an early sub.
Thanks for the free (you)'s autists. You fucks are too easy to get spun up over stupid shit.
you only need prot spec for raids lmao
>Early sub
Classic launches two weeks from the name reservation user
How do I into private vanilla servers?
I want to fiddle around on one so I'm not rusty as fuck when classic comes out.
>merely pretending
Really want to play Ally, played horde my entire life, I just hear really bad things about ally
>bad questing
>full of kids
>people more anti social
Also, how will people know which realm to pick? I don't want a dead one
>fucked with it
>by giving it more options and leaving the biggest problems to be fixed with addons
it's better than it has ever been in retail as of Legion introducing the "vision tab target" option or whatever the fuck
I'm confused. You call other autists yet you think you is something to collect? Do you think you are on facebook right now?
I really wanted to play an ally warlock but I'm so fed up with these dogshit NPC tier people on Ally side. Its not even they don't help, even I'm more solo oriented, its that its either a self entitled god gamer (often playing Nelf or human fem) or a guy who says never says anything (every other race in ally).
they broke it again.
get a vanilla client and go to lightshope, id advise to choose the lower pop server the high pop one is unplayable to fuck around and level a bit. people are starting to catch on though and making chars on the lower pop server
How dead are the RP servers going to be? I dont RP but the leveling experience could be more fun.
>download 1.12 client
>change serverlist file to private server
>suck user's dick for spoonfeeding you
thanks, didn't want it reposted on reddit, someone can make it themselves if they want
So 2 weeks of paying a sub for a game i can't play yet.
>I don't RP.
Don't roll on an RP server.
if you play as a healer, you will not be allowed in my guild
Thanks. Assuming I need to get the client from torrents?
Are you saying that for his sake or the server's sake?
>Horde the chill faction
in BFA? I played and quit before second raid came out and it worked fine then
You're paying for the name reservation.
>roll Paladin
>have to tank dungeons or else I'll get my mail/plate stolen by a warrior
>don't even know how but I'm gonna do it
Orc Warlock
(But i wish i could be troll warlock)
Which is what is bullshit. How is this so hard for you to understand?
How are people gonna know which realms to roll on?
so gnome warlock is the best ally race for locks?
>roll Paladin
>have to tank
how does it matter? you act like they get the game 2 weeks before you. its a fucking name if someone wants to pay 2 weeks earlier to reserve a name who gives a shit
as someone who played horde for life and is trying alliance leveling on chinkdale, the alliance have way more unsafe low level questing zones. it's a regular daily occurrence that there are high level horde players camping in redridge, duskwood, wetlands, and ashenvale. the horde don't have to worry about this at all in the barrens or silverpine. however, alliance cities are maximum comfy and so easy to navigate compared to the horde. can't comment on the anti-social thing, but since it's chinkdale i just assume most players that don't talk are chinese.
>how will people know which realm to pick?
you can't really. kinda have to just wait and see where the chips fall after a few weeks.
>no option to sub to classic only
>have to sub to both classic and BfA
Fuck you Blizzard I know what you're scheming.
find out which ones the streamers are on and don't pick those
haha this reminds me of tanking ICC in WotLK. All those skeleton trash mobs, was pulling over 30k dps, was insanity, the healers would fight over who got to heal me because it'd increase their HPS and make them look good
pick the one with the coolest name
like ragnaros
Proping up their numbers for the next investors call? Duh.
>Good melee animations
>Good casting animations
>Chill and relax
>can do everything, meh at everything
I also roll Orc Warlock.
What your main Spec gonna be?
For me it's affliction.
The fuck does it matter?
>join warrior tanks group
>he's already reserved every piece of equipment
Redridge and Duskwood on Northdale are in flames right now thanks to endless ganking and the level 60 alliance don't do shit to help their low level bros out
Paladins aren't good at tanking, nor are they good at DPS.
You will be exclusively healing, decursing, blessing and wearing cloth gear.
I hope blizzard reserves some servers to be streamer free
>id advise to choose the lower pop server the high pop one is unplayable to fuck around and level a bit
depends on what he wants. lightbringer is completely fucking dead, so it's better if you just wanna try solo leveling, but the economy is nonexistent and finding dungeon groups is an ordeal. northdale is swarming with players, so the economy thrives and dungeon groups are easy to find, but you will have to fight over mobs in literally every single quest hub.
Hunter- DPS
Mage- DPS
Rogue- DPS
Warlock- DPS
Warrior- DPS or Tank
Shaman- Healer
Priest- Healer
Paladin- Healer
Druid- Healer
Give up on playing Ret, Feral, Boomkin, Shadow, Protection and other terrible useless specs.
Those are called EU and RP servers.
Also the best robe and best staff until BWL/AQ40 are Priest only so have fun with that
Warrior here, Shaman are bros. I'll always take a Shammy with me. Drop WF totem for me and were set. Play enhance if you want.
lightbringer is not dead for leveling right now. many are doing the same thing and trying out shit before classic launches because they logged into the other realm and saw the 100s of people flooding the start zone. Im doing some shit myself on lightbringer and the barrens is full with people leveling
non-progression shitter detected
Paladin's the only one that actually has no other options imo
A 40 man hardly has to be "optimal" until Four Horsemen so there's room for shit like one Shadow Priest per server
hes talking about leveling. and if you think paladin tanks are shit in dungeons when they have the best aoe threat then kys
I want to play a hunter but that's what I played in vanilla.
They are objectively the most fun class but I've played one for so long already. What do.
wow, great job. your streamer babysitter tanked some low level 5 mans.
Redpill me on bears. I'm not super fussed about raiding, so it'd be mostly 5-mans. But I'd be happy to kitty my way through MC
Spriest is actually really worth if you have a lot of Locks. Shadoweaving is great.
eye for an eye seems useless since you should be farming melee mobs
maybe 2 points reckoning? i like the build, but it seems useless outside of farming because you wont be able to heal, 20/31 would be more common i think for healing and farming without having to spend gold on respecs
if they're the most fun, play it again?
the real most fun class is rogue or mage but if you have the best time playing hunter just play one
Feral can work because you can DPS like a gimped Rogue until you need to peel some add off a healer and turn into an offtank for a bit. Also Mark of the Wild and an extra brez.
>Completely overgears and overlevels the dungeon
Whats your point here?
It's much easier to tank as bear than warrior, at least while leveling. Warrior is so complicated with many different abilities, druid is easier
bear OT>every other OT because you do way more damage than the others when you're not tanking, on top of the crazy buffs you bring that are better than everything else but paladin buffs
it would be an issue if they implement servers free of fag streamers?
Fucking Shammies can tank low level shit like this. The difference is Shamans can taunt.
Also affliction.
i heard that soul link in the demon tree is pretty good but im not convinced.
That's why I mentioned em.
Enh Shamans are kind of whatever since the only thing they have over just throwing a Resto in the melee group is the later improves Totems talent. They make an effective enough Nightfall bitch if your Warriors aren't willing though.
>Druid- Healer
Druids are shitty healers. At least go 31 into Balance so you can buff the caster groups while waiting for innervate to cooldown. But then that creates the issue of the Druid wanting gear, which to me just seems pointless because Innervate and Rebirth don't scale with gear, but if they're going to be stealing gear regardless it's better for them to take the shitty INT leather if a Shaman or Paladin don't need it.
and maybe 2 points into pursuit so you can move around faster
Would you raid or pvp with me?
What class/role do you think suits me?
>watches streamer and e celebs
Furries will tell you bears are the best tanks while avoiding to mention getting a crit will destroy any faggot bear.
Dont kid yourself, nobody will take your medicore-at-best cat dps while there are a billion rogues who are actually good at doing dps dying for a spot.
well that's good news. i guess with the beta and official release date more people came over. was leveling on it a few weeks ago before the announcements and there were maybe 4-5 level-appropriate people per zone, max. barrens usually had a decent amount more, but hillsbrad was almost completely empty.
>Asmon still claiming Horde outnumbered him
Hes so salty, venruki's flank fucked him up, he just can't take the L
>muh low level
How is that even relevant? The rest of the party is overleveled too, he still has to generate more threat than them
Have sex, brainlets
Warriors can OT most adds fine in any spec as long as they brought at least some tank gear
The big advantage Feral has is easily being able to switch roles mid fight, that's about it. Healing Bears is a pain in the ass since they can't become Uncrushable and they have no Block.
haha epic my zoomer friend we should unflow him and sub instead to sodapopins XDDDD
you don't even want to be 'prot spec' for raids. you tank as fury/prot. 0/34/17 I believe is standard at this point.
Problem is they are being cucks & wanting to shut down the server at Classic launch
I sincerely hope this is bait. you cant honestly believe this translates at all to max level content.
It's tuned around there being less difference between the armor values of the difference classes. Post 40 it starts ramping up.
I know about pyro mage but what burst did shamans have?
Undead female rogue. Never tried rogue before, played nothing else than warrior and druid in vanilla for 2 years, well warrior for 2 years and druid for like a month.
NS or Elemental Mastery for disgusting burst
Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Shocks, Fire Totems, and a cooldown for 100% crit on the next cast combined with their 100% extra crit damage on the spells I just mentioned
Overall some of the highest burst available to any class but they run out of mana in like 90 seconds
Race Rankings
God Tier
>F Tauren, F Gnome, F Troll (Melee)
High Tier
>F Nelf, F Undead, F Human. F Troll (Caster)
Normal Tier
>F Dwarf, M Nelf, M Tauren, F Troll (Hunter), F Orc, M Troll
Picked solely for racials but too insecure to play a better female model
>M Dwarf, M Undead, M Human, M Gnome, M Orc
Is totem twisting a thing in vanilla?
+100% crit damage. It wasn't on demand like Mages but with Nature's Swiftness you could get two lightning bolts and a shock off in a little over 1 global, if they all crit you probably killed your target.
>resubbed to WoW
>it's so boring i just start playing Elysium instead
Thanks Blizzard
Yeah it was. But Enh doesn't have anything else to do in raids, you aren't allowed to use Earth Shock cause of the threat or Stormstrike and Fire Shock cause of debuff slots, so all you have is autoattacks with Windfury Weapon going and Totem management
they also get raw 10% crit from the tree
autism speaks
Is it worth rolling rogue if I don't want to play combat rogue? SS spam is so boring. Is assassination rogue viable?
difference between WOTF and Orc racial is that you have control over one and have no control over other.
Can I tank dungeons as a druid?
nature's swiftness for an instant lightning bolt/chain lightning or elemental mastery for a free crit on lightning bolt/chain lightning that already have an additional 100% crit damage bonus. shit's nuts but they oom fast.
Viable in what?
QRD on priest vs pally for pve healing in dungeons and raids?
>Everyone has to be metabuild MLG 420 noscope player to complete these 40man raids that are easiest in the history of wow raiding
Big think.
Pally is braindead mash Holy Light and you get the mana refunded when it crits, and you have the most "oh fuck" buttons out of any class
Priest is the most versetile and technialy more efficient but you need to juggle more spells to do so
Priest will be in the highest demand due to being the most effective raid healers but obviously more Paladins means more Blessings for the group too
so which classes are the best dps with molten core gear? and which are the best with naxx gear?
Was thinking maybe Warrior. Crit-fishing with an axe seems fun, although from what I've read online most seems to go further into Fury rather than Arms. It's been forever since I played Vanilla, and I didn't really play Warrior back then, so I don't even know if what I've got here is worth it or not.
>Molten Core
Rouges, Warriors, Mages, Warlocks
Warriors, Mages, Rogues, Warlocks
seems a bit boring, which classes could score some good dps if they got a bit more optimal gear through new content like karazhan? like shadow priest?
Assuming you're referring to PVP since you're talking about arms, in which case:
drop imp HS, 2/3 deflection. drop 2 points in imp 2H spec, get imp hamstring.
drop unbridled wrath for booming voice (you'll end up getting more rage from this than UW with a 2h)
1/5 improved battle shout, piercing howl for the AOE (+greater range than hamstring) snare and 3/3 bloodcraze. Improved Battleshout is like.. 1 DPS gain.
Does either provide more utility as far as dispelling debuffs battle rez etc? It sounds like HP leans more towarssaon tank healer and couls struggle in dungeons? Is pally able to Outlast a priest on terms of Mana and survivability since they can wear heavy armor?
drooid or paladin
both shit, acquire better taste
a couple of weapons that hurl good spell damage, ret pally & shammy will like that, otherwise sulfuras is kinda their best option to be viable in Naxx
Those four scale too well with gear. The other DPS specs would need some absurdly broken stuff to fix their weaknesses and then surpass those four.
Shadow Priest at least increases your whole group's power greatly based on how many Warlocks you have though, regardless of gear.
Which of the two is easier to level? Lfg farming as a healer won't work since no LFG tool so I guess solo questing will be the main path 1-60 with some dungeon healing to supplement
Pally can't dispel Magic from enemies but they can dispel Curses, iirc. Mostly you'd mix them into you group for Blessings and extra insurance on keeping the tanks and other healers up while the Priests group heal.
Survivability sure a Paladin will live longer but ideally that won't be a problem in a group. A Holy Paladin will be wearing cloth most of the time for healing regardless.
But for mana? Priests get way too much Mp5 to be beat later on, especially with the Priest T2 set giving them basically 6 out of 3 points in Meditation.
dont ever make another build again you dumb idiot
I want to tank and heal high level endgame content and get the best gear. I also like the idea of wpvp and always being on edge for gankers. On a PVP server less people will do high lvl raids and dungeons so tanks and healers will be in much higher demand right?
so alliance is the best faction to go when playing as warlock in pvp and pve for blessing of salvation or whatever it was called, the one that reduces aggro
You guys did this. You hyped up something and allowed the normies and streamers to take notice. Remember this day when you play Classic and its ruined by the twitch community. This is your fault.
You killed classic.
>not being able to charge into a group of move and throw your shield, hitting 3 of them and instantly gain aggro as a prot pally
Why live
Blizzard... having fun with us? What is happening? classic team confirmed based?
Is classic going to have voice chat in groups? I mean there's always Discord but in-game VOIP for pugs is one QoL addition I wouldn't mind.
Install wizard just to log into Orgrimmar/Ironforge to spam the N-Word in chat and dab on zoomer trannies unironically playing this while desperately trying to fit in.
Then I'll reroll uninstall wizard.
>I want to tank and heal endgame high level content
Too bad, go back to retail.
Shamans have a totem with the same effect but it shares an element with Windfury so unless you have a lot of Shamans in your raid the melee are going to hog all of them
Tanks do higher threat with Windfury on them as well so the difference with Blessing of Salvation isn't as big as you'd think
Cringy video but retarded post
well damn, so it doesn't make a whole lot of difference?
night elf fem war
orc fem rogue
They've been based for a long time
>Everything has been theorycrafted!
>Turns out private servers have been using completely wrong data
The downside with the Totem is you have to stand within ~20yds of it, while the Blessing lets you run anywhere as long as the pally remembers to refresh it. That's about it. The differences between the factions in terms of minmaxing aren't very big and vary by fight (Fear Ward is a lot more reliable than Tremor Totem for instance)
The won't fucking tank, that's the problem.
>Paying $15 a month for any game
Bears and Paladins (and their gear options) are too fundamentally flawed to maintank in Raids regardless of fucky damage and armor values on private server mobs. Bears can't reach Uncrushable status and Paladins have no taunt and nowhere near enough mana.
I was thinking of being a shaman healer desu. Totems are such a cool gimmick in 5 mans. But not so much raids. I think I’ll go with dwarf priest. Leaning heavily with that. Wanna make an orc hunter or lock for my horde side class, or maybe try a rogue or mage for the first time.
Arms is good in pvp, and will probably fare a lot better for leveling against fury compared to private servers since people can't /sit to proc enrage. The problem in raids (other than just having lower potential than fury) is that mortal strike is a debuff that's high enough priority that it won't get overwritten, while providing absolutely 0 damage.
Mage or Ele Shaman
Casters pulling aggro is the main problem when they rarely have shamans in their group (or they don't stand in range of the totems). Shamans in melee groups are going for windfury, while twisting agi totems for even more dps if the fights allow it.
The first few seconds of fights and when there are threat wipe mechanics are more risky for horde, fears too since they don't have fearwards as a safety net. Tremor totem is unreliable since it only ticks once every 5 seconds.
So why exactly does this NuClassic have a subscription fee?
They don't even have to develop new content or updates for it, and yet those jews still demand the full monthly subscription fee.
Which will be more fun for a highly skilled and intelligent gamer such as myself? Rogue or Warrior? Both male Night Elf of course.
I'm thinking war is most fun for PVE so that if only RP servers exist, then rogue if RPPVP servers exist.
I was thinking mostly about PvE viability, but from talking with my friends we're more likely to PvP. Would that affect my choice in talents at all? Either way, thanks.
So what pvp music do people use these days?
shit user you are like a baby there are literally thousands of retard subbing right now just to get in the beta and is not even guaranteed
Nigga, what do you have besides scatter and trap to stop me from getting in your deadzone? I can just trinket or escape artist the concussive, and use my blocks for the other two.
I live in EU, so I would naturally play on EU servers. All my irl friends play on US though, so I'd rather play with them and have a fun time levelling. The only issue is that, they will quit at or before 60 as well as I won't be able to raid on US servers living in EU, with ping and server times. What do I do? Play and level on US with friends, or play on EU, meet friends in game, and then raid/pvp at end game? Can't decide
Blizzard doesn't do nearly enough work on retail to actually justify a $15 sub anyways, they never have.
Was WoW classic REALLY, REALLY that good? Or is this purely a nostalgia thing?
It's an MMO from the time before 90% of your interaction with other players was relegated to automated dungeon queues. If you don't like MMOs you won't like it.
take me back
SL lock is easily the best 1v1 spec in the game.
which is the best kind of warlock build for levelling from 1-60?
the de-install wizard, setup spec
The same reason WoW had a $15 sub to begin with, banking off retards who are addicted to the game.
Tranny please
Nostalgia is a very hard emotion, it can completely overwhelm critical thinking, resolve and can warp reality and facts. Especially when your current adult life is not very fulfilling it also makes the past look better, when you were dumbass kid.
Its not really about the money, in fact it never was, its more like the current blizzard is a completely different company from the one which developed vanilla. Even if they would pump out content into the game it would be a guaranteed failure since their mindset is completely different from the original dev team, who are already left the company a long time ago.
The only reason I give two fucks because In this game you can have a succubus
I can't decide between Undead or Orc Warlock. 25% stun is super good for PvP but my autism can't stand the worthless racials. Also cannibalism is super good for leveling.
>implying I am going to submit myself to this shit past level 5
>I can't afford 50 cents a day for hours of entertainment on demand
Stop jerking off to anime and get a job, loser.
Caverns of Time
Emerald Dreams
Old Iron Forge
Gilneas/Graymane Wall
Azshara Crater
Grim Batol
Hellfire Penisula
Get a fucking job, poor fucking hippies. Kill yourself.
>God Tier
>Not elder god tier
Come on now.
>expecting anything from blizzard for me
plus youre paying for retail, classic is just a bonus
I hope Blizzard lets all the streamers transfer their level 30 beta characters into the main game when it launches.
Would be pretty based if they could coast to 60 without having to worry about aspie incel gankers ruining their fun.
I'll pick alliance rogue, get to the highest level as fast as possible then hunt horde players who kill low levels in STV
Pure nostalgia. Soon these retards Will realize how slow, grindy, and easy this game is. Any M+ ---> Classic 5man. Mythic raids---> all classic raids. The game Just takes time.
When are you retards going to stop screaming nostalgia? Admit the fact that MMOs were better 15 years ago and are fucking GARBAGE now.
Good tier:
Classic WoW
God Tier:
Ultima Online
Anarchy Online
The older the games, the more complex the economy, the more you're forced to interact and rely on other players. There was more to them than queing dor dungeons and PVP. In modern MMOs especially NuWoW the open world is totally pointless.
autogynephilia is strong in this one
Where does Everquest 1 rank?
Paladins can tank most 5-mans just fine, but warriors are just better. Duoing a pally/war combo in dungeons is great though, especially at lower levels.
Moonkins are based wtf
I didn't put it on there. Never had a chance to play it so i dont know
to be honest most of the gear does look better on the female models because they look better in robes and on the Horde side the females have proper posture
BfA refugee pls go
It’s okay, if the beta taught them anything is that they should roll on PVE servers so they are free to play with their goon squads, leaving the pvp servers free of streamer trash
>tfw I stopped playing WoW after TBC
agp doens't exist, ray
ud has swag
their casting animations are amazing
they won't though
I often masturbate while imagining myself as a girl. How is this not autogynephilia?
WoW used to be a premium product, they used to add new content and actually put a lot of effort into GMs and helping people, and servers used to be more expensive to run. Now they've gotten rid of the GMs and gotten rid of the development team, but they still charge more. It's just greed, but they used to actually make an effort to make you feel like you got a lot for your money.
People who roll a moonkin in vanilla is autistic
>first reply is some stupid nigger shit meme
hate the internet
then 93% of cis women have agp, good job ray
25% stun resist is a pretty damn worthwhile racial all by itself
cannibalism doesn’t matter as much for a warlock as it does other classes
But I'm not a woman and don't have gender dysphoria
The only thing you missed was Ulduar but you can watch a video on it, everything that came after wards was complete shit
It's better to get one rather than keep looking for a tank while youre leveling.
warrniggers absolutely refuse to tank while leveling for whatever reason.
affli + vw. dot everything and juggle mobs. also dont be one of them idiots that uses sb instead of wand till lvl20ish.
imagine not having batman tier preparation so you can stomp shitters and kek in their face
Is classic for new people? Will it just be speedrunner circlejerk and pvp autism?
I think rogues and warrior will be slightly "nerfed" on classic since all tierlists are following funserver logic.
Which means no armor for bosses.
you are like little baby
They'll still be 2 of the top 4 regardless. Their competition is what, Hunters and Enh Shamans?
Yes and Yes
>cannibalism doesn’t matter as much for a warlock as it does other classes
Why is that? Isn't stam their best stat because life tap? Warlock is going to be my speed leveling attempt so cannibalism will be pretty good to keep downtime to a min.
It'll never be exactly the same since all the meta has been figured out and there will be veteran players now.
I don't see any reason why a new player couldn't enjoy it though. Half the fun of WoW is exploring the world and lore, which is obviously a lot more enjoyable if you're new.
heard something that they buffed mobs in beta classic. more armor, more dmg. correct me if im wrong.
Both probably but the latter was much more intensive than it should by taking place in one megaserver.
Mob stats on private servers were all pulled out of their asses if they bothered giving them actual stat values at all so who knows.
Isn’t Warlock downtime already inherently pretty minimal?
Not to say cannibalism has no use for a lock, but I wouldn’t pick undead just for that and nothing else unless I was playing a warrior or something.
post favorite Classic WoW content creator
That's actually genius
quick rundown?
And whats even more pathetic is this is nublizzard so that guy he reported most definitely got in trouble
warrior will be OP, you will regret not going gnome
screencap this for when you hit 60 in 4 months.
Based, but also not at the same time. I love everquest, one of the first games I've ever played. But played p99 on and off and realized a lot of mechanics are tedious when it doesn't need to be. It just isn't fun. Grinding mobs endlessly like a drone isn't engaging. The most fun I've had was exploring towns and talking with other players. But that's not enough of a reason to play.
Blizzard made a bluepost to tell people to stop reporting stupid shit, so probably not.
Yeah but having anything else still helps when you're trying to get to 60 fast.
Undead has cooler animations and WotF is still pretty great but not as useful for Lock since PvP trink already dispels fear. Water breathing is also useless, locks have unending breath.
Orc has that amazing stun resist which helps with the classes you will have a harder time with. Also everyone is probably going to roll Undead for lock so you're a snowflake.
I still can't decide.