New episode 9

i went outside and filmed muslims without their permission. And some other people.

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Yep, youre gonna die soon

muslim here wish he had filmed me


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OP, do you have autism?

fuck you kafir, if you ever filmed me in public i'd slice your pig throat open and cut off your head. allah akbar, death to the west

im just taking a video

Yea Forums - The Vidya

keyboard jihadi

jannies clear this fucking shit


i'm not watching your autism unfold. Kindly kys op

What country is that
Looks like some eastern european shithole

just cause im filming?
makes sense

No need to blow up like that, Ahmed.

>tfw I have anxiety so filming me would be boring

Still hope you get stabbed while doing this shit one day


Not the original guy, he's long gone.

Where the video games?

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als je dat bij mij had geprobeerd had ik je schoentjes en je camera meegenomen flikkertje
blijf lekker in centraal in zuid durf je niet te komen

kekked hard when he bringed up the fact that the goverment spy on their citizens and their NPC brains just froze there for a second then instantly replying with the 'WeLL whAT CAn we dO abOUt iT?' and then their motorbike cried out in pain when the fat pig sat on it.

i wholeheartedly kekked user, thanks.

Id like to play ‘piemeltje trek’ with you too

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One keeps us safe while the other makes fun of us, only pseudo intellectuals think they can compare these two

hey OP kom lekker naar Arnhem jong
genoeg paupers en mocros te filmen hier

Lol Yea Forums falls for the bait again.

What the fuuuuuck why do you do this user?

man i remember the original guy, forgot his name but he filmed people in public and they lost their shit
what was it called anyway?

What's with the accents? Where is this?

he's just filming

Yeah, one does it to catch criminals and the other is a mentally ill creep. I'll gladly get "spied on" by the government if it means that I prevent terror attacks by allowing it.

OP here.
Check out surveillance camera man
and while youre at it, check out Plainpotatoes if youre in the mood for a nignog taking it too far again


straat mocros durft hij niet te filmen, alleen kneusjes

>Yea Forums - Faggots Shilling Their Non-Vidya Youtube Channels


i think ive heard all the threats already, user. im not afraid to die btw

>tfw no autistic curious user to film you going about your daily business
it'd be courteous to invite you to eat dinner at our house

>surveillance camera man
thats the guy. good shit
Op is pretty good too.

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Nice try but everyone knows that terrorist acts are made by goverments
im sure your waist hurts from all that bending over user

Reminder to report OPs YT channel

hole up tone

this is BASED

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what do you get out of doing this? at what point in your life did you think that doing this would give your life some value? Go outside without a camera and get a real job and meet real people you lowlife Yea Forumsedditor

Reminder that if this retard actually believed in his argument he would also film his own face and upload it to the internet