How will the 5G revolution affect gaming? Will Google Stadia take advantage of the massive increases in microwave bandwidth and skyrocket to success?
How will the 5G revolution affect gaming...
I'm gonna do it. Trading in my S7 for an S10+
The fuck does 5G have to do with single player games?
>playing online on mobile games
that’s a big yikes from me, dawg.
Google DRM, er Google STD, er...Google Stadia
-You will never own a game because its a rental service, you will always be paying or lose your game access, period
-You will need online to play, always, any loss of internet is you getting kicked out of the game
-Your image quality will be reduced, your controller input will be delayed, your audio will be compressed, all of this cannot be negated since data pockets cannot go faster than the speed of light, there is no magic patent that will redo the laws of physics
-You will always be a retarded Californian if you honestly shill in favor of anti-consumer tech like game streaming on not just Google but on Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft's platform
-Online game streaming IS the anti Christ of game ownership
Games will be worse as the 5G radiation gives most of the population minor brain damage and thus generates more casuals
no dont tell them
5G will usher in more 3D mobile game gachas. The mobile market will be ultra saturated with more graphically impressive games designed with more dumbed down gameplay with gachas to lure casualfag's and wring them dry. We're heading into more casualized gameplay design to cater to mobile fags.
7s? Yeah the Xs looks sick, but I'm waiting for the next iPhone
Japanese gacha games has more hardcore gameplay mechanics than any shitty western AAA released the past 20 years.
Stop lying.
Most of them can't even must mechanics more complex than a Kemco RPG.
Western game
>walk forward and watch cutscenes disguised as gameplay
How can it be easier than this?
Because quicktime events and cutscenes are really hardcore?
It won't be as good as you think it will, specially because they're tiny, easy to block waves, also the stadia's problem is lag, not bandwidth.
And touch screen gaming will NEVER be good because you don't really know if your finger is over the right button or direction.
i don't know about gaming but the radiation will fuck up your health
most people have had gigabit fiber for 15 years or more now my dude.
more speed doesnt mean shit if the servers you're downloading from dont give you the bandwidth. it just means you can multitask more shit at once.
lmao people have had gigabit fiber since 1997 assuming you don't live in a shithole country
>paying money for a % chance to download a .jpg of some no-name waifu
I have 1gbps download speed, I wanted more but I checked online and that's the most they offer
It's fucking bullshit I'm ready for 10gbps
what do you even use that speed for
The only party that benefits from Cloud Gaming is devs & publishers besides the ones offering the service of course. The consumer will now enjoy latency in single player games, and way less ownership of games.
Also it "solves" a problem that doesn't exist: the imaginary issue that people don't want to buy hardware.
Imagine being this much of a weeaboo. Your trash is no better than western shit, it's a fucking newgrounds flash-tier game which sucks the money out of double digit IQ retards.
S10+ doesn't have 5g
>not being a f2p chad
Personal game streaming is already a thing, you could probably play something through 5G while you're out by just leaving your PC on at home
Downloading extremely high resolution hentai