15 minutes until the death of Monster Hunter
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I don't think you'll be able to bait out any tiananmen square pastas today OP, Dauntless is literally fucking worthless and nobody rightfully has any interest in it.
Here's a consolation pic though
It's better because it's not chineese cartoon like MH.
Disgusting tumblr tier character design.
I can't believe Monster Hunter will fucking die in 5(five) minutes
I played that game in beta and it was easy to tell the game was never going to be good.
Animations were ass, sounds were ass, UI was ass, char design was ass, hitboxes ass, etc, etc
I couldn't find any redeeming qualities in the game other than it was free.
True, at least it's better than MH:W
>loving tiny chinese cocks this much
Here's your (you)
that's the opposite, i despise all of games made in asia.
I can't believe Monster Hunter is fucking dead bros...
-Said No One
Can Crapcom do that? Of course they can't
Never even heard of that game before.
Looks like Western garbage.
Gonna play it on my ps4. Clocked over 200h in MHW in pc past week, already killed Ancient Leshen 5 times, I want some monster hunting on console
>With true cross-play*
>*except for PS4 lol
at least dauntless is less clunky than generations ultimate and no, this is not bait but a true fact
MHW is garbage but this looks even worse. Truly sad times for hunting games.
Strange, I remember people saying a few days ago that cross play with PS4 wouldn't be available from launch, only cross-saves
they're trying their hardest to make sure nobody plays their game, arent they?
Thanks dev, i will now pass on your game lmao.
if you're not trying to shitpost, please elaborate
Not OP but I still play it. I'm the only one still active in the /vg/ guild.
>An actual video game releasing in AT (after trump) 3
Man dauntless really got fucked by monster hunter world actually being good and well received. I haven't heard literally anybody talk about it for years.
I wanted to try this because I need my MH fix until Iceborne and I've played the shit out of World but no thanks, I don't install malware on my PC
It's ok for a F2P game, less grindy than I expected.
Still no reason to play this over MHW besides the price tag
no one cares about this game.
It's just a bad monster hunter clone with really ugly characters.
Well that bit of curiosity didn't last long
Epic Store is not supposed to only have good game ?
why the fuck is ps plus required to download the game? If i HAVE to pay for ps plus i might aswell play MHW online. what a fucking disaster
based. same here
Neck yourself weeb
>Still no reason to play this over MHW
Yea Forums some years ago
>holy shit, two cakes!
Yea Forums now
>I would take my paid AAA experience, thx
Will they stop sending emails begging me to play?
Is there a name for this crappy League of Legends-like art style? I really fucking hate it.
>plus required
You sure m8? I don't paid for that shit and I have the game downloaded
Are the female characters still ugly as sin?
>has less monsters than fucking world
how bad is the pay2win? does it have like a subscription that makes you grind 3 times faster than plebs and shit like that?
Did the fucking fix the horrible performance?
Dauntless is fine if you just want to hunt something without thinking too much
Boring artsyle
can we make a guild?
On base PS4, the performance is terrible. 20fps my first monster
>people complaining about a free as in free game
you can smell the virginity and misplaced fanboyism from here
l m a o
nice try dauntless devs
why would i play this garbage ripoff with a fraction of the content when i have the real thing right in front of me?
I'm sure the game is 100% free, without a single payed featured.
I finished the game without spending anything when it was in beta
>this will kill monhun
what seem to be the problem you fucking autist?
>in a coop monster hunting game
user, I...
Any first impressions? I can't play it till night
>generic chink MMO art style
>unnecessary exaggerated animation
>generic looking monsters
ah yes because Rathalos 1 Rathalos 2 Rathalos 3 Rathian 1 Rathian 2 Rathian 3 is very inspired
>subspecies don't exist
Have played it since the very beginning. Never has been and likely never will be good. For reasons that escape me they think Dark Souls gameplay with Fortnite graphics is a good mix, and they cannot get either one of those right.
Definitely takes ideas from monster hunter but it's far more of a hack and slash. Invincibility frames from rolling are far more important. More action oriented and imo doesn't have the whole wait for your moment to strike niche quite as much. Feels kind of uninspired but I cant say how the end game is. Feels pretty satisfying though and its free
... how many owls and beaver reskins are you up to now?
Hasn't this game been out for over a year now? Why are people excited for a console port, thought Yea Forums touted PC master race.
The combat feels more like a shitty Souls clone instead of monhun desu.
>implying Yea Forums was ever the audience of anything
>less monsters than MHW
>monster are most of the time just monster xx + element
I don't know about this one lads.
Seems pretty eh.
yes user, pay to win the game, whether its PvP or PvE, P2W is still P2W.
the only cool fight is the portal one
Before it would take you a couple of days to get to this level but they increased the grind so you it'll take you a while to do this.
But it released last year?
Well platinum won't give you Armour, weapons, stuff to level up armour/weapons, specials, mods, cells, basically anything that affects gameplay.
>My game is so dead i need to bait so people reply in it.
you wont get a free bump from me.
Someone tell me this isn't all the monsters you can fight.
fine I'll do it myself
Fortnite/Generic UE4 style
I'm actually hyped for RIME, it's coming in two days, cant wait to play it
>19 monsters at release
>they increased the grind
imagine wanting to play fortnite with dragons just because it half assedly wants to imitate monster hunter
I already played this and it wasnt fun at all.
Huge bullet sponge effect and you can't cancel your attacks to dodge.
There's minor resource collecting in each hunt just to piss you off and drag you away from the boss that you're supposed to enjoy.
Literally no redeeming qualities about this game; only play if you're starving for another entry to the genre.
the fuck fortnite crap is this shit
>I already played this and it wasnt fun at all.
>Huge bullet sponge effect and you can't cancel your attacks to dodge.
You...can't do this in monster hunter or many action games, bayonetta allows it I know that much
>There's minor resource collecting in each hunt just to piss you off and drag you away from the boss that you're supposed to enjoy.
I have yet to play but surely you can grind so the next few battles there is no need, or maybe they're structuring the battles differently
Personally the game looks like shit but if you're comparing this to monster hunter I don't think your points are valid
I've never seen a game whose marketing revolved around shitting on its competitor that ended being good on its own
Last time I played it it was mainly cosmetics and consumables(which work the same way as in MHW you have to gather some stuff during hunts).
So not bad.
Matchmaking doesn’t work.
I spent 6 minutes trying to find people to do the first mission with and in the end I just gave up.
So people don't reach endgame in two days.
>Can't cancel your attacks to dodge
Then what would be the point? You have to plan accordingly know your windows
>Minor resource collecting
They changed it so collecting resources in missions is just extra shit now you get resources when you complete hunts
I can't seem to find anyone, game is broken right now
>Monster animations are pretty good
>Character animations are fucking awful
How does this even happen
post screenshots of the female faces in character creator
I dare you
They increased movment speed this patch, due to that running animation look hillarious
>free= can't complain
see this is why you are a 5 iq nigger. Time is still valuable. A free game can still very much so not be worth the download time/memory consumption/time investment to get good gear.
No idea if Dauntless is shit or not...but just because it's free doesn't mean shit.
it's not good enough to install spyware, though I may not have a choice since my friends are dead set on bl3
>Decide to give it a try now that there are new weapons not time gated
>EGS doesn't even have download speed throttling
>The EGS has less features than the original Dauntless Launcher
>The EGS has less features than the fucking Nexon Launcher
Pic related. The Nexon Launcher has 2 features.
???? Pretty sure he mean seregios and astalos.
>sharp ouchie rathalos
>sparky zappy rathalos
also jaggi, wroggi, baggi, velicidrome, iodrome, paradrome, etc.
Gagginox is basically knezu but poison..and baleful is literally red khezu.
Shall I go on? I liked mon hun (pre gens/world), but let's not pretend capcom actually makes original monsters. The most recent are fucking Gammoth and Mitzusune.
STILL better than tri
Steam does not have this option as well?
Are you retarded? You can even schedule to when you want it to throttle with Steam.
Blatant shill thread.
This game is absolute fucking horseshit.
Memorizing a boss's five attacks and the windows to punish safely afterwards isn't particularly fun for me, user.
Most of your pub party is just going to mash buttons on the monster and hope they don't get targeted anyway.
>evading through an attack makes you completely invulnerable as long as your iframes connect with the attack's hitbox at all
literally every evade is an adept evade lmao
nice game
>PS store would rather advertise fucking Tera or Neverwinter in the f2p frontpage than Dauntless
Must be a sign
>700+ hours in MHW
>decide to stop until Iceborne
>download Dauntless, playing on Xbone X
>despite the graphics being ass, 20-25 fps, even less in the town
>lag everywhere
>5+ minutes matchmaking for hunts
>the town was designed by a retard and it's 3-4 times the size it should have been
>maps are boring af
>the artstyle is boring af
>pick weapon, it has two (2) combos
>19 monsters
This shit will be dead the second Iceborne is released
monster hunter is kill
on that note, is giggi or khezu the favorite for underground monster in iceborne?
>t. wagie
khezu obviously
epic are some cancerous pricks man.
>Get good legal team to work out what they can legally copy.
>Literally pilfer MH like true culture vultures.
>dress it up in Fortnite style to ensnare kiddies
>pay influencers to shill the shit out of game on day of console release
Peak soulless and everything that's wrong with the industry.
How do Epic sleep at night?
It's not a game by Epic
People don't get it, Gigginox will NEVER return.
Khezu is like one of the most popular monsters in the series for some reason, and it's cheap as fuck to rework every 3-4 games.
It's the thousand yard stare. Is it just the equivalent of Khezu T-Posing? Probably. But the way he just stops and stares off into the distance when he's near dead. Truly video game kino.
Artsation Frontpage
>MH with even less content than World
>existence literally does not matter because MHW is on all platforms that it's targeted
Every time you post that a Chinese user is sent to a reeducation camp
>Boss rush
Is this an actual mode?
MHW wasn't announced on PC when this game was in devloppement
He hears the voices calling him home ;-;
Rest in peace little penis, you will be remembered.
Yeah they should have released during that window before mhw, now it's fucked.
Did they ever the chainblade dash? The iframes were all at the end of it, and it didn't move your hitbox until the animation was done. Meaning that while you were teleporting to "go fast" you were actually standing still, vulnerable. Most games that handle dashing/rolling like this will give you iframes up until your hurtbox moves, but Dauntless didn't.
It went into paid closed beta months before MHW released. they hit the window just fine.
How P2W is it?
>14.5 millions copies
World is the best game ever made for Capcom, good luck with that
I was gonna say at least it looks like it can run in a toaster but apparently it runs like shit despite looking like shit.
It's not p2w at all, it would help to get the cheapest platinium pack to get additional middleman slot(but you don't really need it). That's it, the rest is fashion.
T. Endgame player
Yikes, they have sponsored streamers with 15 viewers.
>Epic store
Sponsored just means the streamer has a special in game flare they can hand out and PhoenixLabs promotes them on their site. It's not a multi thousand dollar deal.
I played last year, at least the game is looking better, mosnters look more detailed and the attacks look flashier with more effects added to them
I main Insect Glaive on MHW, what weapon do you recommend I pick in Dauntless?
Like I just dont get the point of the huge open environment when all that's there is one monster waiting to die lol
>open a YT video
>open another video
>15 videos later
How desperate are they?
>How dare they advertise their product!
They are obligated by law to disclose sponsorship or they'll be fined.
Their bestiary seems really small. Is there no faux ecosystem too?
>faux ecosystem
Is that something Monster Hunter pretends to have?
Checking videos and streams out of curiousity and there's way too little content.
I'll try it out a year from now if the game is still alive and Iceborne doesn't overlap.
what is a middleman slot?
>throwing money to random guys who never cared about MH and will leave Dauntless the second they stop dropping money
>paying streamers on Twitch with literally 15 viewers
It's not really a problem for me, I was just stating how sad the situation is.
This type of advertisements is pointless, just like EA did with Anthem
There isn't really a weapon that makes you jump like crazy on it, closest would be the Pike
>the entire dauntless dev team is shilling their shitty mh clone in the thread right now, buttflustered
The weapon with jumps is the Hammer.
Let's be honest, Sony doesn't deserve shit
What I like about the IG is the kinsect aspect, it gives the weapon more depth as you have to micro manage 3 different buffs between swinging your weapons, couldn't care less about the aerial aspects of it. Anything like that in Dauntless?
Let's be completely honest, the only good part of this game is the hammer.
Steam will be gone in five years; the smarter developers are just joining the winning side
The only thing that will be gone in five years is your virginity, retard.
Hammer has ammo management
Sword is just fill bar, activate buff for better swings
IDK what they've done with the other weapons since closed beta.
That actually sounds optimistic
Wait. Are you offering?
I'm confused, you can play the same account across PS4/PC?
lets take monster hunter but make the hitboxes shittier, remove any grind, and make it piss easy. What could go wrong.
>remove any grind
I wish.
>make it piss easy
That actually sounds like a winning formula for a free to play game.
>epic botnet store
Sorry pal
But I'd rather wait for MHW expansion.
>cherry-pick: the post
Maybe you should go in, because you're clearly not acknowledging any different monsters, but just the ones from the same family of species, whilst claiming two others are just
>muh rathalos
when they both fight differently.
>15 minutes until the death of Monster Hunter
I see a lot of PS players, but no Xbox players. Where are they?
Wait, people play games on Xbox?
>Remove any grind
I wish, maybe then I would have all the /fa/ exotic helmets and I've been playing since launch last year.
crafting decorations to optimize your build is time sensitive unless you want to fork over some shekels to speed up that process
welp, time gating is really gay, how long we talking? hours/days/weeks/months without the paid advantage to get the same results being f2peasant?
It's a dumbed down, content-barren MonHun for Soulsfags. Also the performance is ass for some reason.
>15 minutes until another piece of shit flops onto the Epic Store
>Epic store
tell me about the guns, is that the faceroll build? or is it weak as fuck and stupid bad? I mean being ranged makes me think you could ignore most enemy mechanics, but I saw a heavy mace video and the enemies were stunned like all the time anyways.
full day when you combine the most basic decorations and I think a week for the higher tier ones
>all the character visual design is DUDE SPIKES AND PELTS
I would try to blame WoW for it, but even that game's visual designs were well executed for the most part.
>Randy Pitchford is a smarter developer
It's a wonder that guy is even allowed to walk onto stages.
They are just copying Monster Hunter's armor designs. Which is just 'dude spikes and belts' but with the color schemes of the monsters that were killed to make the armor.
Oh is this the highly anticipated Chinese version of Monster Hunter World? Looks like Battleborn lul
Go Hammer, seems like you would like the ammo management
The repeaters (guns), are quite deceptive. You would think because it's ranged you can stay far from the behemoth but it has fall off so you do more damage up close. To add to this it has a mechanic called empowered reload, you reload close to the behemoth and your shots become empowered meaning they do more damage. Reapeters are EZ mode once you level up the right parts and get the right cells.
The guns are more like shotguns, meaning that after a certain range they are completely useless, i haven't played in a while, but from what i remember they don't do much raw damage, but they are great at breaking parts plus they come with support abilities
If you don't like it then don't play it. You are the 1 IQ troglodyte who thinks competition is not a good thing.
>I would try to blame WoW for it,
The devs are former Blizz devs
k played the tutorial it was extremely bad. Literally keep hitting a animal for 5 minutes who cant hit you even if you were a rival enemy of same species.
MH has literally more competition with other MH titles than with any other of these games.
so how cancer is the epic launcher? I was dead set on never installing that shit, but fuck I'm bored and I don't mind playing a f2p monhun.
it's fine even tho ppl talk shit about it
What do you need to run it?
Can I run it on a midgrade laptop that's a few years old?
why not just play one of the two actual MH MMOs then?
I doubt it, the game is not well optimized
If you don't mind chinese dataminer gobbling on your data disquised as the most barebones store there ever was, sure, go for it. Don't blame us next time your account will be used by some russian bearfucker the very moment you log out of it.
t. Cheng
I bought one thing and had my account stolen and card used. Never again.
They worked on it way before MHW announcement to capitalise the monster hunting game on PC. Capcom beat them to it
datamining meme was proven wrong steve
I don't even have a cc, I just print receipts and pay them at a local minimart.
nope, its ok game but its not even close to mh.
I genuinely think it had the potential to reach Warframe level but MHW fucked them and they didn't optimise it better to be accessible to poorfags. It's a shane because it's improved so much since the alpha but most people won't give it a try because a better game exists.
Whatever raises your social credit, Cheng.
At least try to make an argument, Bob Smith.
>only 3600 viewers on Twitch
can you make a hot short and petite waifu? this is very important, also I hope there's at least a bikini armor there somewhere.
RIP Monster Hunter
i farm to get sexy armor. Everything in dauntless looks like generic bullshit.
>pay half youtube to shill the game
>3.6k viewers on d1
Jesus Christ
>not a single #ad
Dauntless has about 5 monsters, everything else is a reskin
I absolutely hate MHW, and no, it is not.
But that's not youtube
tried this dogshit game on plain ps4, 12 fps in town, bout the same for the hunts,we want the fortnite audience..instant delete. ill save my self the nauseating headaches and go back to practicing switch axe in mhw.
English teacher hunter is such a fucking disgrace.
is there a lot of min/maxing? I don't want read guides and shit.
you can kill pretty much everything without min maxing
It's not even league. League is chinese cashgrab artstyle. This is the progressive video game artstyle like with Gigantic and Dawngate.
what does a youtube video have to do with twitch viewers though
I hope they add double revolvers/bowpistols to monster hunter.
We were never talking about twitch to begin with you chink
super cheap women's studies motif.
no and even so good luck, i waited months to get stones to max my sharpness
is Yea Forums the more pathetic gaming community?
Nobody cares that its on epic, its a shit monster hunter clone, go play god eater.
chinese outsourcing
Free Tibet. Tienanmen Square Massacre.
At least Steam doesn't ban me if I buy games during a sale.
>go play god eater
Imo it's better and worse than dauntless, monsters in GE kinda just eat damage until they die no flinching no getting stunned unless an ability is used.
Dauntless is fucking ugly and has trash hitboxes but at least the monsters react to my damage
why? they didn't drop? you play casually? or the timegate?
they are likely paying them for their time if they are streamers with a name
Dauntless to me feels like a baseball game:
>Find monster in 1/4 locations
>Beat it to death till it flies to base 2
>Beat it to death till it flies to base 3
>Beat it to death till it dies
The dont leave the area again after a set dmg amount has been taken and i find that cheap, the devs should have just allowed it to run around freely instead of making flat areas to fight, fight on mountains or in a Forrest etc, thats why to me it wont succeed.
>Nobody cares that its on epic
>go play god eater
I did and uninstalled this shit after 1 hour
True, he's lying. I care and that's exactly the reason why I'm not playing it. Suck my dick, Tim.
>monster is magically because magic
What I enjoyed about MH monsters were they fit the environment and could sometimes pass as an evolutionary trait. Meanwhile, in dauntless there's a monster with spikes on his back that can gravitate around him because why not?
epic literally has 1 game that people will play and it is f2p garbage that is only alive because big streamers bring the playerbase
anytime one of those streamers plays something new fortnite viewership goes down the toilet and some new game is the big new hype
steam will always be the biggest because it's been around the longest
it's like claiming some new hipster shop opened up and will kill all the competition meanwhile the mall is down the road with 1000x more variety compared to them
Into the trash.
I agree but this is a problem Mon hun faces too. It's a bit worse in dauntless because most times the monster will just do a "Okay i'm done taking damage" just leave instantly and the only way you can stop it is by breaking a part or stunning it and even if you do it tries to leave again right after.
I feel like flat areas are totally fine as there are no aerial options for monsters or hunters which is still pretty fucking bad.
>why? they didn't drop? you play casually? or the timegate?
Timegated, at first it was through daily capsules they had as a micro transaction, they then took the micro transaction loot boxes out because people complained, and added some vendor that still time gates like a mobile game unless you pay premium currency
>I agree but this is a problem Mon hun faces too.
Not in world.
Monsters in dauntless eat this gas shit that comes out of the ground that alters their body. there's different types of gas too so you get different elements.
>there's a monster with spikes on his back that can gravitate around him because why not?
>play garbage free clone with half the content of the game it ripped off in soulless chink outsourced artstyle
mhw is trash why would I play a chinese version that will milk my time and money?
Actually behemoths can only flee once now.
What is Behemoth
What is literally every monster you don't kill on the first encounter
Fight anything in the ancient forest and you will have to chase it after it decides it's done taking damage
Well which weapon is most similar to Switch Axe?
But the best weapon is the hammer
The only monster that you can't forces to kill in original area is only Kulve Taroth.
Behe and Leschen can be kill under 4 minutes in the first area.
>Behe and Leschen can be kill under 4 minutes in the first area.
They can but that does not mean that they don't run away
It's funny how Dauntless will be successful on Switch just because they don't have world.
Yeah, yeah. I'm wrong and you are right.
Two event monsters out of more than dozens original MHW monster that can't be force to stay is such a problem in world, right?
This, Hammer was clearly the first weapon they made, it has much more options than the other ones and a higher skill ceiling
who /chadmmer/ here?
They have Double Cross.
Why is the performance so shit?Even MHW runs significantly better and it looks next get compared to this.
>6.4 user score
That's a yikes from me
The monster on the left of your pic is the worst designed monster in that entire game no joke.
30 seconds into the fight he will become invincible and summon minions that you need to kill in order to damage him, too bad the entire time he's untouchable he runs away from you.
His minions are literally brain dead and just come at you to die and maybe attack you
His attack pattern is so lame you might get hit once during the whole fight
He's so Fucking big you can only hit his legs until he decides to fall over
He has a small hp pool and that's the only good thing about him besides his weapons
Fuck that monster
I feel like shit flinches way too much in GE honestly.
It's a fun game though.
Because dauntless just fills the niche. When a better game like MHW came around everyone migrated to back to monster hunter.
which one lads
They can be forced to stay with flashpods or just continuing to damage them until they re-aggro, user i'm just saying that they do in fact dip after taking damage.
I don't know why they keep nerfing the singular right click speed on the fucking hammer, like fucking why?
World because dauntless is no where near as complete.
Like i wish it was
Just play Dark Souls, it has better combat without the same loopy grind.
Doesn't matter because hammer is fucking broken. Honestly the only weapons right now that struggle at endgame are warpike and chain blades. New axe special makes it so much better to use and being able to interrupt consistently is nice.
They announced it before MHW was announced, saying they wanted to take advantage over the fact that there was no MH on PC and Capcom didn't seem interested on even putting MH outside of Nintendo consoles, so it was sold as "MH but on PC", but then MHW came and fucked them over
What fucked them over is having all this time and delivering 1/8th of the content
Why does people use Dark Souls as an alternative when they're nothing alike?
Have you people played the games at all?
>They can be forced to stay with flashpods or just continuing to damage them until they re-aggro,
That's what I'm saying you nerd, only event monster got this problem because they are scripted to behaved that way
Normal one always stay because they are not scripted to run after a flash.
>What fucked them over is having all this time and delivering 1/8th of the content
Fucking THIS, pheonix labs decided to push the launch ahead of schedual releasing a beta build that had about 30% players leave on not being able to even open it for the first 2 weeks over self ddos attacks just by mass logging in.
All to get some sort of lead before MHW came out
>slow clunky combat
>fight large monsters
how are they different?
Thanks for proving
game looks like a ps2 game.
Why didn't they port it to switch?
I'm actually mad at how dumb they were for putting it out on platforms that already have monster hunter when they had a very good chance to have a dominant showing on the switch platform. That's what you get when former EA employees get together to think of a market strategy on their game.
They do not escape when you get good at the game lad
What I don't understand is why they're trying so hard to compete and outdo MH. All that does is force everyone to compare it to the existing franchise that, currently, does everything better than Dauntless. They really needed to focus on branding it as their own game with its own designs and feel, taking the time needed to polish this aspect.
The game barely runs past 30 FPS on PS4/Xbox.The performance is absolutely terrible.
>the best the west can do is ape Japanese games and pretend it's better
>slow clunky combat
fuck, so it really is pay2win
is the stock from the vendor the same for all your characters? like
A) the vendor sells like 5 units of that currency a day and anyone on your account can buy the full stock
B) each character gets a different vendor and you can't trade the items
C) each character gets a different vendor and you can trade the items and feed your main
for a long time before MHW was out their tweets were very passive aggressive towards capcom, as soon as MHW came out and all the awards flooded in they stopped, they need to be like warframe because that EPIC money will only last em so long.
Game is online only, so it's probably related to that
They've already got cosmetica and emotes to buy so they really are going the epic fortnite route. This honestly pains me to write about because when Dauntless was announced I was fairly excited for a MH-like that may go a unique direction.
>server-based hit detection
he has 1 purple which is the best rarity, and 2 blue cores for sale each week, once bought thats it, wait till reset.
you get one slot to mix 2 cores together which you wait for the timer to run to collect the the core 24h/48h but you can use other currency to speed it up, and you cant use the other slots unless you pay for them, and now its on EPIC, the price has changed and it now costs more for premium currency, heres what it looks like, mobage shit
Holy fuck this game is DEAD
>4 currency types
Why? just WHY?!?!
You can't have one than one char my friend.
A few things. You can get cells from slaying monsters(up to lvl 2), you can get cells for lvling mastery any beyond(up to lvl 3). You can combine lesser cells to get higher cell of the same type at middleman.
Here is more about that guy dauntless.gamepedia.com
The only thing that you could call p2w is the fact that you can get 3 slots at middleman, 2 are paid. But it's not important.
You don't really need +3 cells, they are here for min/maxing.
>gated Freemium content with MH clone
It's cheaper now, 15$ for 2 slots.
>not a chinese cartoon
>sold exclusively on chinese spyware
>72h for a possibly anything
Nope, you combine two cells of the same type and you get that cell with higher level.100% chance
Did you even read that article?
>wait is, at minimum, 24 hours
It's a time gated freemium game that entices you to buy the two slots so you dont have to wait three fucking days to do the same thing the three slots would in one. That's assuming the minimum time though as it can hit SEVENTY-TWO FUCKING HOURs.
No art direction.
Yes, the whole 15$ the horror. This wasn't even a thing for most of this game lifecycle, you don't even need to use it at all lol
Oh they're doing the fortnite battle pass shit and making it look like you're getting a good deal when it was never 4000 to begin with
The beta system was minimal, their biggest streamers were like the 200 viewer monster hunter guys (pre-world). As long as you were an affiliate, and could pull like 50 viewers you could be a "sponsored" Dauntless streamer. I know 2 people that chose not to because they just didn't care. They would have cared if money was involved.
The monster attacks are cool but the armor design is horrible.
The gameplay however is a cheap knock off of monster hunter. Its much shallower, like a diet version.
>existence literally does not matter because MHW is on all platforms that it's targeted
This wasn't true when it went into development, but yeah Capcom pretty much fucking destroyed them by just releasing World on PC. It's kind of tragic, but they really should have seen it coming.
Worst part is, the fans of the game wanted more content after a drought of 3 or so months, people started to get pissed so they added the middle man and then season pass, if you want content you gotta pay kek
>Skip level
>exp boost
It's 20 now. Release patch lowered it by a few hours so that if you set up fusions at the end of a play session you could reasonably grab them at the start of the play session the next day/2/3.
>mobile shit apologist
Yikes, imagine wanting to wait days at a time to make builds.
this guy trying so hard to shit on the game is making me want to install it actually
>more loots
>exp boosting
>skipping levels.
Play Dauntless
By all means waste your money, no one gives a fuck
More like imagine waiting days to get 5% more damage.
And as i said before, you don't even need to use it. Just play the game you will get cells.
are guns gud?
>Youtube is 1080p60fps
>game ran like under 30fps
Its a fucking Fortnite graphic in smaller arena, how the fuck it ran like shit?
really slow and you have to be close, the pike is the best gun
I've been at endgame in dauntless for like 2 years it's not hard to kill on first encounter but monsters like to leave quickly if given half a second.
>By all means waste your money
I'll be sure to waste all 0 of it
>more loots.
Yeah, you got 3 rolls. with it you got 4, additionaly there is obviously loot from break parts so around 10% more loot or less.
>exp boosting
Tbh, i have no idea what they mean by that. There is no such things as exp leveling, you do archivments to level up. This is new anyway
>skipping levels.
Yeah, for battle pass. Who cares
Yes they're great attack speed focused
This guy has no idea what he's talking about
>y-you don't need to use it
Then why have it? And you have to combine cells to get more cells. You are laughably retarded defending this shitty micro transaction game.
Yes. You get to keep the team buffed with 20% attack speed. They are practically melee though.
>4k viewers on launch with shill streamers
To get anywhere on that game you need to spend money for epic platinum or you'll look like a poor caveman
It came out before MH:W
reminds me this.
oh my god, why can't this games be about the gameplay, and instead it's all about this time gated bullshit to push you into madness or throw money at the screen... I understand the business model, but shitting on your progression with this garbage is absurd and makes people quit faster and not invite more people because they know it's garbage.
I gotta say, the Epic store looks pretty sleek. Doesn't seem to have many games on it, but the platform looks more "Apple" to Steam's "Android"
>there's at least one shill ITT defending micro transactions and paid cosmetics for a game that is dead on arrival
Yes, i am defending this game about clueless niggers such as yourself. Not against people who simply don't like it
I was just about to post about the one guy obviously employed to shill the game in here.
>you have to combine cells to get more cells
>To get anywhere on that game you need to spend money
Why are we lying this early? you can get to end game without spending any money just like i have.
You even get platinum from the shitty free version of the battle pass.
Also you put two cells into the vendor and get one out.
It's simply a question of time investment. If you had unlimited time, then go ahead and play it, sadly you don't, thus you need to choose the vidogame you want spend your time on. You won't get that spent time back, it's gone forever. I would rather use that time on something I find fun, rather than something less fun.
Placeholder assets
>You don't have to spend money to play this game
>I just like defending corporation on image boards in my free time okay!?!?!
Yeah that makes you a fucking shill. When a game allows people to take shortcuts, buy cosmetics and open slots for faster game progress it's a goddamn problem. Just because you're willingly ignoring it like a fucking sheep doesn't deteact from the fact that you're arguing in favor of a shitty game. I bet you like Star Citizen, too.
So, who paid you to be here? Also what "corporation" your moron, this game is made by like 30 people or less
Z-tard logic at its finest.
Yes pick pike, its the best gun
>year and a half old beta footage
competition against WHAT
>We- uh I mean they only had thirty people!
Its still in beta, still plays the same
There's a reason why we have the special Olympics separate from the actual Olympics, user.
The first shot was overcharged. Release the shot too early, or charge it too long, and it becomes highly inaccurate.
Refers to the battlepass level and exp
>just dont use the micro transactions! It's really a good game I swear!
Look, a retard talking to himself. What a show
he's literally Yea Forums incarnate, just look at his video he's always crying about random shit and obviously can't enjoy a single game
>Y-you're a shill because i say so
>H-haha that'll own em
I don't really like this game much.
It's not too fun. Monsters feel like they're invincible, like your hits don't do anything to them. Kinda stupid.
lookit dis dood
>Skip content
>Fortnite shit artstyle
How embarrassing.
>To get anywhere on that game you need to spend money
You don't
Also why are you in this thread if you don't care about the game
>Paid cosmetic
You really don't need a transmog to look good because you can change the appearance of sets to look like other sets. Never spent a dime and I have been playing since last year but I like ninja themed shit so I might buy this battlepass.
>post IP count doesnt change
To laugh at you
Also >I like ninja themed shit so I might buy this battle pass
>what is paint
>he has to come up with imaginary arguments in his head to push his anger on us
>Someone thought this was a good design
If only they made it a switch exclusive then they would have attained the most stalwart defender and influencer for their game for free
is it free
>Yeah that makes you a fucking shill. When a game allows people to take shortcuts
It's a casual PvE game who the fuck cares, do you want to finish the game in 2 days?
There's literally no reason to pay for anything
>Y-You edited it! our game is good!
[bounty board intensifies]
You're the only laughable person here
Imagine being so fucking buttblasted that people enjoy a video game that you just come in a thread to spout nonsense
>ace chips
Let me fix this.
>Premium currency
>Free currency
What's imaginary in my post? There's platinum, there's a battlepass and the middleman takes 24hrs-72hrs to combine things?
>who the fuck cares that they're milking consumers for money
Ah yea the classic "ignore it and the problem goes away" fag
I wasn't saying samefag you dipshit I'm saying you're shills.
>Also why are you in this thread if you don't care about the game
It's always fun to laugh at people who shill bad games
>Playing tranny game.
But there's like ten people enjoying it
>I like eating shit so what
To obfuscate how much you are really spending, like always.
The goal is to make the game barely fun enough to keep people playing but frustrate them into paying money.
It's a F2P and they need to monetize it
You can get to endgame without paying for anything and that's what I did
Are you frustrated that people enjoy things you don't like?
What's going on in this thread?
>You can get to endgame without paying for anything and that's what I did
that's some serious dedication
imagine Diablo 2 with gating Horadric Cube
>There is a premium currency in f2p game.
Really? What are the odds
>middleman takes 24hrs-72hrs to combine things.
As stated before. You can get everything by simply playing the game, you don't need to use it. But you're just a retard who does not understand anything.
Yes I understand that playing games can require "serious dedication" for you, but not for me
Disappointed, really. I had hopes for Dauntless and they turned it into a cash grab MH with a quarter of the content
>game is designed around baiting people into spending real money
>clone of pay-once game
Alright shills, I'm willing to give this a try. If I liked Greatsword and Funlance in MonHun, what should I pick here?
And I'm pretty sure some of them play Warframe
I wish
>but not for me
I'd say that playing finishing PvE game with huge handicap means some serious dedication
it's pretty much the equivalent of finishing Duke Nukem 3D using mighty boot only
>It's a F2P and they need to monetize it
But you don't need to be so fucking aggressive about it, there are 4 fucking currencies, this shit just confuses players, second, if you want your F2P to make profit, make sure is easy to play and understand the game, and make sure itis going to to run on a 2011 mid-end machine in 60fps, otherwise you will lose a shitton of people.
Also, the character design fucking sucks.
>you don't need to use it
then it doesnt need to be in the game
Play MH
Why would you want to rush? You can get to endgame in less than a month, you just dont understand what you're talking about
yet here you are, shilling some game which forces you to install chinese spyware on some anonymous board
if it's so popular then are you even here?
kek, it was like this too back then last year, the server can't handle more than 15k people.
What a shit show of game.
>Why would you want to rush?
>Why would you want to play a game
I played it for 5 hours today, it's ok, I like the hammer it's pretty much a gun hammer, and the spear that also has a projectile attack once you charge up the meter by landing hits. It has a lot of options for builds which is nice and a bunch of side content which is I guess like fortnite with the challenges stuff. I'll probably play it until Iceborne desu unless something else comes out before then, not going to spend money on it though.
>Animations were ass, sounds were ass, UI was ass, char design was ass, hitboxes ass, etc, etc
sounds like classic MH to me
>MH clone
>With no offline mode
>sounds like classic MH to me
>comparing 2004 game to one from 2019
>this f2p multiplayer game has no offline mode
wtf I hate dauntless now
Pike or Axe
>Playing MH clone for multiplayer
Glad you've come to terms with the garbage.
>decade from now
>can still play MHW
>dauntless servers shut down so you're shit out of luck!
Nope, i've been playing with my boy on ps4 all day. May have changed in the last few days. I don't know why anyone sitll pretends sony isn't for crossplay, not only were they the ONLY company supporting it for the last decade, they buckled for this gen with fortnite and we've had bunches of games go full crossplay like rocket league and disc jam already.
Friendly reminder that these retards didn't even tried this game and they don't care about it at all. They are here to be mad because this game is on epic and there is no reason to talk to them.
About the game, it's not as good as mh;W. But it's not terrible, solid 6/10. It's less p2w than warframe, the end.
S to the o to the y
>there is no reason to talk to them
>still talk to them
Fortnite crossplay doesn't include Sony, unless its changed. It used to be if you tied your account to a PS4 it wouldn't let you tie it in with any other console either, even if you unlinked it.
I have no plan on playing either of these games in a decade because they'll be replaced by something better
>didn't even tried this game
retard stop sucking on your sweater
They c hanged that like 6 months ago, you can randomly get queued up with xbone and PC players on pc, and can now have a party with 1pc 1switch 1xbone and 1ps4 if you're so inclined.
Who's gonna bump the thread if I don't give you something to reply to
That shit should be illegal
>steam closes
>can't play mhw anymore
>fupa dragon
Except it's on ps4 and xbone you fucking idiot
when they're done with wiping lootboxes, im sure they'll find a way to get rid of this shit too
it's already autosaged so who cares?
it actually is.
>MHW is steam only
So I have to buy it again on console now? What a cashgrab, shit game
The original has an opening on the fupa
I would not call dauntless a 6/10 game because of the amount of things that are still wrong in the game.
If you get max fire rez every fire monster is so piss easy that you can stand there and wail on it without having to worry about anything
Ice rez is pointless as none of the ice attacks you could possibly get hit by do enough damage in the first place to matter
Shock is nearly the same as ice
alot more things about this game need to be fixed but im still having fun with the current state of hammer
>giant popo and ivory lagiacrus 2 are original
Yes and Dauntless will never be available to play again. Also, MHW released almost a year before PC. Your script is off, Ling.
>MHW is steam only
>Can still play it offline
Whats your point chink dick
Lol just play Soul Sacrifice, way better than this chink shit.
oh no I hate dauntless now :(
why would I play a game if I wont be able to play it again in 20 years
nice bait.
Thanks for the bump
More like 5 or 6 years
I can fire up SM64 or DOOM at any time. If I truly enjoyed Dauntless once the servers shut down it's gone for good. This is why people are so crazy about WoW classic or City of Heroes, they loved the games and want to play them again, but it's either up to a third party to keep it alive or the developer to revive it. I'm not sure what possible good being always online brings or why you're defending it. The game is finite, it will be gone forever when they decide to pull the plug. And you can be damn sure Dauntless will be gone in five years.
>why you're defending it
I don't defend it, I'm saying I don't give a fuck
I better experience the game now and play it until the servers are online than never play it
>another "I dont give a fuck so that means it doesn't matter" fag
I played it because no denuvo, not because it was free.
?? This is basically fortnite's battlepass tho? Every battlepass has this, buy it or buy a second one that gives you more levels. It has 0 effect on gameplay.
Ehm, if he doesn't care that means it does matter to him. Are you all right? You seem upset