So is nobody going to talk about how Sony is pretty much confirming that the PS4 is dead and they're moving on to the PS5? Does nobody think this is wrong?
So is nobody going to talk about how Sony is pretty much confirming that the PS4 is dead and they're moving on to the...
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The ps4 came out 6 years ago.
Sucks for the people who fell for the PS4 Pro meme
>companies abandon their last generation of hardware when getting ready to move to the next one
This is shocking news, fellow zoomer! What can we do to stop it?
hahah epic my fellow boomer! let's all preorder the PS5!
cant wait to buy TLoU2 and Death Stranding on PS5! Along with the Spiderman and GoW remaster! Now running at 30fps for real.
Hey Zoomer, we used to get a new gen every 5 years before the PS360
And consoles used to get actually announced. Now Sony is like "yeah we have these games totally coming to PS4 this year and next year. btw look, the PS5 can load these pretty pics real fast!!! go preorder and get excited for 8k 24fps mov- I mean games!!"
Everyone freaked out last year when it was pretty much confirmed that there won't be new exclusives for ps4 outside of the ones that have already been announced.
Don't fall for the snoy meme and get a ps5, go pc.
this is correct
but those also have a butt load of games those unlike
i honestly think game development cycle is so fucking long now affecting the console cycle
and console can't stay for too long either because their power is always weak to begin with
Why do you own a playstation? Do yourself a favor, don’t buy the PS5. Take your PS5 money and get a PC instead. Pay some idiot to put it together if you’re a brainlet, it will be worth it.
Who gives a shit, the PS4 was fucking disappointing and PS5 is DoA.
I don't think OP and his ilk are old enough to remember that.
I love Alison Brie so much
This is how console generations work, why are you surprised?
desu for my case i got the ps4 because it was cheap + a good deal + i want to play bloodborne and some exclusive
but seeing how sony bleeding exclusive imma just stick to nintendo for portable + pc
how is it wrong
aren't you fucking done with 26fps games yet ?
who am i kidding
Why the fuck isn't sony going at E3 to show the PS5 and its games then, retards
There are threads everyday.
Typical console life cycle is 5-6 years.
PS1 1994-2000
PS2 2000-2006
PS3 got dragged out because of the recession
PS4 2013-2019 even this is longer than usual
There will still be straggler games that’ll come out. PS1 games were still being released in 2004, PS3 got fucking Persona 5!
Are you new to console gaming?
I know it doesn't feel that way in the moment but these generations are actually lasting longer than what they usually last. It used to be about 5 years for each gen, it's been already 6 and a PS5 is only coming in about 2 years at best. There's nothing "wrong" with this, in so far as the previous examples, but I wouldn't mind lasting longer to be perfectly honest.
what if they are doing the power move and announce their shit while ms/nintendo doing their presentation?
they're not on the show floor but they'll have a nintendo direct thingie
Because its clearly not prepared to do so?
E3 has become more of an obligation than anything else. Sony is rather showcasing shit on their own terms.
I figured that was fairly implicit since they're sitting E3 out this year. They've moved on to PS5, but they're not ready to show it off just yet.
How is the PS4 dead? It's still getting new releases
A lot of people see some of the moves Sony is making with their brand and it is all but said by Sony that the PS4 is on the way out very soon. They already gimped the PS Plus setup in order to pull resources from PSN support for PS4. Not all of it, obviously, but enough to get people going. Some people still have years of PS Plus subscription which is causing some grief as well since it is clear the service is a shadow of what it once was.
I only got PS+ for the occassional online game I like to play but other than that I prefer single player games. Always have.
>as usual, ITT: people who already own PC's that are not the bulk target demographic of consoles as a main platform complain the PS4 offered them nothing
I will be here in 2022 or whatever with the same people telling me they are mad as fuck they bought a PS5.
There's probably going to be a PS5 Pro too to shit on anyone who buys it on launch.
>as usual, ITT: people who already own PC's that are not the bulk target demographic of people who own consoles as a main platform complain the PS4 offered them nothing
I will be here in 2022 or whatever with the same people telling me they are mad as fuck they bought a PS5 for no reason. See you then i guess.
are you aware of there are ps3,, ps2, ps too.
this is how it works for ages.
I never gonna fall for console meme again, no matter how hype are trailers for Snoy exclusives.
Zoomers cant recall that because they were sentient for the 360 and PS3 and those consoles went on for like 7-10 years.
rofl sure you wont buddy
It's amazing in a way. After all this time bloodborne is still the only reason to own a PS4. It has fewer games than the fucking PS3
Isn't that just how consoles work?
If you want backwards compatibility, get a PC.
You aren't the target demographic. How hard is this to understand?
>You aren't the target demographic
What the fuck does that mean? I played the PS1-PS3. PS4 just doesn't have the same exclusives anymore
No, it's not wrong. The company can choose at any time to move forward with their product, there is literally no entitlement regarding maintaining a console for an arbitrary time frame to satisfy absolute idiots like you. The fact that console generations exist should have preempted your thread in the first place. Shit like this, and people who think they need to be told how to play a videogame, is why this board is the worst board on this site and why videogames are becoming worse and worse with every passing day.
funny thing is ps5 reportedly coming with full backwards capability so basically ps4 is going to be alive for a long time.
OP seems to be the king of zoomers.
Thank fuck, consoles should avoid the 10 year shitshow from last gen. Means they won't be holding everybody back.
>PS4 just doesn't have the same exclusives anymore
Thats exactly what im on about. The target demographic is playing games like DMC5 and RE2 as much as they are playing bloodborne or Spider-man. How is that hard to understand? If you are buying it solely for exclusives then you are secondary, and make up a much smaller part of the userbase.
just build a decent rig at this point.
Everything is multiplat, and consoles are bargain bin PCs with shit OS these days.
That's not how it works, Nintendo's directs are part of their E3 presentation and are put next to "real" live shows like Treehouse, if Sony were to do what you're saying then they'd basically be simply uploading a cobtextless video on YouTube and shit
Holy shit everyone in this thread is retarded.
no shit moving on to a new console is normal. not showing the console and games and instead 'teasing' it by talking specs and tech is retarded.
What the fuck are you talking about? The PS4 it's six years old so no shit they are moving on, also still has three AAA exclusives left to release so it's not like they abandoned the console.
Prove it.
I'd buy the PS5 tomorrow if it launched with a good game.
because it's not coming out for at least another year?
Have the people ITT never, like, experienced a new generation before or am i getting baited?
and when i come up with proof, you will blame it on mandela effect, right?
just be a zoomer somewhere else...
>and when i come up with proof,
so never?
>new consoles coming out next year
>wow they are moving on?
Is everyone in this board 12?
here, see, they release a new console continue older one for a while then shut it down forever.
but i dont want a pc.
PS5 won't come until late 2020/early 2021, not to mention that the first year of most consoles tend to be intergenerational games, so you have at least 2 more years of full on support user
PS5 games will likely be backwards compatible just run at lower settings. If they don't make it so the PS5 disc works on the PS4 the devs will just tick a few low settings and move it to a PS4 disc.