How do you immortalize yourself

Hey Yea Forums, how would you immortalize your character / nickname?

>Lead a guild/clan
>get known for your high skill in a game
>get known for your deep knowledge in a game's mechanics
>Leave landmarks in games that allow you to
>Create some kind of content for others to experience

don't get me wrong, im not playing games to be some sort of celebrity, i play to enjoy them and do things i enjoy, but after some time it feels really statisfying to look back on your work and recognize that you were part of a community.

Attached: main.png (676x807, 874K)

>dat pic
aaah I wish gw2 was at least a little good
what a fucking waste of videogame

nuke israel

maybe by having your own action figure?

Attached: statuemain.png (613x551, 486K)

Get a name like zezima, then they will notice you

You can be that one obsessed lorefag that becomes the authority on lore and gets an NPC with his name put in the game.
Or you can be a successful streamer and immortalize your character in whatever game you play simply by existing, while making oodles of cash.
Also, fuck GW2.

i agree, i used to play it nonstop the first 6 months then got burned out so hard i can hardly get myself to play the monthly content they bring out

but GuildWars always has a special emotional meaning for me so i'll never abandon it fully

I wouldn't. Games are now coming out at such a fast rate that their player bases are dead as soon as a new sequel or competitor is churned out.
Theres zero reason to invest time becoming renowned in a game that will be dead within only a few years at most.

Attached: landmark.png (1920x1058, 1.9M)

Non-commissioned porn of your character

I was known for the first 4 points in your post in a mmo I won't name. Some friends that still play it recently told me some rando said "man I wish that user guy would come back" in a group they joined

depends on the games user.
LoL, CS:GO, Minecraft and im pretty sure most rpg's have cultures and even subcultures where there are still long-lasting communities.
But sure, it might not be the case for newer games

cool, why did you quit?

Just be good at the game you stupid faggot. I am quite well known in a multitude of games because I don't suck. You probably suck though, I can tell. People who need to ask questions like these clearly have no clue.

I was the guy who cast flame field on Lord British and killed him.

lol no

Early stage games in development meme, sometimes the direction they take strays too far away from what the game originally is and shit just stops being fun, you know

I think I left a mark in a few communities, nothing big tho.
i'm not asking how you do it so i can copy it im just interested in the stories you guys can tell

>That paint job

Attached: 1543702546241.png (1000x1000, 230K)

Holy shit there it is, you autistic fuck.


I hope you found a game that's more to your liking

Those are all games that have pretty established communities with hugely well known players, its practically impossible to reach their level of notoriety or anything close to it. Its hard to become known now, unless you play dead games like fucking battleborn, where you'll become famous instantly as one of 5 people playing globally.

You too, man. We're all going to make it home

I'm sorry you never achieved anything worthwhile in your life even in a meaningless hobby like videogames are, user. I'll also be hoping you make it


it was a gift from my girlfriend, it means a lot to me-
also she had a deadline so i think given the time she had it looks awesome

More like pain job

So you painted it with your left hand?

i am left handed, so it would have been my right one...
i think?

game: Knights of Valour
I created a build which created the meta for tanks. Before me there were no tanks and if you play the game you will see why. It is an arcade beat'em-up online RPG, wouldn't really call it a MMO though. Anyway, my name was Pohthehd and I was among the best. I knew I had become well known when random people started messaging me asking for my help on their own builds and such. The game became too easy and I stopped playing, blocked everyone and left without a trace.

>Be Destiny 1 player
>Be Crucible/Rift game mode main
>Destiny 2 comes out, players jump ship
>Remaining D1 crucible pool is light
>Play Rift, Single handedly win every match
>matchmaking times get longer and longer as the weeks go by
>Still playing Rift
>Start receiving hate mail
>Players start leaving lobbies after the first match with me
>Weeks go by, still playing Rift
>Players start leaving lobbies before a match with me
>Whole teams dance on my corpse whenever they manage to kill me
2019, Destiny is forgotten, and I rest on my pile of corpses.

i wish i could just vanish like that when i'm done with the game.
too many people i try to keep up with just to eventually lose contact anyways

Attached: Mio.png (300x300, 148K)

>early development game

being the villain is also very nice

The only thing i regret is not getting into gw2 esports back then.
I know it failed miserably but i still would have chosen to try and be good at the game

Anyone want to join my warband?

yes user, lead the way

Ok whisper me in-game

i-i-ingame? i thought irl

>mfw the Rohan expansion in LotRO
I didn't come here to feel

Attached: 1479663005911.jpg (398x356, 29K)

By turning off the computer and actually doing IRL stuff like a responsible adult.

Wait for some faggots to have a rp wedding in a pvp area/server and crash it.