I’m about to hack the switch, boys

I’m about to hack the switch, boys.

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enjoy your onions latte

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Will do!

Post cock

I recommend USB install for games with goldleaf and goldtree, much faster than the shitty wifi the switch has.

>nintensoiboi trying to act tough

This is wrong dude you need support Ninty....

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I've just boot into hekate. Moving forward!

you're alright, user. gl, hope it doesn't brick or ban ya.

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i dont play online, so the banning is moot for me. Banning only occurs when launching ripped games and trying to play online, right? Like the vita, I can still access store and access my purchased games?

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I've read that they can check the firmware even if just connected to the internet, could be bullshit tho. If you don't play online you shouldn't have to worry about anything.

it's yours
you can tuck it into your asshole and no one gives a shit

Is there any risk for hacking the Switch? I've been on the fence about since I got my switch.

>goy tier
Buying Switch ans buying games
>poorfag tier
not buying Switch
>based tier
Buying switch and hacking it for free games
>based and redpilled tier
Buying used Switch and pirating all games so nintendo gets literally 0 money from you

possible brick and possible ban from nintendo servers, which would entail no online play and no access to the store or updates for any games that you do buy

>man tier
Not playing with children's games consoles and getting a job
at the end of the day you're both a pathetic pirate and a tendie, embarrassing.

i make roughly $4800 a month, not too bad for a 25 year old

Yeah, risk is way too high for me. I'll wait for a much safer option or just buy a throwaway switch before trying it.

>god tier
Buying ps4 and laughing at switch

Wait they are up to 128 fucking gigabytes now

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Lets say I run CFW, can I still access online for games I've purchased?
I want to play Smash & Animal Crossing online, but don't wanna risk it if the console will be guaranteed ban

ah, the millionaire arrived

They're up to terabytes now, grandpa.

friend there are 256 and 400 gb and are fairly affordable. theres a 1tb but it will cost your kidney

poverty thread?

Where the fuck have you been? There are micro SD cards up to 1 TB in capacity.

Is it “man tier” to post on anime message boards talking excessively about video games?

Just buy another switch then

Your console gets banned if it ever connects to the internet because Nintendo got wise and put a lot of telemetry. You have shit like the incognito homebrew that kind of helps solve that problem but a hacked Switch with no internet is the safest way to not get banned right now.
>Lets say I run CFW, can I still access online for games I've purchased?

>sx chad
>load up 4tb hdd external full of games
>trannysphere users still capped at 2TB max

There’s no saying what exactly will get you banned. Some say as long as it’s a legit copy then you can go online. Others say that you should just not hack your Switch at all if you want to play online, or just get a second Switch. Everything is at your own risk.

>128 gb

I haven't been following the switch hacking scene, is it easy as fuck for retards like me now? Or does it still involve skill?

I usually wait until it's dead easy and since I have a launch switch I don't mind waiting.

why are you guys pretending that nintendo doesn't immediately ban your NNID if you hack the switch? every time you boot it you have to do all this reacharound shit not to get nnid-banned

how easy is it to revert from a hacked switch back to OFW?

is the paperclip bullshit still neccessary to hack a switch?

if you plan to exclusively play the thing offline then there is not much risk, but good luck avoiding a ban if you don't jump through hoops every time you boot the console

also can I still play smash and mk8 online after hacking if I bought them before?
Never actually cracked a nintendo console when they were relevant

No, it's still possible for the server to detect your CFW since Nintendo upgraded the DRM for the Switch.
If you want to play online but also want to hack your Switch the safest option would be to buy two Switches, one to hack and pirate/play all offline games on and one to play all online on fully legit.
Though I question the financial viability of that option, personally I would say just pay for the games at least until the people making the CFW find a way to make it harder to detect (but even then it's likely to be a constant cat and mouse game as Nintendo really doesn't want a repeat of what happened with the 3DS and how easily hackable that became).

i mostly meant risk in bricking the console, if I want to play online i could just buy another switch with the money i save on single player games i wont have to buy

Per the retard guide

>[General Use]
-It's recommended to keep your switch in sleep mode instead of powering it off. Every time you power off you have to inject hekate using a payload sender (steps 3&4) to boot back into CFW.

If I dont boot into RCM and inject Hekate, will the switch boot into offical firmware and appear as a non-hacked switched? I understand no access to pirated games, but can I access store and play online?

I have a 3DS and Wii, so I was assuming it would be as easy as those. Even with my PSP running CFW and playing online would be ok.
I guess I'll wait for a OFW spoofer or something, thanks.

bought a hackable one just a week ago and hacked it right away

There's a paid CFW that let's you copy the entire nand from the switch to the sd card and use it in isolation for offline piracy while the memory inside the console remains pure for online, eshop, etc.
The problem is that you have to pay for it

How close are we to a soft mod? I have a launch day switch that has been in airplane mode for a year and a half just waiting.

Like a year ago.

t. Poorfag subhuman filth who plays pc ports on switch because has a poorfag laptop.
There literally aren't enough switch exclusives to fill up 128gb.

Got it, similar to the 3DS I guess. Is it possible to undo the CFW if I wanna go back to OFW to play my online games and completely scrap the CFW?

>bricking your Switch while using a jig
Not possible unless you don't backup your NAND like a retard

Do you know what a "softmod" is? Currently there is no way to hack the switch without physically modifying the board.

Yeah, look up how to do a nand backup while you have a pure firmware, then you can restore it later and go online.

Just did NAND backup, (eMMC Boot0/1 and eMMC RAAW GPP) took 74 mins.

Saved on a place you will never accidentally delete then, if you lose that then next time you go online without restoring it Nintendo will know you did something

Gonna do mine when I get home. I'm not interested in piracy I just want to edit saves.

I'm fine with my switch the way it is, but I really need to root my phone. I've switched carriers twice so now I have three companys' worth of useless app bloat

How is the emulation? Can it run dolphin?

So whats up with the hacking scene of Switch? Last I heard was the cfw that you had to pay for in a usb and messing with the joycon connections to start another hacking process.