Alt-tab from a game

>alt-tab from a game
>game crashes

Attached: 1552995771708.jpg (495x600, 242K)

>exit game
>game crashes

Attached: 1551139566868.jpg (495x608, 55K)

>change options
>game crashes

Attached: 1548234448490.jpg (500x323, 18K)

>usb hub becomes loose
>plug it in again

Attached: 1538266660137.png (737x723, 144K)

>alt-tab from a game
>takes me back to game screen

Attached: 1359433691401.jpg (640x480, 30K)

>Old multiplayer game
>can't alt-tab when in lobbies or mid game, so you're forced to wait or leave the game
>queues are around 15 minutes long though

Attached: maxresdefault_cropped.png (360x360, 231K)

>exit game
>it's still running in the background

Attached: 1510956152244.gif (171x172, 962K)

>game is playable

>alt+tab from a game to check something on the web
>Get banned for cheating

Attached: 12389734567.jpg (236x236, 10K)

>press esc on japanese porn game
>it closes without any prompt asking if i really wanted to close it

Attached: 1537542249274.jpg (577x557, 81K)

>Game is always on top

>alt tab back in
>black screen

Attached: 1004563645.jpg (500x500, 44K)

>Can't run game in the background

I recognize that pig

>not having a separate minimum spec PC for browsing/watching videos on second monitor
normies, all of you

>Always play all my games in windowed mode
>No issues ever

Attached: 1549378782531.png (400x400, 159K)

It's a panic button

>Exit/alt-tab from game
>Sounds still playing

Attached: 1540980484862.jpg (500x475, 29K)

>playing turn based tactical game
>get a crit or something on an enemy that is followed by an exciting animation
>the animation crashes the game

>not having an attention span so short you need constant visual stimulation on all sides

>exit game
its like after a civil chat with someone, they yell FUCK YOU while you walk away

Attached: 323871216.png (559x273, 329K)


>Go into settings and set the game to borderless windowed
>Works as if I was running the game full-screen

Attached: 1549510820441.png (225x225, 25K)

>game crashes but keeps running
>can't alt+tab out of it, it appears on the screen even it's in the background
>have to blindly use the task manager with my keyboard

Attached: 1475855865059.png (538x601, 179K)

>alt-tabbing doesn't work

Attached: pepocoffee.jpg (657x527, 54K)

>not being able to multi-task easily
i pity you lol

open task manager now, and in the settings there's a "always keep at the front" or something. this helps with annoying shit like that

>game minimizes without issues
Okay then

Attached: 12398734686.jpg (640x640, 37K)

>alt tab
>tab back in
>dual cursor that can only be fixed by restarting the game

Attached: 323871256.png (848x884, 1.29M)

>click install dlc
>game starts up

Attached: 1541373823163.jpg (480x360, 13K)

I hate this

not him but thanks man that's helpful

That's really useful, thanks

>alt tab
>alt tab back takes ages
I quit these games.

BASED game dabbing on frogposters

>alt-tab from game
>black screen with taskbar
>cursor nowhere to be seen, moving it doesn't seems to do anything
>trying to go back in the game results in a black screen

i see you have never played world of warcraft

>accidentally unplug mouse
>pc bluescreens
>wont boot past bios afterwards

Attached: 1537074862434.jpg (382x349, 40K)

this especially nice in shooters when you can see the cursor moving around all over the screen

>alt tab out of game
>alt tab back, black screen for ages
>give up, try to alt tab again to go back to desktop
>finally get a glimpse of the game then get alt tabbed back to desktop

>have to close explorer.exe to play Game.

>run game in window
>still have to use alt+tab to get your mouse pointer outside the game window
>still crashes

If the game is from before 2000 maybe lmao

oblivion, 2006

>open up case to find out what the fuck is wrong this time
>reseat all possible cables (grounded myself of course)
>test it, still wont boot past startup
>get frustrated and leave it for a few hours
>out of dumb curiosity click the power button later
>its boots fine
my PC is a moody cunt

Attached: 1558412277031m.jpg (709x1024, 67K)

might as well be
has bethesda EVER been competent

Next time maybe you should pay for it.

Attached: works on my machine.png (200x193, 34K)

every bethesda game cant handle alt tabbing. fuck you todd. and even when a game can alt tab, the fucker double mouses you.

>implying i pirated my mouse

You can't fool me, you swiped it from the student center. That or from behind the Best Buy you freeloader.

you wouldn't download a mouse

Attached: file.png (202x336, 65K)

No. Arena was a trainwreck on release and it never improved from there.

>press esc on pc port of console game
>it closes without any prompt asking if i really wanted to close it
fucking MGS2

>paying for japanese porn games

Attached: 1538452482133.jpg (1280x720, 267K)

shit bait.
here's your (You) regardless.

>alt+tab from a game
>nothing fucking happens unless there's already another window open
>have to open task manager every time I want to alt tab
your game sucks Aobabu

Attached: 1492197439647.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

>literally alt tabbed out of tf2 just to post on Yea Forums while i wait for it to find a game
>hasn't crashed

Attached: 1548221117003.jpg (396x395, 34K)

That sounds like a short.

>want to change option
>game needs to restart for it to take effect
>too impatient to wait for the long loading time
>don't bother changing it

Attached: 1446761761080.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

>game crashes after 15 minutes of playtime

Attached: b69a7ad7-19f7-4c53-8620-57ebae9782fa.jpg (540x400, 29K)
